Remove squad restrictions after 4 minutes in queue

Squadding sucks. We all know it.


I get that people don’t like those terrible “4 randoms vs ESB” matches, but the problem we have now is that squadding is almost impossible now for most people. Join the queue as a squad, and you’ll be lucky to ever get a match.


So I propose a simple fix; after four minutes, squad restrictions are lifted and the squad can be put against randoms.

The problem is not only related to esb squads, but to any 3/4 man squad that knows how to play the game. This squad will always have a big impact on the battle.

+1/-1 squad matchmaking. That is all.

+1/-1 squad matchmaking. That is all.

But nobody flies 3 man either, and they’d have even LESS reason to do so if they could be matched against 4-man squads.

They could be matched against 2 player squads or even another 3 player squad. At least they get to play which means more people playing in 3 player squad which means a higher chance of getting matched to another 3 player squad.

Your logic is based on false postulates.

Randoms should join Teamspeak channels and organise themselves and get into the squads.

If they are too lazy to do that, it’s their own fault. Organisation, asking people, either in chat, or here would at least increase their chances.

I never understood this restriction in the first place. That’s one of the thing that made me resign playing the game back in 2013, and quit helping the community.


On the one hand, this is a team game. All the game mechanics are base on mutual assistance : resist from the command, regen from the engi, spot by the recon, dps by the gunship, tank by the guard, etc.


On the other hand, playing solo achieves nothing, except in detonation or domination, and even there with restriction. 


I’ll add to that that playing alone is not a way to learn how to play. This game has some pretty complicated mechanics for a newcomer. Playing in squads and joining a corp is the best way to learn.


So it is plain stupid to punish the teams willing to play in squads. I say : there should be no limitation whatsoever in the matchmaking. You encounter a squad of good players : fine. Find some mates and squad up. Get on one of the free teamspeak. Join a corp. Wait a bit before launching. Change tier.


The editor of this game has had a good idea in another of its game : in War Thunder, there is a game mode where solitary players are automatically added to squads. Maybe that could be a solution. 


But, please, please, please, stop punishing your players. Yesterday afternoon, we were 7 FROG playing for a few hours in T3. Squad was of course impossible. So we just made synchronized launch, and ended up 4 against 3 most of the time. But we don’t have  all the same level, and when the better players were together against the newcomers, the game was not fun for either of the group. If we had had the opportunity of squading up, we could have organized the groups to be of the same strength (real strength, not this moquery that is used to qualify the players strength).



I will say it one more time, just to be clear. We, FROG, all think you must COMPLETELY REMOVE the squad limit in matchmaking.

You DO understand that there are people that can’t or won’t use Teamspeak for a variety of reasons?


Your view on this issue clearly shows your mindset, and that of a majority of the vet players here.



This is a team game.

You DO understand that there are people that can’t or won’t use Teamspeak for a variety of reasons?


Your view on this issue clearly shows your mindset, and that of a majority of the vet players here.


Of course I do. I am speaking on behalf of those people, who have the means, to do so and the reasons as well. If they can, they should.

I am not talking for the whole population in general. Removal of squads requirements after 4 minutes is a must, since population counts is too low.

I will say it one more time, just to be clear. We, FROG, all think you must COMPLETELY REMOVE the squad limit in matchmaking.


+1000 matchmaking should NOT restrict squads. In  NO GAME this is applied.



You DO understand that there are people that can’t or won’t use Teamspeak for a variety of reasons?


Your view on this issue clearly shows your mindset, and that of a majority of the vet players here.


Seriously ? In all games be in squad is an social advantage then too bad for you and should not be a restriction to the Corporation and players who love play together.

What about removing the restriction on T4/5 only so average players won’t be affected?

What about removing the restriction on T4/5 only so average players won’t be affected?

If I’m not mistaken, this already happens. If we remove the restriction or do +1/-1 Matchmaking in lower tiers then players will be encouraged to squad up and gain that habit in higher tiers. It will also NOT deter players from leaving the game because the won’t have to discover long queue times for doing a squad.

If we do this it will be a positive feedback loop.

If I’m not mistaken, this already happens. If we remove the restriction or do +1/-1 Matchmaking in lower tiers then players will be encouraged to squad up and gain that habit in higher tiers. It will also NOT deter players from leaving the game because the won’t have to discover long queue times for doing a squad.

If we do this it will be a positive feedback loop.

There had been a lot of complains in the past about squads having a big impact on the battle. Why should it be different this time?

Ah. I finally get the gist of what you guys are saying. That people who can’t or won’t use Teamspeak simply shouldn’t play this game. Understood.


No, you don’t understand.


Although it’s better to use voice when you play in a squad, it’s not mandatory. It’s ok with chat also. We have a mute player in our clan and it works just fine. 


But for those that don’t want or can’t use neither teamspeak/mumble nor chat, then yes, i insist on the fact that they shouldn’t play a team game. They should play a game where teamplay is not mandatory. 


This is only logical after all.

What about removing the restriction on T4/5 only so average players won’t be affected?


5vs5 with 3/4 men squads + randoms? Meh, no tnx. 

Increase the numbers of opponents for single match and we can talk about it.

There had been a lot of complains in the past about squads having a big impact on the battle. Why should it be different this time?


What about a lot of complaints about squad not able to play ? 


Really, it’s a question of what you want to do with your game : put the emphasis on teamplay, or compromise with players that won’t make the effort to squad up ? 


Maybe you could ask yourself another related question : amongst those two populations, which is most enclined to buy gold and DLCs ?


I hope i don’t sound too aggressive, because that’s really not my point. I want to be constructive, but english isn’t my first language.

What about a lot of complaints about squad not able to play ? 


Really, it’s a question of what you want to do with your game : put the emphasis on teamplay, or compromise with players that won’t make the effort to squad up ? 


Maybe you could ask yourself another related question : amongst those two populations, which is most enclined to buy gold and DLCs ?


I hope i don’t sound too aggressive, because that’s really not my point. I want to be constructive, but english isn’t my first language.

Both are important, that is why we have Sector Conquest for team players. Where should casual players go when they just want to play and have a chance to compete when they have no chance against squads? Will new players consider leveling up to T4/5 when they get crushed in T2/3?

Well, ok, i understand the reason for this restriction is giving a chance to casual players to play this game. I think it’s a mistake.


I will speak here for myself. I always had, and i always will consider that a game is really good if it’s difficult. Consider chess, go, or other such games with professional competitions.


There should be a challenge. If there’s no challenge, then it’s a casual thing and you play it from time to time. I like casual games, and i have a lot of them on my smartphone for long trains journey, or shorter tube ones.


I prefer another sort of game. The sort of game you spend a lot of time in. The sort of game you need to play a lot to get the skills. The sort of game you need to study in depth to truly master. The sort of games difficult enough that you need a mentor, a group of mates, a corporation.


In this dichotomy, for me Star Conflict is clearly on the later part.


It is not a game for casual players. I mean, casual players will never be good at it. You can’t have casual players playing this game in the long term, (and bringing casual players in T5 with this new year’s eve event was a big mistake IMHO).


So really, it’s not a question of not frightening the casual players.


The good question you have to ask is : how do i make the first contact interesting enough for newcomers to want to become serious players.

I would love this to happen. And at least in T4-5. I hate wait times for T5 squads…

massively multiplayer space simulation game…

