
According to that chart I should be receiving 50% damage and there is no way. My ship has 4k hull and 7.5k shield. I got obliterated by a singularity cannon. So that would have to be 22k damage?

Singularity gunship with 100% crit rate puts out 22k rather quickly. You can always check the logs to see what happened exactly, e.g. the disintegrator hitting you in the middle of it without you noticing.

What kind of combat log do you have? Mine will say 100% damage by PlayerX with positron cannon.  This is why I posted this topic.

What kind of combat log do you have? Mine will say 100% damage by PlayerX with positron cannon.  This is why I posted this topic.

If you run extended logs (chat command: /combatLog 3) it will expose every single hit you take so it’s easy to see for how much he’s been hitting you per shot and how long it took him to take you down.

Speaking of resists, does anyone know how much reduction 400-500 would be? (Shield)

You have think in effective HP. This is calculated by multiplying your HP by 1 + resist/100. Example: your shield has 100 points, 0 resists: your effHP is 100. With 20 resist it becomes 120. And so on.

You have think in effective HP. This is calculated by multiplying your HP by 1 + resist/100. Example: your shield has 100 points, 0 resists: your effHP is 100. With 20 resist it becomes 120. And so on.

Not working in StarConflict.


Degressive Yeld start at 1 Resistance points.




Secondly if you try to calculate the dammages reduction for a Frigate you have to ADD to the dammages +50% in case of “Explosive Dammages” (Missiles, Coil Mortar, Kinetic Supercharger ectect)

And if you are doing the calculation for Interceptors you have to add a -50% to the dammages in case of “Explosive Dammages”.


So If I take my “Coil Mortar T3 Mk4” from My armory I will have (it means only 1 turrets):


1043 Dammages per HIT Displayed against Kinetic Resistance = 0 but It will become :

1043 + (50/100 x1043) Dammages per HIT against against a Frigate with 0 Kinetic Resistance = 1564.5 Dammages Per Hit

1043 - (50/100 x1043) Dammages per HIT against against a Interceptor with 0 Kinetic Resistance = 521.5 Dammages Per Hit

Not working in StarConflict.


Degressive Yeld start at 1 Resistance points.





Ok, you wrote down what i did, just rearranged the equation. Real damage = nominal damage / effective hp * real hp.

Real Dammages = Nominal Dammages - (Nominal Dammages x Resistance Factor) in case of Positive Resistance

Real Dammages = Nominal Dammages + (Nominal Dammages x Weakness Factor) in case of Negative Resistance


The Shield Pool and the Hull Pool are not impacting the dammage calculation.

Real Dammages = Nominal Dammages - (Nominal Dammages x Resistance Factor) in case of Positive Resistance

Real Dammages = Nominal Dammages + (Nominal Dammages x Weakness Factor) in case of Negative Resistance


The Shield Pool and the Hull Pool are not impacting the dammage calculation.


The effective HP / real HP ratio is the resistance factor you elegantly put in your equation. Effective HP is the amount you have to make in nominal damage to kill the ship.

Effective HP must include incoming heals and regeneration (including self healing modules)

These answers come close, but not quite there. The question would be for simple base damage. (Ship size will not be put into the equation until after.) what is the reduction after the resistance goes beyond 300? 400, or even 500? Will the defense simply not go any higher after it hits 300, and so on so forth?

These answers come close, but not quite there. The question would be for simple base damage. (Ship size will not be put into the equation until after.) what is the reduction after the resistance goes beyond 300? 400, or even 500? Will the defense simply not go any higher after it hits 300, and so on so forth?

there is no hard cap

Speaking of resists, does anyone know how much reduction 400-500 would be? (Shield)

I find resists over 150 useless. In fact, having 100 resistances or closer is a good tanking.


Also, as it has been said, you need to consider shield and hull regen in case you have it, and survival modules. 


And finally, adaptatives are not shown in the survivability numbers, so a supposedly crap tanky fed fighter or ceptor, can tank more than an empire gunship if you don’t stop it.

O.o Here’s an easy one. 20k shield and a blast of 20k kinetic. 500 anti kinetic. How much reduction will there be? Never mind shield regen. I have plenty.

Rakza, I think I’m seeing it now… haha. but If I don’t go ahead and state it soon, feel free to do so.

now evi, 300=25%=50% damage reduction of an original 50% reduction. I find that very useful.

O.o Here’s an easy one. 20k shield and a blast of 20k kinetic. 500 anti kinetic. How much reduction will there be? Never mind shield regen. I have plenty.

Rakza, I think I’m seeing it now… haha. but If I don’t go ahead and state it soon, feel free to do so.

now evi, 300=25%=50% damage reduction of an original 50% reduction. I find that very useful.


You sound like someone who will never understand this. So here is the answer: 20k shield (irrelevant info), 20k kinteic damage, 500 pt kinetic resist: the result is 3333.3* damage. Really, simply you have to put the stuff in the equation and it falls out. 20k shield with 500 resist makes 120k effective HP against kinetic.

O.o Here’s an easy one. 20k shield and a blast of 20k kinetic. 500 anti kinetic. How much reduction will there be? Never mind shield regen. I have plenty.

Rakza, I think I’m seeing it now… haha. but If I don’t go ahead and state it soon, feel free to do so.

now evi, 300=25%=50% damage reduction of an original 50% reduction. I find that very useful.

The problem is, to reach 300 damage reduction you need active modules + dedicated tanking slots to one single weapon damage.


It is better to have those 300 damage reduction shared between all damages, instead of putting all your eggs in the same basket.


But hey, I love to make 15k shots with positrons vs guards with 3X splitter shields and no shield resists.

there is no hard cap

There is a Theorycal one : “Infinite” (Blablabla Exponential Degressive Yeld Blablabla the more you put resistance, the less they are effective blablabla ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZ)

The Soft Cap could be calculated for each type of ship.

getting 300 is easy o.O what are you talking about?

the guard I have has defenses on all area’s. 

100+ on two of em, and one side that is only buffed by the phase shield. when that weakness is not being attacked, the phase shield will buff one of the other two. 270+, easy.

with people locking on to me, 300 is simple. I never said I would sacrifice anything, now, did I?

As for why I’m asking for 500+ resist calculations, It’s for those times when an entire team happens to be using thermal. (some esb squads seem to enjoy doing that)

I’m looking into having three guards. one all’rounder, one a pure anti thermal, and the other is yet to be decided. :stuck_out_tongue:

In a guard, even if you do put all of the eggs in one basket, you will always have two baskets.

getting 300 is easy o.O what are you talking about?

the guard I have has defenses on all area’s. 

100+ on two of em, and one side that is only buffed by the phase shield. when that weakness is not being attacked, the phase shield will buff one of the other two. 270+, easy.

with people locking on to me, 300 is simple. I never said I would sacrifice anything, now, did I?

As for why I’m asking for 500+ resist calculations, It’s for those times when an entire team happens to be using thermal. (some esb squads seem to enjoy doing that)

I’m looking into having three guards. one all’rounder, one a pure anti thermal, and the other is yet to be decided. :stuck_out_tongue:

And then you are limited to use Guard or w/e your 4th slot is in all the modes/situations 

I’m an avid ecm user. I know how to survive until the end.

My profession is support. the longer the support survives, the better.

as for that third guard, I’m actually unsure, haha. I really only like the idea of full anti thermal, so it’s probable that I’ll be keeping a different ship type in that slot.

Let’s see… LRF, CO, healer, tackler, or a recon…