
They may be only R8, but they are able to compete against R9 ships.
The prices are another story.

Also error, the sai isnt hard to get high points in, place that 1 mass-spy-drone thingy, and boom, 10 assists in 30 seconds!


And the reaper…doenst sound that hard either…pulsar, boom 10 assists, especially seeing how you won that in 4:11, sounds like they just threw themselves not even trying to win.


I may be wrong, but that is how I see your scores

I can’t say anything about them being able to compete, seeing how I will never buy them at the current prices, but I don’t think they are as good as the R9, less slots, weaker stats overall…I’ll just take the R9 thank you.

I still think the Shark, if nothing else, would be worth buying as a stand alone for T2 GS price.

![attachicon.gif](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif)[screenshot-130706-180230.jpg](< base_url >/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=6325)

1 out of how many?

1 out of how many?

The other battles are also the same, depending on how the team plays.

Really? You’re willing to spend £20, or even £40 worth of Gold Standards on a T3 / T4 ship?


Maybe I just have a different idea of what value for money means than you do, but given that I can buy a 40-hour RPG for £15 I don’t see how anyone can justify charging that kind of money for what is, in essence, a re-skinned version of a freely obtainable vessel.


Well, I have T3 and T4 ceptors in gold, and a T3 Alligator3 because its the best for my fit (and others below)

It is true, that the prices of T3 and T4 are a bit more to swallow, also I bought them shortly before the prices went up a bit.


However, if I compare this with the amount of money I lost in glorious Eve ships (since you can actually exactly calculate their worth, even if you “played” the money; or are higher in the pecking order so that everything is cheaper), it does sound like a fair deal. I do however think, that 8k standards is around 25€ for a T4 ship and thats reasonable, if I keep it forever, yes (21 pounds) - given they are the last tier (if T5 would be in it, they should be that price category, and if i were gaijin, i would reduce gold prices for ships)


40 would be way too much, I agree. However I do not want more DLCs anyway. I did however buy a spaceship far more expensive in another game already… :slight_smile:


The reason not to spend money in this game (for me) atm. is, that EVERYTHING is expensive, and there is a bit a lack of trust, how they “change” what I bought after the couple last months. I do remember hickups like selling ships with all items on it automatically at logins.

20% more recovery chance for over 200 gold? I become more greedy every day. Being greedy makes one grumpy.


I am certainly not a “rich” person, especially since I am european, but I do have a good budget for my gaming and usually decide which game gets funds each month, mostly backing games I see potential in, so I am also not the direct target audience for the payments, and yes, I could live with it being a bit less expensive. However its not 30-40 pounds :slight_smile:


We were not talking about the DLCs, they are clearly overprized, I think all agree on that.


Of course, also, I do earn my own money. For myself 10 years ago, these prices would seem horrible, especially, since compared to other f2p games, there is no “data slave mode” to earn gold standards from filling out web surveys for thirdparties who want to spam you to death (what kids use to get EA funds for bf p4f)

To my mind, T2 ship prices are fine. What will forever puzzle me is why the ships aren’t sold logically.

Charge GS for them, then have DLC to get them cheaper - pay for the T3 Feds, get the T2 free. That sort of thing. Instead the model is “buy Gold Standards, get a ship as well.”

Someone put the cart before the horse…

Alright! Finally a step in the right direction!


People pay for pretty and unique stuff. This is the right way to go if you want to make money with this game.


Now pricing is another matter. It can’t be so expensive that players have to check their bank account to see if they can afford it, but it shouldn’t be dirt cheap either. $5.00 per ship or bulk sell for $15.00. Just my $0.02

Can some people post screenshots of the pirate ships in the hangar to see how they look? Or are any such images already posted in another thread?

Given I’ve only seen two pirates, I doubt there’s anyone to provide screenies. :stuck_out_tongue:

Error has a Sai. HINT HINT.

I wonder if they give the admins all the ships for free…

That’s what I assumed. I can’t honestly believe anyone would buy those things…

The packs are not on steam yet so only a few people know about them.

Except, you know, the chat and forums have been full of people explaining how to get them… Heck, on the day of release it was a constant refrain of “you need to use the Gaijin client to see the pirate ships”.

I have a friend that I made play this game, and got him hooked. No matter how many times I tell him there’s a forum, he’ll insist on asking ‘dumb’ question, be like those poeple on global chat, auto-complain about new patches, not know that patches are practically every thursday, ‘quit’ the game immediately because he refuses to get used to a camera, etc etc. He also has absolutely no idea about ‘pirates’ and thought the newest thing to date was that one map. In other words, saying everyone online has been telling everyone about it doesn’t come close to verifying that a majortiy of people will know about it, or will care about it when they see it in chat, or will ever go to the forums about it, until the vehicle of their logging-in stuffs says ‘hey, we have pirate ships’.


Of course everyone would know about it if the pirate ships were showing up in the tree like the steam dlcs do despite ownership [or is that just because I use steam?]


EDIT: Didn’t feel like double posting for this, but seeing the post below me, wouldn’t it be neat if the pirate ships dealt extra ramming damage to enemies? I mean look at that pointy piece of metal there. And it’d probably be easier to program than a tow cable.



i saw one of them today…I can’t believe someone actually wasted money on it.

Just did a little working out… if you got rid of the Gold Standards from these packs here’s what they come out as:


Dead Man’s Chest - 42.46 Euros (£36.56).

Jolly Roger - around 19.98 Euros (£17.21).

Corsair - around 4.99 Euros (£4.30).


That… looks much better. Maybe the Jolly Roger could come down a fraction and Dead Man’s Chest could stand to lose maybe ten to twelve Euros… but it’s much better than it is now.

I hope there is a special deal to get all three for a discount…