Remove Yellow Messages from Chat

I have a license, and saw a ton of them.  I only got them during the sale. I have not seen one since this weekend. Maybe because most know not to buy ships during the week.

Can confirm now that seeing these or not is account based. I had two accounts online at the same time on the same machine testing something. That means they shared the same settings, but only one of them did receive the yellow messages, the other one didn’t. I still have never seen such a message on the account I’m posting with.

DAG GONE IT After this latest patch I am now recieveing those annoying Yellow messages indicating someone has recieved a particular ship.

DAG GONE IT After this latest patch I am no recieveing those annoying Yellow messages indicating someone has recieved a particular ship.


I know, I see them too. I demand to NOT see these yellow messages anymore. 

We could complain about a dozen of bad things this game has but we choose to complain about stupid yellow messages saying X person bought X ship xD

i have gotten them aswell, and i do not like it… If you MUST show players that people are acctually buying things, maybe make a transactions list with most purchased ships etc. Follow your own rules don’t spam general chat please and thank you.