random suggestions



A1. crosshairs, more visibility.
A2. ship-specific icon column in team list display.
A3. provide a menu option to make player ships 80% transparent. either constantly or when the cursor hovers over the ship model, make it fade out then in.
A4. shift, alt and ctrl modifiers are bugged (not handled properly), which prevents actions from being bound to those keys, or they turn on and off in quick succession for no reason apparently on occassion. they also activate zooming when scrolling the mouse, even though it is no longer bound in the keybindings menu.
A5. opening the map screen should not drain all power from your engines (cut them) as is the case… you should be able to continue to fly and afterburn with the map open.
A6. when comparing premium ships, it should use the max synergy stats of another ship, otherwise it is impossible to compare the two without actually buying the premium or doing all of the math manually. in fact, it might be better to compare then at MAX synergy… all ships, not just premiums. to get a better picture.
A7. with mortars, there is no barrel vector indicator, and what happens is when you’re rotating your view left, your guns might swing left, then you swing the view right and your guns have to traverse all the way from the left… it’s usually what causes the ‘no fire’ situation with mortars i think. also, rotating your ship faster than the traverse rate of the gun can do the same thing. you can fix some of it by giving them a higher rotation speed to counteract the effect.

A8. holding the mouse button heats your guns, even though they aren’t firing. noticable with gauss for example. in fact, you need to tap the fire button as fast as possible, since holding the button for each split second longer causes more overheat on your guns than is necessary.

A9. hybrid lockon option: based on context of your target cursor. if you click in empty space, it locks the target locking you (if there is no target locking you it cancels your current lock). if you click the target in your crosshairs, it locks that target. can be accomplished by firing each target command in sequence as follows: cancel lock, lock target locking you, lock target in crosshairs. it handles all situations except for nearest target. (also less useful options like next target or ally’s target which is better done through callouts). basically it favors selecting the target in your crosshair above all else. when there’s nothing in your crosshair it falls back to the target locking you, if there is none, then cancels your current lock.




B1. shouldn’t be able to cap beacons in metastable
B2. needs a rebalance anyways… it’s an iddqd boat: 3 disables, a CC and invulnerability. none of which have counters, only reductions, and not very effective.
B3. 3 disables: stasis, emitter and energy absorber (prevents you from afterburning and using actives). energy absorber needs to scale depending on target size, and stasis needs to get replaced by something else.




C1. white noise too OP. breaks most units, including counters like snipers, tacklers and ecm.
C2. nukes are broken and can be abused to prevent bomb kills, beacon challenge, etc… especially in combination with disables/ccs. can prevent a beacon from being contested, period, without 2-3 guards as a counter.

C3. beacon drones need to be made immune to nukes, or only take 50% of their health as damage. removes a lot of strategy from the game by making beacons instantly useless.




D1. empire LRF (disintegrator) is still OP in T2-… used it in T3 and is still capable of top frags and massive damage on top of that, but not as broken at least due to high health/resists in general. with the recent buffs to jericho LRF, not even sure of it’s impact in T2-.




E1. modules ranges should be increased to 4000-5000m. +100% ship range bonuses should be removed. this will allow tacklers to control a battlefield better and outrange some of the covert/ecm counters.




F1. EM torps still do too much damage to inties, but lowering it will be not enough for frigates. needs damage scaling depending on target size.
F2. missile reload mechanics favor several deaths to maintain missile count. simply maintain the count after death. if someone wants new missiles on respawn, they should use another ship. meanwhile, the ship in the hangar should continue to reload so it can be used 3 minutes later.

F3. sometimes there is no missile warning indicator. usually when a voiceover plays… possibly in other circumstances. also, em torps have no indicator (maybe indicator at 2000m would be good).

F4. kinetic missiles need to be removed from existing T2 ships. this was a bug. they were removed from hangars but not from ships, so players with existing units can keep them indefinitely until sold.

F5. rotating lockon and missile indicators (RWR) radar warning receiver.




G1. AOE weapons ie: torpedoes need to do less damage to smaller targets, more damage to larger targets.
G2. heals, debuffs etc also need to do most for larger targets and less on smaller ones. it’s why engineer heals are OP on inties, but mediocre on frigs which need 2+ minutes to top up.
G3. general imbalances due to gear performance within and between tiers.

G4. damage assists need to provide DSR.




H1. does not balance teams for: ping (region), ship slots, tech level, equipment level, squads per team, etc… note: massive lag on RU servers, especially during peak hours. probably a routing capacity issue on a low bandwidth long distance link.
H2. selecting a region in the launch queue seems to have no observable effect. still get put on russian server 95% of the time during the day. probably because everyone else is selecting ‘any’. mm still makes no attempt to match regional players with others from that region.


maps/game modes:


I1. beacons in some maps confer an advantage to one side over the other due to cover placement. i’d have to build an entire list of them… no time as yet.

I2. give the commander 1 extra spawn during combat recon. it should alleviate most of the campiness, and reduce the amount of 30-second games… award the match to the team with the most commander kills. if they’re equal, based on points.

I3. bombs in detonation need to be the color of the team holding them regardless if they are out of range. this leads to much confusion. also, the bomb when dropped needs to emit a glow, maybe blue, diffuse… or maybe missile slowing field as an example… but not really, to make it easier to locate in close proximity: sometimes you can search for it and not see it if it’s real close and you are in a firefight.

I4. make buff/debuff assists 50 points, damage assists 100, kills 130, beacon caps 200. currently leading to improper rewards for poor gameplay. less beacon and assist farming… detonation bomb pickups 100, bomb plant 300.

I5. grant bomb pickup rewards only after 5-10 seconds of holding the bomb, since holding it for 5 seconds only to die instantly is counter-productive, but an easy farm for some people who prefer not to work for kills instead.




J1. add a podium finish to the final scores screen, displaying the ship models of top players. to boost appeal of customization options.
J2. rename IR flares to ‘sentinel drones’ and turn them into small spinning silver/green orbs like ericsson logo, spinning around your ship. more ‘sci-fi’…




K1. synergy grind in T3 seems 33% longer compared to loyalty grind. needs a reduction.
K2. experimentals need to be made available on market, and as loyalty rewards at R3 of each tier. bump R2 and R3 Mk3 rewards down 1 tier so that R1 of each tier actually grants you something (as compared to nothing currently). otherwise, this is grind+pay2win. or as Mk1 rewards of the next tier (probably easier, and you have them after you’re done with a tier).
K3. contracts need to reward some percentage on loss/failure. otherwise it discourages some players from playing the game if they notice they are not progressing.
K4. tier 1 weapon choices need to be re-implemented. at least 1 extra primary for each ship, otherwise it presents a bad impression to new users.
K5. tier 1 premium ammo rewards need to be removed, as some players will soon find that thier GS is being sucked dry.


payment model:


L1. credits are 6.25$-7.95$+ for 1.25million, which you an earn in about an hour of gameplay (2 at most). that IS minimum wage in the USA… uhhh… what?
L2. $7.95 will also get you 374,786-477,000 synergy… average 425,893 synergy. to level a R9 that would cost about $16+… compared to a T3 prem which costs $11.40 on average… basically needs a boost by 50%: 150 synergy * 1.5 = 225. i’d say 250 synergy for 1 GS should be on par with premium prices.
L3. premium prices are too high to begin with: 11.40$ for a single ship (T3) is outrageous, 22.80$ for a T4? 45.60$ for T5s if they ever make an appearance? way too expensive for a single ship. this doesn’t include the cost of outfitting them with experimental items, which can exceed the price of the ship itself.
L4. there are currently 5 ways to buy synergy (or progression): DLC, license, premium ships, premium ammo, synergy transfer… this type of system confuses consumers… pretty much, that’s about it…
L5. premium ships still need a free synergy boost as they are still worthless except after you’re already done with a tier… that includes DLC ships…
L6. premium weapons are too expensive compared to experimentals. considering it’s about 1000 GS for 3 attempts at a T3 experimental weapon (less for mods), which has better stats than a premium at 1500 gs, but takes time and RNG to acquire. and also considering a premium is just a rental until you rank that faction. no, this is not a sign to increase GS salvage prices… in fact, RNG salvage needs to only be an additional chance to find items (not the only method), for this game to be considered competitive. see: available on market.

L7. making some ships exclusive to packs also reduces the competitiveness of the game and makes it harder to balance.

L8. in 1000 games, i have only been killed once by a premium item that i can recall. it was a T3 target painter.




M1. 4 ‘implant sets’: apply an ‘implant slot’ on each ship, which maps to one of 4 pre-set ‘implant sets’. this will allow players to better vary their ship roles. otherwise you are forced into roles.
M2. r2 neurocontroller oculus bug. description: 75% reduced lockon times, should read 43% lockon times.




N1. turn engineer drones into condition removal. 1 drone will remove all conditions from the ally your crosshair is pointing at. will help to combat ecm and other spam, and act as a CC counter to prevent spikes on teammates. drones are still limited, can be killed, and require energy to use. it also gives the engineer something else to do in their rather mundane existence, and provides more utility than the current drone heal function.




there’s simply too much stuff for me to remember all at once. i may add more items to this list, which i’ll post in subsequent replies.

maybe i should post this in the dev questions section? would that be more appropriate?

more stuff here (edit1): [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/21196-random-suggestions/page-4#entry222883](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21196-random-suggestions/page-4#entry222883)


actually, i merged them into this post as well (easier to maintain). in the color blue. i’ll merge further additions in other colors.

+1 for effort. haven’t read it yet but I trust it’s good.


re: B2 - there are counters to stuns. WNJ, Camo etc anything that denies a lockon

+1 for effort. haven’t read it yet but I trust it’s good.


re: B2 - there are counters to stuns. WNJ, Camo etc anything that denies a lockon


well yes, you can… but that’s assuming your team has a covert for every ecm on enemy team… and are smart enough to target the ecms when you are engaging (not a single one, they have to coordinate who disables who) :… really hard to coordinate in pubs. it makes squads OP basically, since you can coordinate that sort of stunlock+spike on teamspeak or just knowing your teammates.


in any case, it’s a ridiculous tactic… even taking an example such as LoL stuns only last 1-3 seconds, very rarely do they last 5 seconds. not like in this case where they can last 20+ seconds with energy absorber acting like another disable on most units. :\


plus, a smart ecm will just stay behind their guards and engies, so camo won’t work. plus you can be droned/microd, which leads to the situation that whoever presses the button first wins since ecm mods and white noise have the same range. even foregoing range, an ecm can hide behind a rock/beacon and disable you from behind it without ever revealing their position.


in any case, white noise is just another broken mod, like i said… it breaks fighters since they cant snipe, or even singularity for that matter helps to have a lead marker, cant shoot guided missiles, cant use active debuffs. it’s an iddqd button basically. makes the user almost invulnerable to certain types of damage from their attacker. an increase in lockon time - to like 3 or 4 seconds - might be appropriate, but a complete inability to lock is just broken… it should allow a covert to close the distance, not provide them with an easy button. it also breaks tacklers.


basically it can make some units next to useless for 10-20 seconds. ridiculously OP… same goes for ECM. and then each has a 10-20 second near-invulnerability, although a covert can be droned/microd.


it all goes back to the rock-paper-scissors argument: there should be no ‘no-win situations’ in class-based pvp games…

My 2 cents:



A1-6: strongly agree

A7: there’s no barrel rotation speed for coil mortars, but i agree something must be done with the ‘i don’t want to fire right now’ situation (highlight the next turret that’s supposed to fire?)

EDIT: the transparency of the ship being 50% should be enough (or player chosen scalable at settings), you’d be amazed of the difference - quick checking in photoshop will tell you why



B1-3: good suggestions overall



C1: that’s the one lireral ECM mod in the entire game - what’s it doing on CO?

C2: dunno what to say, i usually sit at a distance and clear the field before moving in (shooting enemies capping a beacon will stop the process, but it seems 80%+ of the playerbase doesn’t know about it or how to use the mechanic efficiently)

C3: make them work like the Fed R1 implant - that’s all i have to say (explosion resistance and there was one more i forgot)



D1: indeed, not to mention how slow ships are compared to T3+ and easy to hit



E1: dunno, indeed module range bonusing tacklers are advantaged, but squishy as hell; 100% bonus has been ninja nerfed to 50%, dunno what to say



F1: they need an incoming missile warning - if you don’t hear the frigate shooting it you’re screwed

F2: i’ll have to agree with this one - perma nuking became a trend (killed 2 guys in combat recon at least 10 times each who were suiciding to get a new nuke and hopefully kill me - for the entire 12 minutes of the battle - that’s just stupid - think they lost like 100 DSR in that one battle lmao)


Gameplay / balance

G1: dunno

G2: agreed

G3: not sure i understand but if we look at the gun range bonuses per tier model they should be nerfed or buffed depending on mm ship combination in a match - higher tier ships nerfed across the board or lower tier ships buffed across the board

G4: dunno… and i’d say the guy dealing 90% damage to a target should get most points out, not the kill stealer



H1-2: seems like it



I1: also noticed this



J1-2: ehm…? 1-whatever, 2-…no idea



K1: can’t say, already R9 across the board and owning all ships interested in but not all synergised yet - what i noticed about loyalty to subfactions is that it takes 200-250 battles to reach T2 R6 across the board and ~1700-1800 battles for T3 R9 even with extra contracts… wtf?.. i don’t even want to look at R15 lol

K2: i wouldn’t say so - plus people will complain (especially PVErs - no need to explain in detail i hope?)

K3-4: dunno

K5: yep


Payment model

L1-8: i don’t wanna touch these, all i say is that GS is  EXTREMELY UNDERVALUED compared to credits and item prices across the board (no need to explain why i suppose?)



My addition:

We need constant feedback from the devs on what’s being done and why and questions to us to how do we feel about it - there’s just no communication between the 2 parties.

C2: dunno what to say, i usually sit at a distance and clear the field before moving in (shooting enemies capping a beacon will stop the process, but it seems 80%+ of the playerbase doesn’t know about it or how to use the mechanic efficiently)


once you already have a beacon capped, it can be used to prevent it from being contested. it can also prevent you from contesting a cap: covert drops nuke and runs while his team can cap. you can drop a nuke too… and then everyone is running… dumb… ;p


or in large fights, you may be running away from one beep straight into another… which was placed first, so by the time you hear it, you’re dead.


one of the most annoying things about nukes is that when you’re listening to music, some of the beats will drown out the beeps, then some explosion in the game will drown out the others… and before you know it, you’re dead ;p


it’s like nukes are the anti-music weapon… :\ they don’t want us to enjoy good beats…


We need constant feedback from the devs on what’s being done and why and questions to us to how do we feel about it - there’s just no communication between the 2 parties.


and this.

one of the most annoying things about nukes is that when you’re listening to music, some of the beats will drown out the beeps, then some explosion in the game will drown out the others… and before you know it, you’re dead ;p


it’s like nukes are the anti-music weapon… :\ they don’t want us to enjoy good beats…



Nukes would be far more interesting with friendly fire turned on :smiley:

Let us see nuke spams once that is on!

…Where to start with disagreeing…

Oh that’s right, in about half the things…

Here goes!


A1: Already asked a dozen times, but yes.

A2: Not sure what you mean with this

A3: I don’t see the use of this, please explain.

A4: Bugs should get fixed, so yes.

A5: I am fine with the current system, there is no need for engines while in that screen.

A6: You can press the shift(IIRC) button to compare 2 ships, will make them Synergy1 and same with premiums I believe.

A7: Coil Mortar is bugged yes, but the only weapon with slow barrels is Heavy Blaster I believe.


B1: Already requested, so yes.

B2: They are not really OP or iddqd. Tweaks are neccesary to all roles though but currently ECM is in a good place.

B3: No and no. Stasis is fine, I don’t understand the hate about it. And energy absorber is nothing more than an annoyance.


C1: It just needs a duration reduction from ~18 to ~12 with a CD reduction as well then of about 3 seconds.

C2: Nukes are fine. A proper fit guard(Which funnily enough is more and more rare these days it seems)  can disable a nuke from a long distance. 

C3: Nukes are fine.


D1: Jericho LRF needs non-immortal missiles. Since that is just broken. But it did need a buff from its previous position.


E1: I could agree with a range of 4000 at mk3.

Don’t forget though they can practicly stop your ship completly, ECM is even worse at it.


F1. They are fine. They are the only real hope of killing inties in frigates that are on you.

F2. I’m not sure how I feel about this, if the CD was to keep going after death & while piloting another ship though…I could agree with it.


G1: No, next you’ll ask for size-based damage on all weapons weapon inties practicly unkillable.

G2: Oldspice(Forgot his new name) suggested a % based system, only problem with that is people can fit a ton of HP, and just regen a shitton per second. And size based heals/damage is just…terrible…

G3: Gear imbalance within tier(mk1 vs mk3) is fine. But mixed-tiers are terrible.

G4: I think 50/80/100/300 would be better. since beacon caps are far more rare than the others.


H2: agreed, it should atleast have an effect if they implement it


I1: This rarely happens, though there is 1 map where the team who can get A-B-A-B(Or A-C-A-C) can easily win, you really just need to hold A on that map and you win, since B and C are at opposite sides of the map near ones spawnpoints.


K1: Loyalty grind in T5 is about 400% more than synergy if not more…

K2: HELL TO THE NO. Experimentals should be rare and should feel as a reward from looting. Delete their rareness and suddenly all the rich(in-game and RL) become better and then you have P2W.

k3: loyalty needs a 50% buff to begin with, it is way too slow.

k4: sure why not, will be more intresting for the new players anyway.

k5: let em, stupid decisions are not the devs fault.


L1: I don’t understand…

L2: 250 synergy(or more) per GS would be lovely.

L3: agreed

L4: how is it confusing?

L5: 100% free synergy(And no normal synergy) or I call bullshit >:( They can always change the synergy transfer system based on it, like only able to use it in the same tier.

L6: agreed. And in T5 it costs a whopping 1k to GS loot :confused:

L7: not really. they are half the reason the DLC packs are good.

L8: go T5 and T4, lots of premiums there it seems…

A6: You can press the shift(IIRC) button to compare 2 ships, will make them Synergy1 and same with premiums I believe.

Nope. They are compared syn 0 (free, and not syn 1 either) vs max syn (premium). It’s a way of making people who don’t look at syn by accident think premiums are ultimately better.

Nope. They are compared syn 0 (free, and not syn 1 either) vs max syn (premium). It’s a way of making people who don’t look at syn by accident think premiums are ultimately better.

So they changed that again huh…oh well…

A2: Not sure what you mean with this

A3: I don’t see the use of this, please explain.

A5: I am fine with the current system, there is no need for engines while in that screen.

A6: You can press the shift(IIRC) button to compare 2 ships, will make them Synergy1 and same with premiums I believe.


B2: They are not really OP or iddqd. Tweaks are neccesary to all roles though but currently ECM is in a good place.


C1: It just needs a duration reduction from ~18 to ~12 with a CD reduction as well then of about 3 seconds.

C2: Nukes are fine. A proper fit guard(Which funnily enough is more and more rare these days it seems)  can disable a nuke from a long distance. 

C3: Nukes are fine.


D1: Jericho LRF needs non-immortal missiles. Since that is just broken. But it did need a buff from its previous position.


E1: I could agree with a range of 4000 at mk3. Don’t forget though they can practicly stop your ship completly, ECM is even worse at it.


F1. They are fine. They are the only real hope of killing inties in frigates that are on you.


G1: No, next you’ll ask for size-based damage on all weapons weapon inties practicly unkillable.

G2: Oldspice(Forgot his new name) suggested a % based system, only problem with that is people can fit a ton of HP, and just regen a shitton per second. And size based heals/damage is just…terrible…

G4: I think 50/80/100/300 would be better. since beacon caps are far more rare than the others.


I1: This rarely happens, though there is 1 map where the team who can get A-B-A-B(Or A-C-A-C) can easily win, you really just need to hold A on that map and you win, since B and C are at opposite sides of the map near ones spawnpoints.


K2: HELL TO THE NO. Experimentals should be rare and should feel as a reward from looting. Delete their rareness and suddenly all the rich(in-game and RL) become better and then you have P2W.


L1: I don’t understand…

L4: how is it confusing?

L7: not really. they are half the reason the DLC packs are good.

L8: go T5 and T4, lots of premiums there it seems…


A2. already suggested: sometimes its hard to look at all 16 player ship icons to see what roles they’re playing. would be nice to have an icon of their currently selected ship so you can get a quick count of how many of each type of unit are on your team.

A3. with the default zoom (some people like to stay zoomed in), it’s hard to see thru your own hull especially if it’s a frigate and your target is directly in front of you. it’s not a HUGE deal… just an addition that would be simple to implement (a few lines of code).

A5. would provide better situation awareness. it would allow you to glance at the map at any moment to get a bigger picture. you currently can, it’s just annoying that it cuts your engines, so you can’t travel to the battle and check the map at the same time.

A6. Astraal already covered that. it does in fact compared it to S0.


B2. yes, ecm are OP when used properly. anything that can disable you for 20 seconds is… which includes white noise…


C1. so you agree with reducing white noise (which is not as good as ecm disables) to 12 seconds, yet ecm disables are 12 seconds plus another 10 seconds (22 total) when taking energy absorber into account… ;p yup, this barley makes sense haha.

C2. no, nukes are not fine. that’s assuming you have a guard at that location because they obviously aren’t going to warp to you in a moment’s notice… coverts can be anywhere, guards can’t… it’s also assuming that you HATE listening to music…

C3. no, taking out all of a beacons drones with 1 nuke is NOT fine…


D1. not sure about jericho LRF. tbh they don’t really bother me all that much. as a frig, you should have heal support and enough tank. as a sniper you can change location and scattering field, as a inty you can just dodge them… (as gunship/tackler you should have speed like an inty, as command, use phase shield) like when they are 2-3km away, pull a perpendicular angle, then fly acute angle to the missile, and they can’t turn fast enough. especially if they’re accelerated, then it’s not even a bother… haven’t tested them below T3 though. they’re good because they prevent campers… and if you allow missile shield to ‘jam’ them they might become useless again… btw, flares can jam them for your entire team, which inties/gunships should carry… priceless for defending commanders…


E1. well, the thing about range on tackler is they have to catch you in the open still. and they can dodge behind rocks… and inhib has R8 implant hard counter… makes it do absolutely zero… nothing… also cloak, disables, being sniped, etc… all of those are counters. but mainly R8 implant.


F1. except the problem is that in most cases, em torps result in an instant kill, if not then hit them 1 time with your guns… easy button… i’m guilty of it too…


G1. no, because inties have speedtank, so they can avoid damage where frigates can absorb it… but they can’t avoid huge AOE damage… which is the only damage that needs to scale with ship size.

G2. yes, i though of a % based system before. but that won’t work. a simple percent won’t balance it. it can’t be that severe since frigs have 4-5 times the HP of a inty in some cases. well, as a straight percent. but inties should basically heal 50-70% of the amount that engineer buffs provide. so 92-130 instead o 185 for shield gen, 140-196 instead of 280 for charging station, etc…

G4. already explained this in the 0.9.3 patch notes thread. beacon caps are only won because you were able to kill the enemy forces: [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/21144-star-conflict-obt-v093-discussion/?p=222606](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21144-star-conflict-obt-v093-discussion/?p=222606)


I1. yea, the distances between beacons in some maps makes 1 beacon rarely worth holding, sometimes worthless. but i mean the rocks near some beacons favor an approach/defense by one side vs the other (or line of sight, in case of sniping).


K2. experimentals are RNG based. if you understand RNG and probability you would immediately understand why this is a bad idea. in fact it’s 3 levels of probability stacked into one… you want to know what my experimental salvage rate is? 4/80 (5%)… yes those just happen to be exactly that right now… but it succinctly illustrates the problem with RNG based loot systems, without a public market space…


L1. its an average conversion of what credits cost assuming you spend some 30-40$… playing for an hour or more can get you 1.2mil credits, which also costs 8$, which is the minimum wage for 1 hour of work in america… lmao

L4. well, you have to do the math on which option provides the most synergy gain compared to its cost… or just buy all of them like i did… except premium ammo :\

L7. i’d feel much more comfortable if the ships i got in my DLCs were available to anyone who wanted to spend GS on them. making ‘exclusive’ items is hard to balance because of P2W issues. they should be more of a ‘bonus’ than an ‘exclusivity’… which smells of elitism, and usually breeds it…

L8. i am in games with T4s… have been for weeks… i don’t see any premiums… maybe you mean the devs/testers… or maybe they are simply cheaper in russia… because there’s no way americans are going to buy them. lol ;p unless you mean ships, then yea i see some. mainly because it makes no sense to buy T2 premiums any more with the nerfs to weapon choices. T1 was completely worthless. T4 makes the most sense because you’re usually up against T3s for most of the day (T5 queue remains empty most of the time), so you have a huge advantage. although it is expensive: 22.50$ or something, plus another 20-30$ for experimental salvage rates… you can easily spend 70$ just for 3 ships, and another 70-100$ fitting them…

B2: You should adjust your feedback on new patches…Only an ECM with 20% duration bonus can get to near 20 second total duration. And the energy line can be broken due to LoS. 

The ECM got a nerf to durations already in last patch, they aren’t that great now. And you can make that even shorter by fitting counter modules.


C1: ^

C2: Guards should be at the positions where nukes are used(beacons/captains)

C3: Drones respawn(Exept in Capture the beacons) so I don’t see the problem


D1: You have no idea how many people die to my LRF…Evading a LRF torpedo is harder than you make it seem, especially when the user isn’t a xxxx and engages targets of oppertunity.


E1: You will have to build your fit around the implant though. And a lot of people don’t use that implant nor survival mods.


F1: Ever heard of emergency barrier? It helps you in such cases. And if you know what you are doing as an interceptor, most torpedos will never hit you.


G1: They can…Get out of the AoE in time…

G4: not really true, they are an important part yes, but beacons are more important.


K2: trading/public market is a horrible system in most games, just saying. And the current system is fine, it needs tweaks for sure, but the system itself is good.


L7: how are they harder to balance or more P2W than other premiums? They are just slightly more exclusive ships, but everyone can get them.

L8: I know of people I fly/flew with use premium items in T4/T5…And I see atleast 1 person each day using them.

B2: You should adjust your feedback on new patches…Only an ECM with 20% duration bonus can get to near 20 second total duration. And the energy line can be broken due to LoS. 

The ECM got a nerf to durations already in last patch, they aren’t that great now. And you can make that even shorter by fitting counter modules.


C2: Guards should be at the positions where nukes are used(beacons/captains)

C3: Drones respawn(Exept in Capture the beacons) so I don’t see the problem


D1: You have no idea how many people die to my LRF…Evading a LRF torpedo is harder than you make it seem, especially when the user isn’t a xxxx and engages targets of oppertunity.


E1: You will have to build your fit around the implant though. And a lot of people don’t use that implant nor survival mods.


F1: Ever heard of emergency barrier? It helps you in such cases. And if you know what you are doing as an interceptor, most torpedos will never hit you.


G1: They can…Get out of the AoE in time…

G4: not really true, they are an important part yes, but beacons are more important.


K2: trading/public market is a horrible system in most games, just saying. And the current system is fine, it needs tweaks for sure, but the system itself is good.


L7: how are they harder to balance or more P2W than other premiums? They are just slightly more exclusive ships, but everyone can get them.

L8: I know of people I fly/flew with use premium items in T4/T5…And I see atleast 1 person each day using them.


B2. energy absorber drains afterburner, so it’s no problem maintaining it as long as you fly the appropriate vector around corners. counters don’t really work vs mass-ecms. maybe vs one… and even then they don’t really do much, and gimp your ship drastically in more ways than one.


C2. guards aren’t always at the positions where nukes are used. just accept it as a fact of life. they cannot be and will never be. especially in games of detonation, capture the beacons and beacon hunt.

C3. it doesn’t matter, the beacon will be capped before the drones spawn. and the major problem is in fact in capture the beacons.


D1. i almost never die to jericho LRF… it’s easier than it appears. it helps not to sit in one spot, hence anti-camper weapon. oh, and if you have a command/engineer, piece of cake, especially with graviton scanner or whatever, speed boost.


E1. recons, ecms, assault and tacklers should all carry flares. with the implant it allows them to avoid guard inhib, tacklers, slowing field, incoming missiles, etc…


F1. the emerg barrier won’t prevent the next shot from your main cannon… which is what i said… 1 shot… and a torpedo… or the next hit from pulsar, drones, etc…


G1. no they can’t get out of the aoe of a em torp launched at 500-1000m or point blank… and a frig will survive it easily… taking only 1/4 or 1/3 damage on a guard for example… about 1/2 on engineer. depends what you tank for.

G4. inb4; beacons can only be secured if you kill enough enemies. if you happen to be lucky enough to cap beacons without killing enemies, it simply means they aren’t much of a challenge. a properly organized enemy will be able to react to your feeble attempt to capture beacons while being 5 men down at all times, and your 30 second respawn timers ;o


K2. trading is horrible? so you’d rather that all drops be RNG in RPGs and not be able to actually buy/trade the items you want with others players… good luck waiting 2 years to get an item you really need for a build… hasn’t and will NEVER be done in RPG history…


L7. because they provide bonuses you can’t get on other ships… ? it means they can fill roles others can’t… plus some of them truly are the best ship in their tier’s class…

B2: Unless you are overextending, an ECM will have to get in a position where your team can blab him easily to keep it active on you. And gimp your fit? Seriously? There are only 2 CPU modifiers worth it, and that is anti-spread and anti-ECM. 


C2: detonation and nukes don’t go too well together…And in beacon hunt? seriously? If the guard isn’t at the next beacon or travelling there, then he has 0 idea of what he is doing.

C3: then defend your beacons? an CovOps can kill the drones in 10 seconds anyway with his mods, whether that is a nuke or mods, it takes about 10 seconds.


D1: When (dog)fighting someone it becomes hard to evade such missiles since you don’t always see them coming.


E1: some people do, some don’t


F1: Like I said, if you get hit by the torp it is the fault of the interceptor pilot. Not to mention every inty has modules to prevent dieing the next shot(WNJ, ion, parasitic)


K2: is this a true RPG? no it isn’t. And trading allows for scams, friend-politics and gold farmers to exist which generally ruin games.

L7: everyone ship in the game can get the same bonuses(If the devs decide to), and every ship has a certain role…that argument is just invalid… And some premiums are the best of their tier…some F2P ships are…so what? 

B2: Unless you are overextending, an ECM will have to get in a position where your team can blab him easily to keep it active on you. And gimp your fit? Seriously? There are only 2 CPU modifiers worth it, and that is anti-spread and anti-ECM.


C2: detonation and nukes don’t go too well together…And in beacon hunt? seriously? If the guard isn’t at the next beacon or travelling there, then he has 0 idea of what he is doing.

C3: then defend your beacons? an CovOps can kill the drones in 10 seconds anyway with his mods, whether that is a nuke or mods, it takes about 10 seconds.


D1: When (dog)fighting someone it becomes hard to evade such missiles since you don’t always see them coming.


E1: some people do, some don’t


F1: Like I said, if you get hit by the torp it is the fault of the interceptor pilot. Not to mention every inty has modules to prevent dieing the next shot(WNJ, ion, parasitic)


K2: is this a true RPG? no it isn’t. And trading allows for scams, friend-politics and gold farmers to exist which generally ruin games.

L7: everyone ship in the game can get the same bonuses(If the devs decide to), and every ship has a certain role…that argument is just invalid… And some premiums are the best of their tier…some F2P ships are…so what? 


B2. you’re losing 43% lockon times, 10% crit, 43% sensor range basically. or 43% lockon/sensor and 15% crit. waiting en extra 0.5-1seconds for a lockon can be the dif between life and death in some cases. btw, i use a proton wall on command/eng, but still… it does next to nothing… would have to gimp lockon and dps to get more effect, but then you’ll be at a disadvantage vs almost all other units.


C2. your guard can die… before the next beacon and have to wait for a spawn… they can also be killed en route.

C3. there’s no sense in defending the wayward beacon in most maps. it puts you at a disadvantage in any main engagement. only makes sense to keep an inty roaming the flank, but doesn’t always work out that way.


D1. you have a missile warning indicator. anyways, no problems while dogfighting here either.


E1. it’s not a question of if: it’s a question of if you don’t carry them, you will die as an inty. if there were 2 requirements for flying one, they would be emerg barrier and flares (or some other survival module, but flares can usually prevent the most damage especially with missile spam meta, and have the shortest cooldown). the only exception would be covert, since they need all of their actives to do enough DPS to take down guards. although you can swap white noise for flares, but it’ll make it harder to attack defended frigates and harder to solo units. if you take out orion, it makes it much more difficult to kill guards.


F1. how does WNJ prevent the next shot? ;\ sure, ecm has counters but as stated it’s broken… it has a counter to almost everything technically… just disable the unit… no brains required…


K2. rofl. your argument is irrelevant. and rpg was used as an example of a game with a trading system. in fact SC is called a ‘mmo with rpg elements’… although it’s really a class-based third-person shooter with a massive loot grind…


L7. no, every ship does not and never will have the same bonuses… so what? F2P ships are available to everyone… facepalm… items should never be ‘exclusive’ unless they are cosmetic only. every game that does this eventually learns that it’s a bad idea.

posted from 0.9.3 patch discussion thread for reference:


150 pick up, 250 carrier kill, 180 carrier kill assist. And of course: 

Snib reward 500 effective points for arming the bomb


lol, so 650 effective pickup and drop, should be more like 400 :wink: especially if you pickup the bomb as someone else dropped it hehe.


averaging 3-4 kills a game, 5-6 assists, one bomb pickup+drop trumps that all… considering you don’t even need much skill to pull it off… just sit behind your teammate doing all of the work… ;p


if you pickup and drop all 3 bombs, you net 3 times the points of the person who defended you and allowed you to cap… meanwhile doing nothing… that’s excessive…


maybe 100 for pickup, 300 for plant.

B2. you’re losing 43% lockon times, 10% crit, 43% sensor range basically. or 43% lockon/sensor and 15% crit. waiting en extra 0.5-1seconds for a lockon can be the dif between life and death in some cases. btw, i use a proton wall on command/eng, but still… it does next to nothing… would have to gimp lockon and dps to get more effect, but then you’ll be at a disadvantage vs almost all other units.


C2. your guard can die… before the next beacon and have to wait for a spawn… they can also be killed en route.

C3. there’s no sense in defending the wayward beacon in most maps. it puts you at a disadvantage in any main engagement. only makes sense to keep an inty roaming the flank, but doesn’t always work out that way.


D1. you have a missile warning indicator. anyways, no problems while dogfighting here either.


E1. it’s not a question of if: it’s a question of if you don’t carry them, you will die as an inty. if there were 2 requirements for flying one, they would be emerg barrier and flares (or some other survival module, but flares can usually prevent the most damage especially with missile spam meta, and have the shortest cooldown). the only exception would be covert, since they need all of their actives to do enough DPS to take down guards. although you can swap white noise for flares, but it’ll make it harder to attack defended frigates and harder to solo units. if you take out orion, it makes it much more difficult to kill guards.


F1. how does WNJ prevent the next shot? ;\ sure, ecm has counters but as stated it’s broken… it has a counter to almost everything technically… just disable the unit… no brains required…


K2. rofl. your argument is irrelevant. and rpg was used as an example of a game with a trading system. in fact SC is called a ‘mmo with rpg elements’… although it’s really a class-based third-person shooter with a massive loot grind…


L7. no, every ship does not and never will have the same bonuses… so what? F2P ships are available to everyone… facepalm… items should never be ‘exclusive’ unless they are cosmetic only. every game that does this eventually learns that it’s a bad idea.

B2: It certainly helps, and that is what it is all about… the extra sensor range or lock on time CPU modifiers are not even close to worth it. All 3 of the R2 implants got their uses for sure, but only the spread-reduction and anti-ECM ones are worth it for the CPU modifier in my eyes.

D1: you get a missile warning for every guided missile…it’s hard to distinquish one for the other while dogfighting sometimes…

E1: no not really…Not at all actually…Without flares you can put another modules there that can work better with your fit.

F1: it doesn’t prevent it, but good luck hitting him 100% surely without the recticle. You will most likely miss before he is behind you and you lose track of him, if he is a good inty pilot that is.

K2: loot grind? really? Experimentals are not a must-have! They are a bonus to your fit yes, and are slightly better than mk3, but they are definitly not a must-have! That is like comparing a +1 to a +0 weapon in RPG’s.


L7:F2P, premium and DLC ships are available to EVERYONE.

Limited time ships are only available to the few who get it at a certain time(Like certain achievements/titles/stickers currently) 

posted from 0.9.3 patch discussion thread for reference:



lol, so 650 effective pickup and drop, should be more like 400 :wink: especially if you pickup the bomb as someone else dropped it hehe.


averaging 3-4 kills a game, 5-6 assists, one bomb pickup+drop trumps that all… considering you don’t even need much skill to pull it off… just sit behind your teammate doing all of the work… ;p


if you pickup and drop all 3 bombs, you net 3 times the points of the person who defended you and allowed you to cap… meanwhile doing nothing…

planting bombs is not that easy, especially since the enemy team can ALWAYS see you now-a-days. Unless you enemy team is full of turds, it’s quite hard.

planting bombs is not that easy, especially since the enemy team can ALWAYS see you now-a-days. Unless you enemy team is full of turds, it’s quite hard.

Unless it’s the final beacon it’s a lot like before.  If it’s the final beacon it’s a deathmatch.

B2: It certainly helps, and that is what it is all about… the extra sensor range or lock on time CPU modifiers are not even close to worth it. All 3 of the R2 implants got their uses for sure, but only the spread-reduction and anti-ECM ones are worth it for the CPU modifier in my eyes.

D1: you get a missile warning for every guided missile…it’s hard to distinquish one for the other while dogfighting sometimes…

E1: no not really…Not at all actually…Without flares you can put another modules there that can work better with your fit.

F1: it doesn’t prevent it, but good luck hitting him 100% surely without the recticle. You will most likely miss before he is behind you and you lose track of him, if he is a good inty pilot that is.

K2: loot grind? really? Experimentals are not a must-have! They are a bonus to your fit yes, and are slightly better than mk3, but they are definitly not a must-have! That is like comparing a +1 to a +0 weapon in RPG’s.


L7:F2P, premium and DLC ships are available to EVERYONE.

Limited time ships are only available to the few who get it at a certain time(Like certain achievements/titles/stickers currently) 


B2: actually being able to detect the enemy a full 5-10 seconds before they can detect you is seriously worth it. and it’s 75% not 43%, my bad. 43% is for the lockon time reduction. which is also worth it: considering it can save 0.5-1 seconds… which amounts to extra DPS and faster active module use for disables, debuffs, etc.


D1. you can easily tell if it’s a torp. deduce who is locking onto you in the vicinity, look around for incoming missiles, etc… it also makes a different sound. plus you can hear it approaching you from 2km out. even with music playing (and you cant even hear nukes with music).


E1. some modules might work better with your fit, but they also mean you will die more often making your fit meaningless. but it can be done… just isn’t as effective.


F1. with frigate guns like mortar and positron, or even beams for that matter you don’t need a indicator at 1km. the projectile travels that distance in 0.2-0.3secs, faster than their latency will draw it on their screen. same goes for torps btw, you won’t even see the trail before it hits you.


K2. inb4; some experimentals break others: take range bonuses on ecm and covert. vs another ecm/covert the experimental will disable the mk3 before they even have a chance. also, they provide considerable bonuses 5-10% over other items, especially when fully fitted.


L7. no, DLC ships are only available to people who choose to buy  specific package, some of which cost 100$… i’m not saying make them available for credits… make them available for GS… ‘limited edition’, ie: ‘exclusive’ items have no place in competitive games. neither does a RNG loot system…

planting bombs is not that easy, especially since the enemy team can ALWAYS see you now-a-days. Unless you enemy team is full of turds, it’s quite hard.


if you sit behind your team who is doing all the killing it is easier than taking a dump… at least you have to struggle for that…