
1 hour ago, xXConflictionXx said:

Try some of these if you haven’t already:


Nice list,I tried Warframe 2 out,but 360 noscopes arent the same in 3rd person,Alien Swarm seems fun,reminds me of SAS:4,Path Of Exile it just another LoL wannabe so pass,Killer Instinct its another Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat wannabe,while I’m not into fighting games,Forza Motorsport has this as their trailer music,found out about it in the first seconds without Shazam:



And I’m not into racing games either,at least ones with cars,imagine if SC had a race mode,but then you would build a 700m/s recon and don’t care,or make a special ship for that,low acceleration,no weapons and high energy consumption afterburners while having a low rotation and no strafe speed,something along those lines,Hawken reminds me of S.L.A.I,an old mech fighting game for PS2,I was addicted to it but my grandma kept knocking the console over and it eventually got bricked so I threw it away,rip in spaghetti we will never forgetti,Heroes Of The Storm’s trailer was somewhat irrelevant,League of Legends,pass,Warsow is almost like TF2,while Vindictus its like Dark Souls,so out of all of the above I think I’ll give Alien Swarm a try.


6 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Path Of Exile it just another LoL wannabe so pass

you are new to the PC gaming, aren’t you?

31 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

you are new to the PC gaming, aren’t you?


15 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:


Than following your logic “LoL” is just another wanna be DOTA. And path of exile is nothing like dota, it is not even a PvP game.

Any good survival games btw?

31 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Than following your logic “LoL” is just another wanna be DOTA. And path of exile is nothing like dota, it is not even a PvP game.

LoL is ripped off DOTA,but much more popular for some reason so it kind of is the other way around,and maybe its not like DOTA cause its not PvP but the camera angles and some of the abilities are look alikes,even the trailer,just needlessly dramatic in-game footage with no HUD,but we all have our own preferences…

30 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Any good survival games btw?

Rust, but ffs don’t take it like a survival build game. It’s a kos game. And kinda fun  if you took it  for what it is it.

3 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

Rust, but ffs don’t take it like a survival build game. It’s a kos game. And kinda fun  if you took it  for what it is it.

Let’s try with a survival build game then lol

3 hours ago, g4borg said:

I will still go for a 1060, as it already seems to have almost reached the targeted price, and the difference between 1050 and 1060 in price is minimal - however the 1050 has a 14nm chip so its basicly a notebook version in the desktop - which is kinda cool - literally. but still, hardwarewise, the 1060 is like such a jump…

each nanometer jump is usually followed by optimization and increasing specs on the same platform. That’s why Kepler and Maxwell cards got more complex with each generation, but they were basicly still 28nm tech since the 660. The price holding does have to do also with simply their actual complexity and size increase over the years being more expensive to manufacture, while the actual performance gain is smaller (while also less profitable). Bottom line is, the GeForce 10 is a larger switch, than what happened in the time between 660 and 980. It is indeed a completely new generation of chips, down to the physical properties. It is expectable, that from now on, nv will continue developing on the 16/14 nm platforms and do the same as before for a few years: add more memory, add more units, make the chip bigger and do more stuff, sell it with a new name.

They always do that.

lack of competition mainly delays release and development speed. the 1050 and 1060 were quite hasty answers from nv to amds success on the budget market, so it was already a reaction to competition in the first place.

But I think we all agree, there are many good reasons to buy in right now. It’s almost like GeForce2 times.

I would not get a 750 to be honest, i mean, the sell difference is so small, you can get a cheap 1050 almost for the same price. Who cares if it isnt utilized, at least the 1050 might sell again in the future, the 750 for sure doesnt.

Apart being nvidia fanboys, there is no reason at all to choose an 1060 over an rx480 since a good aftermarket 480 overtake performance and driver wise a 1060. Different coiche if you need more perf. If you need that a 1070 is a good choice. Any thoughts different than that is just fanboysm. One of the reasons i’ve left your one sided mind crew. 

3 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

It may be but it sure is a good match for 1440p gaming with ultra and everything on BF1,I still have to find other games that have high requirements that I would play for fun,preferably something that is free,BF1 was quite the drawback for someone that cannot earn money from work just yet,but I’m close to start doing so.

80℅ is damn high, my oced rx 8gb (fasten then yours) settle at 72 degrees with 55℅ rpm on two 90  mm fans. I’m not saying you did it totally wrong, just don’t settle with marketing says (both sides) next times.


54 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

LoL is ripped off DOTA,but much more popular for some reason so it kind of is the other way around,and maybe its not like DOTA cause its not PvP but the camera angles and some of the abilities are look alikes,even the trailer,just needlessly dramatic in-game footage with no HUD,but we all have our own preferences…

You do realise that “Camera angles”, aka isometric view were introduced back in 80s?

2 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Any good survival games btw?

Single player - The Long Dark (great atmosphere and actually quite challenging. Very underrated.)

Multiplayer - 7 Days To Die (still an unpolished gem since it is in alpha but a gem nonetheless. There are quite a few bugs but the devs are very involved in ironing out kinks, and you will have a blast if you have friends to play this game with. Think L4D2 met Minecraft and had a baby related to DayZ. That’s what this game is like)


50 minutes ago, Mecronmancer said:

Single player - The Long Dark (great atmosphere and actually quite challenging. Very underrated.)

Multiplayer - 7 Days To Die (still an unpolished gem since it is in alpha but a gem nonetheless. There are quite a few bugs but the devs are very involved in ironing out kinks, and you will have a blast if you have friends to play this game with. Think L4D2 met Minecraft and had a baby related to DayZ. That’s what this game is like)


Ffs the long dark is one of the best damn game out there <3

It maybe cuold lack of some end game content, or mp stuffs… Who cares! I loved every inch of thay game! ( And yes, it’s one of that indies games one thread related i was talking about… Still performance whise, it have no problems at all even on a reference amd build at all).

Really… I love that game <3

3840*2160 i achieve also with a underclocked rx480 without any probs. regarding temps u should be carefull if u want to use ur graphics Card more than 2 years. mofsets of most Cards are  have a lifetime 2000 hours at 120 degree. is not as much as  for most Cards is  around 100 degree as vrms and mosfets are not cooled enough:  is reason i underclock. am poor:) and cant buy every year a new Card. for each 25 degreee less the life time of mofsets of vrms is doubled. and regarding nvidia Cards they perform nice but if it will be as it was in the past the Performance will lower if next gen is available. is the way of nvidia to push People to buy new Cards by that way. is reason that the green ones are not my way.

3 minutes ago, AnunnakiHunters said:

3840*2160 i achieve also with a underclocked rx480 without any probs. regarding temps u should be carefull if u want to use ur graphics Card more than 2 years. mofsets of most Cards are  have a lifetime 2000 hours at 120 degree. is not as much as  for most Cards is  around 100 degree as vrms and mosfets are not cooled enough:  is reason i underclock. am poor:) and cant buy every year a new Card. for each 25 degreee less the life time of mofsets of vrms is doubled. and regarding nvidia Cards they perform nice but if it will be as it was in the past the Performance will lower if next gen is available. is the way of nvidia to push People to buy new Cards by that way. is reason that the green ones are not my way.

even if you don’t undercloack on rx480, you will never get more than 80 degrees on vrms (i’v tried it with a thermal pistol), like always, 90% of nvidia fanboys shills/marketings bs, those are unrelated to the true… diff matter if you want more perfomance… in that case: pay for a 1080 and shut up ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

3 hours ago, Mecronmancer said:

Single player - The Long Dark (great atmosphere and actually quite challenging. Very underrated.)

Multiplayer - 7 Days To Die (still an unpolished gem since it is in alpha but a gem nonetheless. There are quite a few bugs but the devs are very involved in ironing out kinks, and you will have a blast if you have friends to play this game with. Think L4D2 met Minecraft and had a baby related to DayZ. That’s what this game is like)


Also if you guys wanna try out Subnautica, it’s fun.

I’ve seen some videos from it, seems a bit too “relaxed” for my tastes. It reminds me a bit space engineers or empyrion. Both quite boring for me ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)


Btw my fav survival in sp is the long dark, sp isometric view: banished+mods. Multiplayer rust and ark (poor hardware optimization here but… Dinos! Ffs… Dinos<3) most wierd obsessive compulsive disorder satisfying game in isometric view: factorio. Nothing can beat that if you have a c.o. disorder <3

Best of those are the long dark (most punishing game i’ve ever played) and factorio. Give both a chance.

11 hours ago, xKostyan said:

You do realise that “Camera angles”, aka isometric view were introduced back in 80s?

And multiplayer appeared in 58’,so nothing is original,case closed.

14 hours ago, Spongejohn said:

One of the reasons i’ve left your one sided mind crew. 

again this fanboi bs from someone guilty of being it. no there are other reasons than performance, not choosing amd. and the one sided mind crew just happened to disagree about your ongoing defense of amd cards, as if they were an alternative, but didnt see this as an attack on your personality - even the fact you state this like a justification for your actions, as if amd is such an integral part of your being should tell you something. it’s funny if i think about it, seems like our one mindedness creates lots of discussions among ourselves about different viewpoints … the theme came up almost always, if there was someone complaining that things didnt run on his amd rig - and yeah, i learned the hard way (having amds while others had nv) that sometimes it just counts more, if your card does stuff properly, not how fast.

i used amd cards often enough, but i stay with nvidia because of their feature set and because i sometimes consider using a linux on my game machine, where nvidia has a clear lead over 12 years or so. i wasnt comparing amd and nv, and in that post i wasnt considering amd, and i even defended amd just in this same thread by explaining, that the 1050 and 1060 were reactions to amd, while mecron stated as if nvidia is so far away from amd, they are a different league - this was the only time i compared the two companies.

i simply dont care about amd cards personally, i had my share of driver bugs for a lifetime, i rather take the overpriced stuff from nv. no ideology involved. and yes, i rather take the weaker nvidia than the cheaper stronger amd, partly also because it wouldnt matter - your own words - in my resolution to take the 1060 in the first place. i didnt attack amd, i am fine if people who have more idea about amd show the counter cards, i only compared nvidia vs. itself. if i see a task, where an amd is better suited, i would take it - but for personal gaming, being poor myself, and being a linux user, i found out its better to still invest into the graphics card, as luxury, than becoming angry later, and trying to justify, why my cheap card was still a good buy like some fanboi. You read those forums where they keep bashing each other over red vs green, I however really, really, really don’t care - as a gamer, my card has to be both powerful and do its job reliably - nvidia rocks in that department. Even if its a gamble not to buy something rebranded or cheaply manufactured, from those greedy bstrds.

the absence of comparison to amd is not a sign i hate them. I just dont buy them. I might be more an antifanboi of apple, since I dont buy apple, while my brothers have an apple cemetery. Or maybe I just dont need gadgets and dont see those as luxury.

but whatever man, keep telling yourself, you get what i say while not reading it properly.

15 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Any good survival games btw?

I still come back to DayZ standalone sometimes, I dunno but it keeps coming back. Maybe because it is hard, and leaves endgame to you. The original arma2 mod dayz and epoch may be too late to start now, but the standalone kinda brings back the simplicistic survival aspect. It still has potential to become really good.

Ark was also fun for a while, but I got a bit bored about the fauna constantly trying to eat each other. It does however actually do most things perfectly you want in a contemporary survival (good abstraction of base building and crafting, endgame tiers), just not so much what you want in a game (bugs, slow graphics, …)

most others, like 7dtd, empyrion, rust, h1z1, unturned, etc. kinda have their own little nice things, but i got bored of them aswell pretty fast. I always saw the hardcore element of survival being microphone use (where your voice has to be on point to sound convincing) and other players as the ultimate danger, and all these games kind of go more into building games after a while, with lots of equipment craft tiers, ending in nubie-farming, and i feel the more age a server has, the less interesting it becomes.

For that build-to-survive aspect indeed factorio is the best pick, because it has an early survival element, but offers really fun base building. Or if it can still be incomplete, also space engineers, which is less survival, but actually quite harsh in an unexpected way.

It also depends on your experience with survivals. Might even be fun to pick up arma2 and enjoy some epoch until a hacker wipes your server.

I played lots of survival games since the dayz mod, my library is full of them ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) i also got used to getting drawn into them and out of them, so if you want something where you revisit it, dayz sa might be worth it, if it should be only for a while, and more pvp, maybe rust or ark, otherwise, unturned is free i think ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

ark survival of the fittest is a standalone mod version for battle royale style gameplay, which is free, so you can test it there, but it differs a bit from the core gameplay.