
Come on, you’re better than this. T2 Commands are VERY durable.

NOTHING in T2 is “very durable”. Some things like guards are reasonably durable. Command ships that can’t equip the energy implant or capacitor module and are limited in energy modules that can be installed in other slots that they do have are crap in terms of survivability

NOTHING in T2 is “very durable”. Some things like guards are reasonably durable. Command ships that can’t equip the energy implant or capacitor module and are limited in energy modules that can be installed in other slots that they do have are crap in terms of survivability

My Machete-S would beg to differ. At 20k ehp, I do believe I can hold my ground for quite some time.

I seriously hope the Developers take a hint and slash prices on these…


Moreover, this is a beta. Why the hell don’t they acknowledge this and say “okay, here’s something new! Fly it, test it, give us your feedback and then we can work out what people would actually be willing to pay for these ships…”

I seriously hope the Developers take a hint and slash prices on these…


Moreover, this is a beta. Why the hell don’t they acknowledge this and say “okay, here’s something new! Fly it, test it, give us your feedback and then we can work out what people would actually be willing to pay for these ships…”

Godamnit, I just wish they did that on EVERYTHING they try and shove on us. This is definitely NOT how you run a Beta (assuming this is even a Beta, at this point)…

I seriously hope the Developers take a hint and slash prices on these…



Unique pirate-themed T3 interceptor “Sai”.

Unique pirate-themed T3 frigate “Reaper”.

“Skull and Bones”: 5 unique stickers.

“Gold convoy”: 10000 gold standards.

“The Secret contract” Two weeks of Premium subscription.

“Captain’s Cut»: Permanent credit reward bonus +10%.



It’s the 49.95e pack :


2 premiums ships T3 = 4070 GS = 28.50 E

5 Sticker = 5 x 120 GS = 2E

2 weeks premium = 2000 GS = 6.99 E

10 000 GS = 32.50E


Total =28.50+2+7+32.50 = 70E







Unique pirate-themed T2 fighter “Jocker”.

“Corsair flags”: 2 unique stickers.

“Treasure Map”: 5000 gold standards.

“Ready to board”: A week of Premium subscription.



it’s the 19.95E pack :


1 premium ship T2 : 1430 GS = 5.15E

2 stickers = 120 * 2 = 240 GS = 0.85E

5000 GS = 16.25E

1 Week premium = 1000 GS = 3.6E

Total = 5.15+0.85+16.25+3.6 = 25.85E






Unique pirate-themed T2 fighter “Shark”.

Unique pirate-themed T3 interceptor “Grim”.

Unique pirate-themed T3 frigate “Phoenix”.

“Black Label”: 10 unique stickers.

“Jackpot”: 15000 gold standards.

“License to Kill”: A month of Premium subscription.

“Captain’s Cut»: Permanent credit reward bonus +10%.


It’s the 79.95 E pack :


1 ship premium T2 : 1430 GS = 5.15 E

2 Ships premium T3 = 8140 GS = 57E

10 stickers = 10 x 120 = 1200 GS = 4.30 E

15 000 GS = 45E

1 Month premium = 3000 GS = 10.49 E 

Total = 122E

Rakza, prepare to get **********:

ships don’t count, because all of them are utterly crap

which makes it:

19,95 pack - 20.70(slight win)

49,95 pack - 41,50

79,95 pack - 59,85


yeah, totally worth it.

It’s the 79.95 E pack :


1 ship premium T2 : 1430 GS = 5.15 E

2 Ships premium T3 = 8140 GS = 57E

10 stickers = 10 x 120 = 1200 GS = 4.30 E

15 000 GS = 45E

1 Month premium = 3000 GS = 10.49 E 

Total = 122E


Let’s just plug those numbers in a moment… I’ll stick with the biggest pack because it’s simpler.


T2 premium = £4.41, which isn’t bad but is a little on the steep side IMO. Still, not bad.

T3 premium = £48.85 for the pair. The Last of Us, a AAA PS3 title just released, is between £39.99 and £43 dead, depending on where you go. This is way over-costed.

Stickers = £3.69. This is… pretty much bang on in my opinion. It’s just that you have to buy the gold standards in big lumps, which makes it trickier. It’s easy to spend 37p (or £0.37 if you prefer) on a sticker… but having to lock up £10 or more in the first place to do it? Questionable…

Gold Standards = £38.57. Again… the value of these things is kind of up in the air. It’s an internal currency, so it’s worth is tied into the worth of everything else. Given that most premium stuff is overcosted, this isn’t value for money - it’s part of the problem. For the cost of a AAA game, I’d expect enough Gold Standards to buy myself a year’s worth of license (this is barely enough to get a six month license) and probably more on top again.

Month’s Premium = £8.99. That’s steep. Most MMOs I’ve played charge about £5 per month for a membership. Runescape (and PSN+ actually) set me back about £40 for the entire year. The former is an MMO with 10+ years of content in it. The latter lets me download £400+ worth of Playstation 3 games for ‘free’. This is not good value. It’s not a million miles out, but it’s not good value.


So, overall? Most of this stuff is out of whack. The ships are worth £15 at most, the stickers are fairly priced so let’s bump that up to £20. A month’s subscription… that should be £5 at most again. Six month’s subscription in Gold Standards… call it £20 because bulk buying deserves a reward.


There’s £45 worth of content there, £50 at most. They are charging damn near £70 for it.


Arguing “but it’s £100 if you buy it all separately!” doesn’t really hold water - it just proves we’re being ripped off, and is a reason not to support the company, rather than an incentive to buy when they offer us a rotten scrap of meat.

Rakza, prepare to get buttfucked:

ships don’t count, because all of them are utterly crap

which makes it:

19,95 pack - 20.70(slight win)

49,95 pack - 41,50

79,95 pack - 59,85


yeah, totally worth it.


Woops, A  part of my message is missing :( 


I wrote a brick about the thing Ships price are too high when I look the stats.

Something like *BLABLABLA* Are you kidding us? * BLABLABLA* You are actually selling Rank 8 Ships with the price of Rank 9 *BLABLABLA* Too expensive…


I should re-read my post before Post it…


Edit : Too lazy to rewrite it :confused:

I just wanted this in its own post because it’s useful to have divisions of topic.


I’ve done a little digging online and looked up some sample values of things. These values obviously vary on the bulk you buy the in-game currencies at, but here’s a few pointers:


League of Legends, one of the most insanely popular Free to Play games out there, charges around $7.50 per character at most. Quite a few appear to be cheaper. This works out at £5.00, which is what I said was a little on the high side for a ship, but I’d say it’s acceptable, especially if you assume that pricetag is from buying your “standards” in a less than optimal fashion.


Next, LittleBigPlanet - a game that has sucked more money out of my bank account than I care to think about. Costume packs (purely cosmetic remember) run at around £4.79 for a pack of 4 or 5 costumes, or £1.59 each. This is, as I said, purely cosmetic stuff. I’ve bought more than I care to admit. Hell, I’ve bought entire packs because I liked one outfit and I wanted the rest “just in case”.


Let’s look at Runescape next. 200 Runecoins costs £3.50, and is the least efficient way to buy them. Let’s use that for our figures.

The bulk of the store consists of costumes and emotes. Costumes set you back 240 runecoins, or 216 if you are a member. This gives them a price of about… £4.20 and £3.78 respectively. A little high in my opinion for a costume, but not a million miles out and, you’ll note, is still within this magic margin that we’re seeing time and again… the £5 margin.

Then there’s emotes. The most expensive emote I can find comes to £2.45 / £2.21.


This rule of pricing is likely found elsewhere as well, and it’s a good one. You’re asking me to spend £70 on your DLC… that’s a lot. I spend £40 a month on games at most, and you want two months worth of that for… what? Three ships, a license I don’t really need anymore and Gold Standards I’m not going to spend on anything because they have no real value?


Think in fivers, Gaijin! I want a pirate ship - sell me one for a fiver! I want stickers or other cosmetic crap - sell them individually, or charge me five pounds for a big pack of them. I want Premium modules for that Tier 3 ship I just bought… you think it should cost £7.72 per module. Are you serious, Gaijin? You really think your game is so amazing that you can charge £115 to equip a single ship with Mk III gear? Are you crazy, or just plain stupid? Maybe you think we are stupid… maybe that’s your business plan; charge far too much, and hope we’re stupid for buying it.


I admit, I felt stupid for buying DLC off you when I saw this release. Made me remember why I’d always been reluctant to support this game financially…

I just wanted this in its own post because it’s useful to have divisions of topic.


I’ve done a little digging online and looked up some sample values of things. These values obviously vary on the bulk you buy the in-game currencies at, but here’s a few pointers:


League of Legends, one of the most insanely popular Free to Play games out there, charges around $7.50 per character at most. Quite a few appear to be cheaper. This works out at £5.00, which is what I said was a little on the high side for a ship, but I’d say it’s acceptable, especially if you assume that pricetag is from buying your “standards” in a less than optimal fashion.


Next, LittleBigPlanet - a game that has sucked more money out of my bank account than I care to think about. Costume packs (purely cosmetic remember) run at around £4.79 for a pack of 4 or 5 costumes, or £1.59 each. This is, as I said, purely cosmetic stuff. I’ve bought more than I care to admit. Hell, I’ve bought entire packs because I liked one outfit and I wanted the rest “just in case”.


Let’s look at Runescape next. 200 Runecoins costs £3.50, and is the least efficient way to buy them. Let’s use that for our figures.

The bulk of the store consists of costumes and emotes. Costumes set you back 240 runecoins, or 216 if you are a member. This gives them a price of about… £4.20 and £3.78 respectively. A little high in my opinion for a costume, but not a million miles out and, you’ll note, is still within this magic margin that we’re seeing time and again… the £5 margin.

Then there’s emotes. The most expensive emote I can find comes to £2.45 / £2.21.


This rule of pricing is likely found elsewhere as well, and it’s a good one. You’re asking me to spend £70 on your DLC… that’s a lot. I spend £40 a month on games at most, and you want two months worth of that for… what? Three ships, a license I don’t really need anymore and Gold Standards I’m not going to spend on anything because they have no real value?


Think in fivers, Gaijin! I want a pirate ship - sell me one for a fiver! I want stickers or other cosmetic crap - sell them individually, or charge me five pounds for a big pack of them. I want Premium modules for that Tier 3 ship I just bought… you think it should cost £7.72 per module. Are you serious, Gaijin? You really think your game is so amazing that you can charge £115 to equip a single ship with Mk III gear? Are you crazy, or just plain stupid? Maybe you think we are stupid… maybe that’s your business plan; charge far too much, and hope we’re stupid for buying it.


I admit, I felt stupid for buying DLC off you when I saw this release. Made me remember why I’d always been reluctant to support this game financially…

Jasan, are you psychic or something?

I agree with the £5 punch. Honest to God, £5 does not look like much, but it really does add up. Get enough players, and a fiver from each is going to roll in a helluva lot of cash. And again, reiterating Jasan and repeating myself for the umpteenth time: you want us paying? Cosmetics and aesthetics. They are THE number one reason anyone spends anything on a game. Look at any F2P and you’ll see a recurring pattern: they sell their gamers all these little visual details. AND IT WORKS WONDERS.

Make other things less pricey. Jasan, nail bang on the head again: SEVEN POUNDS SEVENTY FOR ONE MODULE?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I wouldn’t pay any more than two quid AT MOST. Make the T2 stuff £1.99 per module. The number is visually pleasing and also completely within the bounds of realism.

That’s it for me.

Ohwow, and I thought I was the butthurt one on the forums. All this hate… I… I’m so proud of you guys… ;_;



But seriously, now. I said it a couple times, already. The reason people spend money on this game is to avoid the massively frustrating grind you’ve forced down our throats. And you don’t care because people buy GS all the time, keeping the game alive and your pockets full.


The game is STILL P2W, regardless of what anyone says (point in case: D-Eagle, Bear, Strong, Blade of Aressa, among MANY others), and it’s a game breaker to see these ships flying around uncontested 1v1 (ganging on them is always an option but, again, by the time their tank reaches zero, half the attacking force has disappeared).


This new… “DLC”, let’s call it that, to avoid any misconceptions or some more childish behaviour, is exactly what you weren’t supposed to do. If you want people to spend money on these “DLC”'s, you’re meant to put those ships on-par with the Elite Pack. Otherwise, no one is going to buy them. Right now, only the Sai is worth its money, the rest are just so underpowered, it’s not even funny!


Look at me, promoting DLC purchase. HAH. I’ve sunk rock bottom on this…

it does not matter to discuss how much the ingredients are worth, when it is obvious that for digital goods, and moreover, goods that are time limited partly, the prices are too high anyway as they are even in the compared existing products.


Ships prices are quite okay, since they stay. But many other aspects are a joke. Especially, since this move is rather idiotic in so many aspects. Because simply said, it actually makes only those pay, who can afford to be generous, or have more money than brains.


Instead, to have a lot of micro-opportunities to spend money, and have lower but steadier prices - especially for anything which is time based - would enable more people to casually pay, and foremost, repeatedly pay.


Don’t forget this is digital goods. The primary goal should be to sell as many instances as possible, as often as possible to have maximum income.


Usually, f2p games make tons of money, they are the biggest cashcow in the digital business, so if the money flow is too low, this is the cause.

Exept Sai (maybe) all the others ships suk. Really.


I think none here want pay 2 win features but cmon… u can’ t neither sell for real money Ships worst than normals… 


And i’m really disappointed expecially from Guard … i was really hoping this pirate dlc introduces a (decent!!) “premium” t3  guard… considerin there is none ingame at the moment.

@Oryngton, you repeat yourself. Let the “beta” and “pay2win” discussions be made elsewere, I now put in a lot of more different topics to rant about constantly:


Actually, when I started the game in march, it was not grindy at all, you got tons of cash, loyalty here and there, 7 days premium, etc. Even without premium you did get enough to traverse towards T3 pretty fast, of course you still needed to play a lot, but it felt so much more rewarding.


People who start now barely make it into t2 before either losing interest, or looking at the DLCs and saying that is too much. The loot system stinks, officially, because it gives you constant disappointments until a success feels not really “rewarding”. Even if i got an experimental more yesterday, for my favourite ship. Grinding loyalty and occasional T4s seem to be the lategame.

Most T3 battles are dominated by older players.

The sudden appearance of T3s in T2 battles, T4s in T3 battles not to mention.

Honestly, nothing is worse, then put your whole set full of T2 ships to play with a friend lower, and realizing your enemies are in T3. I could have ripped them from space easily. So, new matchmaking still sucks, but we stopped complaining.


So there is pretty much wrong behind the scenes, and I am just glad, I am in the club of having my set of cards, and a couple of friends having the same. While others who started later, are not really happy about their options and so its still basicly only those playing who started when it was easy.


Otherwise, Jasan said it all.

@g4borg, you repeat yourself. Let the “looting” and “levelling” discussions be made elsewhere.


Same premise. This topic isn’t about either of those things. However, this “DLC” isn’t even P2W, it’s nothing. There’s no reason whatsoever to get it. And you have the nerve to come to me and talk about “looting” and “levelling” on your post? As if I haven’t spoken of those things already? Multiple times, I might add?


I actually went as far as to get the feedback from both new AND old pilots, lest you decide to try and diminish any of my reasoning to make those two feedback posts I put up (mods didn’t let me make new threads, go search yourself, it’s about the matchmaking system and the looting).


The reason I barely have any positive feedback TO give is because there isn’t any! The only positive feedback I’ve ever heard was from Engineer pilots (and even those xxxxx about everything) and CovOps pilots. That’s it. Nobody else felt positive emotions from the 8.0+ changes.


Please. Get educated in the game. I’ve also been playing since early March. And, from all the data I gathered, I know what people think is wrong with the game, what definitely needs improving and nerfing. However, people talk about nerfs too far often. Buffs might be needed. I DO honestly hope the engineer buff was the first of many, despite the role not needing it at all.

how much of all these do you guys think will filter thru to the development team?


and how much more gets vetoed by the guys in marketing / investor?


finally how willing are the dev team to scrap their newest changes and go back to square one even though that looks like the best approach right now?

Ohwow, and I thought I was the butthurt one on the forums. All this hate… I… I’m so proud of you guys… ;_;


You think you’re the ultimate source of hate around here? Hah! True hatred can only come from being British! :stuck_out_tongue:


I know I’ve kind of said this all before, but I figure it’s worth saying again - how I see the Pirates (and all Premium ships frankly) should have been handled:


First off, make all Premium / DLC ships cost around 1,430 standards - the Tier 2 cost. This sets us a useful price range - every ship costs about £5, with £30 for all six Pirate vessels.


From there, throw in perks. Make a bundle worth about £15 that gives you all three ships of a specific faction (Empire of Federation), and throws in some freebies as well - a week’s license, perhaps, or giving you sets of pirate stickers for free.


Finally, throw the whole lot in for £30. Six ships, all the pirate stickers, a custom title and a short-term license.


The important thing there is choice and flexibility. The reason iTunes pretty much took over music is because they not only sold albums cheaper than physical retail, but they sold individual songs! Choice matters here; I wouldn’t touch those crappy, overpriced DLCs with a ten-foot poll, but if I could spend around 3K gold standards on getting the two ships I want and maybe the “pirate” title and/or some new stickers… I would spend 3K gold standard on those things.


Honestly, it seems to me that people at Gaijin have no idea how to convince people to spend money. I’ve got nearly 8,000 Gold Standard and absolutely no incentive to ever put that toward anything. Why the hell aren’t they throwing stickers, ship skins or affordable Premium ships my way to try and flit away at that stock until “oh no! I really want that cool new pyromaniac ship skin but I’ve spent all my standards! I’d best buy more!”

This would be fitting 4 pages ago.  :lol:


Who’s up for making pretty much an entire fanmade blog about what the devs/marketing really should do finished with signatures from every player who agrees/has contributed?

Won’t work, too much ******** to do it.