Recons are weak

recons need buff badly. please do it.

yes please buff me… strongest brawler in game needs a buff. :slight_smile:

How about a class bonus. Something like -% spread or more range. It’s not raw damage but it would help.

recons need buff badly. please do it.

lol what

lol what


pretty please ?


* recon is my only T5 interceptor but that has nothing to do with the need to buff them. honest.

Recons are under scrutiny because they are not “Damage dealers” 


There actual usage is really only utility within a team. But with the current game meta on NOT promoting team work, then they would indeed seem useless.


Recons, in them of themselves are not supposed to dogfight but to assist helping others dogfight.


The only complaint I have with them is that they should all have a higher base speed and be the only class that can reach 700m/s in T5 with out external modules. I just want them to have more speed, as that is there role.  

i agree with the poster above.

New module: Nanite Swarm


Ability: Destroy 2% of targeted ship’s hull per second, for 30 second. Bypass shield and resistance.


Cooldown: 90secs


Activation Range: 500m


Change it to “destroy 2% of current hull” instead of “destroy 2% of the total hull” and we are good to go.

Recons, in them of themselves are not supposed to dogfight but to assist helping others dogfight.

Parasitic remodulator and slowing missiles say you’ve got it woefully wrong.

Recons are under scrutiny because they are not “Damage dealers” 


There actual usage is really only utility within a team. But with the current game meta on NOT promoting team work, then they would indeed seem useless.


Recons, in them of themselves are not supposed to dogfight but to assist helping others dogfight.


The only complaint I have with them is that they should all have a higher base speed and be the only class that can reach 700m/s in T5 with out external modules. I just want them to have more speed, as that is there role.  

Empire recon qith 700m/s? No thanks.

recons need buff badly. please do it.


Not sure if sarcasm, or honest opinion, as JP has a very good point:



Recons are under scrutiny because they are not “Damage dealers” 


There actual usage is really only utility within a team. But with the current game meta on NOT promoting team work, then they would indeed seem useless.


Recons, in them of themselves are not supposed to dogfight but to assist helping others dogfight.


The only complaint I have with them is that they should all have a higher base speed and be the only class that can reach 700m/s in T5 with out external modules. I just want them to have more speed, as that is there role.  


Apart from acting as a scout, what exactly is the role of the recon? I’m not sure if the game has properly defined this, since they are IMO the most versatile inty, and possible the most versatile ship.

recons need buff badly. please do it.

yeah and gunships too…





yeah and gunships too…





Don’t forget guards. They need 6 turrets ASAP!

Recons do not need a buff - they need a special anti-stupidity paint applied that stops bad pilots using them.


This is pretty much the problem with most of the ships in game; the idiot sat at the keyboard.

Recons do not need a buff - they need a special anti-stupidity paint applied that stops bad pilots using them.


This is pretty much the problem with most of the ships in game; the idiot sat at the keyboard.

Don’t lose focus. LRFs are your enemy. :wink:

True. The difference between them is that in the hands of a bad pilot the Recon is merely underpowered. but underpowered things can still play a part. In the hands of a bad pilot, the Long Range Frigate isn’t even taking part in the match.


I’m just saying, on top there’s you, and then there’s Batman… In that order! Oh! Snap! You’re BATMAN!

So you went after me 5times… 4times you died and 5th time you got me with help?


*note to self* Hunt “Noobtrain1”, HE is target no.1.

no, u killed me 3 times i think. And 2 times i was carrying the bomb. How was i supposed to know u were aiming at me? I had 5 people chasing after me and someone had coils so i couldnt see the laser. And the other time everdylost was chasing after someone on his valor and i was shioting at him, but ur teammates were shooting at ME. And u finished me off with positron i call that a kill steal :lol: also, i was playing a match and we were on the same team, but when i bumped into ur ship (by accedent of course) u thought it was a covt ops or something and u activates minelayer for nothing :lol: we will have a contest, whoever kills the other person first wins :taunt: u vs me Tillo

I don’t think recons need any kinds of buff. So what if you can’t get kills like a cov ops, not like anyone can kill a recon if they were set on not dying.


Just load up on multipurpose, eke out killsteals, warp away when remotely threatened, and farm up that DSR like a pro. 

I don’t think recons need any kinds of buff. So what if you can’t get kills like a cov ops, not like anyone can kill a recon if they were set on not dying.

Just load up on multipurpose, eke out killsteals, warp away when remotely threatened, and farm up that DSR like a pro.

you mean like bring out my pulse laser build that had 4000m range? :lol:

Combat Recon I had today I was Cap and saw a few Recons buzzing in alone, only to get shut down and blown up. People forget that Microwarp leaves you vulnerable for a few moments…

I stand by the belief that the Recon class is a wingman ship - alone it’s not that good, but when paired up with almost anyone it’s a brutal addition to the team.