
At least in North America, most of the Universities and Colleges provide 1 copy of Windows 10 free of charge (and Office package) for their students.

1 minute ago, xXConflictionXx said:

From Microsoft forums/website there won’t be another Windows OS. Its known as Windows now not Windows 10. Any upgrades will still be Windows (10) like they are doing for Mac OSX.

As long as there are XP and 7 users around, gotta distinguish it somehow ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

6 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Hm,I thought everyone is able to by now,it’s free and you can pirate the full version,sorry but 250 euros for the full its just too much,trust me,the performance boost is real.

An Oem key for win 10 professional costs like 25€ if you know where to look (completely legal). And with some tricks it can work forever (well, not totally sure this last thing is legit, the problem is that oem key is related to the motherboard. In theory).

9 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

It was free for 1 year legit which is over now unfortunately.

Also, yes the performance is totally noticeable even compared to 8.1 and not just file system but also my graphics card capabilities has increased. I got used to defragmenting and ever since I got Windows 10 when I do an analysis it always says 0% fragmented and I never leave my pc on to do maintenance which means it doesn’t get fragmented anywhere near like it did in earlier os’s.

Quick tip, SSD don’t need defragmentation or fast search functionality activated in windows file explorer.

1 minute ago, xKostyan said:

As long as there are XP and 7 users around, gotta distinguish it somehow ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Yep, for now but XP has been phased out and is no longer supported and eventually that will apply for the other more recent versions as well excluding Windows (10) ofc. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

2 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

An Oem key for win 10 professional costs like 25€ if you know where to look (completely legal). And with some tricks it can work forever (well, not totally sure this last thing is legit, the problem is that oem key is related to the motherboard. In theory).

Yeah but you have to be really careful about it these days due to Microsoft now keeps track of your motherboard in use linked to your account.

2 hours ago, Spongejohn said:

And that’s what I was referring when I was speaking of sponsored wannabe reviewers. This guy opinion (in particular, but there are other big channels like this) change according to who is sponsoring him. The bla bla about thunderbolt in this video is quite amazing (lol). I can link videos from him made 2 weeks ago at CES in Vegas that are sponsored by AMD and are all sugar and honey (and quite disgusting to watch) toward AMD that he constantly bashed when the sponsors were different.

Another exemple? This guy made a review of a freesync monitor while using an nvidia card and repeteadly sayin’ that the major drawback of that monitor is the lack of function you could have with gsync… OC since the two techs are not compatible and should be used on proper hardware…

You cannot follow those type of content and believe 100% what they says. This is marketing, show, begging for views and followers: not a trustfully source of info, the soon you realize that…



Just now, xXConflictionXx said:

Yeah but you have to be really careful about it these days due to Microsoft now keeps track of your motherboard in use linked to your account.

True, let’s say that if you buy an OEM license: better doing that if you plan to stay with your mobo for quite sometimes ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

2 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

Quick tip, SSD don’t need defragmentation or fast search functionality activated in windows file explorer.

Yeah and you should never defrag ssd. It will shorten the life of it. But I don’t have an ssd but would love to ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

1 minute ago, Entersprite said:


The clear example of a fanboy I’m happy to have left behind.

1 hour ago, xXConflictionXx said:

Thank you! Too many Microsoft Windows haters out there and most of the bashers are Linux users.

lol dude

“Most of the bashers are Linux users”, dafuq. Does this include android users?

the main difference is, linux is open source and actually an abstract term for a lot of different operating systems using the linux kernel - while windows is a product by a commercial company.

usually if someone says xy is better, then you have to ask for what exactly.

Of course, some “linux users” are simply hipsters, just finding it cool, probably those bash your favourite operating system and try to tell you how great their linux may be, maybe some still carry that 90s grudge, when microsoft was only known for keeping its marketshare with misinformation.

But most of those I would consider linux users, so who really use linux daily and know why, know to code windows applications and know windows almost as well as linux. Sometimes knowing the differences kinda opens your eyes. 

windows isnt mystically better for games, there are just less games developed for non-windows, so you basicly hurt yourself for no reason, if you join the rather small linux gamer gang. Which is why you either dualboot for gaming, or have a dedicated gaming pc. The only people I know who are purely linux users, either cant afford windows, are fanbois, or simply dont play games, so they do not need windows.

But to be honest, it should not matter which OS you use, there is simply no excuse for not being able to produce products today which work cross platform; the main reason its not done, is because, people are not trained to value elegant code, and many work for money, instead of passion, in the computer sector. Proprietary code has already begun to be understood as “bad programming hidden behind the compiler” and “trying to lock out others from the market by making undocumented stuff” kind of reasons, instead of actually protecting technology.

To be fair, it has also the reason of “we have no time but need to release this” as the major cause, not negligence, actually most of open source gets written by people working for the closed source counterparts.

4 minutes ago, g4borg said:

lol dude

“Most of the bashers are Linux users”, dafuq. Does this include android users?

and a bunch of rant about some non sense that I really don’t care about…



so you cant process this amount of information, but you talk about

I know the code, how to fix it, write programs for it and most business/people use it.


2 minutes ago, g4borg said:

so you cant process this amount of information, but you talk about


Dude wtf are you talking about? This thread just got real salty all of a sudden. CYA!

2 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

Dude wtf are you talking about? This thread just got real salty all of a sudden. CYA!

wtf is with you, the text is english, and wasnt salty, nor a rant - but whatever.

Relax pipul

yah maybe a misunderstanding anyway. sorry for walls of text, didnt want to argue, just found the linux users thing funny.

Anyone wanna hear my setup lol?

we are at the point where you can even talk about the girls.

1 minute ago, g4borg said:

we are at the point where you can even talk about the girls.

there arent any here badumtss*

5 minutes ago, g4borg said:

we are at the point where you can even talk about the girls.

lol yeah I really enjoy them ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) and my mistake on the wtf and salt and junk…