Questions to the Devs (No discussions)

Hello Developers,

I am currently seeking to help support you in making this game not just a better game, but an amazing game that will lead the mmorpg market. we (the gaming community) badly need such a game, one that is not overly complex, is friendly to all computer systems, and is competitive and fun to play. With this being said, I have a few concerns and i would like to know what you plan on doing about them, or if you have plans to address them.

I cannot express how much i truly believe a universe will make this game an amazing game, It will compete and even beat eve if you add it. Please strongly consider this, I am truly willing to help design all systems, and more from a graphic/orbit standpoint all you need to do is let me know where to start.

Concerns** -**

First off, can we please get a post from error or yourselves on what you are working on for the upcoming patch? a simple "hey guys next patch will be dedicated to “being efficient at running over space rats”

  • The Universe My biggest worry about this game is it not going into the realm of “universal game play”, or something similar to eve, where there is a traversable universe. Do you plan on seriously considering this as part of the game in the near future?

- Ship Passive’s one of the things i feel would vastly improve and diversify this game is changing the ship skill screen (Which was a great addition btw). so that each ship has a Credit or GS Cost to it, but after unlocking it will give it an upgradeable feature like skills have. Level 1-5 and each level gives a bonus to this specific and unique type of passive. For example I have a Frigate which gives + 2% shield boost per a level with a max of level 5 at 10% Bonus to shield boost. What do you have to say about this idea?

- Mailing System - we really need one of these, both corp wide and player to player

Lastly i just want to make a few comments

the game is heading in the direction to be an amazing game, It only needs a few changes which i have added below. Keep up the great work, I am here to help you if i can do so.

- Sniping is a little broken, Can we please get a nerf on all weapons to have a max of 6.5km. Also can we make only rainguns hit at this range, and make lasers max out at 5k, and plasma at 4k. this will help balace the game greatly.

- hull tanking is not working out so well, do you plan on adding an armor life to give the hull tanks a solution to many of their problems, as well as “room to breathe”?

hm…for some reason i feel compasion - i feel again!

  • stop the jokes

okay, do you recognise anything unusual like your hard drive freaks out or the cooling system gets a seizure?

is there any chance for you to upload (screenshot or txt should be fine) the mentioned error report the programm wants to send?

to ease your desire :smiley:

I actually got t3 federation vanguard ships. With the skill-tree I have to buy all previous ships to be able to buy t4 ships and this is quite expensive! Will there be some changes too improove this?

Will their ever be a market place… :learn: 

I actually got t3 federation vanguard ships. With the skill-tree I have to buy all previous ships to be able to buy t4 ships and this is quite expensive! Will there be some changes too improove this?

To be honest, If  you  could get to tier 4 in a day then why eould you play?

When you have got to the highest rank then your can just keep saving while working on a diffrent faction.

They have just increased the credits you get in the game after winning and loseing.

Hello Devs,


       As I never heard of this game and had to search through many spaced themed mmo’s to find it, I have one question: why aren’t you guys advertising more? As an avid gamer (who’s recent kick is MWO (Mech Warrior Online), I must say I am very impressed with the many things you can do with experience points (and how it takes a long time to reach the maximum potential; this is a good thing that MWO lacks), and the loot and item system in general (another thing MWO lacks). The game is very impressive, it is just too bad that at any given point, only a few hundred people, if that even, are on. I believe that if you guys started advertising stressing the arcade style with it’s RPG elements (long time to reach “max level”, many thing and customizations you can achieve), you would definately pull in players, meaning more money for development. Also, if you added the ability for players to give their ships custom colors (not just decals, this is a feature in MWO that definately adds a psychological effect to your opponents, as well as adding variety to the matches), that would be cool. A small detail, however. I’m just curious as to how you develop your game despite it’s small player base. Like I said, if you advertised in the right places with just banners on website gamers frequent, your game would “blow up”. Thanks for your time, great work.

Thanks again.

Okay, I have to ask here, I just played a game of Detonation and I found one aspect of it completely rediculous:


A tie-breaker is to count how many times one team picked up bombs.


Now I’m sorry, but why? That is my question, why?

You cannot make an effort as a team to spawn more bombs, and picking them up is a matter of chance in most games. So why are you tracking team kills at the top alongside number of bases remaining?


This was a game where we had something like 27-12 kills and 1 base left each side, but we just lose because of a statistic out of our control.

THe Skills section in the game only shows the inplant interface.

Checking the info pannel shows a picture of a skill tree.

Now where did you hide the good stuff?

THe Skills section in the game only shows the inplant interface.

Checking the info pannel shows a picture of a skill tree.

Now where did you hide the good stuff?

This is the old skill tree which has been removed.

Will their ever be a market place… :learn: 

This is not planned.

Hello Devs,


       As I never heard of this game and had to search through many spaced themed mmo’s to find it, I have one question: why aren’t you guys advertising more? As an avid gamer (who’s recent kick is MWO (Mech Warrior Online), I must say I am very impressed with the many things you can do with experience points (and how it takes a long time to reach the maximum potential; this is a good thing that MWO lacks), and the loot and item system in general (another thing MWO lacks). The game is very impressive, it is just too bad that at any given point, only a few hundred people, if that even, are on. I believe that if you guys started advertising stressing the arcade style with it’s RPG elements (long time to reach “max level”, many thing and customizations you can achieve), you would definately pull in players, meaning more money for development. Also, if you added the ability for players to give their ships custom colors (not just decals, this is a feature in MWO that definately adds a psychological effect to your opponents, as well as adding variety to the matches), that would be cool. A small detail, however. I’m just curious as to how you develop your game despite it’s small player base. Like I said, if you advertised in the right places with just banners on website gamers frequent, your game would “blow up”. Thanks for your time, great work.

More advertisement will be done at the right time.

This is not planned.

Then how would I sell the Tier 2 Purple Stabilized Railgun that I found…I mean they put in uber loot drops…so should there not be a way to profit from them?

This is the old skill tree which has been removed.

So you change the skill tree to an implant tree, but you do not update the info pannel while your at it?


I know, every change you make causes ripples expanding all over the place, you need to update wiki pages, manuals, ingame info pages…

Still, it keeps things clear for everyone that takes the time to read about it all :slight_smile:

Another question,


Currently the backround of the battlegrounds and the objects on grid look awesome,

While in a pitched dogfight however, the colours red  can make the objective beacon markers hard to descern from the background.

Will it be possible to change the colour sceme of the hud to make things easier for the eyes?

is it possible to change factions because i chose federation and i want to play jericho

is it possible to change factions because i chose federation and i want to play jericho

You can switch your subfaction on the Contract tab as soon as you reach rank 2 in your first faction.


Another question,


Currently the backround of the battlegrounds and the objects on grid look awesome,

While in a pitched dogfight however, the colours red  can make the objective beacon markers hard to descern from the background.

Will it be possible to change the colour sceme of the hud to make things easier for the eyes?

In the future you will be able to make some own customizations to the HUD.


So you change the skill tree to an implant tree, but you do not update the info pannel while your at it?


I know, every change you make causes ripples expanding all over the place, you need to update wiki pages, manuals, ingame info pages…

Still, it keeps things clear for everyone that takes the time to read about it all :slight_smile:

The in game tutorials will adjusted in some time. The wiki will be a project for players who want to help.


Are there plans for a more verbose description of the different factions upon character creation, including information about the subfactions?

Including ship types, specific modules and their bonuses/preferred playstyles?




I would really like to know what i’m getting as i’m levelling a subfaction, maybe a tooltip for the loyaltyranks showing what is unlocked when and at what stage?


(Right now i have to sift through a lot of tabs and icons to try and figure out what faction i need to be to get access to the playstyle, module and/or weapon combo i want.)





Any plans for better communication in a team?

pre-battle tactical overlay, more commands other than “attacking this” and “defending that”, like “cover me”, or why not “HELP!!”


I know the ai does some of this for us, but i’d rather give that power to the users to use or misuse as the case may be.

Error, could you try to fetch any information regarding the Currency Conversion problem (1$ = 1€ when buying credits)?


That would be great. I’m feeling a bit hoodwinked by the devs, trying to get a few bucks more out of me, just because the Euro is hard in comparison to the Dollar.


So a statement, even a short one, would be nice. Are they planning to change this or do they want to keep this disadvantage up?


thanks in advance, Fleder

Would it be possible to expose game data for developers so that we can create 3rd party tools (Like EFT for Eve Online)?


I would love to spend time developing a EFT variant for Star Conflict :slight_smile: