
I can’t read russian. Can someone give a rough outline?

this [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/20373-changes-in-patch-084/#entry207618](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20373-changes-in-patch-084/#entry207618)

I’d actually recommend looking into our today’s dev. blog entry, to see what will await you quite soon )

I’d actually recommend looking into our today’s dev. blog entry, to see what will await you quite soon )

What’s the thread called?

Rock, Scissors, Paper…


…Lizard and Spock.





So, you just defined what the beta stage of software is by yourself. Congratulations. Let me, too.


You know, why there are “Versions” in Software products? To distinguish which snapshot you are running, because Software development never stops, and if it stops, the software is regarded as abandoned, or dead. Thats why geeks prefer *Nixes as Operating System. The reason Google used “Beta” extensively in their products has to do with this phenomenon: actually, the “industry” has began to use “Version numbers” for marketing purposes since the 80s. But for anyone actually developing Software, it is clear, that there is no such thing as “Version X”. Anything which has a Version Number is considered Beta, until it hits 1.0, which is the milestone describing that “initial development plans have been met”, while usually alpha is considered not to have a versioning system yet or not being usable by the public.

Abstractly, you could say, alpha is infancy, beta is being juvenile, and after that the version tells the age.

Source code evolves much like your dna through your life.


You can’t walk up to an artist and tell him when his painting is finished. The artist tells you.


It isn’t a scapegoat. It’s the state of this software. It is in development, with its dynamics still to be finetuned, so, yes, it’s beta.

What you are witnessing are global changes how software is marketed.

You can however state the fact, that it is already marketed. Well, so are games, which are not even in alpha yet.

As an example: Minecraft was released in Indev. That was before Infdev, Alpha OR Beta. I believe it became Infdev in version 0.4 or something.

Plus, a program or piece of sfotware becomes full version after 1.0 OR the developers of said software announce that it has arrived and is ready for use. Minecraft only became full version when it hit Beta… 2.5, I think. Then they just went to 1.3.1.

The standart of how you use versioning and terms “alpha” and “beta” are not forced upon developers, and maybe some indie company could even use a build version for product. However the larger the company the greater the chance they will stick to the standarts. The thing that bugs me is that something that is already commercially released is still called “beta”, but many other titles are doing the same thing. Also it’s easy to ignore bugs of the game just simply adding “beta” word to it.


Anyway I cant wait to put a smiley face sticker on pirate ship.

It isn’t a scapegoat. It’s the state of this software. It is in development, with its dynamics still to be finetuned, so, yes, it’s beta.


From Wikipedia:

Beta, named after the second letter of the Greek alphabet, is the software development phase following alpha. It generally begins when the software is feature complete. Software in the beta phase will generally have many more bugs in it than completed software, as well as speed/performance issues and may still cause crashes or data loss. The focus of beta testing is reducing impacts to users, often incorporating usability testing. The process of delivering a beta version to the users is called  beta release  and this is typically the first time that the software is available outside of the organization that developed it.


Now… as far as I can tell, there aren’t any “performance/speed issues” or “bugs” that I know of (some simple spelling errors, maybe, but that’s it). Is it feature complete, though? Not really. There has been many talks about Dreadnoughts, Sector Conquest actually being corp-driven, T5, and a few extra shinies… These are the things that have been discussed since, what?.. March-ish?


Whatever happened to that? Was it abandoned or is it still in the blender?


Anyway, moving on to my next point:

Perpetual beta  is the keeping of software or a system at the beta development stage for an extended or indefinite period of time. It is often used by developers when they continue to release new features that might not be fully tested.

This kinda sounds more like SC’s definition but, again, it doesn’t QUITE fall in the “Beta” definition (at least according to Wikipedia)…



So… which is it? Is it a beta that doesn’t quite fit the beta description? Is it a finished product that isn’t quite finished? What is this?

I just want the DLC, I want a new interceptor. 

Could you tell us when we will be able to buy these DLC’s?

Oryngton, you are posting from wikipedia, which tries to summarize the actual consensus of the word and uses some technical terms, like “feature complete”. I don’t want to go into detail, that posting from an encyclopedia is like “wikipedia told me I have a 20% survival rate, doctor”, after he tells you, in your case it’s around 90. Who knows better?


The Software seems pretty feature complete. It delivers you a graphics engine, entity based game engine, networking protocol, deployment, servers, everything you need to call it “feature complete”, by definition based on the  technical features. Because it’s a Software term and describes the state of the software. In addition, many of the game rules, like physics, etc. are already set, but still have been changed frequently since March.


Gmail was beta for years and we used it. It was feature complete. It has new features now, but the google gmail engine was feature complete. Even if access to all features was unveiled slowly as it became more stable.


What you experience as “features” in a game, is called “dynamics”. They are however not complete, as you yourself put it.



I just want the DLC, I want a new interceptor. 



I know wikipedia isn’t exactly a reliable source of information, but there’s a limit to how things are done. Answer me these questions:


Is the game complete?

How drastic are the changes being made?


And a few others I seem to have forgotten in the process of… things… Godamnit, I’m tired…

Let me rephrase this as I have done who knows how many times already:



It has been in this “beta stage” for OVER A YEAR. You can put money in, Progress is relatively SLOW, THIS IS NOT A BETA.(Oh right, World of Tanks is also a beta still! or so they want you to believe, if that is a BETA progression rate, than I don’t even want to play the real game when it releases in 10 years)

In BETA you would be able to test everything for bugs, errors etc. in a very short time, and then the game releases and you lose all your progress. 


Clear enough for you?

Dragons Prophet has been in Beta phase for about a year too, and it doesn’t really have loads of bugs in it either. But there still are some, which is preventing the game from reaching full release.

Same with this game, If you look in the Ship Tree, you can clearly see that there are three ranks missing. Why? Because they are being developed and balanced. Same goes with Implants.

Dragons Prophet has been in Beta phase for about a year too, and it doesn’t really have loads of bugs in it either. But there still are some, which is preventing the game from reaching full release.

Same with this game, If you look in the Ship Tree, you can clearly see that there are three ranks missing. Why? Because they are being developed and balanced. Same goes with Implants.

Ok and? Look at EVE online, game has been in full release for 10 YEARS. It has always gone steps above where it previously was.


You can put money into this game, so its not beta. thats my view on it.

Is the game complete?

How drastic are the changes being made?


  1. No, Hence why its still in Beta

  2. Fairly Drastic as there is still an entire tier of ships that are missing that will be added closer to the actual release date.

  1. No, Hence why its still in Beta

  2. Fairly Drastic as there is still an entire tier of ships that are missing that will be added closer to the actual release date.

  1. a game is never complete if it has good devs. It should always keep expanding.

  2. they will be added in the “release”

  1. a game is never complete if it has good devs. It should always keep expanding.

  2. they will be added in the “release”

  1. They will be added after the release.
  1. a game is never complete if it has good devs. It should always keep expanding.


A game should always be complete before release, before it can expand, its need to be finished.


A good team of dev’s will complete a game, and then continue to add content to the finished product, thus expanding the game.

A game should always be complete before release, before it can expand, its need to be finished.


A good team of dev’s will complete a game, and then continue to add content to the finished product, thus expanding the game.


Hence it will be soon if they are adding DLC. I expect a sale right off the bat of the DLC like when the game went live on steam.


Too bad GM’s cant be given DLC to test all the ships…*Cries while eating a sweet roll.*