
4 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

If you wants more advanced features from your hardware you need to install drivers and 3d part software.

Probably, since intel hdgraphic is pretty common between linux users, someone integrated into the linux kernel better codex/audio driver/mixer for your graphic card and audio device. Not jocking ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

I HAD SRS installed but it sounds horrible compared to direct PCM going through HDMI ofc. For Realtek its probably ok but for REAL sound quality I don’t think HDMI can be beat except by maybe fiber-optics.

And yes I figured as such that the Linux community was probably at the very least more determined in quality and performance for such things that are more commonly used ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

13 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

I HAD SRS installed but it sounds horrible compared to direct PCM going through HDMI ofc. For Realtek its probably ok but for REAL sound quality I don’t think HDMI can be beat except by maybe fiber-optics.

And yes I figured as such that the Linux community was probably at the very least more determined in quality and performance for such things that are more commonly used ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Fiber-optic ftw 8) I’s also pretty cheap if your hardware supports it. 

3 hours ago, Spongejohn said:

What made microsoft a huge fortune was the fact it can work on thousands of hardware configurations since they supply “out of the box” basics support for almost every hardware configurations and basics tools for let you do everying starting from a fresh installation.

well, that I can’t fully agree on what you just said here when it comes to win vs. linux. for instance, network card support in windows was missing from the box until like a few windows ago, and their almost nonexisting diagnostic tools are the only reason, why people loved linux live cds, even if they do not use linux for anything else…

I mean the missing realtek network card support was pretty much the biggest problem for installing windows in IT in the XP era - I worked as IT for a few years for university, so I remember this very vividly. You always needed 3 things: novell client, network driver disk, windows. Office and adobe for the users. Some Linux CD for problems.

(Adobe Pro takes the longest to install, by far)

MS clearly made a lot of money, by getting a deal with IBM, and selling them a rebranded operating system they bought - they actually bought another first, Xenix, a unix derivant, which was later bought by SCO. It’s funny what happened to those. From that deal on, and the success of the IBM “compatible” pc - MS pretty much stayed uncontested market leader.

I think you mean why windows broke OS/2 at launch in the 90s, simply because OS/2 did not come with many drivers, a very usual quote in texts dealing with MS success history - but actually by then, MS basicly outmanouvered IBM more with the fact, they were smarter in making windows a cheap OEM product, preinstalled on most manufacturers. But that was a few years, before Linus posted his linux kernel idea in 91, and that war with OS/2 still went on until win95.

I think its rather the other way around: linux usage in low level diagnostics, tools for formatting and handling disks in the late 90s, and the fact the linux kernel comes with all drivers it supports, made microsoft invest again into providing their online driver database, and making their install tools better.

This went so fast, but dont forget, Linux didn’t really start to publicly be used until around ~95. It kinda totally replaced everything in our minds that happened more than 20 years ago.

3 hours ago, Spongejohn said:

some ek linux addicted

I doubt its written by a single freak, tho. Of course, intel was always there, since there are semiconductors, which they invented. And they are like uber quite serious about their open source drivers, and maintain them themselves.

Just saying, many of the people working on open source kernel projects work for the big companies producing core hardware (chips and controllers). The independent freaks are more in the userbase and contribute more to end-user stuff, while some hardware manufacturers have often not enough money to do open source drivers, ending in being maintained by individuals - but certainly not intel.

However, Torvalds indeed wanted to name linux first “freax”. So there might be some truth there!

btw. i didnt know intel guy invented semiconductors, it turned up when i researched if i write u bs.

not arguing, just wanted to use the hours i was forced to learn computer history (three times!) to the benefit of the discussion.

to be honest, why hdmi works better in one system than the other could be totally some single setting being different ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

its certainly not because linux is 1337.

Or is it… the beginning of the year… the year of the linux desktop…??? ![:007_3:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_3.png “:007_3:”)

7 minutes ago, g4borg said:

to be honest, why hdmi works better in one system than the other could be totally some single setting being different ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

its certainly not because linux is 1337.

_|00 |2 4// |_|||1337 (_)83|2 |-|4><><0|2


Translation: You are an unleet uber hacker and yes I looked it up ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


Windows is n00b lol (all jokes aside I am still Windows guy :D)

Back when SCO had that stuff with IBM in 2003, I had someone from university over who was a dedicated linux geek, and while we went over the heated topic, I booted my gaming machine for a little play.

Windows bootscreen came up.

Geek face in terror: priceless.



2 minutes ago, g4borg said:

Back when SCO had that stuff with IBM in 2003, I had someone from university over who was a dedicated linux geek, and while we went over the heated topic, I booted my gaming machine for a little play.

Windows bootscreen came up.

Geek face in terror: priceless.



Where’s the lol button at so I don’t have to make another post just to say lol lol

6 hours ago, g4borg said:

 I am not entirely sure however, how hdmi sound output works. I disabled that.

I do not much about it either.

I use it to have my PC-Box ca. 15 m away from my desk (with keyboard,mouse,monitors, only) I get HDMI sound as an output device in ALSA and Pulse (hardware deevice on Graphic card). Setup is PC-box ← 15m hdmi cable → [sound / video splitter]  → sound-signal to external usb-mixer-> to speaker   and video-signal → to monitor. Works fine  besides occasional usb packet loss here and there… I have quiet from fan etc.

what does that usb mixer do, if the sound comes from hdmi

1 hour ago, g4borg said:

what does that usb mixer do, if the sound comes from hdmi

Input (to PC via USB) of: my membrane micro, my audio recording devices

12 hours ago, g4borg said:

well, that I can’t fully agree on what you just said here when it comes to win vs. linux…

However, Torvalds indeed wanted to name linux first “freax”. So there might be some truth there!

Let me give some background toward my words, I wasn’t really pointing at linux vs windows, but to the fact that back then, trough years, microsoft “imposed” his software over hardware manufacturer. To the point that now is normal for people to think that it should be the hardware manufacturers to supply perfect software “support” for their product, while instead it should be the os to supply not only basic stuffs for every new bit of hardware out there, but also updated functionality in order to use the hardware at his maximum (however, that’s not that easy and the topic would need more than a couple of reply). Something that microsoft won’t do 'cause they are in a monopolistic position. As soon they offer basic stuffs as I said, they are good. Microsoft was able to do this toward aggressive commercial behave mostly, I wasn’t giving them any particular credit, I don’t like what they did to IBM, but if you ask me: the giant “slept” for to long and basically let them to eat his own market.

About the “linux geek head” part, it wasn’t offensive at all. What I meant was that “someone”, dunno who, if intel itself (but I doubt about this and I will explain it) or Torvald’s adepts (sorry, I like the guy but I like to make jokes on some of his, let’s call entourage) or my cousin while high on toad’s backs, fine tuned the software “between” the driver and the user interface in a way that it works better than in Windows. Intel supply stable drivers and that’s a good thing (well, on some windows drivers for their controllers I can assure you that they can give some nasty problems since they don’t really update that much as Windows is doing atm), but drivers are not everything. There are codec also, and “tunings” that can give a boost in performance and quality that the hardware manufacturer rarely cares about. So, considering that as The guy said, quality was different between microsoft and linux, I guess this happened.

P.s. you don’t have to reminds me how painful can be microsoft about drivers support. Back then when I was in outsourcing for HP I’ve spent some of the worst time I ever had dueling against printers, scanners, those damn “primitive” wifi cards on laptops. Luckly the main job was kinda easy since it was done trough remote backups and easy reinstall procedures on lan servers, but the horror of “particular” hardware configuration… I had my own experiences trough almost 10 years that leaded me to alco… ahem I mean after that I started over again as barman. More moorons but less incompatibility/hardware failure/rma, and more easy solutions against jer*s.

What do you guys think of wikileaks ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

59 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

What do you guys think of wikileaks ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

I think Trump loves it – and Julian Anssange as well … ![:003:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003.png “:003:”)

17 hours ago, avarshina said:

Input (to PC via USB) of: my membrane micro, my audio recording devices

makes sense. also the cutouts, since usb needs cpu time.

if usb sound is important (for a recording or similar), and you want to minimize cutouts, you can find the process which controls your external mixer, and put priority on “higher than normal” in task manager details. but thats not always possible ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) you really have to know which process it is, tho.

oh wait, you use linux, there (as alsa runs in the kernel anyway) i would probably already play with jackd if i needed really crisp sound. but it seems like its better to leave it and live with the cutouts if they are that occasional. as i mentioned, linux sound architectures are a broad topic, it kinda shares a tiny market in the professional music industry with apple. lots of finetuning possible, lots of knowledge needed, lots of individual setups, and i only did a few things with it, like building dedicated recording machines, so i am just aware that thats almost an entire world behind that door. maybe renicing pulse slightly, helps. if u know what i mean.

4 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

What do you guys think of wikileaks ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

wow, easy topic, right

totally impossible to tackle this without getting regionally involved into questions which probably are very US centric.

Here’s a difficult one, what do you know about the Balkans? hahaha #nowikiallowednorgoogle

33 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Here’s a difficult one, what do you know about the Balkans? hahaha #nowikiallowednorgoogle

Nice place for holidays

13 minutes ago, John161 said:

Nice place for holidays

Well, thats a new one…

On 20.1.2017 at 10:52 PM, ORCA1911 said:

Here’s a difficult one, what do you know about the Balkans? hahaha #nowikiallowednorgoogle

Macedonia? Srbija? i wanna knoow where wiki& google is not allowed in the balkans. Babushka must know this.

I had not even the slightest idea that a thread of mine would have so many posts :o