
I am still glimpsing at upcoming Conan game, the ongoing Life is Feudal updates, or a bit of Subnautica, but so far, I am skeptical if I wanna get into any of those yet.

Thx for the suggestions, the long dark seems interesting ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

As for the amd intel nvidia stuff, personally i have made budget to high computer configs with various stuff. The thing i noticed is, if you want to go cheap amd is really good, but i would avoid any cpu from amd unless it’s 8320 or similar, the lesser ones behave weird and the mobos are not top notch in most of the cases i encountered. As for the graphic cards, nvidia pays to have games optimized for their cards, it’s not a novelty anymore. Even with that in mind they had some petty rookie mistakes that even amd wouldnt do. The best middle ground someone could do atm to get the best bang for a buck is invest in a really good motherboard with an older gen intel cpu, xxGB 1600 mhz ram of choice and r9 280/290 to leave some space for a gpu upgrade later on. Everything else is bling-bling to me ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

5 hours ago, g4borg said:

again this fanboi bs from someone guilty of being it. …

Listen, maybe I’ve been too rude. But that’s the reality: Even if i will prove to you that an amd card is faster (easy peasy), have no problem at all with temp and noise, have a really good “shadowplay” function, stable (and always up to date with every new major game released) drivers then nvidia card. You will be able to say: better buy nvidia.

This behave have just one name. Sadly.

Instead you will never listen from me: “buy a fury card instead of an nvidia or a Fx over ANY intel cpu”. I don’t like nvdia at all for their aggressive marketing behave, the “fake” improvements they offer to game developers like “gameworks”, and the fanatism people developed (a lot of time for no reasons) toward them (instead I have no problem at all with Intel).
I’ve heard too many nonsense when I was with your group, all biased toward nvidia/intel and even worst: apple (i do am an hater toward apple). Meme used as proof… and blindly following what payed youtubers says. Frankly for me it was hard to listen without reply, otherwise it always ended up as an argument. It’s like listen all day to someone telling you know nothing about about wine making, when you did it for 30 years. 

That said, the only think I regret is taking such stuff ^above^ to a public place like the forum, since this is not what I am, I’ve “lost it” after I’ve read another times a biased advise about hardware. For that sorry. 

But for the rest: you are wrong, gtx1060 is not on the same level of a rx480, when is on par fps whise, it still cost more then an rx. The lineup is this Rx460->gtx1050 (a good choice for cheap 1080 gaming)->rx470->gtx1060->rx480. There is no reason (apart special offers, or 'cause being biased) to ignore this.

2 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Thx for the suggestions, the long dark seems interesting ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

As for the amd intel nvidia stuff, personally i have made budget to high computer configs with various stuff. The thing i noticed is, if you want to go cheap amd is really good, but i would avoid any cpu from amd unless it’s 8320 or similar, the lesser ones behave weird and the mobos are not top notch in most of the cases i encountered. As for the graphic cards, nvidia pays to have games optimized for their cards, it’s not a novelty anymore. Even with that in mind they had some petty rookie mistakes that even amd wouldnt do. The best middle ground someone could do atm to get the best bang for a buck is invest in a really good motherboard with an older gen intel cpu, xxGB 1600 mhz ram of choice and r9 280/290 to leave some space for a gpu upgrade later on. Everything else is bling-bling to me ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Pretty much a sane speech. Apart that atm, I would not buy any hardware since ryzen will be released, a second hand 290 could be a good Idea (while waiting to upgrade), but it have quite some power draw (that means: you need to buy a beefy, expensive, PSU). Sure, anyone buying now an 6600 and above Intel Cpu will not regret it, those are a really fine choices for gaming even if new Amd cpu will perform good in the same price range or a bit less.

Last I heard AMD reverse engineers everything Intel and Nvidia make.


Bet this brings some interesting posts ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)


Well,I bought my 1060 like 5 months ago,so back when the drivers weren’t so optimized and the 1060 was in a slight lead,I’m still going for that 1070 though,I’m not too much of a Nvidia fanboy and I dont despise AMD either,its just that I’ve used their products in bad scenarios.

1 hour ago, Spongejohn said:

But for the rest: you are wrong, gtx1060 is not on the same level of a rx480

I never said that, how can i be wrong. As I said, I have not compared AMD into this. You came up with AMD vs. nvidia - I only compared nvidia vs. nvidia - buying choices.

While I personally don’t buy apple, I do suggest it to people who would benefit from an easy to use computer, if I know they have the money for it. But I always remark, I personally do not buy apple products, because they are oversimplified for me - as a geek. I have my reasons. I explain them. It’s up to them to understand. Usually if someone doesn’t get my reasons, he needs his own. It is after all a suggestion, decision is up to the person taking it.

As to you leaving, well, you left, I do not get why you bring that up; Many people left or joined and left; I do not even know what people you talk about. You got some personal urge for drama, fix it.

1 hour ago, Spongejohn said:

This behave have just one name.

If you say so, but who are you to judge others reasons? So your card can do flips’n’sheet. My plan is to upgrade further later on, so selling it later again. For me, my system is independent from my hardware, I want hardware to work reliably, when I replace parts. Brands help me keep it consistent - so yes, I stay with them, but not because of blind religious reasons, simply because I like their stuff.

If I would want the best card for my bucks I can get - I might even take an R480, thank you for the suggestion. But I don’t. I would love to get a 1080Ti/2080 whatever in the long run at some point, if they release it, in maybe a year or so, and until then, the 1060 will suffice.


As for the PSU, i always have a build between 600-700w.I also never think of the electricity as a factor lol

2 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

.I also never think of the electricity as a factor lol

Yah, I can remember, in the past, I learned about my PSU being too weak by it burning up, so I even got used to it. Since we are past 300W machines tho, I started bringing that into consideration.

1 hour ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Well,I bought my 1060 like 5 months ago,so back when the drivers weren’t so optimized and the 1060 was in a slight lead,I’m still going for that 1070 though,I’m not too much of a Nvidia fanboy and I dont despise AMD either,its just that I’ve used their products in bad scenarios.

The only thing that I can say you did wrong, is to choose the 3gb model over the 6gb. Apart that, a 1070 is a great card even if a little overpriced (I prefer the 1070 over the 1080, less heat to the point even the founders edition of the 1070 are not bad, and less price).

Im just amazed how well old tech performs and how much it is underestimated at some times. It’s going to take a while until i get stuff from this or past year lol

2 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

As for the PSU, i always have a build between 600-700w.I also never think of the electricity as a factor lol

It is, the moment you need to choose the hardware according to that. Otherwise if a component draw around 50 more watt on average on high load… who cares? ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

18 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

The only thing that I can say you did wrong, is to choose the 3gb model over the 6gb.



The difference in performance between the 6GB and the 3GB versions is 5%,while in Romania,the price for a 3GB WINDFORCE OC card(that is an example and its also the card that I own) is 257$,while the 6GB version is 329$,so 72$ more expensive,that is 22% more money for 5% more performance,DO YOU STILL THINK ITS A MISTAKE?!

2 hours ago, g4borg said:

I never said that, how can i be wrong. As I said, I have not compared AMD into this. You came up with AMD vs. nvidia - I only compared nvidia vs. nvidia - buying choices.

While I personally don’t buy apple, I do suggest it to people who would benefit from an easy to use computer, if I know they have the money for it. But I always remark, I personally do not buy apple products, because they are oversimplified for me - as a geek. I have my reasons. I explain them. It’s up to them to understand. Usually if someone doesn’t get my reasons, he needs his own. It is after all a suggestion, decision is up to the person taking it.

As to you leaving, well, you left, I do not get why you bring that up; Many people left or joined and left; I do not even know what people you talk about. You got some personal urge for drama, fix it.

If you say so, but who are you to judge others reasons? So your card can do flips’n’sheet. My plan is to upgrade further later on, so selling it later again. For me, my system is independent from my hardware, I want hardware to work reliably, when I replace parts. Brands help me keep it consistent - so yes, I stay with them, but not because of blind religious reasons, simply because I like their stuff.

If I would want the best card for my bucks I can get - I might even take an R480, thank you for the suggestion. But I don’t. I would love to get a 1080Ti/2080 whatever in the long run at some point, if they release it, in maybe a year or so, and until then, the 1060 will suffice.


I didn’t wrote “I would still go for a 1060” (edit: before the jump from a 1050 to a 1060 there are others card “intentionally left out”). Brand fidelity is a bad thing, not everything that came out from one single manufacturer is always pure gold. Following only one brand doesn’t give more reliability than mixing the right hardware.

That said an rx480 will age better over an 1060 (like it happened to the 380 over the 960), you can also couple it with a freesync monitor (cheaper than a gsync one, a lot cheaper) to get rid of low framerate/stutter/tearing that will come down the line ove time, with new games incoming that require more power. Probably for you, a 1070 will be an over all better choice (second hand sell price will be higher than the rx or the 1060). 

That said, I do not intend to reply to personal stuffs. I brought that up here. I said sorry for _tha_t, no intention to reply any further to your harshness, alsp my personal thoughts about what happened are still there. No sense to bring that discussion up here.


1 minute ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:


The difference in performance between the 6GB and the 3GB versions is 5%,while in Romania,the price for a 3GB WINDFORCE OC card(that is an example and its also the card that I own) is 257$,while the 6GB version is 329$,so 72$ more expensive,that is 22% more money for 5% more performance,DO YOU STILL THINK ITS A MISTAKE?!

It is 5% on average, too bad that many review took in account for those “medium results” also games like far cry 4, shadow of mordor, Metro that are pretty old and favoring nvidia tech in order to prove that the difference is not that high, but now try to think what will happen in the near future with games that don’t use “gameworks”.

The difference on newer games will be higher since new stuffs will need more power and not all the title will be optimized only for nvidia (so the difference will be higher than 5%). Also the request for vram will be higher than 3gb (and is already like that for some title right now if you upscale to 1440p or with mods, on that topic a little ot: is amazing to upscale to 1440 or even at 4k: no need for AA at all and overall an amazing graphic) and you will end to lower texture and AA to stay around 60fps, faster then if you get the 6gb model instead. Sure it will not happen for SC, but… 

4 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

It is 5% on average, too bad that many review took in account for those “medium results” also games like far cry 4, shadow of mordor, Metro that are pretty old and favoring nvidia tech in order to prove that the difference is not that high, but now try to think what will happen in the near future with games that don’t use “gameworks”.

The difference on newer games will be higher since new stuffs will need more power and not all the title will be optimized only for nvidia (so the difference will be higher than 5%). Also the request for vram will be higher than 3gb (and is already like that for some title right now if you upscale to 1440p or with mods, on that topic a little ot: is amazing to upscale to 1440 or even at 4k: no need for AA at all and overall an amazing graphic) and you will end to lower texture and AA to stay around 60fps, faster then if you get the 6gb model instead. Sure it will not happen for SC, but… 

Yes,yes but by that time I’ll get my 1070,and there is only one variant of it,but I think I’ll still go on the Windforce model,so far it has served good to me.

32 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

That said, I do not intend to reply to personal stuffs. I brought that up here. I said sorry for _tha_t, no intention to reply any further to your harshness, alsp my personal thoughts about what happened are still there. No sense to bring that discussion up here.

Lol. “I am not going to reply to Red Elephants. I repeat, I am not going to reply to Red Elephants”. Then just stop bringing it up. Your perceived harshness is just your inability to accept, you got no chance against me in battlefield. You start throwing stuff over the fence, wait until it gets thrown back, just to say, we should both stop throwing stuff over the fence or what.

32 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

Probably for you, a 1070 will be an over all better choice (second hand sell price will be higher than the rx or the 1060). 

I know, but its quite expensive. The 1060 is still 100% boost over my card now, and actually, I am doing fine with my 660ti, its just, i really get annoyed by now by the faulty ram. so for me its less an upgrade, more a replacement.

Just now, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Yes,yes but by that time I’ll get my 1070,and there is only one variant of it,but I think I’ll still go on the Windforce model,so far it has served good to me.

1070 is so damn low power hungry, high performance delivering, low heat: that even gigabyte did a good job on it (at this round they made possibly the worst rx series and a meeeeh 1080). With that card, finding one that is “bad” is an hard job.

20 minutes ago, g4borg said:

Lol. “I am not going to reply to Red Elephants. I repeat, I am not going to reply to Red Elephants”. Then just stop bringing it up. Your perceived harshness is just your inability to accept , you got no chance against me in battlefield. You start throwing stuff over the fence, wait until it gets thrown back, just to say, we should both stop throwing stuff over the fence or what.

Dude… c’mon. Be serious, we had already our “clarification” in private, you don’t get what I wrote back then. Fine, I’ve dealt with that long ago. Just don’t bring it here as I did, once again: I said sorry for that. Now before spreading more nonsense like those above. End it here. 


I know, but its quite expensive. The 1060 is still 100% boost over my card now, and actually, I am doing fine with my 660ti, its just, i really get annoyed by now by the faulty ram. so for me its less an upgrade, more a replacement.

If you were a “different guy” then I could have said: buy an rx instead of the 1060, it will last longer. If you don’t want to pay for a 1070. But I can’t tell that to you, guess this mean something, after all…

I always build a setup in that 600-700w margin, to me everything more is overkill, i like to stay mediocre hahaha ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)