
Another DLC? 

That kinda sucks imo.

For me its not the P2W aspect, but I dont like steam and I dont want to buy a package of ships + “stuff”.

Srsly, I want that Bear so hard, but paying for the rest of the package doesnt make it worth for me. 

Cant we have those fancy DLC-Ships for GS and buy them seperately? I would really buy some of those (guess other ppl too). 

Another DLC? 

That kinda sucks imo.

For me its not the P2W aspect, but I dont like steam and I dont want to buy a package of ships + “stuff”.

Srsly, I want that Bear so hard, but paying for the rest of the package doesnt make it worth for me. 

Cant we have those fancy DLC-Ships for GS and buy them seperately? I would really buy some of those (guess other ppl too). 

I like the packs, I want em to stay >:(

Well yeah the packs would stay, but there being an option to buy the ships alone, even for a little more than normal GS would be fine.

I like the packs, I want em to stay >:(

I dont want them to go away, I just want an option to buy the ships seperately with GS. 

Any ETA for when this DLC comes out?

I already mentioned tackler and recon, but there is R9 gunship for in-game money - Federation


I consider it might be a DLC where you get pack of these ships, but you can get them(or others) also from IP. Thats what I am hoping for.

Me, a primarily imperial fighter pilot had to level FEDERATION to get access to a good T3 GUNSHIP! Empire is the main gunship faction damnit.

Fix this asap please.




Where there are ships, there must be pirates…


The ship tree needs to be modified so that each race has their ‘special’ ship at the highest rank of every Tier ie Empire has R3, 6, 9 and 12 gunship, long range and recon, but no race has their secondary ship type at the highest rank of each Tier. Why? Because if you want a R9 [ship type], then you can just get one from the faction that specialises in it. The DLCs should be modified to allow each faction access to a top rank secondary for T3 (as an example).

Yeah, this is how i want it. It dont have to be this way, but it would be a damn good solution.


Don’t get me started. But calling this game “fine” when there’s a dozen things that aren’t, just shows how much the person knows about the game.

You make me sad :(. I call this game fine since i have fun playing it, but it got lots of room for improvements.


The rank of a ship does not automatically determine its merits in game. Rank 8 and Rank 5 alternatives, for example, are balanced in a way that fills in niches not covered by Rank 9 and Rank 6 counterparts.

I dont see how a rank 8 ship is equal to a rank 9 ship just because the rank 9 version of that ship dont exist, when they could fairly easy add thoes missing ships.

Yarrrrrrrrr Conflict! :005j:

You make me sad :(. I call this game fine since i have fun playing it, but it got lots of room for improvements.


I dont see how a rank 8 ship is equal to a rank 9 ship just because the rank 9 version of that ship dont exist, when they could fairly easy add thoes missing ships.

I make you sad? For what, telling the truth? Come on, you know me and you know the game.


Lower Ranks compensate the lack of slots through passive bonuses (ie, energy reduction usage bonus, speed bonus, etc). This only works if those lower ranked ships actually make sense, like the Jericho T3 Ceptors and T3 Fighter positions (ECM/CovOps/ECM & Command/Tackler/Command), NOT like Fed/Empire T3 (Gunship/Command/Command & Recon/CovOps/CovOps). It’s a simple matter of swapping ships and making so the ships actually DO make sense for their race, not randomly assigning ship roles and filling the rest with Premium ships.

Well yeah the packs would stay, but there being an option to buy the ships alone, even for a little more than normal GS would be fine.


It would be a little harsh to those who forked out for the entire pack just to get a ship, though - unless it’s priced in such a way that buying the whole pack remains more attractive than just buying the ships individually.

Wow… just wow. Those pirate ships are a huge disappointment.


The Sai is the one that really jumped out at me. That thing has 5K survivability and it’s rank 9. That’s a piss-poor survivability rating for rank 6!


Maybe it’s just the default stuff you’ve thrown on that is tanking the ship’s ability to stay alive for more than two seconds, but that’s just all the more reason to do away with default modules so we can actually see how good a ship really is without having to buy the damn thing.


I wanted this DLC, I really did, but I see no reason to buy it!


Empire Pack:

Shark is uninspiring, but probably functional. Phoenix is pointless as the Cerberus 2 does everything it does, only better. The Elf 2 likewise makes the Grim utterly moot. In essence, you’re paying 80 Euros for ten stickers and a custom title. Not cool.


Fed Pack #1:

The Sai is a joke. It’s stats are those of a T2 ship. Trying to actually fly that thing is going to be suicide.

The Reaper… maybe it’s worth using. Maybe. But again, the Anaconda with 2-3 synergy is going to outclass it.


Fed Pack #2:

The Joker sure lives up to its name… I’m not really seeing a reason to take it over the Lynx Mk II - a ship that’s a rank lower.



Look, Gaijin, I am glad you want to make sure this game is not Pay to Win, but if I’m buying a ship with real money I would like it to be worth using. As it is, these ships become obsolete the moment your allies / opponents / self get access to a ship with 4 ranks of Synergy.


Could you not, perhaps, make Synergy on Premium ships actually matter somewhat? I don’t think they should be the best ship sin their tier, or even their rank, but ships like the Sai are supposedly at 10/10 Synergy. They should at lest be on par with a free to play ship at 7/10 or 8/10…

Wow… just wow. Those pirate ships are a huge disappointment.


The Sai is the one that really jumped out at me. That thing has 5K survivability and it’s rank 9. That’s a piss-poor survivability rating for rank 6!


Maybe it’s just the default stuff you’ve thrown on that is tanking the ship’s ability to stay alive for more than two seconds, but that’s just all the more reason to do away with default modules so we can actually see how good a ship really is without having to buy the damn thing.


I wanted this DLC, I really did, but I see no reason to buy it!


Empire Pack:

Shark is uninspiring, but probably functional. Phoenix is pointless as the Cerberus 2 does everything it does, only better. The Elf 2 likewise makes the Grim utterly moot. In essence, you’re paying 80 Euros for ten stickers and a custom title. Not cool.


Fed Pack #1:

The Sai is a joke. It’s stats are those of a T2 ship. Trying to actually fly that thing is going to be suicide.

The Reaper… maybe it’s worth using. Maybe. But again, the Anaconda with 2-3 synergy is going to outclass it.


Fed Pack #2:

The Joker sure lives up to its name… I’m not really seeing a reason to take it over the Lynx Mk II - a ship that’s a rank lower.



Look, Gaijin, I am glad you want to make sure this game is not Pay to Win, but if I’m buying a ship with real money I would like it to be worth using. As it is, these ships become obsolete the moment your allies / opponents / self get access to a ship with 4 ranks of Synergy.


Could you not, perhaps, make Synergy on Premium ships actually matter somewhat? I don’t think they should be the best ship sin their tier, or even their rank, but ships like the Sai are supposedly at 10/10 Synergy. They should at lest be on par with a free to play ship at 7/10 or 8/10…


I just checked them out, and indeed, they are a joke…Why would I pay for that…

The ships are mostly middle-tiered(R5/8) which means they got less slots than other non-real-life-money ships. and besides that there are no jericho >:(

I like the idea of them, and would be intresting to have them, but I would rather buy the non-pirate packs than the pirate-packs.

I feel like they need a buff across the board. Thinking on it, here is what I feel like they need, hands down, to be appealing:


  1. All of them have to have Rank 6 / 9 slots, even if they are Rank 5 / 8. This way, they can compete with their main rivals within the Tier.


  1. They all need a damage boost and/or critical boost. For the most part these ships are glass cannons, so make them glass cannons! Give them a huge amount of damage boosters but very little survivability. Make them ships that you take when you absolutely want someone to die, but you need support to get out alive.


The Sai looks slightly better now that I spotted the crit damage boost, but I still don’t see any incentive to waste money on these things. They are too weak for their price tag.

My gut reaction to this update is immediate disappointment.


I have felt that the game has been heavily lacking in content for a while now, while asking for quite high prices in comparison for licenses and premium content. The balance between  content and pricing felt very off to me ( lets not forget that EU prices are still messed up even though it was supposed to be fixed months ago now) but I kept supporting Gaijin anyway since this genre is so scarce and the core gameplay shows potential.


Now that there finally is some new content and it is another DLC pack with a high price tag on it.

The game has many issues, why is another DLC pack your current priority ? This release, at this point in time when there are so many things players want changed from flawed design, lets Gaijin look like they are hunting the quick cash first and a stable and enjoyable game second.


I like how you guys engage more with the non- russian community and listen and change things but was this release really the most needed right now ? Do you think this feels appropriate to most players who are still actively supporting your game ?


As long as I do not see additional content and fixing of the meta- game issues at hand, I will stay far away from purchasing any more DLC “content” from you guys :-/



It should follow the Gold - Blue Module formula


same as top rank in tier but paid for, maybe even different role etc.

My gut reaction to this update is immediate disappointment.


I have felt that the game has been heavily lacking in content for a while now, while asking for quite high prices in comparison for licenses and premium content. The balance between  content and pricing felt very off to me ( lets not forget that EU prices are still messed up even though it was supposed to be fixed months ago now) but I kept supporting Gaijin anyway since this genre is so scarce and the core gameplay shows potential.


Now that there finally is some new content and it is another DLC pack with a high price tag on it.

The game has many issues, why is another DLC pack your current priority ? This release, at this point in time when there are so many things players want changed from flawed design, lets Gaijin look like they are hunting the quick cash first and a stable and enjoyable game second.


I like how you guys engage more with the non- russian community and listen and change things but was this release really the most needed right now ? Do you think this feels appropriate to most players who are still actively supporting your game ?


As long as I do not see additional content and fixing of the meta- game issues at hand, I will stay far away from purchasing any more DLC “content” from you guys :-/

I am FunkyBacon and I endorse this product.


More seriously though, I agree with the R6/9 slots, so they are equal in slots.

You know… this is something that continues to baffle me. The biggest problem I have with this DLC is not the terrible ships, but the atrocious pricing. Why can’t they make a ship cost £3.99, or the equivalent in Euros? Why not just have the pirate ships, and all the others for that matter, up for sale?


It’s an insult to ask people to spend £60 on those Empire ships. For £60 I could a whole new game. One that’s finished, I might add.


But I’d probably buy at least one of those ships if it was available for pocket change. £3.99 a ship? Sounds good to me. They’re crap ships, but at that price I don’t need to be concerned with their quality.

You know… this is something that continues to baffle me. The biggest problem I have with this DLC is not the terrible ships, but the atrocious pricing. Why can’t they make a ship cost £3.99, or the equivalent in Euros? Why not just have the pirate ships, and all the others for that matter, up for sale?


It’s an insult to ask people to spend £60 on those Empire ships. For £60 I could a whole new game. One that’s finished, I might add.


But I’d probably buy at least one of those ships if it was available for pocket change. £3.99 a ship? Sounds good to me. They’re crap ships, but at that price I don’t need to be concerned with their quality.

They went witrh the pirate theme because they are rippung you off :slight_smile:

I think given what they gave us I’d have been happier if it was just an option to reskin Empire / Federation ships…

You know… this is something that continues to baffle me. The biggest problem I have with this DLC is not the terrible ships, but the atrocious pricing. Why can’t they make a ship cost £3.99, or the equivalent in Euros? Why not just have the pirate ships, and all the others for that matter, up for sale?


It’s an insult to ask people to spend £60 on those Empire ships. For £60 I could a whole new game. One that’s finished, I might add.


But I’d probably buy at least one of those ships if it was available for pocket change. £3.99 a ship? Sounds good to me. They’re crap ships, but at that price I don’t need to be concerned with their quality.


It was also promised [Here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19645-black-market-prices-usd-vs-euro/) that the “ripoff” conversion for Europeans would be aadjusted, that statement was made mid- May…


It is disappointing really.

It was also promised [Here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19645-black-market-prices-usd-vs-euro/) that the “ripoff” conversion for Europeans would be aadjusted, that statement was made mid- May…


Im disappointed.

It has been forwarded, but it was not promised. We always discuss the biggest issues, but not everything can be done asap.