Questions to the Devs (No discussions)

I’m still a bit confused about how the resistance works, does it work based on percentage? Or by a base number?

Received damage = 100/(100+resistance). So at 100 resistance you get 50% damage.

Yes, without license it is limited to 2 players. There are no plans to increase the squad size.

About the limitation - We will think about another solution.


I just experienced how this plays out with the licence expiration thing. I didn’t like how the scenario played itself. Honestly I see how this idea puts money in your pockets, but I don’t like the way it’s done. I like playing with my friends and this busyness model is in the way. I am considering pushing this game to the “play once in a while” slot. The playing with friends part will then take place elsewhere. 

Is this game or are the developers somehow involved/related with Star Citizen? 


Very curious, as I see the game mentioned in chat quite a bit and there are some striking similarities. 


My apologies upfront if this is somehow a taboo subject

You came to advertise “Star Citizen” here(and in the other topic you or someone else made)? Tbh it actualy worked - at least I went to google it and as far as it looked i have high hopes for it, but unfortunately low expectations.


In other topic it was mentioned as well, that these games are not related to each other.

Why do some of the ships have green stat bonuses by default, even without any implants and synergy?


For example Cerberus 2 has +20 to all resistances, but why? And what does Garm offer to counter this?.. (no green stat bonuses there).


Are these strange bonuses on some of the ships intended or should it be considered a bug and thus I shouldn’t expect them to stay as they are?


If such additional bonuses are intended, when will we have them listed and explained in the ship details interface?

Hey guys, I’ve got a question about damage dealt when the shield’s about to fail.

For instance, when a ship gets hit with 50 pts remaining on its shield, the damage indicated for the shot being 200 pts. If it has a 50 resistance for the shield and 0 for the hull for that kind of damage, what really happens?

Lets say incoming attack dmg is 400 points, your shield atm is 50 points, with 100 resistance to shield(because easy to calculate: 100 res = 50% reduction) and 0 resistance to hull.


The most logical way to process this would be to do:

50 dmg to shield(this take 100 of incoming dmg points because have 50% resistance)

300 dmg to hull (this take 300 dmg points)


But who knows if this is actually the case.

I just experienced how this plays out with the licence expiration thing. I didn’t like how the scenario played itself. Honestly I see how this idea puts money in your pockets, but I don’t like the way it’s done. I like playing with my friends and this busyness model is in the way. I am considering pushing this game to the “play once in a while” slot. The playing with friends part will then take place elsewhere. 


Same here bro, since moved on to other games.

Hey Devies!


I was reading through the F.A.Q and found this;







My question is, Does this mean that there will also be a Free Roam mode along side Arcade?


So far it’s my first day on Star Conflict, Very fun to play, Not came across any bugs/glitches yet except a few times during Domination it said the Enemies have captured point A when we just captured it.

But the control HUD tells us the real truth so it isn’t off putting.





Edit: Ignore the last part, Only realized they captured A beacon.

At the moment most information are still secret about this.


he wants to code a fitting tool. this tools takes module, ship and weapon data from the game and out puts it into a tool. this tool will read that data and out puts it into a format for min-maxers to read. what this tool with show is:


How much total HP the ship will have.

How long the Ship will last under fire for X attacker

How much Total DPS the ship will produce.

How fast a ship will go… so on.


This is not a Mod so to speak. It is a tool that will be NOT be connected to the client in any shape or form. it Uses the data of modules that is provided client side.


This is what the Eve Fitting Tool looks like.

Such tools can be coded by players, but keep in mind that we are still in beta and many stats may still change.


it’s been some time…


  1. i’d like to ask if the devs would mind to include some premade ship camos… just like the stickers

  2. will the CBT target info (hull, shield, speed, distance, energy of the emeny) be reintroduced?

1.There will be some more ways to customize your ship colour, but not in the near future.

2.The HUD will still get a few more improvements so we may see something like this.


Hey could we have an escort game mode? Like scenario or PVP ?



My ideia was having one team escorting a group of freighters from one point of the map to another , while the other team just tries to finish the freighters off,


Defending team gets, a bit faster respawn or regular, and atacking team is limited to the number of ships they have in the hangar, pretty straight forward nothing fancy




Get one of the teams defending and escorting a damaged, cruiser / battleship / dreadnought class ship that can still shoot a couple AA guns, same method, atacking team gets limited number of ships but so does the defending team.



With a bit of polish i think we could have these modes in PvP and Scenario for instance, having scenario reinforcements in the form of NPC atackers or defenders for example, or similiar to the actuall scenarios, having  waypoints that once reached you can choose the craft you want for the next stage.


In the case of the Capital ship escort you could even target specific systems to cripple it and at each waypoint these systems, lets say propulsion, or bridge or, or , or, would be repaired and the atacking / defending team would have new objectives to atack and defend, you could even mix it up in scenario with a simple deathmatch were both teams need to clear a path for the ship, like level / waypoint in between, and have it a simple team vs team.


Could you guys also include a Chart, or starmap? If there is going to be a "freelance starwandering " game mode, like we could pick up were to go and fight? or are you planning on getting regions in the game?

These things should better be posted under suggestions


does it really take 2 hours to download the game?

This depends on your internet connection.


Is this game or are the developers somehow involved/related with Star Citizen? 


Very curious, as I see the game mentioned in chat quite a bit and there are some striking similarities. 


My apologies upfront if this is somehow a taboo subject



Why do some of the ships have green stat bonuses by default, even without any implants and synergy?


For example Cerberus 2 has +20 to all resistances, but why? And what does Garm offer to counter this?.. (no green stat bonuses there).


Are these strange bonuses on some of the ships intended or should it be considered a bug and thus I shouldn’t expect them to stay as they are?


If such additional bonuses are intended, when will we have them listed and explained in the ship details interface?

The ship roles are stil under contruction, this leads to the point that some ships may have different stats/bonuses.

Currently there is no eta when this will be finished.

  1. Are we likely to see any complete overhauls of certain systems? IE: implants, ship trees, contracts?


The reason I ask, is i’ve made a couple of posts in the suggestion forum about what might make progression in the game more fluid. Currently faction feels a lot more like role (Jerricho as an example falls naturally into a more utility/support based role because of their special modules. however their racial bonus doesnt’ really reflect this, with increased missle damage). I feel like contracts should be completely revamped, as they don’t seem to fit how a mercenary would accept jobs. We end up paying to take exclusive contracts. where as it makes far more sense to be paid to only accept exclusive contracts. Rather i feel it would be better if contracts were set up by ship type, rather than by faction type. and we gain reputation in ship class, rather than faction. this allows greater customization for players. and it makes more sense to have to pay to switch ship class, rather than faction. 


  1. Can we get a hint on the developers philosophy on matchmaking? how competitive do they want the game to become?


Again, i’ve posed some suggestions on MMing in the appropriate forums. However it’s hard to provide feedback without knowing what developers goals are in this regard. what do the developers consider good matchmaking? The general standard is that MMing should try to make your win/loss ratio around 50%. I understand this is difficult to do with such a small population in the game. However there is an increased level of complexity based on ship tiers. knowing what they are working towards can help some of us give more constructive feedback. otherwise we’re taking shots in the dark and hoping to provide feedback on the things they are concerned about


  1. Any possibility on being able to segregate shop items by type?


This would aid greatly in making a ship fulfill a specific role. Not only that, many ships receive bonuses to certain types of modules (Recon as an example). Currently it’s not clear what modules are recon modules for newer players. (keep in mind, not everyone likes to read, so having a redundant feature to sort by type would be very helpful). also, our active modules are really our ‘skill tree’ a better UI here would assist greatly. 


  1. are there going to be any adjustments to personal progression?


I currently feel that credit gains are too small, and reputation gains are too fast. Especially for the first 5 or so ranks. for a newer player this may feel very ‘bad’ in terms of overal experience. essentially you’re never able to afford even half of what’s available  by the time you hit the next rank. seeing as many players like having the ‘best’ items. by the time you hit the higher ranks, it’s difficult to even equip 1 ship well without hitting the next rank and feeling that you’re falling behind. (without boosts) This is especially compounded in PvP, where reptutation gains are higher and credit gains are smaller compared to PvE. 

So it is possible that Trade between players becomes possible in the near future via the New Mail System?

In regards to T5 ships , and stats increasing which occured for tech lvl ( T2 faster than T1 , T3 faster than T2 etc.) , will their be a further increase in speed in the future, above the New cap of 700?


Edit: 1st has been cleared :slight_smile:

Can we get any hints on improving ship roles? 


How about ship class balancing?

Can we get any hints on improving ship roles? 


How about ship class balancing?

Check out the latest topics in the news section.


So it is possible that Trade between players becomes possible in the near future via the New Mail System?

In regards to T5 ships , and stats increasing which occured for tech lvl ( T2 faster than T1 , T3 faster than T2 etc.) , will their be a further increase in speed in the future, above the New cap of 700?


Edit: 1st has been cleared :slight_smile:

1-There are still no plans for trading between players.

2-We need to see how it will work witht he game engine. Higher flight speed may lead to some problematic bugs.



Are we likely to see any complete overhauls of certain systems? IE: implants, ship trees, contracts?

Yes, this may happen. For example the ship roles will get a big overhaul in the next patch.

For more information take a look [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18769-game-development-plan/).


Any possibility on being able to segregate shop items by type?

This should be answered with patch 0.8.


Can we get a hint on the developers philosophy on matchmaking? how competitive do they want the game to become?

We will still try to adjust matchmaking. During the last week it has got many improvements and should be better than at the beginning.



are there going to be any adjustments to personal progression?

Balance/economics/grinding are always under rework. If needed, they will be adjusted.

Hi would love to know what direction the devs are working towards for the next set of changes.


1 are they fixing what they broke* (imo) in the last patch. or are they just going to leave it till the next major patch ? and if so when is that likely to be.

2 do the Devs directly read the forums, or is information just filtered through to them? English forums

3 do the Devs directly read the forums, or is information just filtered through to them? Russian forums




The last Dev blog was near enough 7 months ago, please dont think i am belittling your efforts at keeping the english speaking community informed, you are doing a great job in a very difficult

But to hear it from the horses mouth so to speak would be preferable.

to many between the gamers and the devs just brings chinese whispers to mind.



*the balance issues between ships, the damage output on guard frigates for example. not asking regarding roles or new progress lines.

Hi would love to know what direction the devs are working towards for the next set of changes.


1 are they fixing what they broke* (imo) in the last patch. or are they just going to leave it till the next major patch ? and if so when is that likely to be.

2 do the Devs directly read the forums, or is information just filtered through to them? English forums

3 do the Devs directly read the forums, or is information just filtered through to them? Russian forums




The last Dev blog was near enough 7 months ago, please dont think i am belittling your efforts at keeping the english speaking community informed, you are doing a great job in a very difficult

But to hear it from the horses mouth so to speak would be preferable.

to many between the gamers and the devs just brings chinese whispers to mind.



*the balance issues between ships, the damage output on guard frigates for example. not asking regarding roles or new progress lines.


They broke nothing…

A couple questions.


  • Are you guys interested or even planning investing a bit more in the game lore? I don’t like the feeling , and many others also, to play just to unlock ships,  stuff like backstory? Personal stories? Great battles with some detail? Perhaps some project images from ships and their tech specs? Like crew or even a couple stories from famous ships or captains?


that said


  • What about some story related bonuses or rewards? Like imperial cannons or modules? Or the change to play some event battles in PVE like some great imperial vs fed, or Jericho battle? Something with flow instead of the same static maps? Some capital ship assault? Like 2 stages decided if in the first stage you manage to destroy the escort of the enemy you get to atack some orbital station.


or if you loose the first stage you get to defend it, something with more flow or more at lenght other then defeating waves of enemies and if you can’t bam… next map.


  • Also could you check on the map rotation? At T3 i mostly get shipyard or destroy the dreads guns… for money making purposes ok, but at lenght… booooring.



  • Another question, regarding ships, could you please , or is there the chance that, the ship tree could be reworked? For example i like playing Engeneering ships, or ECM boats, somewhat gunships but not in their current state, would there be a chance for the tech tree to branch up some more and no make us all go trough all the same ships wether we play them or not? 


  • Are you planning some more modules to also? For instance, i got drones instead of my pulsar in the Cerberus 2, but, drones do die fast, are you perhaps planning to add something more that can help frigate players to defend against ceptor waves? or at least help keep them somewhat at bay even if this is for a very short ammount of time? 


  • Are you guys planning or bringing out any other type of ships? Lets say other types of frigates? Or perhaps another class? Like corvets or something? 


  • Another question regarding ship roles, are you planning to deepen this? Like to have pure ECM ships with more modules just ECM dedicated? Or Recons? Or some Energy Vampire ships and vice versa?

They broke nothing…

hence i put (imo) = in my opinion !!

 Get with the intorwebz …

Hi would love to know what direction the devs are working towards for the next set of changes.


1 are they fixing what they broke* (imo) in the last patch. or are they just going to leave it till the next major patch ? and if so when is that likely to be.

2 do the Devs directly read the forums, or is information just filtered through to them? English forums

3 do the Devs directly read the forums, or is information just filtered through to them? Russian forums




The last Dev blog was near enough 7 months ago, please dont think i am belittling your efforts at keeping the english speaking community informed, you are doing a great job in a very difficult

But to hear it from the horses mouth so to speak would be preferable.

to many between the gamers and the devs just brings chinese whispers to mind.



*the balance issues between ships, the damage output on guard frigates for example. not asking regarding roles or new progress lines.

1- We are aware that the balance suffers a few issues and it will be changed during the next patches until it is fine again.

2/3- They are reading the english and the russian forum. All important answers and posts get translated by me and posted on the english forum too.

A couple questions.


1- Are you guys interested or even planning investing a bit more in the game lore? I don’t like the feeling , and many others also, to play just to unlock ships,  stuff like backstory? Personal stories? Great battles with some detail? Perhaps some project images from ships and their tech specs? Like crew or even a couple stories from famous ships or captains?


that said


2- What about some story related bonuses or rewards? Like imperial cannons or modules? Or the change to play some event battles in PVE like some great imperial vs fed, or Jericho battle? Something with flow instead of the same static maps? Some capital ship assault? Like 2 stages decided if in the first stage you manage to destroy the escort of the enemy you get to atack some orbital station.


or if you loose the first stage you get to defend it, something with more flow or more at lenght other then defeating waves of enemies and if you can’t bam… next map.


3- Also could you check on the map rotation? At T3 i mostly get shipyard or destroy the dreads guns… for money making purposes ok, but at lenght… booooring.



4- Another question, regarding ships, could you please , or is there the chance that, the ship tree could be reworked? For example i like playing Engeneering ships, or ECM boats, somewhat gunships but not in their current state, would there be a chance for the tech tree to branch up some more and no make us all go trough all the same ships wether we play them or not? 


5- Are you planning some more modules to also? For instance, i got drones instead of my pulsar in the Cerberus 2, but, drones do die fast, are you perhaps planning to add something more that can help frigate players to defend against ceptor waves? or at least help keep them somewhat at bay even if this is for a very short ammount of time? 


6- Are you guys planning or bringing out any other type of ships? Lets say other types of frigates? Or perhaps another class? Like corvets or something? 


7- Another question regarding ship roles, are you planning to deepen this? Like to have pure ECM ships with more modules just ECM dedicated? Or Recons? Or some Energy Vampire ships and vice versa?


1- There may be some small story content in the future, but the game mainly focuses on fighting, but we will have some bigger battles between corps in the future and the Dreadnoughts will also be introduced in some time.


2- The factions will get more importance in the sector conquest in the near future. At the moment we only added the basics.


3- This is intended, but there will be more PvE missions in the future.


4- All players like different ships so it is hard to make it perfect. It is recommended to make a suggestion about this.


5- Of course we will add more modules in the future.


6- At the moment we will focus on the ship types we have.


7- First of all we want to improve the balance between the ship roles and then we will think about making them more special.

Speaking of pve missions , could we possibly get the new one you added to tier 2 recently for tier 3/4 also?

Many thanks for the reply