
GDocs would suffice.

how much of all these do you guys think will filter thru to the development team?

and how much more gets vetoed by the guys in marketing / investor?

finally how willing are the dev team to scrap their newest changes and go back to square one even though that looks like the best approach right now?

Huh… Imma take a wild guess here and say…




You’d have a better chance at getting to the bottom of the Marianas Trench with nothing but an oxygen tank.



You think you’re the ultimate source of hate around here? Hah! True hatred can only come from being British! :stuck_out_tongue:


Honestly, it seems to me that people at Gaijin have no idea how to convince people to spend money. I’ve got nearly 8,000 Gold Standard and absolutely no incentive to ever put that toward anything. Why the hell aren’t they throwing stickers, ship skins or affordable Premium ships my way to try and flit away at that stock until “oh no! I really want that cool new pyromaniac ship skin but I’ve spent all my standards! I’d best buy more!”

Trust me, I know that, I dated a british girl, once.


And yes, micro-transactions rule F2P games. However, the only micro-transactions this game has are ammunition, boosters, licenses and stickers. Not quite appealing things to spend your money on, if you ask me.



Who’s up for making pretty much an entire fanmade blog about what the devs/marketing really should do finished with signatures from every player who agrees/has contributed?

We could, but it’d be worse than here. At least here it’s moderated. Outside this forum, things go downhill VERY fast.

No Jericho pirates?

Nop, Maybe they will work on something special for the jericho.

I am kinda underwhelmed from these ships…

But as I said before: I will never buy a DLC-Pack. 

So much stuff that I do not really need.

So, why cant we have all the ships seperately for GS? I bet many more PPL would buy those DLC-ships if they werent “DLC”. 

I and I guess many others are just disgusted by the prices of those Packs but were willing to buy a single ship of those. 

Result: More Cash for you. 

Is that so hard to understand? Or is steam threatening you in any way?

All feedback has been heard and forwarded. We are currently waiting on a statement from marketing.

Can someone link me to the DLC? II haven’t seen it

Steam hasn’t updated for it, I think.

Ah. Wonderfull

All feedback has been heard and forwarded. We are currently waiting on a statement from marketing.

Well perhaps you can forward on one other little nugget…


Gold Standards seem to be what is really pushing the cost of these packs up… and they are worthless. Utterly, utterly worthless. A one month license was enough for me to get from R7 to R9 and I’m only halfway through, with 10 mil in the bank and climbing. For all intents and purposes, the game is over - Tier 4 might as well not exist, and I no longer require extra loot because I will effectively never need to earn more money again.


They have painted themselves into a corner - they don’t offer items to buy that are fairly priced, and most ships / items wouldn’t be worth buying if they were. Tier 1 ships are fine at their current cost, Tier 2 is as well, but the ships are lacklustre and need true incentive to buy. Tier 3 and up are just plain highway robbery.


Part of your issue is you have a dual-monetisation system: Gold Standards and Paid-For DLC. If you got rid of the latter, the former would have more value. As it is, all a player need do is buy a 30 day licence and they’ll bankroll enough to get them clear through to the endgame with minimum grind. None of the Gold Standard ships are worth it as they are underpowered compared to other max-synergy ships of their nearest equivalent tier, none of the ship items are worth buying because by the time you really need to be pure-blue you’ll be able to buy it with cash, and you lock a lot of the better or more appealing content - from powerful ships to custom titles and loot gain increases - inside of DLC packages that Gold Standards cannot acquire.


I am happy to admit I have, and likely will again, spend an inordinate amount of money on games. I reckon I’ve spent around £80 on LittleBigPlanet alone. The point you need to take away from this is that I spent that in £5 increments. Even if you just got rid of the worthless Gold Standards from your DLC, and halved the prices accordingly (or more than halved them, since you are pricing T3 ships at 4x more than you should be charging) you might see a better uptake. Hell, let me buy the Pirate title and the Shark as stand alones, and I reckon I’d be willing to part with anywhere up to and including £8-10 worth of Gold Standards on those two items alone.

@Jasan: THIS! +1

Definitely agree. Except, I never really found the prices for golden ships inadequate, and find them appealing, especially feds.


I would even buy some of the pirate ships for gold, even if some of them are incredibad. Some might work with some crazy fits.


But why buy a high priced pack which has gold in it, I would finally only spend on licenses until I reach 12 with all the factions anyway? Why get unique stickers, instead of buying them for the gold I got?



Definitely agree. Except, I never really found the prices for golden ships inadequate, and find them appealing, especially feds.


I would even buy some of the pirate ships for gold, even if some of them are incredibad. Some might work with some crazy fits.


But why buy a high priced pack which has gold in it, I would finally only spend on licenses until I reach 12 with all the factions anyway? Why get unique stickers, instead of buying them for the gold I got?



Really? You’re willing to spend £20, or even £40 worth of Gold Standards on a T3 / T4 ship?


Maybe I just have a different idea of what value for money means than you do, but given that I can buy a 40-hour RPG for £15 I don’t see how anyone can justify charging that kind of money for what is, in essence, a re-skinned version of a freely obtainable vessel.

I did some tests on the Sai and it isn’t that bad:



I did some tests on the Sai and it isn’t that bad:

> Fight against DYN & RISE

> Expect bad battle





Now try doing those scores with any of the other ships.

Yhe Sai is the only one worth it.

Are you going to say with a straight face that ship is worth £40?


The Sai is one I would buy if it were reasonably priced, but it isn’t. It’s part of an overpriced bundle.

> Fight against DYN & RISE

> Expect bad battle





Now try doing those scores with any of the other ships.


When this dlc will be available? !!!

My opinion on the pirate ships:

Grim: R8, no thanks.

Phoenix: R8, no thanks

Say: R9, but recon, no thanks(is there any class more useless…)

Reaper: R8, no thanks

Joker: R5, no thanks

Shark: R6, command, not bad…good ship i guess, 


But are they worth the pack prices? Hell To The No.

I would much rather get the currently existing DLC ships.