
Whatever Error, its your game, drive it through that wall all you want. I find it very difficult to stay positive with the decisions which are made here.


We all know there is no reason for higher EU prices other than exploiting players from said regions. This is a harsh alligation but I do not see how you could logically bring forth a valid, different explanation.


How difficult can it even be to execute such adjustments and what is there to be discussed ? You are charging Europeans more than other people for no appear ant reason other than making more money off them.


ps. 1,5 months on such an issue is hardly “asap”.

As requested, here are screenshots of the new ship stats


Reaper - Rank 8 Guard:



Shark - Rank 6 Command:



Sai - Rank 9 Recon:




Grim - Rank 8 ECM:



Phoenix - Rank 8 Engineer:



Joker - Rank 5 Gunship:


Wow, those things are really terrible. Especially when compared with same role ships in the same rank…




Actually, the Sai looks kinda nice, considering its role. Everything else is pretty much a joke.



Rank 8 premium guard with only 2 passives

yeah those are not the best ships out there, thats for sure, Sai is kinda cool, Phenix is not terribad the rest… On a bright side i do like they looks :slight_smile:

If I buy one of the DLC, is it will link to my steam account when steam will release them?

the only ship worth having is the Shark.  An empire command with better bonuses than the prior best in class jericho but sadly it’s only a T2 ship.  The rest of the ships should be at least be rank 6/9 with the full amount of modules available in that tier.  What’s to entice people to buy the content if the ships are subpar?  A title?  

Will these ships be available via Steam dlc?

Will these ships be available via Steam dlc?


I dont see how a rank 8 ship is equal to a rank 9 ship just because the rank 9 version of that ship dont exist, when they could fairly easy add thoes missing ships.

I’m not saying all ships are equal across ranks, but some lower ranked ships may have more base resists, higher speeds, better manoeuvrability, greater hull/shield strength, and/or different special bonuses compared to their higher ranked counterparts.



With the actual value the REAPER is not good as the anaconda M ! Cause it can’t use the Implant Gigas II and is not able to have an 3rd passiv slot !

And cause of the max synergy level, It wont be able to be good as the anaconda M cause the synergy also increase Max speed and Max acceleration ! 

Same for the _ PHOENIX  ! And the **SHARK_**! 


The GRIM and the _ SHAI _ are for farming due to the high reward % !


They are only 2 ships with max synergy and rank 9 ! 

Ok and? Look at EVE online, game has been in full release for 10 YEARS. It has always gone steps above where it previously was.


You can put money into this game, so its not beta. thats my view on it.

Just because you can help and fund the game, it doesn’t mean its out of Beta. You can pay for thing for the game, so the developers can use the money to create new content and fixing old content. Thus, its in Beta. Thats more or less the only reason to give your money to the game developers, to help fund for the Beta, so it can develope into something bigger and better. Sure, there are a lot of games that you still can pay for, even though they are out of Beta. However, its still for the same purpose. Why this is an exception is because the developers don’t feel like the game is mature enough to be released as an official and complete game. In a year or so, this game could be a free-roaming, RPG game. Who knows?

You can pay for thing for the game, so the developers can use the money to create new content and fixing old content. Thus, its in Beta. Thats more or less the only reason to give your money to the game developers, to help fund for the Beta, so it can develope into something bigger and better.



I must ask you, do you feel as this is actually happening right now ?

Aww, I was hoping the Joker would be tier 3 or 4 [just so I could fly around a reaver-ed Wolf]. The designes are neat. Of course I’m that person who’s is stocking up on gold standards from voting and whatnot so that oneday I can buy *one* shiny premium ship. I agree with the glass cannon issues, whatever the priates did to these ships, they need some form of actual extremes to them. If they are trick fighters with steep learning curves so be it, as long as there is something redeeming about piloting them other than the looks.

Even if you just did something absolutely weird like shoving a tackyon cocoon on a frigate, or a semi rapid-firing desintegrator that didn’t actually damage ships, but shut out or even ‘destroyed’ a random enemy module with every shot.


Or a harpoon that you can use to try and tow an enemy ship into an asteroid! Okay, I’ll stop now…

I must ask you, do you feel as this is actually happening right now ?

i do, i was part of many not so big companies betas, that’s how things work. I work in the R&D of one corporation and we have strict deadlines, big bosses and no whiny customers complaining about half-done things and telling us that they gonna quit, and we do things pretty much the same way/pace because it takes time.

This DLCs indeed look pretty disappointing.


I expected Pirates to somewhat fill in holes in the ship roles, like Empire Guards and Federation LR, to make them actually believable “inbetweens”. While some ships might be pretty funny with some fits - and slightly different stats, the pricing is horrible.


Why not just have them for Gold in the game? And why not adjust the prices a bit for more cash flow? You making the incentive to pay money for this game pretty hard.

Damn, them prices are out of control!  Only the most addicted whale is gonna snatch them up!

the only ship worth having is the Shark.  An empire command with better bonuses than the prior best in class jericho but sadly it’s only a T2 ship.  The rest of the ships should be at least be rank 6/9 with the full amount of modules available in that tier.  What’s to entice people to buy the content if the ships are subpar?  A title?  

T2 command ships are terrible due to lack of energy modules at that tier. I’m rather surprised anyone would bother flying them for anything other then support.

They can still take a punishment in that tier. It’s what made me fly them in T3 infact coz of how much I hated them in T2.

T2 command ships are terrible due to lack of energy modules at that tier. I’m rather surprised anyone would bother flying them for anything other then support.

Come on, you’re better than this. T2 Commands are VERY durable.