Red Alert: There won't be enough Jericho Tyrant destroyer activators before the event ends!

On 11/17/2016 at 8:03 AM, CinnamonFake said:

They’ll not become useless, and nightingale parts too. All will become handy.

But the nightingale parts are gone. So how will they become useful?

And you have all but confirmed there will not be enough activators.

Jericho destroyer activators: 265 / 300

Days left: 2



3 minutes ago, Koromac said:

Jericho destroyer activators: 265 / 300

Days left: 2



You’ll get 20 tomorrow (Week end), and 15 Monday, for a total of exactly 300.

2 days of 15 plus 5 from gage. Sound be enough right?

I daily completed all Arthur Cage missions - ‘Send destroyers to war!’ and all daily Broker missions and I got a total of 305 destroyer activators today.

Basically excess cap was only 5, so you can only miss one A. Cage mission and not a single mission from the Broker.

Remember, Vigilant daily missions will not stack for 5 days, but only for 2 days, so make sure to complete them all in time!


Sirius will most likely also require 300 Federation destroyer activators, which means that my Guide will need to be updated as well.

Good luck on the next huan ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

The Empire one is tempting :stuck_out_tongue:

5 minutes ago, RennieAshII said:

The Empire one is tempting :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah but the spec mod is kinda wimpy looking/sounding. It’s just a wimpy red water-spout that sounds just like the Pyro Emitter. (Lots of things sound just like the Pyro Emitter…)

And the fact that you have basically no shields means any actives are near useless. The best thing about it is the new main weapon.

Anyone know if a destroyer computing system is made now, from jerico activators, will the dsc be able to be used for the empire destroyer, or only dcs made from empire activators can be used?


assuming the latter, but just checking

Missed out on the Tyrant by one structure. The empire special mods dont sound very impressive. Though I can probably get it when the event ends, I dont want it.

I needed all neos berries and 12 enriched electrums to make the tyrant happen. I even spent another $40 to get as close as I was. To get the remaining materials, I needed 30 more 5x bundles. The bundles never drop more than the minimum for me. Well, maybe not never. Maybe 2 or 3 times in all the hundreds of dollars I have wasted I got more than the minimum. I wonder if anyone else luck is as bad as mine???


So is there going to be a 4th after this? I am not feeling the empire one.

“The Empire mods don’t looks impressive” 

Still better then Jericho and federation mods  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

1 hour ago, Swifter43021 said:

“The Empire mods don’t looks impressive” 

Still better then Jericho and federation mods  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

I have the sirius. It has no special main weapon like the Tyrant or Vigilant. The tyrant has the special kinetic weapon. Vigilant has a special thermal weapon. All of them have the black hole gun. Seems liek The fed ship got shorted on the main weapon choices. Also the fed got shorted on the passive mods as well.

I would have waited for Jericho had they not changed the name of the structure. I was scared I spent all that money for nothing so I made the ship. Now I am feel even more jaded.

2 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

“The Empire mods don’t looks impressive” 

Still better then Jericho and federation mods  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

Indeed, I try the tyrant special module in different situations and I end  up with the conclusion that it’s only useful in 1v1.

Useless in pve

Useless in spec ops

Barely useful in pvp

Pretty nice for predators

This module need a buff, it was supposed to deal at least 4k of dmg at minimum If I remember well, but it actually deal between 1k for interceptor and fighter and 6k for dessy (around 2-3k for frigates) and the amount of regeneration of shield is way too low, plus the range should be higher, 500m more at least.

So yea, a bit broken, I switched back to the old one.

It’s kind of weird how r14 unique stuff are crap. 


I mean, come on, just compare the Empire router to the stabilizer.  ![:facepalm:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/014j.png “:facepalm:”)


The old special module > all unique specials for each r14 destroyers. 

Even vigilant unique special (the beam thing), which is not so bad, will never compete against the 20%damage/45%speed/250 regen permanent buff. 



But in the end, even with by far the worst unique stuff, Sirius > Tyrant/Vigilant because Fed destroyers are OP. 

BTW why is the content for destroyers so “unfair” ?


I mean : 

Sirius get a shared cooler copy paste, a special that you will never ever use because speed buff is a must, an active nerfed to death for no reason at all, and another Shared cooler on his passive.

Tyrant get a railgun with lower range/speed but more damage, a weird special, a cool shield passive but unusable in real fight (too low range), and an active with a really unique mechanic.

 And then there’s Vigilant. Which get a broken lasor (Bye beacons), a really cool cpu and active, a special that you can finally consider using, and 3 unique passives instead of the usual EM/Kinetic buff.

I asked around about Vigilant.

7/10 people told me that it’s a crap, except that it takes longer to die. Low energy, it’s basically a standing, immobile fortress, low damage output, etc.

Maybe we should skip this one and wait for the 4th and exclusive one - special Destroyer - Rank 15, 10 slots?

1 hour ago, Swifter43021 said:


You are welcome

2 hours ago, Koromac said:

I asked around about Vigilant.

7/10 people told me that it’s a crap, except that it takes longer to die. Low energy, it’s basically a standing, immobile fortress, low damage output, etc.

Maybe we should skip this one and wait for the 4th and exclusive one - special Destroyer - Rank 15, 10 slots?

I saw the vigilant in action in pve but it  actually pretty weak It get reckt by turtles, ai dessy, can’t realy do anything to the cruiser, low range… he’s mines are pretty nice but I think that it. i’m really glad  to have the tyrant now, it clearly seems to be the best choice if you are a player the use to play in every game mods.

Waiting to see how the alien dessy will be…

How can a desstroyer  be weak in a PvE i can take r8 dessy and wipe r15 PvE with it, i think you guys are doing some thing wrong.

22 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

How can a desstroyer  be weak in a PvE i can take r8 dessy and wipe r15 PvE with it, i think you guys are doing some thing wrong.

Difficulties and dmg deal are not the same in r8 ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) ! for example, I can 1v1 close combat the cruiser in r8 but in a r14 dessy it’s instant death and sniper are dealing 20k of dmg each, turtles rape any shield off and also directly hit the hull(thx to the tyrant to have this beautiful shield module ^^’) and finaly dessy boss are op you have to be out off he’s range to kill him(i saw I vigilant try to close combat him and get kill in 15 sec) so yea r14 dessy are realy great but compare to the ai buff that nothing ^^!