Please simplify match making

When player count is in the 300-500 range (most US weeknights) I feel match maker is way too picky. These rules are causing excessive wait times.


Here is a common occurrence. Group with 2-3 corp members and sit in queue for 5-10 minutes and never find a match. Break down into groups of 2. Get a match in 1-2 minutes and end up  with all corp members on the same team. Please stop trying to match groups of similar sizes and causing large groups excessive wait times. I understand the reasons but when we end up playing together anyhow, something is inherently wrong in the model (sure, sometime we’re versus…but often we’re not).


So…let us play together if we want and match us like 4 individual players instead of as a group.

There are no longer fixed MM rules. The latest observation regarding squads/groups is that a 2 player squad can be matched against a team that doesn’t have any squads. A 3 player squad needs to have at least a 2 player squad in the other team.


If you play Tier3 (Rank 7-9) that is very low populated lately even with 500 players online and even with queuing solo it takes a while to get a match. The only thing they can do is to go back to mixed Tiers and screw everything up …


Get used to it. Is not going to change until the 1.0 release and advertisement. Who knows when that will happen (months… end of the year).

Keep in mind that a squad is usually stronger than the same amount of random players.

Keep in mind that a squad is usually stronger than the same amount of random players.


Eh, even that is about 50% right, As I seen some squads utterly fail…lol. But yes the general idea is that squads are stronger then those working alone. 

Grats! You’ve all mastered the current game.


I am proposing MM gets changed so matches are made quicker and more fun is had. Do you think it would be more fun? I’m not concerned about fighting bigger squads, even if I’m solo queued. I’d rather be able to have fun with my corp when I’m in the mood.

I’m not concerned about fighting bigger squads, even if I’m solo queued. I’d rather be able to have fun with my corp when I’m in the mood.


Not everyone shares the same sentiment, unfortunately. And thus far MM won’t be taking into consideration all our individual preferences when it comes to being matched up with squads. Personally I don’t mind as long as the teams are more or less evenly matched; as JP has mentioned, squads can be pretty bad sometimes, so that’s not a good gauge for team strength.



If you play Tier3 (Rank 7-9) that is very low populated lately even with 500 players online and even with queuing solo it takes a while to get a match. 


Indeed, and I don’t understand why. Where are all the T3 players?

Indeed, and I don’t understand why. Where are all the T3 players?

Looks the same as always to me?


(as at right now)

Well around this time, yes you don’t notice much difference. But on US weeknights (7pm - 11pmPDT / 2am - 6am UTC) you do.

Well I think this game is wasting a LOT of my time for no reason. I’m sure others have quit because of this and I’m heading in that direction…

Also, it doesn’t seem to take skill rating into account. I was just on a team where 80% of the players had skill rating under 1000…meanwhile, the other team was 100% over 1150. Is that balanced?

Also, it doesn’t seem to take skill rating into account. I was just on a team where 80% of the players had skill rating under 1000…meanwhile, the other team was 100% over 1150. Is that balanced?

a difference between 980 and 1150 in low tiers DSR is negligible. Good DSR starts in 1450 or even 1500.


Also, DSR only means that you kill a lot, or you die very little. It is not a matter of skill, and it can be farmed if you know what to do.


So yes, for me that is balanced.


I think that the system begin to consider your DSR from 1250 upwards. Below that, everyone has the same level.

So you agree with minimal match making it seems. I’m all for quicker games. Even though I think you are applying a completely subjective perspective.


Also, I do not think it takes ship totals into account when balancing for matches that only allow one life per ship. In other words, some pilots have 4 slots and some 3. Some only bring 1 ship. I think they would at least make sure the total #ships matches.

Also, I do not think it takes ship totals into account when balancing for matches that only allow one life per ship. In other words, some pilots have 4 slots and some 3. Some only bring 1 ship. I think they would at least make sure the total #ships matches.

No, it doesn’t. Only the rank of you highest rank ship, if you are (or not) in a squad, and your DSR.


It doesn’t account the number or ships, or classes.

And your win/lossstreaks! Don’t forget those.

I don’t think so. I don’t see any difference in matching regarding Win and Loss streak. Now everything is fixed Tier. A Standard R9 ship and even in squad you stay in the same Tier.

2man squad can have no opposing squad. Or one team has more squads than the other. SR (aka DSR) doesn’t matter much in match making. Right now it seems it just throws all players from one Tier in one queue. 

Okay. This patch was a step in the right direction!!


I saw an increase in 3 person squads. Unfortunately, it can still be a longer wait in a 3 person squad (6-10 or more minutes). Also, there are still inconsistencies. I saw a team with three 2 person squads versus a team with no squads. If this is acceptable, then a 3 or 4 person squad versus no squad should also be acceptable. Or any other combination for that matter.


I would love it if you post queue data and let the community come up with match making rules. See who can come up with the most matches for the most players while meeting some basic criteria (ship numbers must match, tier with a certain range, etc). Or…take the match making from War Thunder. I never had to wait more than 10 seconds for a match in that game.

Okay. This patch was a step in the right direction!!


I saw an increase in 3 person squads. Unfortunately, it can still be a longer wait in a 3 person squad (6-10 or more minutes). Also, there are still inconsistencies. I saw a team with three 2 person squads versus a team with no squads. If this is acceptable, then a 3 or 4 person squad versus no squad should also be acceptable. Or any other combination for that matter.


I would love it if you post queue data and let the community come up with match making rules. See who can come up with the most matches for the most players while meeting some basic criteria (ship numbers must match, tier with a certain range, etc). Or…take the match making from War Thunder. I never had to wait more than 10 seconds for a match in that game.

Suggestions are always welcomed.


War Thunder has a different system, it is not possible to just copy the matchmaking rules from there.

Okay. This patch was a step in the right direction!!


I saw an increase in 3 person squads. Unfortunately, it can still be a longer wait in a 3 person squad (6-10 or more minutes). Also, there are still inconsistencies. I saw a team with three 2 person squads versus a team with no squads. If this is acceptable, then a 3 or 4 person squad versus no squad should also be acceptable. Or any other combination for that matter.


I would love it if you post queue data and let the community come up with match making rules. See who can come up with the most matches for the most players while meeting some basic criteria (ship numbers must match, tier with a certain range, etc). Or…take the match making from War Thunder. I never had to wait more than 10 seconds for a match in that game.

I don’t think so. Unless you call that proper matchmaking:


I don’t think so. Unless you call that proper matchmaking:


This is exactly what I mentioned in my post. I’m okay with it. Less stringent rules means more matches means more fun. Now if only they would let 3 person and 4 person groups fight versus no squads. In the end, there should be enough randomness that your record will not be affected.


I would like some basic rules like the number of ships on each team being equal. Got into another single life per ship match and one player only brought one ship. Hurts the team as much as a disconnect.

This is exactly what I mentioned in my post. I’m okay with it. Less stringent rules means more matches means more fun. Now if only they would let 3 person and 4 person groups fight versus no squads. In the end, there should be enough randomness that your record will not be affected.


I would like some basic rules like the number of ships on each team being equal. Got into another single life per ship match and one player only brought one ship. Hurts the team as much as a disconnect.

Your are okay with it because you always play in a squad. So if one more organized team plays against randoms you are fine but if your team has less ships you don’t like. It seems you want to have MM always favor you.