Remove Gravitational Lens from the game!

How does one kill a black hole?

Take brokk, aim at black hole, press F.

Take brokk, aim at black hole, press F.


Step 1: Pay ridiculous amuonts of GS or grind for a year to get the Brokk.


Argument invalid. Although I am quite curious about this function that you talk about.

Although I am quite curious about this function that you talk about.

It’s true, Brokk’s special module interrupts black holes as well

It’s true, Brokk’s special module interrupts black holes as well


Well why is this tool that is essential for balancing pvp not available to everyone? That seems very much like pay to win to me… (even though I have always been the first to say that star conflict is pay to progress faster and not pay to win)

What about making the ECM’s special module destroy blackholes with the stun?

And we need a module or a modifier (engine?) that counter the pull.

A new ship variable that influence pulls.