Questions to the Devs (No discussions)

Error, how come killing you no longer gives you a medal? :frowning:

I’ve been doing that since the Diffusion Shield skill came out. My Prometheus 2 was basically unkillable.

Here is an answer from Antibus from quite a while ago:

Ok, so it is designed to be like this:

  1. Passive modules/implant effects do not stack with this Fusion Shield.

  2. Debuffs do not work on this module either.

  3. Shield Does not have any resists.

  1. Your dmg to regen conversion (implant and passives) are useless under fusion shield

  2. Using Command resist buffs or tacklers painter on a ship under fusion shield is useless

  3. yeah 0 resists.

Why the hell won’t you release pirate ships for gold standards?

Why the hell won’t you release pirate ships for gold standards?

Or the other DLC ships…

  1. How are positive and negative resistances calculated?

  2. How is the damage calculated when the damage is higher than the remaining shield?

  3. When firing heavy lasers your crosshair moves slower, why does this happen?

  4. How does the Federation Rank 6 implant influence the crit damage?

  5. Federation Rank 1 implant reduces explosion damage, does it reduce missile damage in general?

  6. When changing the weapon modifier after the projectile left the gun, will it change the damage type?

  7. Does Fusion Shield work with any resistances or gets effected by any buffs/modules/implants?

  8. Do modules with % values apply to the current or to the base value?

  9. How is collision damage calculated?

  10. Is the ship speed capped at 700 and the rate of fire at 300? Are there any other caps?

  11. Does rate of fire influence the charge speed of charge weapons?

  12. Is there a formula which says how much the overheat is increased when increasing rate of fire?

  13. Energy regeneration seems to be depending on the current energy amount, is there a formula?

  14. What is the logic for Remote Hull and Shield generators? it supposedly picks most damaged ship to heal, does it pick based on total % left or total dmg dealt to that target(some examples: (a) there is a guard and covop in range guard at 5% hull, 0% shield, covop at 3% hull and 3% shield who is going to get healed(is it both modules)? (b) what if 2 identical covops in range, 1 with 10% hull and 100% shield and 2d 100% hull and 10% shield, will both (Shield and hull remote heals) modules apply to one of this interceptors or they will be healed in same time (1 by hull rep and another shield rep?)

  15. When remote hull/shield starts healing a target what conditions have to be met to change focus of heal on another target?

  16. Do resistance buffs apply to structures like warp gates?

  17. Does Target Painter reduce resistances of structures?

  18. How is the effective range of a weapon calculated?

  19. Guards AOE dmg reduction module does it apply to Pre mitigated dmg done by enemy or post mitigated dmg taken by a friendly ship?

  20. How do damage reduction modules stack? ECM + Guard.

  21. Do Spy Drones reduce all types of healing? Self heals/basic regeneration/buffs.

  22. if your CovOp/recon/tackler/LR frig are Spy Droned - you cannot press “invis” to break a Lock on you and avoid fired missiles, but when you are in range of micro locator you still can do so but you are still visible

  23. How long does it take to pick up/plant EMP Bombs? What is the range?

  24. Do Engineer drones deal explosion damage when they blow up?

  25. How does tacklers drone drain energy from an owner? Is it range dependant? What if I drop a drone and use warp gate of engi right away - will drone stay active? If yes will I still get my energy drained? What if I run out of energy will my drone disappear?

  26. Do you need a LOS to get hit by a nuke?

  27. How much hitpoints has the mobile barrier? Does it get damaged from friendly fire/Pulsar/nukes?

  28. How are reward bonuses calculated and what do they effect?

  29. a) Does passive module „Energy recuperation system“ that converts percentage of dmg into energy work under Fusion shield (command fighter) effectively increasing total dmg absorbed by fusion shield? I keep hearing contradicting information

  • [Dev blog](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20483-damage-resistance/)

  • If the incoming damage is bigger than the remaining shield, the rest damage will be done to the hull according to the hull resistances.

  • It’s a special mechanic for heavy weapons.

  • It increases the critical damage.

  • It reduces the explosion damage against any kind of explosion, inculding the self destruct module on other ships.

  • No.

  • Diffusion Shield works with any type of damage. In this case, it does not apply buffs and debuffs, because the shield absorbs all damage.

  • They increase according to the base value.

  • It depends on the speed and the angle when hitting an object.

  • Yes. No other restrictions.

  • No.

  • No, it is unique for each weapon.

  • ENRG_SP = - ENRG * ENRG / (ENRG * ENRG + 1))

  • Each repair module operates on the following algorithm: (a) The module searches for the most damaged ship (b) “Strength” of healing is determined by the absolute value of the module, if the modules are the same, the module that was activated first counts. All weaker modules will not provide any support during this time.

  • Another ship needs to be more damaged, or the currently healed ship needs to leave the effect radius.

  • No

  • No

  • The optimal range is 75% if the maximum range.

  • All the decrease and increase of damage are applied together: there is a summation of all the modifiers and the resulting value

  • Equal to 19.

  • Spy Drones Container weaken any kind of repair

  • Spy Drones Container and Micro-locator have different mechanics.

  • It takes around to 2 seconds for pick up and you should fly in a 300m radius to it.

  • No

  • You only need energy to start the drone, after this it does not need energy.

  • No

  • Static Barrier has a strength of 16,700 to 21,100, depending on the version. Static Barrier does not suffer from friendly fire.

  • It increases the basic value.

  • (A) Energy Recuperation System does not work with the Diffusion Shield. (B) The question is meaningless. Diffusion Shield simply absorbs 100% damage.

Error, how come killing you no longer gives you a medal? :frowning:

I am not a dev:)


Why the hell won’t you release pirate ships for gold standards?

Maybe in the future, but not now.

If I were to buy the “spirit” premium ship(R8 on the ship tree), will the R9 implant also apply? or will it just be R1-T8?

If I were to buy the “spirit” premium ship(R8 on the ship tree), will the R9 implant also apply? or will it just be R1-T8?

All prem ships are highest rank within tier, so all 1-9

1/ the emipre ship tree still a mess why don’t you fix it? in the middle of the long range suddenly have engineer? you must fix this go from hydra 2, emipre ship tree has been  a mess for  too long 

2/ engineer ship can’t use mine ? why?

3/ now i can’t equip the weapon i want on my ship i just have 3 or 4 type of gun to use i need more weap 

4/ long range ships seem to be useless its need some improves like guns auto fire ,degisnator more accurate faster the degisnator go 

My question is simple…How do I go about getting a refund of the real world money I spent on this game since you have destroyed it with the 0.9 update?

  1. Do you intend to make T2, T3 and T4 follow the pattern used in T5? If yes, when?


  1. When will we get permanent cosmetic options?

Q: How soon before the dev team would consider tweaking mechanics and stat numbers on the new weapons?


  • SM is halfway through our weapons testing and already we’ve found glaring problems with some of the guns.


  • That is to say, for each ship class - there is a right weapon to use in ALL situations and the rest are either the WRONG weapon to use or is only useful in VERY SPECIFIC situations.

My question is simple…How do I go about getting a refund of the real world money I spent on this game since you have destroyed it with the 0.9 update?


Please contact support for such account / billing type enquiry. You should never give any billing related information through any other medium and as such this is the only place where such support can be provided.

Why there is no pink color ? >_>

Forgot that there were this section.

My question wasn’t answered, so I will post it here, hope that it will be satisfied.


What is the concept, intention and purpose for frigates weapon and each type of ship you have in mind, and the plan for the future?



^Pink color is fabulous, we must have it.

Am I right to say that there’s no more reputation in Star Conflict? If so, the Mercenary Pack DLC used to offer a reputation boost. Will that be changed to some other bonus instead?

If I were to buy the “spirit” premium ship(R8 on the ship tree), will the R9 implant also apply? or will it just be R1-T8?

They are the highest rank.

1/ the emipre ship tree still a mess why don’t you fix it? in the middle of the long range suddenly have engineer? you must fix this go from hydra 2, emipre ship tree has been  a mess for  too long 

2/ engineer ship can’t use mine ? why?

3/ now i can’t equip the weapon i want on my ship i just have 3 or 4 type of gun to use i need more weap 

4/ long range ships seem to be useless its need some improves like guns auto fire ,degisnator more accurate faster the degisnator go 

1.The ship tree already got some improvements and there is still the possibility to adjust it even more.

2.We want to reduce the frigate balls.

3.There is [dev blog](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20619-announcement-of-patch-090/) about the weapon changes.

4.Please use our suggestion forum for this.

  1. Do you intend to make T2, T3 and T4 follow the pattern used in T5? If yes, when?


  1. When will we get permanent cosmetic options?

1)It hasn’t been decided yet, but there is still a chance.

2)There are no information on this at the moment.


Q: How soon before the dev team would consider tweaking mechanics and stat numbers on the new weapons?


  • SM is halfway through our weapons testing and already we’ve found glaring problems with some of the guns.


  • That is to say, for each ship class - there is a right weapon to use in ALL situations and the rest are either the WRONG weapon to use or is only useful in VERY SPECIFIC situations.

Very soon, but I cannot tell you any date. Please leave some detailed feedback in the balance section.

Why there is no pink color ? >_>

The colours are not finished.


Forgot that there were this section.

My question wasn’t answered, so I will post it here, hope that it will be satisfied.


What is the concept, intention and purpose for frigates weapon and each type of ship you have in mind, and the plan for the future?



^Pink color is fabulous, we must have it.

The basics for the roles are done, now it comes to tweaking them.


Am I right to say that there’s no more reputation in Star Conflict? If so, the Mercenary Pack DLC used to offer a reputation boost. Will that be changed to some other bonus instead?

It gives reputation and loyalty bonus. The loyalty bonus is still valid.

Is there any internal discussion regarding the lowering of the Premium’s ship appeal? Right now they’re a dead end for synergy and it’s too expensive (in my and some other’s opinion) to make it worth flying them when you still have to rank up to unlock more ships.

What is the concept, intention and purpose for frigates weapon and each type of ship you have in mind, and the plan for the future?


The basics for the roles are done, now it comes to tweaking them.

Okay, so the plan part got answered, thank you.

My assumption is that the weapon system is designed with this concept:


-Interceptors: Close range, high damage, high spread => either stay as close as possible to a fight, or lurk for assassination.


-Fighters: medium range, medium~high damage, medium spread=> Versatile for many situations, combat-wise.


-Frigates: Long range, low damage, low barrel turning rate => Stay as far from combat and battlefield (except guard will need to get close and Coil Mortar seems to be the most viable choice) as possible and get punished hard when someone gets close, provide warning shot? How about the limit of effective ranges of modules?


Is there anything wrong with it?

Is there anything wrong with it?

Yes, there is. Because Fighter weapons have a longer range than Frigate ones.