
I’m in my command with most of my shield, running shield adapter, aegis, coating polarizer and em-diffuser. Also energy recuperation (26% damage converted to energy). I think that’s 110 EM resist with 26% damage reduction. I get one shot by a singularity cannon (I think).


To me, the resists don’t seem so effective. Hoping someone can explain how it works and provide thoughts on balance.



I’m in my command with most of my shield, running shield adapter, aegis, coating polarizer and em-diffuser. Also energy recuperation (26% damage converted to energy). I think that’s 110 EM resist with 26% damage reduction. I get one shot by a singularity cannon (I think).

To me, the resists don’t seem so effective. Hoping someone can explain how it works and provide thoughts on balance.


energy recuperation DOES NOT reduce damage. It just gives you energy for 26% of damage taken

energy recuperation DOES NOT reduce damage. It just gives you energy for 26% of damage taken

Yeah. I think it says in the description that it doesn’t reduce the damage. It doesn’t turn any damage taken with diffusion shield into energy, either.

Yeah. I think it says in the description that it doesn’t reduce the damage. It doesn’t turn any damage taken with diffusion shield into energy, either.


Yeah, because you don’t take any damage during diffusion shield :wink:

Yeah, because you don’t take any damage during diffusion shield :wink:

You take dmg during diff shield… few % but still



Shield tank isn’t good, everyone know that.

resist decrease taken dmg, more resist less dmg you take(next to resist pts in ship description it shows you how much dmg is reduced)


btw keep bubbles out of it…that weapon will deal a lot of dmg anyway and if you consider that gunship can reach 100% crit chance dmg output under overdrive(+% crit chance module) is insane

don’t underestimate shield tanking.

You take dmg during diff shield… few % but still



Shield tank isn’t good, everyone know that.

resist decrease taken dmg, more resist less dmg you take(next to resist pts in ship description it shows you how much dmg is reduced)


btw keep bubbles out of it…that weapon will deal a lot of dmg anyway and if you consider that gunship can reach 100% crit chance dmg output under overdrive(+% crit chance module) is insane

Shield tanking is good, the problem is that hull tanking has higher resists to EM so against singluarity you are crap. But the usual galva + buff hull tank melt to assault rails or sharpnels as fast as shields to bubbles or positrons.

don’t underestimate shield tanking.

Shield tanking is good


You take dmg during diff shield… few % but still



Are you sure? You have numbers popping up, meaning the energy you lost for a hit. But no damage as far as i know. Need to test it.

Are you sure? You have numbers popping up, meaning the energy you lost for a hit. But no damage as far as i know. Need to test it.

Diff shield is giving like 300+ resists, disintegrator shot that hit diffusion shield deal around 300 dmg.

Diff shield is giving like 300+ resists, disintegrator shot that hit diffusion shield deal around 300 dmg.

for dif shield: you take 1 damage for every 8 that hits

No damage under diff shield. Or you could say you get energy damage.

Thanks for all the responses. I was hoping to get something a bit more scientific. Command also has hull resistances. I wanted something like “110 shield resistance versus 300 damage emp shot with 15% crit chance means initial damage would be XXX and damage after resistance is YYY”. Because it felt no different than if I was flying an inty with no resists.


This also brings up the topic of some kind of testing area. War Thunder lets you take test flights. Is there something similar here and I’ve not found it yet?



Yeah, Diffusion Shield does not apply resistances into damage calculation, meaning resistance buffs like your auras and passive modules do not apply. However, this means that Diffusion Shield isn’t affected by Ions or a Target Painter or any other kind of resistance lowering debuffs.

This is how damage resistance works

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20483-developers-blog-from-july-10th-damage-resistance/)

btw shield is nerfed for a lot of ships because some update made shield sizes the same for the same class of ships; only ships like the tormentor benefited from it… and smaller ships’ shields are so much easier to hit.

This is how damage resistance works

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20483-developers-blog-from-july-10th-damage-resistance/)

btw shield is nerfed for a lot of ships because some update made shield sizes the same for the same class of ships; only ships like the tormentor benefited from it… and smaller ships’ shields are so much easier to hit.


Most of the ships now have a smaller Shield Hitbox. Only few of them (frigates) have a little bit larger shield Hitbox.

Most of the ships now have a smaller Shield Hitbox. Only few of them (frigates) have a little bit larger shield Hitbox.

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22379-star-conflict-obt-v0916/)


Shields are like this since a month ago… Before this update shield sizes depended on ship model sizes, and there were times of people abusing the amazingly small shield of some ships , especially jerry interceptors(it was literally the size of the ship).

According to that chart I should be receiving 50% damage and there is no way. My ship has 4k hull and 7.5k shield. I got obliterated by a singularity cannon. So that would have to be 22k damage?

According to that chart I should be receiving 50% damage and there is no way. My ship has 4k hull and 7.5k shield. I got obliterated by a singularity cannon. So that would have to be 22k damage?

ive heard of higher numbers before (28k off a mauler in 1 shot in ACTUAL damage)

Speaking of resists… Earlier on when i was on my cerberus, a SAI was attackimg me so i shot an EM torp at it. I dont know if it was like extrme resistance or magic…but it only did 800 dmg instead of like 14k