Recruitment of translators (discussion)

Never heard of any. I have seen the Brazilian ones on the chat from time to time, but rarely any Portuguese. At least that I know of.

Must be the timezone, in my “prime-time” (where we have 400 players online, lol), I always have brazilian teammates, last afternoon/night I played Blackwood with 2 portugese guys that were in squad, I even asked them where are they from :stuck_out_tongue:


Hablo Espanol!  :005j:


fixed that for you.


¡Hablo español! would actually be the correct sentence xD




btw you fuckers talking about the lower case thing and everyone forgets that we also open exclamations with “¡”

btw you fuckers talking about the lower case thing and everyone forgets that we also open exclamations with “¡”

Unknown symbols for most of the world: “¿” and “¡” ^^

Unknown symbols for most of the world: “¿” and “¡” ^^

The first time I saw them, I thought I was going nuts… “Why… Why is this here, wth, I don’t even… WHAT SORCERY IS THIS, HOW DO YOU EVEN!!..” and then I understood.

The first time I saw them, I thought I was going nuts… “Why… Why is this here, wth, I don’t even… WHAT SORCERY IS THIS, HOW DO YOU EVEN!!..” and then I understood.

Don’t worry, 80% of the hispanic population of the world (or even more) doesn’t even know how, when or why to use them. We have ignorants to spare.

Anyways, our lenguague is too rich and complicated, and sometimes I hate that, specially now: It’s a pain in the back to translate the game u.u

Don’t worry, 80% of the hispanic population of the world (or even more) doesn’t even know how, when or why to use them. We have ignorants to spare.

Anyways, our lenguague is too rich and complicated, and sometimes I hate that, specially now: It’s a pain in the back to translate the game u.u

I’m ok with translating from English to Portuguese. There aren’t that many complex words or phrasings…

I’m ok with translating from English to Portuguese. There aren’t that many complex words or phrasings…

Translation into Polish should not be hard too, except for weapon names, as we don’t have exact word for railgun or singularity (what means “something weird”).

Translation into Polish should not be hard too, except for weapon names, as we don’t have exact word for railgun or singularity (what means “something weird”).

How about…

  • Zero-Point Cannon

  • Mass Cannon

  • Blue Ball Cannon

Translation into Polish should not be hard too, except for weapon names, as we don’t have exact word for railgun or singularity (what means “something weird”).

Well, if you check the history and background of the “Railguns” you’ll find that they’re cannon that works with rails, so I’m positive you’ll find words to translate it. Surely you’ll have a hard time with others names, specially “Gunship”, but it can be done. What I did was a research on every single term, break down the words, and make the translation. There are a couple of interesting websites (in english) to check those things out, so if you need a hand, I’ll be glad to help.

For Railgun, try considering it’s tech: it’s a cannon / gun that uses magnetism rather than kinetic propellant. If all else fails, aim to capture the spirit of the weapon. Assault Railguns can become Assault Cannons; Singularity Cannons could be “reality tearers”, or “plasma ball launchers” if you want to go by visual guides.

It’s probably worth noting the names are already sporting artistic licence; singularity cannons clearly don’t fire singularities (although the idea of a fighter that fires black holes is an epic one!), and coil mortars cannot possibly be mortars because they fire over sights and not indirectly like mortars are supposed to.

About the Coil Mortar you’re right, and you don’t know how silly it sounds in spanish (“Mortero de Bobina”, lol), but by knowing how the weapon works in-game, you can make a very approximate translation and make it sound WAY better (“Mortero de Repetición”).

The best approach is trying to find a name that can mantain the meaning, as such, sometimes you need to use synonyms or variants. It’s a tedious and hard work, but it’s worth it.

To be fair, “coil mortar” is likely referring to coilgun - a weapon that uses electromagnetism but differently to a railgun. “Coil mortar” just makes the gun sound weightier.

About the Coil Mortar you’re right, and you don’t know how silly it sounds in spanish (“Mortero de Bobina”, lol), but by knowing how the weapon works in-game, you can make a very approximate translation and make it sound WAY better (“Mortero de Repetición”).

The best approach is trying to find a name that can mantain the meaning, as such, sometimes you need to use synonyms or variants. It’s a tedious and hard work, but it’s worth it.

This is pretty much what I’d do because there are no translations for Railgun, Gunship, Tackler, etc, etc…


To be fair, “coil mortar” is likely referring to coilgun - a weapon that uses electromagnetism but differently to a railgun. “Coil mortar” just makes the gun sound weightier.

It’s a Mortar that shoots proximity shells.

Technically, the coil mortar is an Electromagnetic Rail that shoot fragmentation shells.

It’s exactly the same thing than other railgun in the game. (other railguns shoot Piercing shells or standard shells)

No one use a percussive system. 

Well, “Tackler” is easy to do, because Rugby is pretty common everywhere, and “tacklear” (to tackle) is a used verb, so “Tackleador” is perfectly fine :stuck_out_tongue:


Technically, the coil mortar is an Electromagnetic Rail that shoot fragmentation shells.

It’s exactly the same thing than other railgun in the game. (other railguns shoot Piercing shells or standard shells)

No one use a percussive system. 

And that’s why I keep the “mortar” part of it when translating, because it reproduces an actual mortar, but firing a hell lot more of shots.

If you translate Tackler in french, you gonna have a bad time.

If you translate Tackler in french, you gonna have a bad time.

Yeah, I know, you already told me so via Skype.

Well, “Tackler” is easy to do, because Rugby is pretty common everywhere, and “tacklear” (to tackle) is a used verb, so “Tackleador” is perfectly fine :stuck_out_tongue:

Nooo…  That is just every kind of wrong…

Nooo…  That is just every kind of wrong…

Nope, it’s accepted by the RAE as a “barbarism/americanism”. In Spain’s Spanish might be wrong, but in Castellano (the most spoken Spanish worldwide) is perfectly fine.

Nope, it’s accepted by the RAE as a “barbarism/americanism”. In Spain’s Spanish might be wrong, but in Castellano (the most spoken Spanish worldwide) is perfectly fine.

Nope. If I can manage, I’m gonna NOT use any butchered foreign words.