Remove buying requirements

I love this game, as you can probably tell, but one of the few things that pisses me off more than anything is the fact that I have to manually level up each individual ship before I can get to the one that I actually want to use. I suggest removing this feature, (“must have synergy with previous ship”,) and replacing it with something different. Maybe a system where you can buy any ship of that faction if you already have a ship of equivalent rank. This would keep people from just buying ships right out of the box and would stil require you to level up at least one class tree.




Don’t need more Nabs in High Tiers

Read the last few sentences please

We had this in the past, pre 0.9. Quite grindy, but was better because you could avoid flying ship you dont want.

Exactly. I hate having to fly crappy ships forever just to get a ship I want. I have the money and the prices make this more than okay.

Read the last few sentences please

So I did


Fixing the following

We had this in the past, pre 0.9. Quite grindy, although it was way easier to rush through the game anyways. So there were a lot of nabs around, even in end game.


I’ve got all ships I wanted, and seriously… I’ve not flown any ship I do not want to fly once. You know how? Free Synergy.

Takes some more time but it wasn’t that much of a task.

No. We need to slow the tier rushers down, not speed them up :wink:

I’ve got all ships I wanted, and seriously… I’ve not flown any ship I do not want to fly once. You know how? Free Synergy.

Takes some more time but it wasn’t that much of a task.

easy to say when you have premium ships (and DLC bonuses, prem license, etc). I dare you to do that with normal ships without any kind of synergy gain booster…you will take several months to gather 100k free synergy

No. We need to slow the tier rushers down, not speed them up :wink:


He’s saying if you already have the rank in the faction.

It doesn’t take that long to get ships to syn lvl 7, which most need to move onto the next, and that is without premium license.

I used to use my prems to level but it took FOREVERRRRR…

I really just want to be able to use what I want without the pain of grinding through everything before it.

I hate to say this but I find that leveling previous ships is a good thing. ALL games I played do the same thing. It simply forces you to learn the game if you’re not that good, AND as they say, to slow down rushers.

And for those that have been playing for ages and have considerable experience already?

I hate to say this but I find that leveling previous ships is a good thing. ALL games I played do the same thing. It simply forces you to learn the game if you’re not that good, AND as they say, to slow down rushers.


If someone has already leveled 2 factions of interceptors how is leveling the third going to teach them anything they don’t already know?

If someone has already leveled 2 factions of interceptors how is leveling the third going to teach them anything they don’t already know?

It simply helps you play better with fast ships and be more skilled. I mean before I was total crap with interceptors and fighters (small ships) now I am good because I was FORCED to play them to keep progressing. 


By “total crap” I mean real crap, like I’d try to turn left instead I do a whole lap around an area.

You must’ve sucked then. XD

But back to my point, this has nothing to do with players as myself and others of similar skill. All it is is an annoyance.

It simply helps you play better with fast ships and be more skilled. I mean before I was total crap with interceptors and fighters (small ships) now I am good because I was FORCED to play them to keep progressing. 


By “total crap” I mean real crap, like I’d try to turn left instead I do a whole lap around an area.


What about me? I don’t think my interceptor skills are a problem.




I’m leveling Empire recons. I want to go down the ECM line, but I’m forced to stick with recon since ECM doesn’t go to 15 and I don’t want to have to do half the ranks twice just to get rank 15 with Empire. I really want to try Jericho ECM even more, but that would require doing the entire rank grind again from scratch. How would it be detrimental to anyone to let me have a Jericho interceptor either the same rank as my Empire one or the same rank as my Jericho fighter?


Edit: If I was designing the game I’d have made it so ship progression is separate from rank progression. You could buy any ship up to your rank in the faction the ship belongs to, and flying any of a faction’s ships would get you rank EXP for that faction.

Edit: If I was designing the game I’d have made it so ship progression is separate from rank progression. You could buy any ship up to your rank in the faction the ship belongs to, and flying any of a faction’s ships would get you rank EXP for that faction.

This is how it should be. This is what I am suggesting. Devs, look. A thing. @error

What about me? I don’t think my interceptor skills are a problem.




I’m leveling Empire recons. I want to go down the ECM line, but I’m forced to stick with recon since ECM doesn’t go to 15 and I don’t want to have to do half the ranks twice just to get rank 15 with Empire. I really want to try Jericho ECM even more, but that would require doing the entire rank grind again from scratch. How would it be detrimental to anyone to let me have a Jericho interceptor either the same rank as my Empire one or the same rank as my Jericho fighter?


Edit: If I was designing the game I’d have made it so ship progression is separate from rank progression. You could buy any ship up to your rank in the faction the ship belongs to, and flying any of a faction’s ships would get you rank EXP for that faction.

That would require to make separated ranks for each ship class; being good with ECM doesnt mean you will do good as cov op (they are both interceptors, but builds and tactics are diferent). I agree with the actual system when you have not reached yet R15, since it gradually adds new content that makes the process interesting with some sort of increasing dificulty curve. Yeah, it gets boring after you are doing the same thing for the 3rd time…i really dont know what to say about that. But something true is that some people after playing a lot still suck, for those cases doing the “extra job” may help, or may not; time played is not always directly proportional or correlated to skill, because there are other factors present in parallel.

But something true is that some people after playing a lot still suck, for those cases doing the “extra job” may help, or may not;


If they already have a lot of practice and still suck then they’re lost causes. If practice didn’t work the first 999 games it isn’t going to suddenly work on the 1000th. Some people will just never be good at some things. For example I can’t play RTS. I could practice until the end of time and I’ll never get past silver league in Starcraft. I’m just not capable of that level of multitasking. 


That would require to make separated ranks for each ship class; being good with ECM doesnt mean you will do good as cov op (they are both interceptors, but builds and tactics are diferent).


I disagree. Most of the skills are the same. If you’re able to control a fast moving ship well, have good aim, know to stay near your team and work together, etcetera, then you’re not going to suddenly become a terrible player just because your F key does something different.