
Eh, Now i have to figure out how to outfit a gunship…



Pewpew & speed.



Pewpew & speed.

I use my gunship as a gun with armor. DE with 27k survivability and heavy railguns. I can put down any ship slower than 500 m/s FAST. 

I use my gunship as a gun with armor. DE with 27k survivability and heavy railguns. I can put down any ship slower than 500 m/s FAST. 

I got 25k hp and 1º spread on assault rails.

I wonder if i can make it as a more interceptor killer. 

Solution: get a Tackler.

Solution: get a Tackler.

Fly a 1 vs 1 with me and I will show you how badly Tacklers do against Interceptors. They aren’t that great at anti-Inty duties these days. In T2 at least.

Yeah, with your recon and phase modulator…

Which needs fixing.

Not really. Phase modulator won’t save you by itself. It just gives you an edge, enough that you can afford to take the occasional hit and still fight.

Taking fire from two ships is more than enough to overwhelm the Remodulator.

Fly a 1 vs 1 with me and I will show you how badly Tacklers do against Interceptors. They aren’t that great at anti-Inty duties these days. In T2 at least.

Flew the Rhi-no a couple matches. I can guarantee you Tacklers are excellent. In those few matches, I caught ships alone and 2-3 ceptors at a time. Rarely died. Assault Rails and shield tank worked wonders for me. Also, just ditch Flares and use the 3 T2 modules, they just murder everything.

who on this small planet uses FLARES!?

who on this small planet uses FLARES!?

Everyone who flies an interceptor and doesn’t want to be dead the moment he flies into a speed suppression field or a tackler spots him?

Everyone who flies an interceptor and doesn’t want to be dead the moment he flies into a speed suppression field or a tackler spots him?


and yet he was talking about T2

who on this small planet uses FLARES!?

I always use Flares. Well, almost always. You have no idea the amount of times those things have saved my xxxx.

and yet he was talking about T2

Then I join him in the question of “who uses flares?”


I certainly wouldn’t waste an active slot on them without the relevant implant.

Then I join him in the question of “who uses flares?”


I certainly wouldn’t waste an active slot on them without the relevant implant.

How about avoiding missiles? And the “I can’t find anything more useful to put there”? Flares are life savers, man. End of discussion. They’ll increase your survivability by another 5-10k if you use them right.

So, at the risk of actually discussing the pirates again…


I decided to grab the Corsair pack because I wanted credits to buy a Premium Imperial Recon. The Joker… is utterly lackluster. The ship’s damage output is unremarkable compared to the Deimos 2, who can consistently hit higher and survive longer. It’s probably better than the Lynx Mk II, but that’s a Rank 4 ship so isn’t worth considering.


Overall, the Joker is exactly what we predicted - a joke ship. It is inferior to both free and Premium gunships of its tier, and should not be bothered with.


For reference, the title bestowed by this pack is “Corsair”. Not sure if it’s worth buying just for that though.


In my opinion, the Corsair needs another +5% weapon damage boost, and at least a +4% critical damage boost. That should, in theory, bring its firepower up to spec and make it out-punch the Deimos 2. It’s faster and less survivable, so it should balance out.

Is there still no ETA for when the pirates DLC will show up on steam? Or the Steam client as well…

I wish the packs are priced more reasonably.  I’m more than happy to support the game but when dlc packs cost more than full retail titles in a game that’s supposedly in beta… something is wrong.

Question: How can i log in SC website with my account made by steam? 


Couse i’d like to buy the pack with SAI… but looks like Devs really don’t want my money :stuck_out_tongue:

Question: How can i log in SC website with my account made by steam? 


Couse i’d like to buy the pack with SAI… but looks like Devs really don’t want my money :stuck_out_tongue:

You need to create a seperate game account and link both.

how do i link steam account to gaijin’s?