Rebalancing Strengths with ship Tier..

Please post your ingame name and timezone. I’m willing to see your performance.

Please post your ingame name and timezone. I’m willing to see your performance.


If you want to waste your time for me fine.  :015j:


  • (GMT - 6:00 Hours) Central USA Time…

Never said T3 and T5 were the same.


The matches are smaller though so if you are prone to getting out of position in T3 you have help form 9 other people. in T5 you may only have 2 or 3.

I have also found that changing implants and resists is vital. Stuff that worked in T3 will not necessarily work in T5.  I’m not trying to be rude or act like I know more or that I know a lot.

I am trying to share what I have seen.

yea I understand man 

Here are some results in T3 and i’m the one that don’t know how to play according to some people… Check the efficiency and what ships I used, yes they were frigates. Don’t worry I’ll put more if you want where it shows some of you big mouths lol 


When I see you guys in T3 I will RUB it in your faces when you see me with high efficiency. But if I see you in T5 you will see how bad frigs do which is why most players use Recon or ECM ships and a few Gunships like the Lightbringer. 

Just pay attention and you will notice how many of those show up. Its the DAMAGE DEALT from T5 ships that is unbalanced or even if its balanced its the speed and resistances that help smaller ships so however you see it its one way or the other. I have seen inties make like 3k damage and frigs only making 400 damage. lol  And you guys say its fairly balanced in T5.


As an experienced veteran, I would like to point out a simple fact, or statement. SR means nothing. Why do I say this? Its not an accurate measure of skill, but more of in game way of saying “Yeah, I died less then the average player.” 


Also dont forget to ALWAYS focus that everyone’s ships is different, have different modules, and have different quality of modules. Also there is a large amount of play styles in T4/5 and each ship can be out fittied according to what the team or player wants. For instance, if you see a frigate with negative resistance, STAY AWAY FROM THAT DUDE. Why? He is adaptive shield tanking. If you see a light bringer coming close for no reason, RUN AWAY! He has bubble guns that have the ammo that increase damage by 33%. These are only some of the situations that come with playing t4/5. But you will be more akeen to learn and prevail when you practice and spend more time in the game. 



If you want to waste your time for me fine.  :015j:


  • (GMT - 6:00 Hours) Central USA Time…



Guess who has you on follow? This guy. 


Do you really think this is any impressive or prove of being good? Than reread my paragraph about self delusions. If you would want to show off you would post something of this sort, but even then, those more on a “meh” side:


or maybe something like this (that is a sector conquest)



In any case, for showing off, this is the place: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20198-best-scores/)


I stopped reading your post when you said that in T1 Frigates are stronger than Fighters or Interceptors.


Wait, they HAVE frigates in T1?! Thats sarcasm btw. But yikes…

Frigates can be quite strong in T1 to be fair. Last time I was down there I remember getting really annoyed at how the Raptors could soak up volley after volley of railgun slugs and just refuse to die!

Raptors are the second easiest frags in T1, after Axes

Well I can only speak from experience, and given that I don’t play T1 much these days the Raptor is the only ship I can recall that didn’t seem to explode when I coughed loudly into my headset.

Do you really think this is any impressive or prove of being good? Than reread my paragraph about self delusions. If you would want to show off you would post something of this sort, but even then, those more on a “meh” side:



Well then why do you always attack me in T3 and fail like, either you love me and stocking me or you know i’ll kick xxxx. lol 

Personally man idc… I have seen you on battle and yea you play good but you know I will make a challenge, espeacially on T3 which is why I’m going back to my point that in T5 even though I have my modules figured out it still feels way different and easy for my ships to die faster, whether its a 1v1 (inty vs. guard) or 1v3 it dont make any difference the guards ships feel weaker either way… in their respected tiers. 

Wait, they HAVE frigates in T1?! Thats sarcasm btw. But yikes…



Yess they do man… lol 

See what I mean? I know my frigates and you can ask around from people that have battle against me. :smiley:

Yes I see your sarcasm lol

Well then why do you always attack me in T3 and fail like, either you love me and stocking me or you know i’ll kick xxxx. lol 

Personally man idc… I have seen you on battle and yea you play good but you know I will make a challenge,

Don’t flatter yourself, If you are out of position or in my way i will go and attack, there are not that many people on my list that i know i have to keep busy for my team to stand a chance, you are not on it since i can’t even remember your name. I think i remember some whining from after i killed you couple times, but maybe it wasn’t you. 


Do you know what the Win/Loss Ratio is??? 


Yes, its Win/Loss you dumb butt… in case you forgot win/loss consists of a team effort in order to get a win. ONE alone cant win a battle in more that 50% of the time. You’ll be lucky if you win a battle for a team of Aces which i have but can’t always do so. 

That is another excuse bad players make: “oh it is a team game, nothing i can do”. If you are so familiar with how i play - How often do you see me playing even in 2 man squad? - pretty much never, because in that time it is nigh impossible to find games in any squad size, and that is the only time i play. For the most part i only play in Sec Con as a squad and 90% of my Random PvP are solo now. Now go check my win ratio, obviously i am either cheating or, well, hacking.


Here are my current stats if you are to lazy to check, i hope you can work out win ratio from it yourself:


Ok this is getting out of hand… I was stating an experience and it don’t mean for a-holes to come around and try to insult and be “masters” or “teacher” or whatever. I really don’t care and if it was up to me I would just send it as ticket but the support guy says to post on forums. IDC what you guys think but when I see you in battle you better watch it and hope it sticks in your mind and remember my in-game name: AExMartyG021486x 

You’ll be its that Ace from the forums but you’ll see my “Ace” or whatever you call it. Doesn’t matter its only a statement about a game… 

now go and reread on HOW you started this topic, you do not post observations, you state facts, which are wrong and based on self- delusions and when you get pointed out on your mistakes, you ignore everything that goes against your “observations” or tell that everyone is stupid except you.

Don’t flatter yourself, If you are out of position or in my way i will go and attack, there are not that many people on my list that i know i have to keep busy for my team to stand a chance, you are not on it since i can’t even remember your name. I think i remember some whining from after i killed you couple times, but maybe it wasn’t you. 


That is another excuse bad players make: “oh it is a team game, nothing i can do”. If you are so familiar with how i play - How often do you see me playing even in 2 man squad? - pretty much never, because in that time it is nigh impossible to find games in any squad size, and that is the only time i play. For the most part i only play in Sec Con as a squad and 90% of my Random PvP are solo now. Now go check my win ratio, obviously i am either cheating or, well, hacking.


Here are my current stats if you are to lazy to check, i hope you can work out win ratio from it yourself:





“clan”:“name”:“The NASA”



Likewise xKostyan, dont flattered yourself yes you do remember I killed you but you trying to be all pro and not kill your rep which i give a ___ about it. BUT i’m sure you do remember and you killing me many times hmm i dont remember other than sector killing me only once or 2 but never have whine to you because I don’t like to whine with kids that cant still understand like now and maybe you should just quit commenting too. 


And yes you only play squad which you think you get all pro for having high ratio but no its because you have a good squad mate and helps for the win. I on the other hand play solo and no squad… so I have better chances of getting Ace teams… I could go squad too but I don’t want to waste other peoples grinding time. NO its no excuse and you should know it since you play squad a lot. Ratio is done by a team effort or ARE YOU SAYING that a Ace with 1.50 ratio is pro but has 1100 skill rating… Does that defy he is good? of course not that only means his ratio is coming out from having a good team because otherwise his rating says he don’t do much.

now go and reread on HOW you started this topic, you do not post observations, you state facts, which are wrong and based on self- delusions and when you get pointed out on your mistakes, you ignore everything that goes against your “observations” or tell that everyone is stupid except you.



Man how about you just shut the xxxx up and I’ll see you in battle how about that then I"ll post everything against you. OK?

Cant win an arguement with little kids that are “delusional” 


OK, xKostyan is blocked and ignored… LOL can’t deal with that kid. Thinks he is a role model well um NO. :P 

Ps some tell this smart guy, he does not even know how win ratio is calculated. It is not 1.5, it is 2.29

  1. Calm your tits “brah”

  2. No one is immortal, and quite often, flying solo you gotta die to gain an advantage for your team, i will go ahead and die 10 times if it wins me a game, been there done that, and i am not talking about Captain rushes.

  3. it is a stable 70% win ratio out of 3400 games, again i play in squads mostly in Sec Con, otherwise most of the time it is impossible to find a game in our time zone, majority of my games are solo, if you don’t see that, you can’t claim you know how i play.

  4. Most common factor in everyones game is pilot himself, after 1000 games, win ratio is very good indicator on how much of a contribution one provides to a win of his team. Knowing how to win and being very good at some ship/role is not the same, it is quite different actually, winning is more complex than just being “good”. There are plenty of good pilots, but they are not good at winning or they are not willing to win via occasional sacrifices, and then there are those that good enough in different roles, but they have much higher win percentage. Your win %% is 45%, after 2170 games, it is about time you step back and try to re evaluate why you are losing so many games, and don’t tell us “oh i get xxxx teams all the time” this is bs, everyone in the same boat.

Ps some tell this smart guy, he does not even know how win ratio is calculated. It is not 1.5, it is 2.29


I think he is able to see that here…



Hmm that first post…

I don’t get how T5 Frigs are worse than T3 compared to other classes…

Engies - Uber Buffs or Uber SpeedTank

LRFs - Faster projectiles, moar dmg, moar surv

Guards - Uber SpeedTank or Uber SteadyTank

Taking down any of these classes is pain…  and hitting T5 ceptors with frig c’mon mate put beams with crit cpu and watch how they die.

oh and in T5 average skill is higher than t2/3 so this is factor that make you think that T5 frigs are weaker


And you are average player with lot’s of lost games… T5 is perfect place to learn how to carry a team


btw you are wrong… single player can put awesome pressure on enemy team! When they want to kill him no matter what and teammates do objective in same time.  :006j:





xK vs StrangeNameGuy