Remove Yellow Messages from Chat

I know you want to wipe your hot throbbing microtransactions all over my face, but the game’s already reaking of F2P and this is annoying when you actually read chat.


I never saw that o_O

Same here? :what:

It happens rarely and only when ur in the hanger: so it might b hard i saw it too and i have no idea what it does. If its just to tell everyone that they bought the ship then xxxx that. I dont really care if they have the ship or not. Besides its making people like me sorta jealous because i cant buy any gold standards -_-

I’ve saw it many time. I just don’t get why they did this change. The only thing it change to me is that I want to kill other peoples when they get the ship I want. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have never seen that… There might be an option to disable it…

If there is an option for it it isn’t in my menues.

I never saw that o_O

Same here, doesn’t appear for me.

Im sure everyine has it u just haf to look carefully

This w-e there were just tons of them…

Mabye they dont show up for those that have licenses? 

Whew glad I don’t get those either…    JP may be on to something…   anyone not seeing it have a license ?

Mabye they dont show up for those that have licenses? 

Lol, really JP ?!

I don’t have a licence and it still don’t show up.

 That would be irritating to see those yellow messages of people getting ships…  seems Koromic and HappyL were on a buying spree

as they are the only ones listed in yellow  or they are listed somewhere with the OP ? 

Never been licensed, did spend GS on customization though. Never seen the messages and also no evidence of them in my logs (just other people talking about them). Maybe it’s just for accounts created after a certain date?

Never been licensed, did spend GS on customization though. Never seen the messages and also no evidence of them in my logs (just other people talking about them). Maybe it’s just for accounts created after a certain date?

I dont think thats the case, i crated my account in july of 2013 and i am olso seeing those yellow messages.

Mmm. this is most interesting issue. Some get it, some do not. On why that is, we cannot figure out. 

Currently i have a license (thank you, tournament), and no messages. Before i did not have license, no messages.

I get these messages even in battle, must say realy anoying.