Please simplify match making

Your are okay with it because you always play in a squad. So if one more organized team plays against randoms you are fine but if your team has less ships you don’t like. It seems you want to have MM always favor you.

I play solo a lot as well. The game kinda forces you to solo since larger groups can’t find matches. Often the tiers in our corp also don’t work out.


It’s a game. I’d rather play than wait for ideal conditions.


A player = a player. A ship should also = a ship but that is not enforced.

I play solo a lot as well. The game kinda forces you to solo since larger groups can’t find matches. Often the tiers in our corp also don’t work out.


It’s a game. I’d rather play than wait for ideal conditions.


A player = a player. A ship should also = a ship but that is not enforced.

If you use the “it’s a game” excuse for poor match making why do you want a certain amount of ships or why do you care about any change at all…?

If you use the “it’s a game” excuse for poor match making why do you want a certain amount of ships or why do you care about any change at all…?

Lemme know when you got something constructive…

Mega, I’m afraid you are flat-out wrong in your assertions. Squads vs randoms hurts. A lot. The reason T4 and T5 struggled to find players for so long was ESB - every game would be a 4v4 with their max-rank killsquad on one side, and four randoms on the other.

The matchmaking should be easier on squads, but not to the point that squads run rampant. For a 4-man squad matchmaking should only queue them as “solo” pilots after at least 5 minutes, and only when no other squads (a 4-man, 3-man or 2 2-man) can be found to oppose them.

A pug = a pug and a pug ship = a pug ship. But a killsquad beats an ENTIRE pug team. I’ve seen it. Hell, I’ve been part of it! Me as engi + 3 WPK Gunships and we utterly destroyed entire enemy teams on our own.

That is precisely why squads need to be checked.

The problem with the 2 men squad equals 1 man and 4 men squad equals 3 men squad is that it’s not balanced out. So we have 3 or 4 2 men squads on one side and no squads on the other. Yeah, i understand that you have to be flexible, but you could still take the squads into account and try to balance them out between the teams.

The problem with the 2 men squad equals 1 man and 4 men squad equals 3 men squad is that it’s not balanced out. So we have 3 or 4 2 men squads on one side and no squads on the other. Yeah, i understand that you have to be flexible, but you could still take the squads into account and try to balance them out between the teams.

2 men squads don’t have that much potential, they have advantage but not that much. I’m more worried about facing single players of ESB / Nova alike corps, than facing a random 2 men squad.

That is irrelevant to the question.

2 men squads don’t have that much potential, they have advantage but not that much. I’m more worried about facing single players of ESB / Nova alike corps, than facing a random 2 men squad.


The current matchmaker allows a team with 1 ESB 2 man squad + 1 Nova 2 man squad vs another team with no squad whatsoever. I understand it’s “working as intended” with 2 mans matched vs 1 man, but I’ve been in a LOT of games with 3 squads vs none. It’s not normal. I’ll call it a simple programming oversight. It’s logical and simple to correct. If you have more than 1 squad in a game, just split them equally in the teams. 1 squad vs 2 squads (in case of 3 total) is ok. 0 squads vs 3 squads, dafuq is that  :smoke:

2 men squads don’t have that much potential, they have advantage but not that much. I’m more worried about facing single players of ESB / Nova alike corps, than facing a random 2 men squad.

Agreed, squads mostly matter for the fact that they bring engineers. 2 man squads typically don’t so they’re no big deal.

Agreed, squads mostly matter for the fact that they bring engineers. 2 man squads typically don’t so they’re no big deal.


An ECM / Gunship working together is just as dangerous.