Post Mortem

I have never written this down and i am sure that im not the first one to suggest this:


If you ever come to the conclusion, within a sensible timeframe, to reimplement squadplay, then consider this, nice and easy.

The solution is transparency, not too much, your numbers will be safe.


Imagine the PvP tab, find some nice small (like the custom battle) microdisplay, where one can see, how many squads there are in what tier. You don’t have to tell them who or how many whatever, it’s either a 4 or 3 man squad. Nice and easy…

Now what do we do with the people that don’t want to encounter squads?

Give them a little thing to uncheck: Do you want to encounter squads? yes no

Nice and easy, now the people who want to squad, know where to go and they also know: " well now there are no squads, we should go into the no squad queue".

Also, remove the corp vs corp restrictions, because it is actually a very balancing thing, when 2 squads of the same corp fight each other. I know, i ve been fighting mostly other owls, only in solo q…


But the playerbase is not big enough o_o


Yes and it wont grow until the day you figure out how to use the many features you created.

The squadplayers will migrate into the solo q anyways if pop is too low. (like they did the years before)


Have you ever considered the impact on the community to implement an “elite group” mode that ignores corporations at all?

Are we really supposed to play with that skelleton of a game mode 4v4 beacon rush, until there are bigger options? This is not a supplement, this is ONE MORE additional “gamemode”, only this time it is supporting the “eliteism”.


Dreadnought battles will never be a supplement for regular PvP squadding, it’s too laggy and too linear. And one spends loads of time queuing and preparing. If you believe in the illusion that that gamemode is a grande thing and absolutley unique and awesome, then i cannot agree.


Since March 2013 i have been having fun with friends and enemys alike, in squads. Experiencing the greatest moments and realisations of how deep the game really gets, when you fought this enemy squad over and over, and every game is a joy from beginning to end. Not just one side rapes the other, actual evolving and adaptive playing.


I have stated my opinions times before, i have nothing to lose, exept the fun of playing this. I am writing this in the hopes of being able to squad with my family of featherly sisters & brothers someday in the future, without having to queue for either leagues or dreadnoughties.







*ofc since the new rank system, just use the appropriate ranks instead of the “T3T4T5” but im sure you get what i mean.



We were thinking about something similar, but unfortunately, I can’t tell more for now.


What a morbid title… I like it! 


anyway many +++ for idea

I guess the title supposed to be slightly cynic


Since I have written that already quite often, I just like Oreg agrees about this topic with me; transparency in a space game is even immersive. Seeing the whole MM queue as a giant place, where individual battles are fought, like the “lands where the people roam”, could open and shift the design of the game much more into something truly amazing;


Instead of listening to every voice in the drying crowd, try to work on a title, where the vets and even the devs themselves have fun playing.


Where players who have finished progression, stay in the queue for more fun, just because they love the game. Which is mostly fun if you have giant battles of endless pew pew, instead of small 4v4 beacon recon madness. Thats not fun in 4 squads, at all. Why even bother!? As Oreg said, it feels like a completely new game mode (leagued CtB)

Or players who did not just unlock everything, but have amassed great values, can carebear indirectly others

And corporations can truly focus on competitive play

I know I mostly speak for the seasoned users, but I said the same when I was still evolving. Maybe I got soft.


I miss the times where two core 4 squads, or several small squads made up the base of teams, filled in with solo queuers so you just did game after game. With tiers gone, multiple squads in games gone, 3-4squads gone, I wonder if people will ever see the potential the game has, as a balanced team game, instead of a typical carrot hunting strategy (i just made up a rule which could have been from my game design professor: hunting the carrot is only fun, if you do not see the strings attached)

Very well put, g4borg!

I love everything about this thread.


that is all.

We were thinking about something similar, but unfortunately, I can’t tell more for now.

That’s fine. Just hurry up, don’t get stuck on the new content.

Without squads, corps can’t train new players, nor bond in a way that teams and friendships form. Every new player that enters the game as a lonewolf is at an extreme disadvantage, you learn faster in a team, you have more fun and you are prepared to endure the necessary grind, because you do it with others. Leagues can wait, because they won’t contribute in building the community back up. What good are elite fights if you have no elite.


One of the most amazing things in this game, that i got to know, was it’s people & community.

Giving people the option to form elite wings from all over the game, will leave the newer players unable to learn and evolve with the veterans, because they are busy playing the epeenmode.

  • cWNkczl.png


Oh… Well then… I guess you get no upvotes from me…  :fed003:

  • cWNkczl.png


Oh… Well then… I guess you get no upvotes from me…  :fed003:


That is happening to me a lot recently!

Nice try Oreg but… Too late. Don’t get me wrong but also what devs are trying to do now sounds like “too little, too late”. Btw you have my + one for the effort.

At least give us back the 2-man feature where 2-man squads don’t need to fight opposing squads to get games.

As-is, nobody squads anymore. Especially not in higher tiers.


If you’re going to restrict squads to 2 players, why not reimplement this anyway? Seems to fit together well enough.

That’s fine. Just hurry up, don’t get stuck on the new content.

Without squads, corps can’t train new players, nor bond in a way that teams and friendships form. Every new player that enters the game as a lonewolf is at an extreme disadvantage, you learn faster in a team, you have more fun and you are prepared to endure the necessary grind, because you do it with others. Leagues can wait, because they won’t contribute in building the community back up. What good are elite fights if you have no elite.


One of the most amazing things in this game, that i got to know, was it’s people & community.

Giving people the option to form elite wings from all over the game, will leave the newer players unable to learn and evolve with the veterans, because they are busy playing the epeenmode.

In the beginning, I was a lonewolf in this game for a pretty long time actually. It was a fun enough game, lots of action, tons of possibilities and diversity in ship builds - and of course a beautfiful design - that’s what got me hooked in the first place. But, what got me truly settled in the game, was the community; this “detail” is what keeps me playing it, corporation, friends and spontaneous teamworking (aka pvp squadding) - this mix makes it a really unique game and also the strongest reason to why I don’t ever really get bored playing it. All the other games I’ve been playing, I finish it - I get bored, and I leave. This though, is the first exception ever, and I’ve been asking myself - why am I not leaving? I’m pretty much done grinding, only have prem and some secret project ship left and I found that getting those are only a bonus for me, what keeps me here are friends and teamwork vs others. Had this been a more pve-oriented game, or solo-hero-kindathing, I’d leave, because those things bore me in the long run, as it would offer not enough variation, not enough “space” to grow in - since you learn alot when doing things together, embracing other’s point of view in things, experimenting together. 



What truly worries me, is the feeling that this unique element is descending in priority in your eyes; it is no longer a core thing. Somewhere along the way, it changed direction. Because you decided a different direction for it, a huge huge shift in game design after so long time. That teamplay is now a fixed form; only competetive, all serious and orbiting around schedules and planning… Not only that is a schock; feeling this game is no longer the same in a good way, but what’s my biggest worry lately, is that this wonderful game will not ever go back to be a place where connection, fun and growth can take place in the same space. 

Well, i know i m a still newbie and that my opinion is not relevant for most of u but i want to say a word about this …


I think that matchmaking is much better now -   more balanced , ping to russian servers is finally fine for me, no more insane waiting times (ex t4), there r still illnesses (combat recon, rubberbanding, somewhat short matches…) but for me its fine enough - better than it was, for sure . I  support devs in no big squad policy . For me team play is top fun too and equally important but  … your vet squads destroy pvp ballance … One good sqaud of 4 with TS and there is no fun for the rest 20 or 12 pilots. And i really dont want to entertain u guys so u can have ultimate slaughter house in t3,t4… 


Also I support devs to create separate and good team play mode. However i m reading your posts and i see that majority is not satisfied with SC league for now. Tourneys are good but only on sundays, registration and waiting times are long. Dreads too complicated and not easy to play (there is no official guide even) - registration and waiting times are long too. So i really hope that they will manage to create one simple, fast and playable game mode for team play.

I understand that. Thats why you should be able to choose, if you want to encounter squads.

Also, not many of us enjoy completly destroying Aces, most of the people who enjoy that, are Aces with high quality gear.

Squads are interesting when the fighting squads are able to be a danger for each other.

That being said, you only get better when you fight stronger enemys, one does learn more in defeat in this game (if you are willing to), than in victory. It is also an important thing to learn, how to play alongside a squad, often that is when you learn the most.


I do not think that a seperate gamemode for teamplay will be a solution. Teamplay should not be a thing for the “elite”

But it could be 


I do not think that a seperate gamemode for teamplay will be a solution. Teamplay should not be a thing for the “elite”


But it could be restricted to T5 only (is it still end game or what?). And let fly squads there without restrictions.

But it could be restricted to T5 only (is it still end game or what?). And let fly squads there without restrictions.


Agree … and no crying there … pro tier = r13-15 …





That being said, you only get better when you fight stronger enemys, one does learn more in defeat in this game


Agree … i like to meet stronger pilots in battle… on that way i m testing my skill … but when u meet 4 of them defending each other in perfect TS coordination u are facing 4 x mk4/5 dps = death in 2,3 sec - u cant learn anything. 2 man squad … ideal … u can bring your friend to teach him or have fun in pair hunt but u dont damage balance for other players. 

Agree … i like to meet stronger pilots in battle… on that way i m testing my skill … but when u meet 4 of them defending each other in perfect TS coordination u are facing 4 x mk4/5 dps = death in 2,3 sec - u cant learn anything. 2 man squad … ideal … u can bring your friend to teach him or have fun in pair hunt but u dont damage balance for other players. 

Sealclubbers (of which the Russians have in bulk) do indeed ruin the game with killsquads at the lower tiers. There’s no way to really report them for doing so, no punishment for it, and no way to stop it. And it’s killing the game - new players are what this game desperately needs, and the sealclubbers are driving them away in droves. Thanks SCORP. No wonder you’re at the top of the PvP effectiveness list, despite never seeing your players in T3, T4, or T5.


So I do support the squad change, but only because no other fix for the sealclubbing has been implemented. But it doesn’t fix the problem, as a squad of two can still do the same thing now. Plus it punishes players for playing with their friends, which the gameplay actively wants you to do.

Which brings us to the very frustrating predicament we’re all in.

Squads should be available in T3-T5. If you cant handle that? than you should stay in T2 and learn the game till you can. A big problem i noticed is tier rushers complaining they are getting crushed with their white ships. All vets have dealt with this, we leveled our ships , bought better modules and improved our gaming. I played a long time in T2 before i moved to T3. Now every Newbie with a tier 3 ship thinks he is ready to join T3 just because he has a T3 ship. The matchmaking cant balance for this, it cant handle it.So even a squad with bad players becomes a kill squad in their eyes. Even 2 moderatly talented guys at the other side in a squad can easily win. So is this still a squad problem? Or is it again a balancing problem? Looks to me, the balancing problem is disguised as a kill squad problem. This all starts and ends with balance. Solve this and countless other problems just dissapear.


Even so most kill squads newbies are talking about seem to be in T2. Not a problem, ban squads from T1-T2. But ban them in all Tiers? No, that is overkill. that s just the easy solution.


To be honest I m losing interest playing without squads. It s just boring. Squadplay was the one thing I was missing in a lot of similar games.


Problem isn’t solved, i can go in a T2 with a 2 man squad and get a 50 win streak goingI dont do that out of respect for the newbies. So you destroyed a perfectly fine squadding system for the joke you call ‘leauges’ without actualy solving the issue.

 than you should stay in T2 and learn the game till you can.


You can’t learn all aspects of the game in T2.