Post Mortem

Squads should be available in T3-T5. If you cant handle that? than you should stay in T2 and learn the game till you can.

This isn’t great either. Lots of new players come here looking for a game to play with their friends. That’s really big in American gamer culture, so restricting it for the playerbase that needs the most growth right now is likely a bad move, since it will actively hinder that very growth.


Problem isn’t solved, i can go in a T2 with a 2 man squad and get a 50 win streak goingI dont do that out of respect for the newbies. So you destroyed a perfectly fine squadding system for the joke you call ‘leauges’ without actualy solving the issue.

Many, many other players don’t respect the newbies, and sealclub at will. Removing killsquads didn’t really solve this, but it did make it ever so slightly less awful. The real problem is killsquads and sealclubbers - that needs to be addressed, with active and respectable mods and a robust reporting system that lets the faculty and staff resolve those problems.


I want squads back too. But we need to be smart about it - bringing them back without some system in place for the real problems _will _hurt the game.

You can’t learn all aspects of the game in T2.

Of course not, but for some people that is not the main reason they play, or stay in t2 :/ 

You can’t learn all aspects of the game in T2.

aim, click, use modules and keep moving. All things you can master in T2 and things a lot of people dont seem to get


@ketriaava; another solution is needed but I m afraid it is taking too long.

aim, click, use modules and keep moving. All things you can master in T2 and things a lot of people dont seem to get

Different speed, different damage, different hp, different gameplay, different balance. After transition to the rank system the difference is lesser, but it still exists. 



Of course not, but for some people that is not the main reason they play, or stay in t2 :/ 

Yep, some guys just like to farm newbies in T2 :-). 

Different speed, different damage, different hp, different gameplay, different balance. After transition to the rank system the difference is lesser, but it still exists. 



Exactly, people that dont manage to end in top 3 in T2 wont stand a chance in T3. That is why they should master T2 first. They should pass a test of some sorts to avoid to much dissapointment.

I saw people not using their modules in T3. If anything they should at least know how to use their active modules. 


A thing you learn from your squad mates … see the irony

To be frank about all of this, seals will be clubbed one way or another, with or without squads being allowed. One or two good players on a team can carry a game and roflstomp any new players in their wake, especially at T2.


Erador’s solution would work, to some degree. But it is missing some components that would help solve the problem. Yes, newbs could stay in T2 to continue to learn the game or hide from the kill squads, but those kill squad players could still solo queue in T2 and stomp in the newbs. What needs to happen is that there needs to be a system to boot people from T2 once they hit a certain number of games. This way no veteran players can go back to T2 to farm, but new players will have a place to stay, learn important aspects of the game, and become better without worry of these vets. Maybe make that “boot-out” battle number like 750 or so. That’s a good number of battles for a player to spend in T2, but after that, they have enough experience to be competing at T3.


But, like with most suggestions we’ve discussed regarding this issue, this doesn’t completely solve the issue. The issue that will always be the root of these problems is the low playerbase, which is dwindling. Until you do something to fix that issue, there will always be issues like this. And to fix that issue, all you need is to start an advertisement campaign outside of Russia. Sure, it costs money, but it will pay out in the end. An influx of new players will bring players who plan on staying for a while, as well as players who are willing to spend money, but you won’t receive that money unless you let players know that this game exists.

To be frank about all of this, seals will be clubbed one way or another, with or without squads being allowed. One or two good players on a team can carry a game and roflstomp any new players in their wake, especially at T2.


Erador’s solution would work, to some degree. But it is missing some components that would help solve the problem. Yes, newbs could stay in T2 to continue to learn the game or hide from the kill squads, but those kill squad players could still solo queue in T2 and stomp in the newbs. What needs to happen is that there needs to be a system to boot people from T2 once they hit a certain number of games. This way no veteran players can go back to T2 to farm, but new players will have a place to stay, learn important aspects of the game, and become better without worry of these vets. Maybe make that “boot-out” battle number like 750 or so. That’s a good number of battles for a player to spend in T2, but after that, they have enough experience to be competing at T3.

The previous method of booting players out of T1 mostly solved that problem except for alts. It would be pretty good in T2 as well, again minus alts. A report feature for the alt problem, along with a general seal clubbing report feature would be a major boon - so long as the mod staff were effective at their job.

What OP just came up with is probably the best suggestion of Star Conflict I have seen within the two years I have been playing.


Developers, please do absolutely everything you can do to implement this.



Stop dreaming guys.


Today, 12:49

Return 4x4 is not planned and is not expected. For a team game, there are three modes in which you can implement a command component to the fullest



Worst game design ever.

Today, 12:49

Return 4x4 is not planned and is not expected. For a team game, there are three modes in which you can implement a command component to the fullest


Of these three modes:

Tournaments are once weekly for most US pilots, which is fair.

Leagues are scheduled at 11 AM, 1PM, and 2PM approximately for most US pilots, perfectly scheduled so that nobody in the US at school or that has a job can fly in them, and

Dreadnoughts in the US are incredibly boring, as the only options are to fly 4v8 and win against an incompetent team, 8v8 and win faster against an incompetent team, or 4v8 and lose against a competent team. Or 8v4 and win against a competent team, I guess. Or just be incompetent. All of those are fair options.


Point being the US gets shafted even more than most of the rest of the playerbase by this. 's like the devs want there to be a huge division between casual and competitive, with absolutely not semicasual or semicompetitive play allowed.