Remove "Brief" Ship Information



  • Newer pilots will not be completely destroyed by veterans.

  • Newer pilots will understand everything that can be changed on their ships.

  • Newer pilots will understand resistance mechanics (20 pts of resistance looks like nothing when looking at 500 damage weapons, and it’s not clear until you see the percentages.)

  • Newer pilots will play more.

  • Lampshadius will use his macro describing this option a lot less.




None that I, or anyone else in the community can think of.






Furthermore, it’s ridiculous that it’s still set as default.  If people REALLY want this option to be in the game at all, then let THEM change it.  Don’t set it to something that EVERYONE ends up changing eventually. That’s just stupid.


AAAAAND since I know someone will say it, here’s a poll :slight_smile:

Did you know I played almost 100 battles before realising there were afterburners in this game? My point is that newer pilots need time to understand the game mechanics. Don’t overload them with info from the start, or at least give them important info. (the tutorial is a lot better now I have to admit)

Could you therefore add another option to your poll: tell new pilots in the tutorial that full ship stats are available and explain the benefits.

Did you know I played almost 100 battles before realising there were afterburners in this game? My point is that newer pilots need time to understand the game mechanics. Don’t overload them with info from the start, or at least give them important info. (the tutorial is a lot better now I have to admit)

Could you therefore add another option to your poll: tell new pilots in the tutorial that full ship stats are available and explain the benefits.

I am not at all going to say you are wrong. I can not agree with this though.


Full stats would let new players know these things exist. Infact you would have know there were afterburners because it would have shown up on your full stats list.


Though tutorials are poor. I do not recall having one when I started. Why should the best tutorials been made by players IE: Efefay? Then when you have 0 content, they don’t even bother to reference those that players make because you think they are not good enough. Well news flash devs, they are infantly better than your nonexistant ones…


Sorry, I didn’t mean to highjack the post. I just hate things that makes it difficult for new players.

Well I opened a secondary account by mistake (my war thunder’s one) and I was surprised to get a tutorial, which is quite good. And it does teach you to use afterburner.

I am not at all going to say you are wrong. I can not agree with this though.

Full stats would let new players know these things exist. Infact you would have know there were afterburners because it would have shown up on your full stats list.

Though tutorials are poor. I do not recall having one when I started. Why should the best tutorials been made by players IE: Efefay? Then when you have 0 content, they don’t even bother to reference those that players make because you think they are not good enough. Well news flash devs, they are infantly better than your nonexistant ones…

Sorry, I didn’t mean to highjack the post. I just hate things that makes it difficult for new players.

Thanks. Do you mean infinitely instead of infantly?

Sorry, but this post is not about tutorials. Please keep it on topic :slight_smile:

although I agree on your proposal we have seen that new players are overwhelmed by all the information at the start


This information will be an overkill as they cant use

although I agree on your proposal we have seen that new players are overwhelmed by all the information at the start


This information will be an overkill as they cant use

There’s like ten extra numbers and a bunch of symbols. It’s simple to ignore. I set it to full after something like 50 battles, when I delved into the depths of the in-game settings. No such thing as too much information on a static screen you can look at for as long as you want!

Thanks. Do you mean infinitely instead of infantly?

Yes, I am useless with or without autocorrect.


Sorry, but this post is not about tutorials. Please keep it on topic :slight_smile:

This is my fault, I appologize.

O, more from me I promise.

although I agree on your proposal we have seen that new players are overwhelmed by all the information at the start


This information will be an overkill as they cant use


I am sorry, but I strongly disagree, and here is why.  I am sure the community will back me up:


Knowledge is power.


Without knowing something, you will have to figure it out eventually if it affects you.  And everything about ship stats affect you, so therefore, they must be known at all times.  If hard-core space veterans come to this game and see such mediocre stats on their ships, they will assume the game is not very dynamic.  If any pilot sees their damage resists, roll, etc, they are more likely to make informed decisions in-game.


It might take about 5 minutes of study, but I am sure new players will always appreciate more information.  Especially since MOST of the info on full ship stats affects T1 pilots…and if you don’t believe me, here’s a list:


Hull/Shield: Obviously affects everyone.

Shield regen: A great thing to know, in any case.

Hull/Shield Resist (Especially the percentages displayed):  While shield resists are not immediately available, the R1 implant ensures that everyone CAN modify their hull resistances.  So this, at the very least, must be shown, since your argument will be invalid if you do not accept this fact.

Roll/Pitch Info: Affects every ship, regardless of whether or not they can change it.  It is not immediately clear to any new pilot that empire ships are slower in almost every way, so this will make it clear if the pilot looks into it.


And other stuff like strafe, reverse speed, are not REALLY that important to T1, but if you know your exact strafe speed, you can make assumptions as to whether or not you should be strafing a lot.


Anyways, my point is that knowledge is NEVER a bad thing.   Restricting knowledge from new players is not “fair” since the veterans wouldn’t know their own ship stats either without this option.   So it does not seem fair to take it away from beginners.  We’d all be lost without full-ship information.  So just put it in game by default, please :slight_smile:


And, btw, it took me 10 minutes of being in the game to figure out full ship information.  Ever since that moment, even though I NEVER played a space-game before, I was very pleased to see the additional information.  It told me things I had no idea existed (like…really, the ambiguity to resistances WITHOUT seeing the percentages is ridiculous), and helped me strategize in game.  All I am saying is, if you REALLY think it’s too much information for new players, and you want them to see what can affect their ships, you will have to include much much more than what is displayed currently to stay true to this (Like hull resists, due to R1 implant).  So you might as well just make the whole visualization the default in the game :slight_smile:


Also, the community is very helpful to new players both on the forums and in-game.  If people REALLY don’t understand what they are looking at on full ship stats (which will probably be few players, since most gamers are older and know how resistances work), they can ask questions and the community will help them.  But it is much harder for us to help new players learn when we have to explain everything ourselves, for many things on the above list.

I agree with Engle

Took me about 200 battles before I knew about it.

I agree with Engle

Think it took me 500-1000 games before i new about it and even then I didn’t really get it. I think a better way would be to have a section later on in the tutorials explaining the damage types and how resistances work

The kind of players that stick with this game are the kind that would actually like some complexity in the game they play.
I think the lack of information and modules in t1 might be driving away some hardcore players who maybe wrongly judging the game as too simple

I agree too.


This is a space game, it is a pc game. There is huge demand out there.

A game which takes itself seriously, usually has serious players


The kind of players that stick with this game are the kind that would actually like some complexity in the game they play.
I think the lack of information and modules in t1 might be driving away some hardcore players who maybe wrongly judging the game as too simple

I can only agree to this, as this has happened several times to players I knew personally; It is a usual thing to hint for the full ship description. I never heard the argument “that is too complicated”, only “omg, this makes so much more sense now, thankyou”.

I bet there are a lot of people who come into this game, and since nobody tells them this stuff, they just take the whole game as a joke, and leave.

i see the increasing demand on this - forwarded to Devs

i see the increasing demand on this - forwarded to Devs

Thank you :slight_smile: I’m rather convinced it will be a move in the positive direction.

We hided the option to do not overload the newer players with info from the beginning. 

We hided the option to do not overload the newer players with info from the beginning. 


So make a introducing “Switch Ship Information to Full” quest like missles and modules for this as well

Or perhaps make it become automatic with T3 ships and above but still remaining an option to switch it back.