Remove buying requirements

Plus, how are you going to practice with all the modules and weapons if you can’t use them all until you reach a higher rnk, hmmm?

Plus, how are you going to practice with all the modules and weapons if you can’t use them all until you reach a higher rnk, hmmm?

By unlocking them;)

I disagree. Most of the skills are the same. If you’re able to control a fast moving ship well, have good aim, know to stay near your team and work together, etcetera, then you’re not going to suddenly become a terrible player just because your F key does something different.

Its not just the F key, you also have specific active mods for the class, builds and ship capabilities…all of that makes gamplay a lot different; guards tank a lot (even if you use same passive mods than a LRF) and are usually at the frontline, wich means going for beacons when its needed, taking dmg for your team, etc. A LRF on the other side is usually behind the team providing solely fire support, its not debuffer, doesnt takes dmg, doesnt go for beacons (only a few players do that, and they are really good to manage to do it properly), as a matter of fact they work much better if they are not being attacked (wich is exactly the opposite of guard frigates). Each role has its own playstyle wich sometimes differ greatly between its same-size counterparts. Wich is why a command player will not necesarily do good on gunship or tackler… Imagine an engineer doing as guard: it gets obliterated instantly in a competitive game (mostly because they are key targets, but also because of defensive capabilities (engi will survive better if it manages to heal over time)). Knowing how to use well a specific class will help you to play better other classes of the same size, but again, being great at a specific role wont make you be good at another role of the same size just like that, you first have to master the specific role qualities. Im very good with guards and LRFs, but im not close as good with engineers because i havent played that class as much as the others (and i dont like the playstyle), wich means that even i know a lot of frigates, i havent mastered the specific aspects of the engineer class.


Plus, how are you going to practice with all the modules and weapons if you can’t use them all until you reach a higher rnk, hmmm?

You can reach T3 fast. Ive done it more than once in about 8 hours when starting a fresh new account (yeah, i need to do desperate things to get GS). Getting at T4 wont take that long…stagnation comes inside T4 (where all mods are available) and when maxing out T5 ships. T3 is a nice place to practice any ship class (at least it was when i used to play it).

Knowing not to tank on an engineer with a lot less HP than a guard, less defensive slots and no phase shield doesn’t take practice, it takes rudimentary common sense.


Edit: I’m not going to halt my progress just to prove a point, but give me a few days and I’ll try something. I need to get my last T3 ship and get some T3 items so I can move on from T2. After that I’ll buy a Neutron and start wrecking people with it to show you the difference between roles isn’t as massive as you make it out to be. I’ve only flown an ECM for 1 synergy level back in T1. I don’t think that counts as having practice.

Knowing not to tank on an engineer with a lot less HP than a guard, less defensive slots and no phase shield doesn’t take practice, it takes rudimentary common sense.


Edit: I’m not going to halt my progress just to prove a point, but give me a few days and I’ll try something. I need to get my last T3 ship and get some T3 items so I can move on from T2. After that I’ll buy a Neutron and start wrecking people with it to show you the difference between roles isn’t as massive as you make it out to be. I’ve only flown an ECM for 1 synergy level back in T1. I don’t think that counts as having practice.

Seems an easy challenge. T2 is a starting tier where difficulty is low and ships are a lot less specialized (meaning interceptors arent that different between each other), wich is the point of having to start from first ships to higher rank ones, one by one, so you learn while extra content and difficulty increases. T2 ships are very limitated (and similar to other roles of the same size); T2 ECMs dont have stasis generator, system hack, cant equip kinetic supercharger, phase suppressor, all ammo isnt available and of course there are many implants and general modules you cant equip and therefore specialize your ship, wich in T4 and T5 really makes each role different, unlike in T2 or lower. You havent got a single T4 ship, so you havent tried all equipments and implants yet (wich amazes me in how you speak as you know about the game, and yes, im considering from R1 to R15)…you have good stats


, but you have yet a lot to experience and learn.

You say you dont have much experience with ECMs, true, but no one has much of it in any ship at T2 (and T2 is just next door to T1). Going T2 is following the devs intentioned path to learn, where they know its not good to throw you to the lions. A challenge would be to play T5 cov ops and then jump to T5 ECM: there you got some big distance between those roles. What i do to gain a little experience and try possible builds for different classes is going PVE and test it, comparing results with other ships and builds…its a decent way to prepare you a little bit before going all in at PVP (without the need of starting from lower tiers to learn step by step how to fly the ship. Yes, you can fly a ship role for the first time skipping T1, 2 and maybe 3 or 4 with prem ships or free synergy).

About recking ships, do you mean something like this? (see attached screenshot)


Seems an easy challenge. T2 is a starting tier where difficulty is low and ships are a lot less specialized (meaning interceptors arent that different between each other), wich is the point of having to start from first ships to higher rank ones, one by one, so you learn while extra content and difficulty increases.


Well I have neither the resources or the access to do it with a T3 ship unless you want to wait an extra week for me to rank up until the tree branches into ECM again and buy decent items.


About recking ships, do you mean something like this? (see attached screenshot)


I could get a lot more kills if I wasn’t worried about winning and hid somewhere with a long range frigate. You only have 1 cap. I just see stat padding.


but you have yet a lot to experience and learn.


Of course I do. I freely admit to being incompetent. I’m just less incompetent than your average pubbie.

I could get a lot more kills if I wasn’t worried about winning and hid somewhere with a long range frigate. You only have 1 cap. I just see stat padding.



But okay, you’re still new.


If you look at the score chart, you can see that the opposite team’s efficiency comes from killing/assists, not capping, which means they could’ve easily outgunned Papitas’s team and won the match, had they been, well, alive. The screenshot was taken before the mid-join MM patch, which means the match could’ve been 12 minutes long. It wasn’t, which means they’d capped enough beacons to win by cap points. By the looks of it, the situation was under control, although it would not have been if the blue team hadn’t managed to kill the other ones in time.


21 kills are enough to positively impact all games, while they can carry most of them, in any game mode. Sometimes they’re not enough to let you win due to feeders on your team, or the rest of your team not following objectives, or someone with 22 kills on the opposite team, but generally if you see you have a killer on your team, you either a) help him or b) follow the objectives while he does his job (this rule however applies to random PvP only).



Of course I do. I freely admit to being incompetent. I’m just less incompetent than your average pubbie.


Sorry, I recognise that you’re still learning the ropes, but 1.0 win/loss means that you’re exactly the average pubbie. You win exactly as much as you lose, statistically you have no impact on your games - but given how many people there are that impact them negatively, it’s a good thing. That’ll change over time as you progress and gain more experience/skill, but honestly with 200 games played you can’t just yet join the army of forum warriors we already have a multitude of.


That being said, you shouldn’t really pay that much attention to your stats if you don’t do it to see if you’re improving or not. With so few games played, statistically a single match means much more than it deserves to mean.

Thank you CoalitionOfGears :smiley:

We are not mean people Cybermancer, its just that for this matter of things (discussion over the game considering wide aspects) your opinion is not helpfull because you havent still experienced all of those aspects, and base your opinion from what you have played (T1 to T3, frigates/fighters/interceptors but only some ship roles of each faction). Im not saying you are forbiden to post in the forum, what im saying is that if you are going to do so, do it only in the field you know and dont extrapolate to what you havent played yet. Opinions and perception of new players is always usefull, keep up your forum participation spirit :slight_smile:


I don’t want to contradict u CoG but “win/loss ratio”  tells more about MM …


The better MM is, win/loss ratio should be closest to 1 for all players.

I don’t want to contradict u CoG but “win/loss ratio”  tells more about MM …


The better MM is, win/loss ratio should be closest to 1 for all players.

True in many ways, but also, some players manage to consistently maintain a specific win/loss ratio wich is far from 1, then we must ask, what makes them get away from 1? Is it a MM fault because is not taking into account certain factors? What is certain is that pilot skill rating doesnt always mean a high W/L ratio.

The better MM is, win/loss ratio should be closest to 1 for all players.

The way I see it, MM’s job is to provide ‘equal’ matches, and it’s up to the players whether or not they manage to win. In other words, when you count in all the feeders, average pilots and super pros, it’s your job to find a way to win against the odds. The game used to be much more strategic back when the matches were longer though… now a lot depends on your luck - mostly because MM works really bad now, most matches are predetermined wins or losses.


If you want to look at it holistically, although it’s rather obvious, you can sum up all the wins and losses of every single player in this game, and their collective ratio will be precisely 1.00. The thing is, there have been different versions of MM, and some pilots always end up with their ratio below 0.8, or 0.7 even, and some always end up with the ratio of 1.8 and higher. No matter the arrangements, being on the same team with certain pilots almost guarantees you a loss.


Ideally, it should be as you say. But it isn’t and it can’t be.


Getting a bit off-topic though, aren’t we? lul

 It simply forces you to learn the game if you’re not that good

sure does :^)




Thank you CoalitionOfGears :smiley:

We are not mean people Cybermancer, its just that for this matter of things (discussion over the game considering wide aspects) your opinion is not helpfull because you havent still experienced all of those aspects, and base your opinion from what you have played (T1 to T3, frigates/fighters/interceptors but only some ship roles of each faction). Im not saying you are forbiden to post in the forum, what im saying is that if you are going to do so, do it only in the field you know and dont extrapolate to what you havent played yet. Opinions and perception of new players is always usefull, keep up your forum participation spirit :slight_smile:


I’ll remind you of this every time I go up a tier and do well in a role I’ve never flown. Look forward to it.


Sorry, I recognise that you’re still learning the ropes, but 1.0 win/loss means that you’re exactly the average pubbie. You win exactly as much as you lose,


What can I do about it if my captain Leroy Jenkinses into the enemy team with me telling him to stay back? I’m not in a clan so I have no control over my teammates. Winning is just a dice roll when you queue solo. Trying talking about stats I do have control over. And that’s cute. “We’re not trying to be mean” followed immediately by insulting me.


True in many ways, but also, some players manage to consistently maintain a specific win/loss ratio wich is far from 1, then we must ask, what makes them get away from 1? Is it a MM fault because is not taking into account certain factors? What is certain is that pilot skill rating doesnt always mean a high W/L ratio.


It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to tell you it’s because you’re playing in an organized clan with voice coms vs a bunch of disorganized randoms who don’t communicate and are each playing a different strategy.


sure does :^)


 I don’t get it. How is the screen related? Am I missing something?

It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to tell you it’s because you’re playing in an organized clan with voice coms vs a bunch of disorganized randoms who don’t communicate and are each playing a different strategy.

xKostyan (NASA VP) has 2.63 win/loss ratio and he always plays T5 PVP alone (random queue) and doesnt use TS, as a matter of fact, the few times he is at TS he cant use a mic. I also play random T5 PVP (i dont do it often tho) and i have less than half win/loss. We both usually get on top of score boards, whats the difference then? Please dont talk about dreads because NASA hasnt played dreads in a big while.

It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to tell you it’s because you’re playing in an organized clan with voice coms vs a bunch of disorganized randoms who don’t communicate and are each playing a different strategy.


>voice comms


xKostyan (NASA VP) has 2.63 win/loss ratio and he always plays T5 PVP alone (random queue) and doesnt use TS, as a matter of fact, the few times he is at TS he cant use a mic. I also play random T5 PVP (i dont do it often tho) and i have less than half win/loss. We both usually get on top of score boards, whats the difference then? Please dont talk about dreads because NASA hasnt played dreads in a big while.

I’ve heard his voice like twice. It was not what I expected it to be.

xKostyan (NASA VP) has 2.63 win/loss ratio and he always plays T5 PVP alone (random queue) and doesnt use TS, as a matter of fact, the few times he is at TS he cant use a mic. I also play random T5 PVP (i dont do it often tho) and i have less than half win/loss. We both usually get on top of score boards, whats the difference then? Please dont talk about dreads because NASA hasnt played dreads in a big while.


Eh? My bad then. Not sure how it’s even possible then. I’ll give him $100 to tell me the secret to always being assigned good teammates.

You can talk with him by chat and ask for suggestions, its free :smiley:

No. We need to slow the tier rushers down, not speed them up :wink:

This. Also you can just grind free synergy and use that. I’ve done it all the way from T3 to T5. It takes a while obviously, just fly stuff you  do  like in the interim. Such a tradeoff, oh no.

It is pretty common in many games that you need to start from “new” when you want to play another class. This ensures players focus more on learning the role.

I still think that it’s silly.