Questions to the Devs (No discussions)

Greetings Good Developers,


I will write you a longer post at a later time telling you how great a job you guys(and gals?) are doing but for now I just want to bring to your attention the most problematic thing I have discovered in The Game and wanted to know if you were aware of it and were planning on doing anything to fix it.


I’m a writer of sorts, so I will tell you what happened in story form.


It started as just any other arcade game. It turned out to be combat reconnaissance. It turned out I was designated Captain, so I naturally chose my most survivable ship of the 3 I had. The battle ensued and I pulled away from the front lines a ways like any good captain would. In the process of shooting up the enemies that made it past the front lines, I was among the most effective members of my team. With a good number of enemy ships destroyed for the time being, the battle moved toward the opponent’s territory, and I moved back to my defensive location( near starship debris to fly around in case of enemy missiles. I then closely monitored the action with the assistance of the tab key. Staying vigilant, so that if an enemy appeared near my location I would not be caught off-guard, Empire interceptors and good strategic players can relatively easily bypass a dog-fighting mob to kill the captain as you well know. However the game mechanics did not interpret my actions this way and instead kicked me from the game due to inactivity. The game let me rejoin the match almost instantly; however by the time I was back The Game had given my captainship to another player, a skilled interceptor pilot who had just respawned. I doubt he realized he was the captain, for he micro-warped to the enemy captain and engaged him. He managed to take down the enemy captains’ shields and damage his hull, but alas in the end our substitute captain perished in the attempt. I managed to kill the opposing captain and subsequently 2 or 3 more enemy players before literally being killed between a rock and a hard place (4 players locked onto me). When the dust had settled I had the comforting knowledge that I was the MVP for my side, but I also had the nagging feeling that was the 1st game I had lost due to The Game and by extension the programmers. :smoke:


If I beloved I lost the match due to my stupidity or that of my teammates, or the superior skills, gear or teamwork of our opponents I would not complain. These things are a part of the experience.


  However this is a case where what caused me to lose was none of those things, but the instead the programmed machinations of the game. Machinations which you have control of.


I would ask that you create bright flashing warning  signs (similar to the low health warnings but with bigger letters) to let a player know for 15 to 30 secs before they are kicked due to inactivity that they are about to be kicked and the reason. I would also ask you to consider removing the inactivity timeout for Captains.


Thanks in advance for your consideration, and thank you also for making a truly great game.  I honestly don’t think I’ve had this much fun since 2001 and Star Wars: Starfighter. :lol:



Black Captain :salute:

Hello BlackCaptain. This is a beta, right time to influence the development process. So post your report in appropriate forum section. This thread is for questions. I didn’t see any questions from you, but glad to know that you are enjoying the game :slight_smile:


P.S. I hope that devs will pay some attention to english forums soon. They are answering russian questions very often! You can try to use google translate on thisваши-вопросы-к-разработчикам-игры-stargem-inc-строгая-мо/page-38#entry702872’>thread

This might be a hard question and something to think about.


Why use a 2d map for a 3d spacial game. And what i mean with this is the map does show the way you’re pointing. (i dont mean the mini map since that is good)

But it doesnt in anyway show you the way you’ll go. 


Example: If you rotate your ship (so up is down) the map stays the same. In other words the map becomes mirrored. In a fast pace game like this, that renders it basically useless…

Is it true that the maximum squad size is only 2 without a liscence, as in War Thunder? If so, is there a plan to alter this? Is there a plan to increase maximum squad size overall?


I personally believe that it’s a terrible idea to limit squad size in any way, save for map/match restrictions. You’re putting a leash on your community; the one factor which keeps F2P games alive. If people can’t play with their friends, they’ll stop playing altogether. Those are just my thoughts.

Do dev plan to buff fed drones in anyway?


Is the Dread ship pve mission gone?

How does match making work when Squad members are different tiers?


Are lower tier players going to be dragged into more difficult games?

How does match making work when Squad members are different tiers?


Are lower tier players going to be dragged into more difficult games?

By the best ship in squad. Squad of t4+t1+t1+t1 will be matched against t4 opponents



/set cl_showMmQueueInfo 2


This will show your matchmaking value. You’ll see it after you click on Fight button.



 I have created a post in the graphics section regarding the Issue but have had no reply,


I would like to ask if “in the future there will be widescreen support for the Game”, as i run over 3 screens and would love to be able to have a decent resolution (5040x1050).

3 ppl have already posted about the issue that i know of. Although we are not a large group, we are a growing group as screens become cheaper.

It is known issue. Will be fixed as soon as possible. Was reported at Russian forums.

cool thnx for heads up :slight_smile:

Very simple and straight foward question when war thunder gets released are we going to be able to reclaim our planes that we have earned or bought while the beta was out

Very simple and straight foward question when war thunder gets released are we going to be able to reclaim our planes that we have earned or bought while the beta was out

For War Thunder questions please use this forum:


Are there plans for a more verbose description of the different factions upon character creation, including information about the subfactions?

Including ship types, specific modules and their bonuses/preferred playstyles?


I would really like to know what i’m getting as i’m levelling a subfaction, maybe a tooltip for the loyaltyranks showing what is unlocked when and at what stage?

(Right now i have to sift through a lot of tabs and icons to try and figure out what faction i need to be to get access to the playstyle, module and/or weapon combo i want.)


Any plans for better communication in a team?

pre-battle tactical overlay, more commands other than “attacking this” and “defending that”, like “cover me”, or why not “HELP!!”


I know the ai does some of this for us, but i’d rather give that power to the users to use or misuse as the case may be.

1: At the moment the descriptions are very detailed for weapons/modules/ships. What exactly do you want to improve?

2: Sounds usefull.

3: There will be some improvements for the team communication.


Error, could you try to fetch any information regarding the Currency Conversion problem (1$ = 1€ when buying credits)?


That would be great. I’m feeling a bit hoodwinked by the devs, trying to get a few bucks more out of me, just because the Euro is hard in comparison to the Dollar.


So a statement, even a short one, would be nice. Are they planning to change this or do they want to keep this disadvantage up?


thanks in advance, Fleder

The payment is decided by the publisher and not by the devs so I don’t know how much I can do about this.


Would it be possible to expose game data for developers so that we can create 3rd party tools (Like EFT for Eve Online)?


I would love to spend time developing a EFT variant for Star Conflict :slight_smile:

Modding will not be supported.

What exactly do you want to code?


Is it true that the maximum squad size is only 2 without a liscence, as in War Thunder? If so, is there a plan to alter this? Is there a plan to increase maximum squad size overall?


I personally believe that it’s a terrible idea to limit squad size in any way, save for map/match restrictions. You’re putting a leash on your community; the one factor which keeps F2P games alive. If people can’t play with their friends, they’ll stop playing altogether. Those are just my thoughts.

Yes, without license it is limited to 2 players. There are no plans to increase the squad size.

About the limitation - We will think about another solution.

Hey Devies!


I was reading through the F.A.Q and found this;




Q: What is the galactic map?A: Galaxy-wide battles for sector control will be introduced in the future. They will involve both corporations and independent mercenaries.




My question is, Does this mean that there will also be a Free Roam mode along side Arcade?


So far it’s my first day on Star Conflict, Very fun to play, Not came across any bugs/glitches yet except a few times during Domination it said the Enemies have captured point A when we just captured it.

But the control HUD tells us the real truth so it isn’t off putting.





Edit: Ignore the last part, Only realized they captured A beacon.

Hey Devies!

I was reading through the F.A.Q and found this;

My question is, Does this mean that there will also be a Free Roam mode along side Arcade?

So far it’s my first day on Star Conflict, Very fun to play, Not came across any bugs/glitches yet except a few times during Domination it said the Enemies have captured point A when we just captured it.

But the control HUD tells us the real truth so it isn’t off putting.



Yes I have been playing for about 14days and I’m interested Very interested in what galaxy map actually entails. I’m hoping Free fly mode.

Modding will not be supported.

What exactly do you want to code?



he wants to code a fitting tool. this tools takes module, ship and weapon data from the game and out puts it into a tool. this tool will read that data and out puts it into a format for min-maxers to read. what this tool with show is:


How much total HP the ship will have.

How long the Ship will last under fire for X attacker

How much Total DPS the ship will produce.

How fast a ship will go… so on.


This is not a Mod so to speak. It is a tool that will be NOT be connected to the client in any shape or form. it Uses the data of modules that is provided client side.


This is what the Eve Fitting Tool looks like.

it’s been some time…


  1. i’d like to ask if the devs would mind to include some premade ship camos… just like the stickers

  2. will the CBT target info (hull, shield, speed, distance, energy of the emeny) be reintroduced?

I’m still a bit confused about how the resistance works, does it work based on percentage? Or by a base number?

Hey could we have an escort game mode? Like scenario or PVP ?



My ideia was having one team escorting a group of freighters from one point of the map to another , while the other team just tries to finish the freighters off,


Defending team gets, a bit faster respawn or regular, and atacking team is limited to the number of ships they have in the hangar, pretty straight forward nothing fancy




Get one of the teams defending and escorting a damaged, cruiser / battleship / dreadnought class ship that can still shoot a couple AA guns, same method, atacking team gets limited number of ships but so does the defending team.



With a bit of polish i think we could have these modes in PvP and Scenario for instance, having scenario reinforcements in the form of NPC atackers or defenders for example, or similiar to the actuall scenarios, having  waypoints that once reached you can choose the craft you want for the next stage.


In the case of the Capital ship escort you could even target specific systems to cripple it and at each waypoint these systems, lets say propulsion, or bridge or, or , or, would be repaired and the atacking / defending team would have new objectives to atack and defend, you could even mix it up in scenario with a simple deathmatch were both teams need to clear a path for the ship, like level / waypoint in between, and have it a simple team vs team.


Could you guys also include a Chart, or starmap? If there is going to be a "freelance starwandering " game mode, like we could pick up were to go and fight? or are you planning on getting regions in the game?

does it really take 2 hours to download the game?