random suggestions

I think it’s tied to aggregate points scored instead of time. Longer matches tend to yield more points naturally. How exactly I have no clue but I vaguely remember reading that was the case sometime ago. The way it’s divvied up between ships is also confuzzling. You can play 11:50 on one ship.


K/A/C scores normally would’ve capped it but then you spawn a different ship in the last 1 second. Synergy payout?

  • almost 50-50 (in my case it was 6k to 5k synergy)

i dunno, like i said. i can do nothing in match (those that end in 30 seconds, and i dont feel like doing anything haha), and still get synergy.


more stuff to add, with more later. but didn’t wanna edit OP 24 hours later.


edit: actually, i merged it into OP using another color.




M1. 4 ‘implant sets’: apply an ‘implant slot’ on each ship, which maps to one of 4 pre-set ‘implant sets’. this will allow players to better vary their ship roles. otherwise you are forced into roles.
M2. r2 neurocontroller oculus bug. description: 75% reduced lockon times, should read 43% lockon times.




N1. turn engineer drones into condition removal. 1 drone will remove all conditions from the ally your crosshair is pointing at. will help to combat ecm and other spam, and act as a CC counter to prevent spikes on teammates. drones are still limited, can be killed, and require energy to use. it also gives the engineer something else to do in their rather mundane existence, and provides more utility than the current drone heal function.




F4. kinetic missiles need to be removed from existing T2 ships. this was a bug. they were removed from hangars but not from ships, so players with existing units can keep them indefinitely until sold.

F5. rotating lockon and missile indicators (RWR) radar warning receiver.




A9. hybrid lockon option: based on context of your target cursor. if you click in empty space, it locks the target locking you (if there is no target locking you it cancels your current lock). if you click the target in your crosshairs, it locks that target. can be accomplished by firing each target command in sequence as follows: cancel lock, lock target locking you, lock target in crosshairs. it handles all situations except for nearest target. (also less useful options like next target or ally’s target which is better done through callouts). basically it favors selecting the target in your crosshair above all else. when there’s nothing in your crosshair it falls back to the target locking you, if there is none, then cancels your current lock.

you’re wasting time focusing the carrier then, since if it’s me i will troll the living daylights out of you, wasting all of your dps while my team cleans up the mess you’re making of yourself. skill required? not much… just awareness of your surroundings and the ability to hide behind stuff basically… a little active module magic, and voila. but above all: the abilities of your team to clean the mess up.

If you are carrying the bomb and we decide to target and kill you, you are going to die. No number of team mates will prevent that. The whole statement you make there is based on a limited exposure to actually good squads. (ESB, Nova, WPK, NASA, etc)


and the primary target isn’t the bomb. the primary target is the flank that is overextending to escort the bomb, if you focus the bomb, the enemy will slowly disable and kill all of your units, or enough of them to allow the bomb clear passage to the station. the bomb only becomes the primary target once it’s already within 10km of a station on your side of the map or overextending, or otherwise in a position to be killed without getting yourself killed in the process.

You realise that on most maps the bomb spawns within 10k of a station, right? It’s pretty rare to be further away from any of the stations. And that whole paragraph is just a giant facepalm. Please stop saying these things, some poor new player might come along and actually think this is the right way to play. We’d like to help them get better, not worse.


if you’re concerned about your prospects as a ‘bomb-carrier’, maybe you should look into another field of work, like killing a few units in our off-time, or maybe just retiring from space flight…

Sweeping assumption there that I have a personal interest as a bomb-carrier. Anyone who plays with or against me frequently will know how that sounds. Sun Tzu and ‘knowing your enemy’ springs to mind here.



plus, as i already stated (regarding this argument about the bomb):


the incentive to wait for your teammate to die at the station so you can pick it up is huge…


650 points, for trolling your teammate basically.


which is something everyone just ignored…

ad-hominem attack: ‘not in T4’… lmao… which is incorrect btw because i already own T4s… and have access to 3 or 4 more :\


R10 does not really count as T4…

error happens to be in error. since one cannot expect a player/customer to do their work for them and maintain 100 threads… that would be like a second job.


anyways, who made you admin?


yes, R10 counts as T4. in fact, R7 counts as T4. furthermore, i have access to R11 and R12, but i’m buying R9s instead. in fact about to buy an R12 today. problem, citizen?

error happens to be in error. since one cannot expect a player/customer to do their work for them and maintain 100 threads… that would be like a second job.


anyways, who made you admin?


yes, R10 counts as T4. in fact, R7 counts as T4. furthermore, i have access to R11 and R12, but i’m buying R9s instead. problem, citizen?

R7 counts as T4? intresting…I must be T6 than…

R7 is matched vs R10, technically speaking.


no shortage of T4s in my games, plus flying R8/9 = matched with R12s…


no shortage of slayer of immortals either…


for the record, i own ESB, Nova, NASA and WPK pilots all day long bro…




This is the funniest thing Ive read on these forums to date :lol:



R7 counts as T4.



No it doesn’t - Rank 7 is Tier 3. You really need to get your information correct before posting such silly comments like that

you’re a funny kid…

You may wish to get your facts straight before posting. For reference, when I was a kid, you were not born yet.


you think too highly of yourself. you couldn’t kill me if you tried. you mean focusing me on pub with 3 of your corp mates?


After you posted this, we met in battle right after and I killed you 7 times just to illustrate that this statement is rather inaccurate. I wasn’t in a squad with any WPK folk at all, did not use an ECM, did not die during this match and did not need any help whatsoever.

My point here is - and I made it countless times now: Please post things which are factually correct. Not made up things or things which happen only inside your head, but things that really happen out there.


for the record, i own ESB, Nova, NASA and WPK pilots all day long bro…

Interesting. And I deliver gifts to children all around the world during the Christmas period.

It’s these kind of wild statements which cause people to not take you seriously.


you want a war? you got one… reported to customer service for being an obvious troll GM.


and GUESS WHAT? all those troll posts come from 4 different WPK members, and one NASA member…

I merely ask (and have done so a number of times now) that you do a little more research into the game mechanics and post things which are factually correct. A lot of your posts are based purely on poor game knowledge, are misleading to newer players and you absolutely flat-out refuse to take anyone else’s point of view. What is the point of engaging in a debate on a forum if you literally will not see anything but your own opinion?

As far as NASA or WPK go - these are the most community-engaged and active English corporations. What do you expect? I spend most of my forum time during working hours when I am nowhere near the game, Teamspeak or my corporation. People come here out of their own free will, read what you say and clearly disagree or even take offense. There are multiple moderators from various corporations and when people cross the line we deal with them regardless of what corporation they are in.

You are the one generally trolling in Patch notes, and people respond to that. Once you develop this kind of reputation, it’s very hard for people to take you serious - which is what I was pointing out. Rather than taking this advice, you decide to resort to attacks at a personal level and get rude. So what exactly are you reporting? You breaking the forum rules on a regular basis and being asked to tone it down? You complain about people trolling you, yet you refuse to stop trolling yourself and continuesly bait people? If you wish for people to engage with you in a more productive way than I can only refer you to the common saying: a better world starts with yourself.

Besides, after 10 posts where you said you ‘quit’ the game and/or demanded a refund, you are still here posting the same old nonsense.



error happens to be in error. since one cannot expect a player/customer to do their work for them and maintain 100 threads… that would be like a second job.

Error gave you explicit advice on how to get your points across in a productive way - and in a way which makes the feedback far more useful to the developers. You decide to throw this advice to the side, yet then continue to shout that this topic is ‘for the developers’.

May I suggest you actually take his advice on-board and act accordingly instead? He didn’t write that randomly - we do indeed ask that suggestions are seperated in a manner which enables the developers to deal with them on a case-by-case basis. The format in which feedback currently works doesn’t really support these ‘mass suggestion’ topics very easily.

Ultimately you want your suggestion to be noticed and heard. This isn’t the developers asking you to do their work for them, it’s you having the desire for the game to change in a manner which benefits you on a personal level. In order to accomplish this, yes you have to put some effort in.

Or to steal a quote from ElMustacho: “Do the effort”.


in fact, R7 counts as T4.

Just to quote one of your famous ‘facts’. For any new pilots, please disregard the above statement completely and observe the following information instead:

Rank 7 is the lowest rank within the Tier-3 bracket and in fact extremely likely to be matched in Tier-2 matches.

You may wish to get your facts straight before posting. For reference, when I was a kid, you were not born yet.

After you posted this, we met in battle right after and I killed you 7 times just to illustrate that this statement is rather inaccurate. I wasn’t in a squad with any WPK folk at all, did not use an ECM, did not die during this match and did not need any help whatsoever.

My point here is - and I made it countless times now: Please post things which are factually correct. Not made up things or things which happen only inside your head, but things that really happen out there.


As far as NASA or WPK go - these are the most community-engaged and active English corporations. There are multiple moderators from various corporations and when people cross the line we deal with them regardless of what corporation they are in.

You are the one generally trolling in Patch notes, and people respond to that.


Error gave you explicit advice on how to get your points across in a productive way - and in a way which makes the feedback far more useful to the developers. You decide to throw this advice to the side, yet then continue to shout that this topic is ‘for the developers’.

May I suggest you actually take his advice on-board and act accordingly instead? He didn’t write that randomly - we do indeed ask that suggestions are seperated in a manner which enables the developers to deal with them on a case-by-case basis. The format in which feedback currently works doesn’t really support these ‘mass suggestion’ topics very easily.

Ultimately you want your suggestion to be noticed and heard. This isn’t the developers asking you to do their work for them, it’s you having the desire for the game to change in a manner which benefits you on a personal level. In order to accomplish this, yes you have to put some effort in.


Just to quote one of your famous ‘facts’. For any new pilots, please disregard the above statement completely and observe the following information instead:

Rank 7 is the lowest rank within the Tier-3 bracket and in fact extremely likely to be matched in Tier-2 matches.


tldr; it’s pretty simple actually - you still haven’t been able to convince me why we should give 650 points to to guy who waits for his teammate to die with the bomb so he can get it, or why we should give 300 points to the dude who leaves a battle to cap a beacon which he will lose 5 seconds later… - all you seem to go on about is how experienced you are :\

time isn’t cheap…

Time actually is very cheap. It doesn’t cost you anything! It will go by with or without you!

And [GM]EvilTactician and [Admin]Error are the most kind people I have yet met in this game(And kinda in any online game). And have some history with them in my post history(Which goes quite a while back)


And they are not asking for you to put every part in its own topic, just each “chapter”  like ECM balance.

it’s not quite so simple, as some threads already exist, and i’ve have to keep track of hundreds…


been there, done that. never again.

Just reiterating what has been mentioned before, it is more beneficial for all parties if suggestion threads include only one topic. This would facilitate conversation as people who reply only have one topic to focus on. The proposed format is for organization, as it also helps those in charge of reviewing and forwarding popular suggestions to the devs, and we would prefer individuals to post five different threads for five different topics rather than one thread for all topics.

honestly, zeik. i don’t see what there is to discuss. if it were up for discussion, i would have made it a poll.


the thread was created for devs (and it’s already divided into topics), as well as a repository that i can use to track suggestions.


from my understanding, what you want is an unrealistic expectation of customers.


we don’t pay for software in order to have to work on maintaining dozens or hundreds of threads. :\


but, that’s an admin decision… i believe the rules say that it is ‘preferable’, and not ‘mandatory’.


and you might want to clean up the 4th page of this thread.



Much of the suggestions are read by forum moderators and admins first before they appear on the desk of the devs. In the future, it will be mandatory to have separate threads for different topics but you are right in that it is merely a suggestion at the moment. I bring it up only because it was mentioned, and I encourage people to follow this format going forwards as it does help on the administrative side.


As for discussing the contents of your thread, it is the nature of a forum to hold conversations in public space.