Remove Jericho Torp Radiation

I get that it is supposed to create a sort of area denial for a few seconds, but it is genuinely pointless in anything but OS because it also damages allies. Also, the alpha damage is much more worth-while, as nobody ever anywhere just sits inside of a giant ball of fire.

This also goes for Nukes, but the radiation is a feature of those. Though I don’t understand why you made it so weak and pointless. Radiation clouds are useless and annoying for both teams. Re-work or remove. Else prove to me that they have some menial value.

I suggest taking it from


Blast(thermal): 7500

Leaves a radiation cloud dealing 800dmg/s.

To this:

Blast(thermal): 10000

Leave no useless cloud of radiation and actually deals a reasonable amount of damage.

I think its good to force empire LRF’s to move and beak their ‘EM Scatter field’

No, it is useful for area denial and for forcing people to move out of cover, and into direct line of fire from you allies.

Uses: 2

Moves ELRF’s.

Uncloaks things.

Uselessness: 800

Deals no decent damage.

Easily avoidable.

Extremely pointless.

Reduces alpha damage because herp derp.

Did I mention it’s pointless.

Etc etc etc.

1 word

2 letters



It has been changed to this mechanic due to players complaining about high damage and too much torp spam.

Not going to change it back.

Someone complained that they were being shot by something in a game where you shoot at things, and you nerfed it.

Brilliant work everyone. Take 5…


How about nerfing the actual damage and making the cloud much more deadly? Something like the spider web special? The nukes also/maybe?

I was thinking about that too. Instead of a stationary AoE it could apply a damage-dealing debuff to targets caught in the blast. Much like Plasma Web, but AoE and it comes after a blast. Of course the damage would have to be toned down by maybe 15-20% but after that it would be much better.

I was thinking about that too. Instead of a stationary AoE it could apply a damage-dealing debuff to targets caught in the blast. Much like Plasma Web, but AoE and it comes after a blast. Of course the damage would have to be toned down by maybe 15-20% but after that it would be much better.


Well, there we have it then, a solution lol  :01313:

Indeed! It’s funny how we have to recognise a situation like this because a solution is seldom presented in any other topics of the like. XD

Should we put it on a vote poll or something?

Nah. There are too many people here that see my name and immediately click no. It’s better to leave it to the devs.

Well i could do it, ppl dont hate me… yet. lol

Well i could do it, ppl dont hate me… yet. lol

Lol. As long as you are associating with me, people will. It may take a bit for them to notice, but still. I’m not sure why people dislike me so.

Regardless, it’s their loss. You can do what you want. I’m just the thinker. Xp

Lol, I’m just passive as it can get, maybe that’s the reason xd, i’ll put it on vote soon, make sure to vote lol

Fox i will torp the fudge out of you… LEAVE MY TORPS ALONE


And no its not because you’re a fox and your name. But torps are pretty usefull, just because you dont feel like it /dont know how to use them/ doesnt make them useless…

No, not every weapons is good for every situation, toprs could is weak vs inties since they can escape easily (ps i killed tons of inties with torps…soo…yee…). But is good vs frigates and slow targets. Stay in the could if you think is so harmless, but keep im mind that sometimes that “tiny” amound of damage will mean it will take 2 shots too kill you instead of 3.

Fox i will torp the fudge out of you… LEAVE MY TORPS ALONE


And no its not because you’re a fox and your name. But torps are pretty usefull, just because you dont feel like it /dont know how to use them/ doesnt make them useless…

No, not every weapons is good for every situation, toprs could is weak vs inties since they can escape easily (ps i killed tons of inties with torps…soo…yee…). But is good vs frigates and slow targets. Stay in the could if you think is so harmless, but keep im mind that sometimes that “tiny” amound of damage will mean it will take 2 shots too kill you instead of 3.


Fair enough! Would you like the cloud doing more damage instead of the initial impact?


Cloud damage is still much more pointless than the alpha. Inties take more considerable damage from it, yet can move out fast. Frigs take less damage because they are frigs, but take it for longer because they are slow. If you remove the cloud, it doesn’t matter what speed or strength, they will get hit by 100% of the damage instead of 50% or 25.

What was the initial point of the torp and the cloud anyway? There’s no after effects on the other type of lrf tho, just curious.