Red Alert: There won't be enough Jericho Tyrant destroyer activators before the event ends!


Date: 11 November 2016

Days left: 11 days

Okay, I checked all the posts from the official staff, since CinnamonFake is one of them.

He’s the one that we trust. If we can’t trust anyone anymore, then it’s over.

Screenshots: (I posted only the most relevant statements, which were perfectly clear.)









Let me remind you, I did farmed every last bit that I could do and I came up with a total of 130 Jericho destroyer activators.

We need exactly 300 Jericho destroyer activators. We got only 11 days left!

170 are still missing!

So, simple math here shows:

11x5 =55 (for sending rank 11 destroyers to war) - MANDATORY, without this you can never obtain enough Jericho destroyer starter components

11x5=55, 11x10=110 (even though it was mostly not even 10, but mostly just 5 Jericho destroyer starter components)

I think that we got 10 components only once per week, but I am not sure about this, so I will not state it as a fact.

110+55= 165+130=295 Jericho destroyer activators!


165+130= 295!

Goal to reach a possible assembly of rank 14 Tyrant destroyer = 300!




Additional funding required…


5 Jericho destroyer starter components missing!

Solution: GS currency investment required!


Video: (How to obtain more Jericho destroyer starter components)




I don’t see a way to get this free with the jericho activator schedule.

The idea bothers me because the Jericho cpu does nothing extra. If it was special I could understand the reasoning behind it. As it is now I just see it as something to increase the impossible grind further. 

Yeap at this point we need at least 15 activator daily average.

Sending dessy is 5 so from now on all Gage mission need to be at least 10. (actually it’s 15,4545 now it was 15 two days ago).

I still believe the green bubbles and Cinnamon, and I hope we will get some plus events for activator or income increase.

There was five 10 and seven 5 from Gage so far.

Definitely annoying, but I personally am not going to even consider T5 destroyers until they are all released at once. This whole event has pissed me off more than anything and it’s all really terrible.


Sure, free stuff is great and all, but when it’s not actually free, it becomes troublesome.

I’ll do the dailies and gage missions just to see what will happen so i know what to expect for the next one, can’t farm all mats for tyrant to make it in time anyway without ignoring real life stuff completely, including bathroom breaks lol

If there aren’t any special missions in the last days that give more activators or we get a chance to grind them, yada yada: Then this is a pay event.

Sure, you get alot of stuff for free, but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth, that you have to pay to for the last mile. I sure hope that won’t be the case, because I can’t be the only one that would dislike such practices.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m very happy for free stuff and the possibility to get a r14 for free is awesome. I’m perfectly fine with the Idea: get one for free and pay for the other two if you want all of 'em, because they’ve to earn money. Just would suck, if they install intentional pay walls on every destroyer and thus not giving a r14 for free but only boosting r8 and r11 production with free materials.

20 minutes ago, X_Xharis said:

If there aren’t any special missions in the last days that give more activators or we get a chance to grind them, yada yada: Then this is a pay event.

Sure, you get alot of stuff for free, but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth, that you have to pay to for the last mile. I sure hope that won’t be the case, because I can’t be the only one that would dislike such practices.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m very happy for free stuff and the possibility to get a r14 for free is awesome. I’m perfectly fine with the Idea: get one for free and pay for the other two if you want all of 'em, because they’ve to earn money. Just would suck, if they install intentional pay walls on every destroyer and thus not giving a r14 for free but only boosting r8 and r11 production with free materials.


Keep in mind, that I actually selected number 10 for daily Broker missions from now on and not 5. If we get less than 10, like 5, then the value will be even lower.

3 minutes ago, Koromac said:

Keep in mind, that I actually selected number 10 for daily Broker missions from now on and not 5. If we get less than 10, like 5, then the value will be even lower.

yeah, almost tried to deny it. For every day that we don’t get 10 from Broker, the pay wall will just get bigger.

Well there’s an error in the calculation we got 10 missions left and 170 missing so the average is 17 now.

I hope they surprise us on the last day, positively ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

They will either just leave it as it is or let us get activators in loot search like they did for electrum in the final week, mark my words it will probably be this^^…

Pretty sure we’ll have to loot them in fights

Meh, Jericho Dessy was only good back on Archon level, tyran does not look like it can have as much impact as feds do. 

Funy, because today we have 15 activators from the mission.

33 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Meh, Jericho Dessy was only good back on Archon level, tyran does not look like it can have as much impact as feds do. 

Probably, but most of people lost the fed one because they were not able to play 6 hours o more to farm the electrum. I missed over 100 eletrum ore playing around 3-4 hours (counting daily quest).


9 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Funy, because today we have 15 activators from the mission.

Like the last weekend.

Reward has been FIX today no worries about activator now ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

6 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

Reward has been FIX today no worries about activator now ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

if it stays at 15 per day from broker, yes. But if i recall correctly, we’ve had 15 last weekend too and under the week it drops back to 5.

10 minutes ago, X_Xharis said:

if it stays at 15 per day from broker, yes. But if i recall correctly, we’ve had 15 last weekend too and under the week it drops back to 5.

We’ve got 20 today, I just hope they will keep it like that. if yes i’ll get the tyrant next week

1 hour ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

We’ve got 20 today, I just hope they will keep it like that. if yes i’ll get the tyrant next week

Oh, great, so those who did the quest after the reset are missing 5 activators? Great…

I still don’t understand why do they reset the days at certain hour and then aply the patchs at another hour, usually 12 hours after the reset more or less.

2 hours ago, jul3sjos3 said:

Oh, great, so those who did the quest after the reset are missing 5 activators? Great…

I still don’t understand why do they reset the days at certain hour and then aply the patchs at another hour, usually 12 hours after the reset more or less.

15 from Quest + 5 from A. Gage