Rebalancing Strengths with ship Tier..


AE_MartyG021486_  Last Saturday at 01:53

I think this game is a NICE game but its one of the most unbalanced games ever made; and I think the devs have done a bad job in that, likewise. WHO EVER thought that making interceptors at T5 stronger than frigates was a great way to balance the game is just wrong about it.

Let me explain further… 

(((Small ships: ECM, Recon, Covert Ops; 

Medium: Gunships, Command, Tackler; 

Frigates: Long Range, Guard, Engineering)))



*Tier 1: 

Interceptors or any other smaller and fast ships are weak and slower but still faster than medium ships but weaker than frights

Small ships - weak 

Medium ships - mild 

Frigates ships - a bit over mild or just about strong


*Tier 2

Small Ships - less weak but more effective that b4 

Medium ships - a bit over medium but balanced

Frigates ships - strong at this point


*Tier 3

Small Ships - getting fast more effective and strong (dealing damage) within tier not that weak 

Medium ships - same getting more effective 

Frigates ships - stronger but and some what equal to other type of ships


*Tier 4

Small Ships - got stronger than last tier from ships within tier in comparison 

Medium ships - strong from within against frigates only 

Frigates ships - stronger but weakening against medium and small ships


*Tier 5

Small ships - got way too OP way too strong and way too much resistance with more damage in comparison against the same tier and any other tier in damage ratios. Way too many modules that make them better. Way too fast too to even get hit by frigates. Their missiles are way too strong in comparison to damage per second especially against any frigate even guards they heal way too fast too faster than any other type of ship.

Medium ships - got way too strong too and resist way too much heal fast but too.

Frigate ships - stronger that previous tiers but weak as hell against small and medium ships. They have little resistance like previous tiers. they are way too slow. they heal fast but not that fast according to the damage ratio from a small or medium ship and dont match up with the balancing against smaller and medium ships

In over all that is a messed up balancing of the game.

#Attached is a graph I made to better understand what I’m trying to explain (to illustrate the current “balance”) which I say is unfair balance. Like the strengths and effectiveness flipped and by a big difference which makes it so unfair for us frigate players and lovers.

Don’t get me wrong, I like the game… its very nice and has nice graphics but the game balancing is not so good and not to mention the MatchMaking, that is frustrating and don’t make sense why it would be made this way…


AE_MartyG021486_  Last Saturday at 02:07


The reason I have noticed this is because I have played the same players I play against on Tier 5 also in Tier 2 and 3; and yes I have noticed the differences among ship strengths and if you see me in Tier 3 I’m not a bad player I’m actually a killer with usually 10+ kills. Same players I play in T5 seem like pros or OP but in T3 they are good players but not that good that I can waste their life faster and kill them over and over with my frigates.


AE_MartyG021486_  Last Saturday at 02:09

Yes I do get killed in T3 too but at least I go with the satisfaction that I did something and not just died for nothing. My skill rate is usually around 1380-1550 and currently at 1432 depending on what happens to my teams. -_-





AE_MartyG021486_ Today at 02:43

Here is more feedback on just some random chat that proves it’s not only me who thinks this, but this is also another player’s feedback.

Wall of text.

I think you are wrong. In fact, interceptor effectiveness decreases with the tiers. In tier 2 and tier 3 they are borderline OP, in tier 4 and tier 5 they are balanced, and power is switched to frigates. Fighters are usually well balanced across tiers, with a bit of lacking in tier 5.


Frigates on the other hand, get better every tier. In tier 1 they are crap, and in tier 2 they still lack survivability, but from tier 3 in advance, they finally have enough passives to be the death machines they are. Bringing down a well played Inquisitor S or Trex Mk2 in tier 5 is a really difficult feat to any lone interceptor player.


Your main problem seems to be that in tier 5 you keep playing like you play in tier 3.

I think you are wrong. In fact, interceptor effectiveness decreases with the tiers. In tier 2 and tier 3 they are borderline OP, in tier 4 and tier 5 they are balanced, and power is switched to frigates. Fighters are usually well balanced across tiers, with a bit of lacking in tier 5.


Frigates on the other hand, get better every tier. In tier 1 they are crap, and in tier 2 they still lack survivability, but from tier 3 in advance, they finally have enough passives to be the death machines they are. Bringing down a well played Inquisitor S or Trex Mk2 in tier 5 is a really difficult feat to any lone interceptor player.


Your main problem seems to be that in tier 5 you keep playing like you play in tier 3.


Nope I think you are wrong… I think you need to play T5 frigates more in both PvP and Sector Conquest and the come back and let me know who dies faster and who is stronger from Inties and Frigates. Believe me I have Tried them and inties at T5 are way more OP and harder to kill due to more resistances which Frigates dont have (they have the same resistance or close to it from T4 and T4’s are weak to T5s). Frigates at T5 lack ‘resistances’ which makes them easier to kill with a few unguided missiles from an interceptor. 

Nope I think you are wrong… I think you need to play T5 frigates more in both PvP and Sector Conquest and the come back and let me know who dies faster and who is stronger from Inties and Frigates.

I do play Archdragon and TRex in SQ games, and I have all the ships in the game with full synergy, so trust me, I know what I’m saying.


Interceptors are better for playing alone because they have GTFO capabilities that most frigates lack, so you can die less if you are caught out of position. But frigates are more powerful.

I do play Archdragon and TRex in SQ games, and I have all the ships in the game with full synergy, so trust me, I know what I’m saying.


Interceptors are better for playing alone because they have GTFO capabilities that most frigates lack, so you can die less if you are caught out of position. But frigates are more powerful.

Some ships like the TRex are ok due to their good mobility but slower ships tend to die faster and cause less damage. Also I am counting and talking about the frigate weapons that seem to be harder to hit a target if you are not using lasers or other fast projectile weapon. So yea its still unbalance due to the interceptors being more faster and having better resistance not to mention the other ships that have disabling modules that can leave you standing for a while and then kill you just for that. Frigates die faster when they seem like they are sitting ducks lol especially when you get a swarm of 3-5 inties.

Use both Inquisitors and see the differences

Use both Inquisitors and see the differences

As I said, I have used all the inquisitor range (LRF included) And the two guards are incredibly strong if you fit them well.


And btw, OF COURSE your frigate will die to a 5 inty swarm, but it will also die to 3 frigates and 4 fighters. We are talking 1 vs 1. Saying that your frigate MUST survive against 5 interceptors classifies you as I thought, a frigate player who loved being OP in tier 3 (most likely in a styx or a Crus S) and suddenly, he is dying to better players in high tiers.


You may request advice, but you will find hard time here if you think you know everything and demand the game rebalanced just because you don’t know how to play.

Meet my Archdragon, slow, big…

But kills everything.

Inty’s are weak? Lol.

Fighters… I just say Gunship.

Eh, the play style jumps GREATLY in T4/5. 

  1. Smaller games. You need the power of teamwork to get through most of the time.

  2. Implants play a large role

  3. Did I say team work? Yes, when you are in game, choose a ship that compliments your team. As some combinations are deadly, others, not so much. 

  4. Please don’t make a judgement, and then demand change. I see a lot of information left out. Like what timezone you play in, where you play, and what ships you play as. 

  5. T5 is where the big boys play, and thank goodness you have yet to face a real dedicated “Kill Squad” As they take the balance and throw it out the window. 

Even with my Falcon-M purpled it takes another ship to down a good guard ship. I lost a SC match the other day because my team couldn’t beat a team of guards with engineer backup. Every time I took down the engineer ship, another frikkin one appeared.


I was the only damage dealer on my side…


Guards and engineers are nuts good.


I only hit ECMs before an engineer ship. Then ONLY because it will stop be from taking out the engineer ship.


Torps kill ALL of my ships in one hit. They kill four guard drones in one hit from the map away.

If good teamwork can help my T3 frig survive and win T5 (loadout Q error don’t ask) I would say it’s pretty well balanced.

A frigate is not made to 1v1 or 1v2  those little pests. You should not be caught out alone or you will be melted in 2 seconds

frankly in any tier. It’s just much more noticeable in the higher tiers because you get more attention from players

and teams who know what they are doing. know what each ship can do and use it accordingly.


And yes I fly an engie , I am aggressive, I do go where is shouldn’t often, and usually when I do I die. I don’t blame the game for that I blame myself.

If good teamwork can help my T3 frig survive and win T5 (loadout Q error don’t ask) I would say it’s pretty well balanced.

A frigate is not made to 1v1 or 1v2  those little pests. You should not be caught out alone or you will be melted in 2 seconds

frankly in any tier. It’s just much more noticeable in the higher tiers because you get more attention from players

and teams who know what they are doing. know what each ship can do and use it accordingly.


And yes I fly an engie , I am aggressive, I do go where is shouldn’t often, and usually when I do I die. I don’t blame the game for that I blame myself.


Hey, you need to ease your output on Space Bandaids. I know you want to help, but an engineer is a good engineer if he alive! 

Hey, you need to ease your output on Space Bandaids. I know you want to help, but an engineer is a good engineer if he alive! 

But it’s sooooooooooooooooooo tempting. Especially when my team is doing well. I like to stretch the boundaries and see what stupid move I might be able to get away with :slight_smile:

As I said, I have used all the inquisitor range (LRF included) And the two guards are incredibly strong if you fit them well.


And btw, OF COURSE your frigate will die to a 5 inty swarm, but it will also die to 3 frigates and 4 fighters. We are talking 1 vs 1. Saying that your frigate MUST survive against 5 interceptors classifies you as I thought, a frigate player who loved being OP in tier 3 (most likely in a styx or a Crus S) and suddenly, he is dying to better players in high tiers.


You may request advice, but you will find hard time here if you think you know everything and demand the game rebalanced just because you don’t know how to play.


 THE SAME PLAYERs that play in T5 go back to T3 how can they be better in T5 and not in T3. Now i dont know if you being ignorant or not but I did say that they are the same players from T5 that play in T3 and they dont seem that much better players. By you telling “I dont know how to play” are you f^&%* kidding man like seriously you need to watch what you are saying. You can’t just come and insult people like you are some kind of king…  But anyways REREAD my very first post and I did mention they are the same players. You are missing detail. Wish you come on T3 against me and see “how good you are” then come on T5 and you’ll see the difference. I wont be able to even kill you in T5 thats for sure.

Go ahead and ask FocusedRISK, TerranDragon, Russianderp1, TeslaRifle, Zee, Recoil, Hellionexus, SapientDust and more but go ahead and ask them if i’m the Ace player you assume to think I am when playing T3 but if they see me in T5 I kinda suck and my ship load outs are also good and have been upgraded too and at first I thought it was because they werent elite ships but now they are and they are kinda sucky still. 


Man I have come up against a lightbringer and without any help it can take my LRF and my LRFs are equiped good. Also on my Inquisitor S (which is equip good it will last longer but since its slower it wont be able to defend much since T5s are way faster and now even have that module that disables Pulsar. So yea tell me about  that now… I know what you mean that they are strong yes they are strong that they last longer but the damage they do isnt enough compared to the smaller ships.

Sorry if I get you mad man but I’m just stating my side from what I have experienced.

Eh, the play style jumps GREATLY in T4/5. 

  1. Smaller games. You need the power of teamwork to get through most of the time.

  2. Implants play a large role

  3. Did I say team work? Yes, when you are in game, choose a ship that compliments your team. As some combinations are deadly, others, not so much. 

  4. Please don’t make a judgement, and then demand change. I see a lot of information left out. Like what timezone you play in, where you play, and what ships you play as. 

  5. T5 is where the big boys play, and thank goodness you have yet to face a real dedicated “Kill Squad” As they take the balance and throw it out the window. 

Thats right it requires a team effort and usually slower ships are left behind and get killed by a swarm or even by one Lightbringer. lol

If good teamwork can help my T3 frig survive and win T5 (loadout Q error don’t ask) I would say it’s pretty well balanced.

A frigate is not made to 1v1 or 1v2  those little pests. You should not be caught out alone or you will be melted in 2 seconds

frankly in any tier. It’s just much more noticeable in the higher tiers because you get more attention from players

and teams who know what they are doing. know what each ship can do and use it accordingly.


And yes I fly an engie , I am aggressive, I do go where is shouldn’t often, and usually when I do I die. I don’t blame the game for that I blame myself.

Man, seriously T3 is not the same as T5… I can survive 1v1 or 1v2 on a T3 frigate, trust me on that you can see me in battle. But on T5 when its 1v1 or worst against a 1v2 its impossible due to more damage dealt and more maneuverability from smaller ships and thats not even including their defense modules and resistances. It can’t be “balanced” enough if firgs only get more HP and SP but have close the the same resistance from previous tiers, like extremely close to the same.

There are those that understand the game and those that think that they understand the game. The later are the worst, rather than attempt to learn from community experience they come by and start stating their knowledge and would not accept anything else that goes against their self beliefs. You, my friend is the later, i have read your original post multiple time, and every other sentence clearly shows that you did not reach Dzen of the game yet, you should not be stating facts, but rather ask why, what and hows. The sooner your ego accept that, well, the faster you start becoming better.


Ok oh wise xKostyan… I accept and, what should I be asking and how should I ask it?? 

Don’t really understand what you meant but oh well that is not even a fact or something that can be proven. I at least got some feed back from someone else. And not only by him but from other players too and they seem right to tell me that frigs get raped or you won’t last in a frig in T5. 


I think you are just mad because of that other time in the map “The Source” when you tried to kill me many times and tried to sneak up on my LRF Ira Deus lol in T3 that you even came to me since the battle started but you fail to kill me and you came cloaked and I still saw you and killed you lol.

When I see you guys in T3 I will RUB it in your faces when you see me with high efficiency. But if I see you in T5 you will see how bad frigs do which is why most players use Recon or ECM ships and a few Gunships like the Lightbringer. 

Just pay attention and you will notice how many of those show up. Its the DAMAGE DEALT from T5 ships that is unbalanced or even if its balanced its the speed and resistances that help smaller ships so however you see it its one way or the other. I have seen inties make like 3k damage and frigs only making 400 damage. lol  And you guys say its fairly balanced in T5.

Even with my Falcon-M purpled it takes another ship to down a good guard ship. I lost a SC match the other day because my team couldn’t beat a team of guards with engineer backup. Every time I took down the engineer ship, another frikkin one appeared.


I was the only damage dealer on my side…


Guards and engineers are nuts good.


I only hit ECMs before an engineer ship. Then ONLY because it will stop be from taking out the engineer ship.


Torps kill ALL of my ships in one hit. They kill four guard drones in one hit from the map away.

Good feedback there… I see what you mean. :slight_smile:

Man, seriously T3 is not the same as T5… I can survive 1v1 or 1v2 on a T3 frigate, trust me on that you can see me in battle. But on T5 when its 1v1 or worst against a 1v2 its impossible due to more damage dealt and more maneuverability from smaller ships and thats not even including their defense modules and resistances. It can’t be “balanced” enough if firgs only get more HP and SP but have close the the same resistance from previous tiers, like extremely close to the same.

Never said T3 and T5 were the same.


The matches are smaller though so if you are prone to getting out of position in T3 you have help form 9 other people. in T5 you may only have 2 or 3.

I have also found that changing implants and resists is vital. Stuff that worked in T3 will not necessarily work in T5.  I’m not trying to be rude or act like I know more or that I know a lot.

I am trying to share what I have seen.