Ping Compensation

So, there definitely needs to be something done about playing with high ping. Tonight during SecCon, ping was what made the difference in battles. We repeatedly faced a Nova squad in 4v4 or sometimes 6v6, and you could always tell who was going to win based on which server we got put onto. If we were on the US server, it was just utter destruction of their squad and vice versa. Same ship comps, same maps, same players. We won all the US server games without contest, they won all the RU server games without contest.


Ping creates such an advantage when teams are so closely matched like that, that something needs to be done to even the playing field. I’m not entirely sure what from a fairness aspect could be added, but something like better hit detection for high pings could surely be useful. It’s near impossible to hit a 600+ m/s interceptor pilot with 200+ ping, but when we had 30 ping, we would wreck him. The games literally just boiled down to who had the better ping, and I don’t find that fair for either side.

So, there definitely needs to be something done about playing with high ping. Tonight during SecCon, ping was what made the difference in battles. We repeatedly faced a Nova squad in 4v4 or sometimes 6v6, and you could always tell who was going to win based on which server we got put onto. If we were on the US server, it was just utter destruction of their squad and vice versa. Same ship comps, same maps, same players. We won all the US server games without contest, they won all the RU server games without contest.


Ping creates such an advantage when teams are so closely matched like that, that something needs to be done to even the playing field. I’m not entirely sure what from a fairness aspect could be added, but something like better hit detection for high pings could surely be useful. It’s near impossible to hit a 600+ m/s interceptor pilot with 200+ ping, but when we had 30 ping, we would wreck him. The games literally just boiled down to who had the better ping, and I don’t find that fair for either side.

That is the reason most arena based games allows you to play only in your local server.


Sadly we still don’t have enough players to do that. But I hope we will.

+1 to this, I would like some way to even the playing field as your 100% right. Ping plays a large role in the battle. 

That’s one of the reasons Russian corps vs american corps cant really compete in even terms. The ping is the deciding factor. 

it does not matter much if you set region to any or not, you will still be placed on other servers.

it does not matter much if you set region to any or not, you will still be placed on other servers.

why you think its there?


if it would put us on whatever server annyway this would not been made.


so no it does not put you in any server. put region to whatever region you are in, you get higher waiting time but you still get to play in a server for ur region!



also to be honest. i got bad internet mysellf. around 40 ping to home.


and in europe server i gt 66 ping or 60-70. and in usa i get 180.


in asia i get over 300.

You are wrong again Leikis. The game tries to search a match in that server you chooses, but after some time if it doesn’t find any it will put you in another server.





problem Solved!!!


Leader of squad is the one who has control if you are in squad. pings works as they should on all the servers, 




i got 40 ping on my network. in game i get 61 aslong i choose region : europe. and not put it to any. 



[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22259-selected-region-usa-still-end-up-on-ru-server/)



Next time THINK before posting!! 

5 minutes actually is how long the MM will spend looking for a game in your selected region.   After those 5 minutes are up though it goes back to looking for any region to speed up the process.

back on topic, 


Ping Compensation must be tweaked for weapons and account for ship ping as well. 


Normally its hard enough to hit something that is moving fast through 3d space but when that something warps around and jumps/jitters, its nigh impossible to hit. 

Bump, and +1.

If this Open World thing is going to be on RU servers exclusively, I’m pretty sure I’m done with this game. That’d be the last nail in the coffin for me. The developers have shown no considerations to fixing this problem because it doesn’t benefit Russian players in anyway. I invite them to come play on US servers, and learn what it’s like to play with a ridiculously high ping in this game 90% of the time, it isn’t fun. They need to add some kind of aim compensation or make the EU servers played on more so that the whole world can manage to play and not just Russian natives.

Bump and +1

Or, at the very least, make “Region” actually effective.  I am tired of selecting USA to get a better ping and getting a Russian server 9 times out of 10.  It needs to change.  I choose to wait longer so that I can play better.  I don’t want the match maker to put me into any other server if I select a certain region.  Can this PLEASE be fixed?

Hi guys

Any news on ping compensation ?

Has anything been done / promises made to make it playable for people like me with 200-300 ms on whatever server I go to ?

Interceptors still wobble in laggy servers ?

Still waiting to make a return to Star Conflict … hoping to hear good news on that front.

ps. Residente Wolfpack ? wtf …

Hey Kine, good to see you!

They added some ping compensation to the target lead/aim reticle and I haven’t wobbled in a long time, but playing in the 300+ms range still is no fun for me (I get 300-400ms to the Asian server, but unfortunately for you you probably won’t get too many games there). I know some players from your region do play successfully though so maybe just give it a try and see for yourself.

Hi Kine~! Good to see you back again.


I figure we should have probably the same amount of ping; I get around 300 for RU, slightly higher for US, and EU ranges from slightly laggy to completely unplayable. SA is the best of course (around 50, IIRC), but I haven’t gotten my third match on that server.


Wobble’s still around, but it’s possible to dampen the wobble through counter wobbling. The ping compensation works pretty nicely for me, so that’s the main reason why the game remains playable for me even at 300 ping. 

can I snipe the gauss again without server delay ? or is there that moment’s pause between clicking shoot and the damn thing actually shooting ?


if the game is playable again I will attempt once again to push my clan to starting up a Corp in SCon … I miss the black.

can I snipe the gauss again without server delay ? or is there that moment’s pause between clicking shoot and the damn thing actually shooting ?


if the game is playable again I will attempt once again to push my clan to starting up a Corp in SCon … I miss the black.


Yup. Gauss and positron sniping works well for me. In fact, I’m trying out the gravi-beamer for my tackler. I can use them pretty well, considering how precise you have to be with beam weapons. 


EDIT: Dang… now JP knows how I manage to get by with 300 ping. 

Roger and thanks. Will download the game in a few days.


@Snib - your post didn’t show earlier … weird. But


HELLO THERE :slight_smile:

@Snib - your post didn’t show earlier … weird. But


HELLO THERE :slight_smile:

I’m a ninja.  :dntknw:


And hi there. It’s good if you come back so I can blame you for the lag again and the lag for my mistakes.   :taunt: