





There, thats more correct now. 


Ship holes as in you don’t have that faction’s main ships in the top ranks. Ie, you have no R9 sniper in Empire, you have no R9 Engineer in Federation (iirc, the Anaconda-M is a Guard), you have no R6 Guard in Jericho… and so forth… Those are the “holes” I’m talking about.

The rank of a ship does not automatically determine its merits in game. Rank 8 and Rank 5 alternatives, for example, are balanced in a way that fills in niches not covered by Rank 9 and Rank 6 counterparts.

I’m sorry, I just have to add this:

I… I am so, so sorry…

The rank of a ship does not automatically determine its merits in game. Rank 8 and Rank 5 alternatives, for example, are balanced in a way that fills in niches not covered by Rank 9 and Rank 6 counterparts.

Ok, shall we compare?


Jericho T3. Ceptors comprise of a CovOps and ECM. So far so good. Fighters are Tackler and Command. Good enough. Frigates are Guard, Guard and LR. 3, ok. Jericho T2 has CovOps and ECM on Ceptors, Command, command on Fighters and Guard, LR on Frigates. Not quite what you’d expect as it’s lacking a Tackler. And that’s Rank 4. Terrible, but compensated by Federation.

Let’s move on… Federation T3 is comprised of CovOps, CovOps (where’s the Recon!? Oh, there it is, Rank 7. Without many bonuses to speak of, either, so there goes that theory). Fighters have… Gunship, Gunship? Where’s their mainstream Fighter, the Tackler? OH, I’m blind, there it is, Rank 7 (again, lack of bonuses to compensate lack of slots), but their off-racial, Gunships, are present there. Tacklers are also present, but they’re Premium ships. Frigates. Should be mostly Engineering because those are their mainstream. Again, no. 1 Engie (Rank 7/8, can’t remember which) and 2 Guards. T2 is balanced enough and has, mostly, the right ships in the right places, though the lack of Rank 5… everything, is troublesome.

Empire. Good lord. T3. Ceptors have Recon, ECM. Granted the recon has nice bonuses, but it shouldn’t be there, tbh. Fighters are Command, Command… Why… It’s supposed to be GUNSHIPS. Oh, there they are, 2 Premiums again. How adorable. Ok, maybe Frigates will save it? Nope, LR, Engineer when it should be the other way around. And these Engineers are, pretty much, the only Engi used in T3. Well, maybe T2 will save it. And it does! Almost. Ceptors are the right way up, ECM, Recon. Fighters are… Gunship. There’s no R8, again. And Frigates, iirc, are also LR, Engi.


So yeah… SOME R5/8 ships actually do compensate their lack in the upper rank… Others are just blatant cash cows made on purpose.

This update seems really sweet in my opinion.


For all the hate comments: Why are you complaining on a game that is in Beta Phase that it is not “fine” or that some parts are “broken”? You should take that in concideration.

I… I am so, so sorry.…


someone is a Doctor Who fan  :good:

This update seems really sweet in my opinion.


For all the hate comments: Why are you complaining on a game that is in Beta Phase that it is not “fine” or that some parts are “broken”? You should take that in concideration.


Let me rephrase this as I have done who knows how many times already:



It has been in this “beta stage” for OVER A YEAR. You can put money in, Progress is relatively SLOW, THIS IS NOT A BETA.(Oh right, World of Tanks is also a beta still! or so they want you to believe, if that is a BETA progression rate, than I don’t even want to play the real game when it releases in 10 years)

In BETA you would be able to test everything for bugs, errors etc. in a very short time, and then the game releases and you lose all your progress. 


Clear enough for you?

Ok, shall we compare?


Jericho T3. Ceptors comprise of a CovOps and ECM. So far so good. Fighters are Tackler and Command. Good enough. Frigates are Guard, Guard and LR. 3, ok. Jericho T2 has CovOps and ECM on Ceptors, Command, command on Fighters and Guard, LR on Frigates. Not quite what you’d expect as it’s lacking a Tackler. And that’s Rank 4. Terrible, but compensated by Federation.

Let’s move on… Federation T3 is comprised of CovOps, CovOps (where’s the Recon!? Oh, there it is, Rank 7. Without many bonuses to speak of, either, so there goes that theory). Fighters have… Gunship, Gunship? Where’s their mainstream Fighter, the Tackler? OH, I’m blind, there it is, Rank 7 (again, lack of bonuses to compensate lack of slots), but their off-racial, Gunships, are present there. Tacklers are also present, but they’re Premium ships. Frigates. Should be mostly Engineering because those are their mainstream. Again, no. 1 Engie (Rank 7/8, can’t remember which) and 2 Guards. T2 is balanced enough and has, mostly, the right ships in the right places, though the lack of Rank 5… everything, is troublesome.

Empire. Good lord. T3. Ceptors have Recon, ECM. Granted the recon has nice bonuses, but it shouldn’t be there, tbh. Fighters are Command, Command… Why… It’s supposed to be GUNSHIPS. Oh, there they are, 2 Premiums again. How adorable. Ok, maybe Frigates will save it? Nope, LR, Engineer when it should be the other way around. And these Engineers are, pretty much, the only Engi used in T3. Well, maybe T2 will save it. And it does! Almost. Ceptors are the right way up, ECM, Recon. Fighters are… Gunship. There’s no R8, again. And Frigates, iirc, are also LR, Engi.


So yeah… SOME R5/8 ships actually do compensate their lack in the upper rank… Others are just blatant cash cows made on purpose.


This…is getting hard to deny but…I agree with Oryngton…


In some places the “middle rank” in a tier does nicely, in others, it completly screws it up and destroys the F2P aspect.


And let’s not even start about dead ends and progression from ship to ship…


Sorry for the devs that I give so much negative feedback…But that is how it is planted in my brain…

The gameplay is a ton of fun, but lately you guys made some changes that are not well thought out.

A miracle could happen


Ship tree might get an overhaul together with the appearance of pirate ships…

Once again I will repeat myself. The game and many of its aspects are in work. Maybe, you are not the fan of how fast changes take place, but they do take place nontheless. We are aware of your desire regarding the ship tree and we are looking for a good solution. 


About not being beta - no, the game is in fact in a beta testing, and there will be a release. 

Once again I will repeat myself. The game and many of its aspects are in work. Maybe, you are not the fan of how fast changes take place, but they do take place nontheless. We are aware of your desire regarding the ship tree and we are looking for a good solution. 


About not being beta - no, the game is in fact in a beta testing, and there will be a release. 


I know changes won’t happen from 1 day on the other. But I am just unhappy the way they do their changes. Some are really badly thought out…


And I will be very stubborn in this: I will not agree that this game is still in something you can call a BETA.(Personal opinion maybe, but that’s how I see it)

We are aware of your desire regarding the ship tree and we are looking for a good solution.


what a relief to read that. +1

Once again I will repeat myself. The game and many of its aspects are in work. Maybe, you are not the fan of how fast changes take place, but they do take place nontheless. We are aware of your desire regarding the ship tree and we are looking for a good solution. 


About not being beta - no, the game is in fact in a beta testing, and there will be a release. 

The only thing I would love to see, first and foremost, is detailed patch notes. Exactly what was changed, fixed and tweaked. Because I’ve been rambling on about Contracts to find that, yesterday (yes, JUST yesterday), the 16-hour cooldown Contracts have been ninja-buffed to 3k rep up from 2250 (or w/e it was). We don’t even know when this was changed because there’s no info about it.


Also, go on and ask the community if they think this is still in beta. I’m sure about 90% of them will give you a clear answer on that.


Edit: I didn’t mean to say the Contracts change was bad, btw, it’s just that there’s no info on a lot of things that have been secretly changed for better or worse. =/

There was a patch yesterday? o.O

Maybe you simply bought a license, and contract rewards increased by 50%

There was a patch yesterday? o.O

Maybe you simply bought a license, and contract rewards increased by 50%

I always had a license, you donut.

Once again I will repeat myself. The game and many of its aspects are in work. Maybe, you are not the fan of how fast changes take place, but they do take place nontheless. We are aware of your desire regarding the ship tree and we are looking for a good solution. 


About not being beta - no, the game is in fact in a beta testing, and there will be a release. 

Is it really that hard to have three ships per faction, per class, per tier? I’m pretty sure two minutes of browsing the forum would find you a dozen layouts that accomplish this goal…



There, thats more correct now. 

better run buddy im gonna get dem rolls!!!



nah seriously guys, make the ship tree window larger.

then we can fit way more ships in 

also make each section for the ranking wider for more ships

one of the biggest problems i have with this game is how no matter what ship you choose nothing really makes a difference unless you play as a team. and seeing as this game doesnt have VOIP its hard to do, just a simply comms channel would work fine, and the outfit recruiting is complex and doesnt offer much in the way of corp vs corp fighting, which makes the corps pointless if there was a game mode where it was corp vs corp then things would get interesting and more competitive, also the conquest style thing has too long of a timer, it needs to be more competitive. such as having a shorter timer with rewards for winning more territory. 


this brings me back to the pirate ships…if this game has all of these gameplay problems as i just listed above then why are the dev teams focusing on building ships? i know its partly for revenue but still, why not fix the game up so more people like it? make it more competitive? i like the idea of another faction and some cool new ships but there are many factions and most dont have very speacial ships. to me there isnt much difference to the ships between the factions, except the look they all handle similar and fire the same guns, things need to be more faction specific, like making certain types of guns one faction only, but make them balanced enough to have pros and cons to each so that people dont say one is more op then the other


these are only a few ideas of how to solve some problems, there are many other ways, you guys should ask us for solutions more often, we have some ok ideas, like have a voting section to vote on new ideas and clean up and simplify the forums ( there are too many unneccesary threads and sections its confusing)  i love this game, and it needs work, but i am confident the dev team will do the right thing regardless if its what i say or not, its their game, they decide, but we can help

Actaully, pirates are not the only thing there fixing. Read the russian forums…