Red Alert: There won't be enough Jericho Tyrant destroyer activators before the event ends!

Again, You can complete r15 difficulty PvE in r8 destroyer, just gotta be smart about it. r14 dessy makes r15 pve trivial, if you are having issues in pve as any desstroyer you are doing something really wrong.

6 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

Sirius get a shared cooler copy paste, a special that you will never ever use because speed buff is a must, an active nerfed to death for no reason at all, and another Shared cooler on his passive.

Tyrant get a railgun with lower range/speed but more damage, a weird special, a cool shield passive but unusable in real fight (too low range), and an active with a really unique mechanic.

 And then there’s Vigilant. Which get a broken lasor (Bye beacons), a really cool cpu and active, a special that you can finally consider using, and 3 unique passives instead of the usual EM/Kinetic buff.

You just sayed fed was OP XD I agree the destabilizing field got nerfed by a lot, but even so, its an amazing module i consider a must (to take out small ships)…previously it was OP straight foward. Even with the short stick for the sirius, i find it the best destroyer so far.

Tyrant is unique…and that originality would be well used by a fed destroyer (in a shield build). In jericho is just a bad combination.

The vigilant laser is quite nice, although the 1 sec aiming without missing at the ship (to start dealing AOE dmg) is something hard for me to do against ceptors and some fighters, so unless you find a big ship, beacon denial wont come easy. But mines are amazing, i still have to seem them in action at beacons ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) The CPU seems great, but 2,2km its quite close for empire; that CPU would rock (again) in sirius.

3 hours ago, xKostyan said:

Again, You can complete r15 difficulty PvE in r8 destroyer, just gotta be smart about it. r14 dessy makes r15 pve trivial, if you are having issues in pve as any desstroyer you are doing something really wrong.

So what? 

How does that make Empire any good? 


Papitas >

Of course Fed is OP. 

Fed isn’t only Sirius, Antares is OP too. 

Sirius have useless unique stuff, but you can still use old mods. 


More/Less choice doesn’t mean more/less powerful. 

Cruiser in T5 seem to have 10km range or something. And with hits of 5k+ it’s easy to die in a slow thing.
I’m really disappointed of all R14. I’m just waiting for the bad news that Sirius suddenly will use an unknown material to be manufactured again…

I might be wrong but it may turn out that the bone dry Sirius with his only not-so-good special mod will be the best overall destroyer just because of the maneuverability and speed alone… I have yet to see the empire one done right.

6 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

I might be wrong but it may turn out that the bone dry Sirius with his only not-so-good special mod will be the best overall destroyer just because of the maneuverability and speed alone… I have yet to see the empire one done right.

Sirius is the best in pvp and tyrant is the best in pve/os ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Just now, EndeavSTEEL said:

Sirius is the best in pvp and tyrant is the best in pve/os ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

I’m not sure about this. For pve and os any of them can be good, it doesn’t really matter. The Tyrant with its special modules is more for pvp than pve. Most of the time if a Tyrant and a Sirius is in the same pve then Sirius gets to the top well above the Tyrant. However, if the Tyrant starts using the normal suppressor modules then it can do just as well than the other. The Sirius has no other chance because it has no special main weapon or own active modules. It only has one unique engine modifier. And if we look at the Tyrant modules, just one has AoE effect so in pve it is not that good while the regular suppressor sets have a lot of splash mods.

19 minutes ago, Sinaka said:

I’m not sure about this. For pve and os any of them can be good, it doesn’t really matter. The Tyrant with its special modules is more for pvp than pve. Most of the time if a Tyrant and a Sirius is in the same pve then Sirius gets to the top well above the Tyrant. However, if the Tyrant starts using the normal suppressor modules then it can do just as well than the other. The Sirius has no other chance because it has no special main weapon or own active modules. It only has one unique engine modifier. And if we look at the Tyrant modules, just one has AoE effect so in pve it is not that good while the regular suppressor sets have a lot of splash mods.

Yea I use the suppressor  module now, the warp reflector is not that good

22 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

Sirius is the best in pvp and tyrant is the best in pve/os ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

That is only true for PvE because of the shield regen when ennemies crash into you. 


OS the fed speed helps a lot to travel long distances and dodge attacks. 

And for OS, the destabilizing field is somewhat useful because they’re all packed together flying at max speed so…



And anyway, who cares about what’s better for PvE/OS  ? It’s easy mode anyway. 

PvP is the main point of star conflict. 

2 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

Yea I use the suppressor  module now, the warp reflector is not that good

Actually, you can use the warp reflector warp stream detector the best in pve because there you can have more enemy explosions in close range.

Edit: Warp reflector’s not worth it. Too many modules have too short ranges on the tyrant.

9 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

So what? 

How does that make Empire any good? 

Point is that this does not make Empire bad

24 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Point is that this does not make Empire bad

You can do the same thing with everything. 

It’s not because the Vigilant can complete Fire support that it makes it a good ship. 


Right now, the federation line is clearly dominating, and by a lot. 

13 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

You can do the same thing with everything. 

It’s not because the Vigilant can complete Fire support that it makes it a good ship. 


Right now, the federation line is clearly dominating, and by a lot. 

I think you should star paying more attention to an actual topic when comment on them

Steel said “Vigilant is bad because it is terrible in PvE”

This statement has 2 issues

a) Vigilant is NOT bad in PvE

b) Judging Performance by PvE alone


So that does not make Vigilant bad

10 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

I think you should star paying more attention to an actual topic when comment on them

Steel said “Vigilant is bad because it is terrible in PvE”

This statement has 2 issues

a) Vigilant is NOT bad in PvE

b) Judging Performance by PvE alone


So that does not make Vigilant bad

Where did I say PvE ? It’s you who started with PvE  ![:facepalm:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/014j.png “:facepalm:”)

I was speaking about PvP when I answered you. I even said clearly “And anyway, who cares about what’s better for PvE/OS  ? It’s easy mode anyway.  PvP is the main point of star conflict.”

6 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Cruiser in T5 seem to have 10km range or something. And with hits of 5k+ it’s easy to die in a slow thing.
I’m really disappointed of all R14. I’m just waiting for the bad news that Sirius suddenly will use an unknown material to be manufactured again…

I don’t know the range of the top turrets (they die first), but the side and bottom ones have a range of 5.5km. Tyrant is so awesome in Defense Contract ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

32 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Where did I say PvE ? It’s you who started with PvE  ![:facepalm:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/014j.png “:facepalm:”)

I was speaking about PvP when I answered you. I even said clearly “And anyway, who cares about what’s better for PvE/OS  ? It’s easy mode anyway.  PvP is the main point of star conflict.”

And again, you have to start trying to comprehend what you are reading

42 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

I think you should star paying more attention to an actual topic when comment on them

Steel said “Vigilant is bad because it is terrible in PvE”

This statement has 2 issues

a) Vigilant is NOT bad in PvE

b) Judging Performance by PvE alone


So that does not make Vigilant bad


3 hours ago, xKostyan said:

And again, you have to start trying to comprehend what you are reading


Yup that was me ^^, but the judging I made on the vigilant was just observation, the result also depend of the pilot! ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)


8 hours ago, Sinaka said:

Actually, you can use the warp reflector warp stream detector the best in pve because there you can have more enemy explosions in close range.

Edit: Warp reflector’s not worth it. Too many modules have too short ranges on the tyrant.

Yes I use the shield module I barely can’t die with it^^

6 hours ago, xKostyan said:

And again, you have to start trying to comprehend what you are reading


But you answered to me, not steel. 

You tried to argument to my “Empire is bad in PvP. PvE doesn’t really count toward balance” with a “it’s not bad in PvE”. 

I just ignored the steel part, because it was out topic.



Anyway, who cares. This discussion is off topic. Let’s end it here. 


To summarize what I think about r14 dessies :

  • Sirius lack content. No weapon, a lazy copy paste for his modifier and the stabilizer is literally a “Must not pick”. But even with the lack of content, it’s totally overpowered like his little brother Antares. It feels like it’s missing content compared to the others. 

  • Tyrant is cool on paper. But his active and special are quite “Meh”. The shield steal bubble would be cool on something like a Sirius, not on a Tyrant (not mobile enough to use it to it’s full potential) and the special is far too restricting. Need some serious tweaks.

  • Vigilant is cool. The design is nice (but would be better without it’s nose). The mine thrower is awesome. Laser is OP for beacon deny. But in the end it seriously lack effectiveness. Fed have a good regen with drones and can freely move on the field. And jericho have a fat regen too with some conditions. You’d expect that empire get something to compensate the “no regen” thing, but nope, only a bit more tank (nothing much), and 7% damage. 



In the end I don’t understand why destroyer aren’t equals in term of content. 

Why a copy paste modifier and no weapon for federation ?

Why Fed/Jericho 4th passive are 1 specific and 2 spread-speed buff, but Empire have 3 unique 4th passives ?

15 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

But you answered to me, not steel. 

You tried to argument to my “Empire is bad in PvP. PvE doesn’t really count toward balance” with a “it’s not bad in PvE”. 

you gotta be kidding me, you cant even scroll up and read your own posts and where i was talking to steel about PvE, about his statement and then you came in with your PvP and replied to me, which made zero sense in the context of the conversation… 


19 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

  • Sirius lack content. No weapon, a lazy copy paste for his modifier and the stabilizer is literally a “Must not pick”. But even with the lack of content, it’s totally overpowered like his little brother Antares. It feels like it’s missing content compared to the others. 

  • Tyrant is cool on paper. But his active and special are quite “Meh”. The shield steal bubble would be cool on something like a Sirius, not on a Tyrant (not mobile enough to use it to it’s full potential) and the special is far too restricting. Need some serious tweaks.

  • Vigilant is cool. The design is nice (but would be better without it’s nose). The mine thrower is awesome. Laser is OP for beacon deny but in the end it seriously lack effectiveness. Fed have a good regen with drones and can freely move on the field. And jericho have a fat regen too with some conditions. You’d expect that empire get something to compensate the “no regen” thing, but nope, only a bit more tank (nothing much), and 7% damage. 

Static Shields, they are awesome - use it.

Tank - Empire get 420k+ survivability from 3x passive tanking slots, Jericho needs 5-6x passives to be on the same level of raw surivability, and at the end they still haev completely different approach at the combat. Feds are only tanking with speed - if does not move around, it dies as fast as a tanky frigate.

Lazers are lazers - they are awesome if person capable to aim them, and “lacking” if not, and I sure hope that most of the good laser users aren’t interested in getting a vigilant for face melting

Speaking of my own experience about the Vigilant, I have been playing it quite a bit now I have to say, it easily competes with the other destroyers if it does not outperform them, the Minelayer is excellent to lock someone down, set traps, make beacon traps or protect yourself against unwanted plasma arcs. Don’t forget, those mines cloak after a short duration.

The tank on this ship is just ridiculous, one dedicated healer and you are truly a flying fortress. I reach over 400k Survability easily while using Crystal Armor adding additional tank in focus situations which I prefer over Armor Plated, Raw Volume and Kinetic which gives you 430k as Kosty stated, but is not as versatile since healing 230k hull is no peanuts. Still 200k with max Resistance build by using just one Armor Plated Hull.

The Laser, it is awesome. Your only real weakness is Destoyer’s Shields, which you can still penetrate by throwing Pyro Emitter, Tempest Launcher, Photon Emitter or Mines at it, it is no real issue. This weapon is versatile and definitely able to take down any ship in seconds. This is based more on skill and if you’re good laser pilot, you are almost immune against any assasination, fighter harassment or similar. The bonus of the Weapon makes it also excellent to screw with balls of ships, which I enjoy.

I am not a big fan of it’s own F module, it is just no competition to speed when you need it or 20% extra damage and go “fortress mode”, I just love it. And Shield Regen when you don’t know what else to do.

Stop judging a ship by just looking at it, you have to play it.