Recons are weak

The Recon is not a direct-damage ship; it is a force multiplier.

Spy Drone an Engi who’s being Bubbled by your allied Gunship and his healing is cut in half, forcing him to flee sooner or, better yet, causing him to die. Paracite a Guard’s shields and that’s 5-6k shield energy lost where his resistances can’t reduce damage, making him easier prey for others. Micro / Spy Drone a bomb carrier so your team knows where he’s trying to plant. Micro / Spy Drone a Tackler or CovOps to give your Engi more warning of an imminent attack. Microwarp to a 1v1 inty duel and force the enemy to disengage.

Your role as Recon is to empower your allies. You are their eyes and ears; show them the enemy’s weaknesses, reveal the enemy’s ploys, and focus where you are most needed. A good Recon doesn’t get a lot of kills, but he causes a lot of deaths.

I am amazed by all the different ideas people get about the recon, the once so feared one-ship-army, who could kill captains shortly after spawn…


Fed Recons are fast, Empire Recons sturdy; they have more manouverability than an ECM


All the Recons lost is their ceptor-ceptor-dps, specially empire, because of the shrapnel nerf. drones are still somewhat useful, as are microlocators. locators also are tanky enough to be a good distraction.


Recons have either slowing missiles or mines, and both are pretty useful. They also have better chances taking out a single frigate like a sniper or guard, because they can tank the pulsar, or some ships like the swarm have immense Thermal Resistance for sniper-mines (and their own mines).


It is also the most versatile survivor ship, if you are an escapist weasel who needs DSR to back up his credibility in QQing.


Every ceptor pilot should spend some time in Recons. Dogfighting in a Recon is much more “dirty” than in other classes, making it ideal for rogue players.


i wonder if you could theoretically thud an enemy warping in with laying a microlocator btw.

you know you want to +1 that … do eet

Insta kill button vs all interceptors and most fighters? Sounds good… oh wait, I fly them. No way!

New module: Nanite Swarm


Ability: Destroy 2% of targeted ship’s hull per second, for 30 second. Bypass shield and resistance.


Cooldown: 90secs


Activation Range: 500m


Hah you changed from 10 secs to 30 secs. It’s like the comeback of the old SpyDrones, but with damage also! No ship can cloak/hide for 30 seconds, while also taking damage. Let’s neuter Tacklers again.

Go back where you came from you hell spawn :slight_smile:

It is also the most versatile survivor ship, if you are an escapist weasel who needs DSR to back up his credibility in QQing.


Every ceptor pilot should spend some time in Recons. Dogfighting in a Recon is much more “dirty” than in other classes, making it ideal for rogue players.


And I thought ECMs were ‘dirty’ and sturdy…


Hah you changed from 10 secs to 30 secs. It’s like the comeback of the old SpyDrones, but with damage also! No ship can cloak/hide for 30 seconds, while also taking damage. Let’s neuter Tacklers again.

Go back where you came from you hell spawn :slight_smile:


I agree. Don’t touch me tacklers. 

I honestly just saw a wall of text and zoned out. Ate a sandwich while I stared at it. Drank a glass of Dr. Pepper, still staring at a wall of text… Looked at the title and said… ARE YOU INSAIN? Recons rock… That is all!

I honestly just saw a wall of text and zoned out. Ate a sandwich while I stared at it. Drank a glass of Dr. Pepper, still staring at a wall of text… Looked at the title and said… ARE YOU INSAIN? Recons rock… That is all!

uh, i dont really know what to do with them… Get objectives? Get kills? Help other people get kills even tho they are

Ok… So I actually went back and read it this time. First - Tillo kills anything in his field of vision so it has nothing to do with how or what you were flying. That’s just how he roll :slight_smile:

I think you are coming at recon from the wrong perspective. In recon you have a few advantages that other ships lack. Your best friends are mines and cloak. Try this… Get in range of a guard to use your leach… Avoid his fire while you drain a bit of his shields. Watch your timing because at this point he will hit his pulsar. Get out of its range before your drain is done… Once his pulsar is finished hit cloak and fly right for the front of his ship. Bam… Drop you mine right on his nose and keep going until you are behind him… Spin around and open up with your plasma… Wham… No more frig…, lay your beacon… Warp out and recharge while you hunt for your next victim…

Good hunting!

verall i think its just a HORRIBLE ship i dont know why but the other types of inties just seem so much better i was playing on swarm or diamond dwarf i dont remember and i died 4 times (apparently all the deaths i had were by T illo) thx T illo -_- i usually only die 0-1 times per battle and i DONT cower behind asteroids to save my SR. So there is something wrong with that ship. So the point is: that ship cant do and it needs rebalancing

np :) 


Ok… So I actually went back and read it this time. First - Tillo kills anything in his field of vision so it has nothing to do with how or what you were flying. That’s just how he roll :slight_smile:

No, I don’t.



Recons are fun but have low dps… they are just get in → drop mine → deal some dmg → cap bacon → deal some dmg → GTFO


I’m just saying, on top there’s you, and then there’s Batman… In that order! Oh! Snap! You’re BATMAN!

np :slight_smile:

No, I don’t.


Recons are fun but have low dps… they are just get in → drop mine → deal some dmg → cap bacon → deal some dmg → GTFO

i did kill u once in that match i remember but i had to use like 4 piercing missles, how do u have so much resistance? It only did like 1300 dmg per missle while any other person i hit does 2000-3000. By the way ur minelayer didnt work on me :taunt: i knew that was coming so i stayed back :lol:

i did kill u once in that match i remember but i had to use like 4 piercing missles, how do u have so much resistance? It only did like 1300 dmg per missle while any other person i hit does 2000-3000. By the way ur minelayer didnt work on me :taunt: i knew that was coming so i stayed back :lol:

So you went after me 5times… 4times you died and 5th time you got me with help?



*note to self* Hunt “Noobtrain1”, HE is target no.1.


I’m just saying, on top there’s you, and then there’s Batman… In that order! Oh! Snap! You’re BATMAN!


Or he is on top of Batman, which is an scene i don’t want to imagine.

Or he is on top of Batman, which is an scene i don’t want to imagine.

I’m always on top! :taunt:   and yes YOU want to imagine that!

Thread topic conclusions = Recons are weak. Please do something about there effectiveness in battles! 

Thread topic conclusions = Recons are weak. Please do something about there effectiveness in battles!

that is your own conclusion and not of this thread

that is your own conclusion and not of this thread


that is your own conclusion and not of this thread

Don’t interrupt him when he’s on a sugar high. Who knows what might happen…

Don’t interrupt him when he’s on a sugar high. Who knows what might happen…


Wise words indeed. 

recons need buff badly. please do it.