
15 minutes ago, John161 said:

Good to know I never used it for C#…

I think I added that from my brain. It seems to be a general thing, and VS just happens to be the major choice for c#, so i just assumed you do c# with it ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

16 minutes ago, John161 said:

Yep, completely empty

still followed u both.

24 minutes ago, John161 said:

I use vim only when I’m already in an Terminal Window and I don’t want to open another window…


nano ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) besides its auto-linebreaking its perfect for me, i simply refuse to do the vi-mnemonic-style editing. I feel its cool (to watch a pro) if you write lots of templates, or edit lots of ini files, which I both hate to do, but not really for my purpose of quickly editing code - and for writing that i have guis. So my main knowledge about all vi stuff is : q enter. and with slow but painful processing, i can even manage to edit with it, if some system really really does not offer anything else. I think vi was always a bit of a taste question, not saying I would rather be on the emacs side either in that old discussion, but luckily, i am also too young to be entangled in the philosophical debate of the previous geek generation, i assume you too  ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

cd myproject
. bin/activate


12 minutes ago, g4borg said:

nano ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) besides its auto-linebreaking its perfect for me, i simply refuse to do the vi-mnemonic-style editing. I feel its cool (to watch a pro) if you write lots of templates, or edit lots of ini files, which I both hate to do, but not really for my purpose of quickly editing code - and for writing that i have guis. So my main knowledge about all vi stuff is : q enter. and with slow but painful processing, i can even manage to edit with it, if some system really really does not offer anything else. I think vi was always a bit of a taste question, not saying I would rather be on the emacs side either in that old discussion, but luckily, i am also too young to be entangled in the philosophical debate of the previous geek generation, i assume you too  ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Everyone what he wants, I don’t even know everything of vi(m) but I got used to the basics and yeah other stuff and not existing reasons and I have the Unix Books that were once in an Humble Bundle.

And yeah I’m probably younger then you are, like chilling my last year in school before university.

10 minutes ago, John161 said:

And yeah I’m probably younger then you are, like chilling my last year in school before university.

Ah. Well in this case, I even applaud you to learn these tools, as I think, it gets a bit thin on the knowledge part, and most young people love to go only forward. Personal interest then, I guess?

I guess, if I had learned it very early on, I would not care; You might wanna have a look at sublime text editor btw. It might be your heaven.

(it says you can evaluate it for free before buying, but the evaluation period has no time limit ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) )

As far as Visual Studio, I use it regularly for C# but its IDE can be used for almost any language including html, aspx, C++ and LOTS more. You can even make android apps in either javascript or C# (paid) That’s why I asked that question because its so OPEN ENDED… lol

EDIT: Visual Studio Community Edition is what I use and its free professional version only with copyright restrictions on any application you release if its not opensource…

11 minutes ago, g4borg said:

Ah. Well in this case, I even applaud you to learn these tools, as I think, it gets a bit thin on the knowledge part, and most young people love to go only forward. Personal interest then, I guess?

I guess, if I had learned it very early on, I would not care; You might wanna have a look at sublime text editor btw. It might be your heaven.

(it says you can evaluate it for free before buying, but the evaluation period has no time limit ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) )

Yeah you could say personal interest.

Idk I used Sublime on windows and it ended up as only a tool for searching a in multiple files at once…

Honestly learning one language is technical enough and I only wish I had the time to learn the Linux environment a bit more. I’ve done my share of it and figure it out pretty fast but its something you have to stay at. I quickly forget a lot of that stuff including C# which is why I keep at that…

If you really want to pursue a career in computers then learning Linux can bring you farther.

9 hours ago, John161 said:

#GNU/LinuxMasterrace (I also accept other userlands)

Me too ![:00:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00.png “:00:”)

FreeBSD, PC-BSD, OpenBSD …


P.S.: Proudly Windowse-free since 20 years, now!!

Free Windows BSOD here ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

4 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Free Windows BSOD here ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

But is it free as in beer or free as in freedom?

3 minutes ago, John161 said:

But is it free as in beer or free as in freedom?

Free of money, spyware and general insanity :Đ

2 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Free of money, spyware and general insanity :Đ

well if you don’t like windows then I recommend Ultimate Edition with the KDE. I like the eye candy of it and was using it for a while but went back to windows due to I play windows games and get better performance with gaming. For some reason though the graphics and sound quality is much better in Linux than windows. Anyone know why that is? Literally not just cause windows sucks or Linux is better :D.

On 1/18/2017 at 3:01 AM, xXConflictionXx said:

I recommend Ultimate Edition with the KDE.

I love kde for its focus on features instead of accessibility, because i love gui access to all settings, and i love the way you can customize look and feel. but it might not be the best choice for all, sometimes the more dumbed down desktop managers are easier to get into - as ultimate edition is a preoptimized ubuntu I am not sure if I would use it, especially since i find it a bit strange how themahn markets himself.

But hey, thats the power of freedom. I rather take a standard buntu or debian on new systems, and start to install what I need on the go by now - so I often start with a minimal install. I do that, since I expect a linux machine not to be reinstalled, and only upgrade in the future. 

On 1/18/2017 at 3:01 AM, xXConflictionXx said:

For some reason though the graphics and sound quality is much better in Linux than windows. Anyone know why that is? Literally not just cause windows sucks or Linux is better :D.

judging from one rig on many will not tell you, why windows supposedly sux, tho. both OSes work excellent, if they use supported hardware.

with sound it gets quite complicated, and its a very broad topic on linux, and i am actually surprised, you say it sounds better. Better in what?

You should be aware, windows has a software sound mixer since xp, behind its sound system. most sound cards dont have hardware mixing, which is why that is, as it is basicly reduction in cost. These software sound servers tend to crash or run out of buffer on cpu load (causing sound to stutter or be out of sync) - but that can happen to the linux as also the windows one (actually also the apple one), which comes from the basic fact most people do not care about good sound cards, and the onboard sound systems did not evolve a lot since the cheap AC97 chipset in the 90s.

Most likely, you just have the correct drivers chosen by the linux kernel, while using generic ones on windows. After all windows uses a hybrid kernel, so drivers are user space, while linux drivers are distributed with the kernel (except binary 3rd party drivers), and generally are designed to run in kernel space. So you might never have installed the drivers in windows?

Another possible source, if you have installed them, is 3rd party sound servers in windows often coming with the drivers. RealTek (was it them? I am never sure) loves to do that. This includes some fancy filters being active constantly. To be honest, this is the most likely scenario, as I had that before quite often on some clients I had to fix in windows, especially when it came to “not enough volume”. removing the additional sound-software started at startup helped.

why graphics should be better, i have no idea. probably dpi settings are just different. Otherwise it could be some stuff by UE. Juding by following however, it cant run that better:

On 1/18/2017 at 3:01 AM, xXConflictionXx said:

I play windows games and get better performance with gaming

Natively ported games actually can outperform the windows one. But most games are run by wine or ported with winelib. It’s just cheaper. 

Altough linux has theoretically some architectural limits they still have to overcome when it comes to 3d speed, especially fullscreen, they do use 2d-on-3d techniques quite a bit longer than microsoft in their desktop environments - the whole trend of 3d Desktops started there. Apple loves to be inspired from crazy linux projects, when it comes to desktop candy. I can feel in windows since 8, especially in 10, they use 2d-on-3d now, but it feels a lot “newer” and less polished there.


Steam pushes the industry a bit to make linux more part of the ecosphere. Lots of stuff is already totally cross platform. Lets just hope one day it won’t matter, which OS you pick, to be able to play games.

For me its important, so I am an evangelizing zealot here, because as coder I tend to want all coders to learn cross platform coding, not just for games, simply because it improves the resulting products. Like Torvalds, I am somewhat judgmental about code taste. I want coders to have good taste, instead of writing much. Stuff written for a single architecture just invites lazyness and cheap fast solutions, that can lead to stoopid bugs.

As far as the sound is concerned on my laptop comparing from Windows to Linux the setup is:

I am using all the correct drivers in Windows and am using the Intel HD Graphics HDMI port with DTS and Dolby Digital (plus) going through a 7.1 Receiver and it was the same setup on Linux with the latest kernel for the OS that supported Intel Graphics 3000.

The Graphics, same scenario; all correct drivers and same kernel as mentioned above (I can’t remember the specifics but I installed the kernel myself). The color was better and didn’t have the pixels or whatever the hell it is in Windows. Linux must use some type of filter or something that Windows doesn’t use. The wallpaper is mostly what I’m comparing here as it’s what stood out the most. You can see artifacts in Windows wallpaper even when changing the registry value for jpeg wallpaper to 10 (highest quality) but it looks WAY better in Linux (on my setup ofc). Also I set custom resolutions with color range of CVT-RB in Windows which makes the colors more intense and realistic very much like YCbCr but not quite as vibrant. YCbCr is horrible on my setup.

Acer Aspire V3-571-6643 Intel Graphics 3000 - Core i5 2450M

Also building your own environment in Linux will always be best if you are willing to take the time to do it but Ultimate has a lot of bells and whistles that can easily be removed if you don’t like any of them.

28 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

Also building your own environment in Linux will always be best if you are willing to take the time to do it but Ultimate has a lot of bells and whistles that can easily be removed if you don’t like any of them.

I love if I can see documentation about changes, and make them myself, or get packages installable for all ubuntus, if someone makes an ubuntu fork. Getting a fully blown stuff and removing stuff I dont need needs longer, than starting with barebone, and type in “install stuff!”.

I also like tinkering, and once you faced a lot of problems, things go smoother every time. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

10 years ago, I was a lot less patient, but invested still a lot more time in things. Experience changes your habits I guess. Not always to the positive, but mostly.

28 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

jpeg wallpaper to 10 (highest quality) but it looks WAY better in Linux (on my setup ofc)

well, maybe thats the jpeg decoder then - you could probably try it with a png or bmp instead - it helps you in no way to have a background picture as jpg, as the system will load it into memory anyway uncompressed. I am pretty sure, MS has its own jpeg and png decoders, since i can remember lots of issues between IE and the rest of the world from web dev stuff.

Overall, you say, you use sound through HDMI. You sure you got all drivers from intel installed extra there in windows too?

As said, windows uses generic drivers mostly. The other way around, if the kernel in linux doesnt seem to have a driver for something in your rig, chances are high, you are f*d. However, usually, that hardware has to be very exotic nowadays.

intel usually is extremely well supported in linux. So it is theoretically possible, you have the (quite occasional and lucky) scenario, that it really just has more support. I am not entirely sure however, how hdmi sound output works. I disabled that.

7 minutes ago, g4borg said:

Overall, you say, you use sound through HDMI. You sure you got all drivers from intel installed extra there in windows too?

Yes, I am more than sure. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) I am a PC Technician by profession (mostly Windows obviously). I compared the drivers from both Intel and Acer’s driver database.

I now use a custom driver for Intel HD Graphics 3000 from (which oddly is down atm). This driver improves 3D performance for gaming.

well, then it’s a mystery ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) you gotta solve yourself ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) 

since i am also pretty sure, intel does not install 3rd party sound servers - no idea. what did you test? maybe it was the decoder there too? ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

1 minute ago, xXConflictionXx said:

now use a custom driver for Intel HD Graphics 3000

y no desktop gaming!?

I also have intel graphics on my x1 - the coolest thing i love about the driver support is, that if i plug in hdmi, my second desktop automagically appears and stays the same every time, resolution, background everything. given how much i suffered with multimonitor in the past, independent of OS or manufacturer, i just love it.

but to be honest, for gaming, intel would make me mad ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

6 minutes ago, g4borg said:

well, then it’s a mystery ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) you gotta solve yourself ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) 

since i am also pretty sure, intel does not install 3rd party sound servers - no idea. what did you test? maybe it was the decoder there too? ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

y no desktop gaming!?

I also have intel graphics on my x1 - the coolest thing i love about the driver support is, that if i plug in hdmi, my second desktop automagically appears and stays the same every time, resolution, background everything. given how much i suffered with multimonitor in the past, independent of OS or manufacturer, i just love it.

but to be honest, for gaming, intel would make me mad ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Well to be honest I can play a lot of great games like ME series, Dead Space series… But the thing that angers me the most is that the best games out these days are dx11 or 12 and Intel HD Graphics 3000 only supports 10.1. Also I don’t have a desktop or the money to invest in a proper gaming pc. For SC my setup will suffice with 1280x720 resolution and low graphics settings. It doesn’t look GREAT but it, as I said, will suffice considering my circumstances. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


yeah moneyz. I whish I had more!

however, i find, desktop pcs are cheaper over time by a lot, so if you have some to spare, good investment. You probably know that ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

i usually try to keep my laptop lower spec, and invest the money to buy a new graphics card every 5 years or so with the money i save.

In the past I tried to compromise with a gamer laptop, but actually, thats a huge waste of money. Especially since they tend to overheat needlessly at more simple tasks like youtube, or are terrible at battery life. Now I own simple internal graphics laptop with some better cpu, and rest of the power in the desktop.

1 hour ago, xXConflictionXx said:

As far as the sound is concerned on my laptop comparing from Windows to Linux the setup is:

I am using all the correct drivers in Windows and am using the Intel HD Graphics HDMI port with DTS and Dolby Digital (plus) going through a 7.1 Receiver and it was the same setup on Linux with the latest kernel for the OS that supported Intel Graphics 3000.

The Graphics, same scenario; all correct drivers and same kernel as mentioned above (I can’t remember the specifics but I installed the kernel myself). The color was better and didn’t have the pixels or whatever the hell it is in Windows. Linux must use some type of filter or something that Windows doesn’t use. The wallpaper is mostly what I’m comparing here as it’s what stood out the most. You can see artifacts in Windows wallpaper even when changing the registry value for jpeg wallpaper to 10 (highest quality) but it looks WAY better in Linux (on my setup ofc). Also I set custom resolutions with color range of CVT-RB in Windows which makes the colors more intense and realistic very much like YCbCr but not quite as vibrant. YCbCr is horrible on my setup.

Acer Aspire V3-571-6643 Intel Graphics 3000 - Core i5 2450M

Also building your own environment in Linux will always be best if you are willing to take the time to do it but Ultimate has a lot of bells and whistles that can easily be removed if you don’t like any of them.

What made microsoft a huge fortune was the fact it can work on thousands of hardware configurations since they supply “out of the box” basics support for almost every hardware configurations and basics tools for let you do everying starting from a fresh installation. The drawback is that all their tools are, as I said: basics. Like media player (wich have almost no codecs), ie, poor audio mixer, quite meh color settings, even an antimalware/antivirus and so on.

If you wants more advanced features from your hardware you need to install drivers and 3d part software.

Probably, since intel hdgraphic is pretty common between linux users, some ek linux addicted integrated into the linux kernel better codex/audio driver/mixer for your graphic card and audio device. Not jocking ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)