Ping Compensation

i thought we were blaming it on the Devs ?

i thought we were blaming it on the Devs ?


See, it’s been so long that you’ve been gone that I cannot even remember anymore. Time for you to get back into the action! :wink:


Blaming the devs is always good though.

soon … got something to do for another game first.

ps. Residente Wolfpack ? wtf …


Second in charge, why the question? :smiley:

congratz … always thought you’d be NASA hardcore

Kine! Good to hear from you again. :)wt

hai MrT

congratz … always thought you’d be NASA hardcore


Lot of xxxx you missed. Could explain it in private but I doubt you even care

Hi guys

Any news on ping compensation ?

Has anything been done / promises made to make it playable for people like me with 200-300 ms on whatever server I go to ?

Interceptors still wobble in laggy servers ?

Still waiting to make a return to Star Conflict … hoping to hear good news on that front.

ps. Residente Wolfpack ? wtf …

The game has seemed better lately.  A decent description of balance is that the recent patch qualifies as a “major” patch.


i thought we were blaming it on the Devs ?

We always blame everything on the devs.  It’s not our fault, right?


BTW, by the looks of it you haven’t logged in for six months and eighteen days.  There is a South Asia server I imagine you’re begging to try out.

Hi guys

Any news on ping compensation ?

Has anything been done / promises made to make it playable for people like me with 200-300 ms on whatever server I go to ?

Interceptors still wobble in laggy servers ?

Still waiting to make a return to Star Conflict … hoping to hear good news on that front.

ps. Residente Wolfpack ? wtf …


Why put it off any longer ?     We miss your wisdom,  insight  etc etc…  


Heck a lot has gone on and there has been BIG time changes since you taken an leave of absence. 

Logged in for the first time in 6 months.


I forgot how amazing the people on this forum can be and was convinced to load a game up again. First thing to greet me in-game was my adorable Medic Mino. I almost shed a tear seeing her again after all this time.


Shooting is good again. Back to how it was as far as I can tell in the few short minutes I spent in combat. Did not try out the gauss where lack of lag compensation was most noticeable but used hail plasma instead which is kinda similar. Missed 8 of 8 shots I first made in the game but I can only blame rusty muscle memory. Eventually got hit ratio up towards the end of the match which is a good sign.


Didn’t spend too much time looking at anything else and I forgot the cvar to bring up latency-fps readout to make comparisons but I did feel netcode might have gotten a redo.


Previous SCon patches did a beautiful job at masking lag BUT at the expense of inty wobbling. Client and server will argue back and forth as to where the ship should be moving towards resulting in wobbling. Today’s game - delays were there plain to see. Not hidden behind some funky tech in the code. Ships twitched and rubberbanded like any regular online shooter game. It may sound bad but in practise it worked out to be a good thing. My ship twitched about in micro-skips but atleast I was in control. More importantly so did the other ships on the server… they moved less fluidly than before and made tiny skips when the lag was bad but atleast the predictive aim accurately showed where I needed to shoot and scored a hit when I do. Unlike before, you could shoot where it asked you to and still missed.


Flight isn’t as beautiful as how I remembered it to be but it is functional. I can score hits and people died as they should.


I think I’m good to fly again.


Video editor and maybe even youtube seemed to have applied motion smoothing filter of some sort. Source video showed the jerkiness more vividly than the one above. Flying it feels like paddling a canoe / kayak on rough water where the breaks are pushing you one way while you are paddling it another way and the boat moves in an entirely different vector as a compromise between the two. I imagine it could be hell flying an inty … hopefully not as bad as wobbling.


And yes - I dropped that gate by mistake. Drones icon had the number 2 on it and I wrongly thought that was the keybind to deply them. Dropped the gate in slot 2 instead :stuck_out_tongue:

Today’s game - delays were there plain to see. Not hidden behind some funky tech in the code. Ships twitched and rubberbanded like any regular online shooter game. It may sound bad but in practise it worked out to be a good thing.

Pretty much and agreed on the conclusion. It’s much better like it is than with the wobbling.

I think I’m good to fly again.

In that case welcome back! :slight_smile:

I’m looking forward to the days when I never have to play on Russian servers (or servers with ping 200 and more) again.


Right now in the timezone I’m in that what I mostly have to deal with. Playing Inty can be a really challenge up to useless. I actually changed the missiles to the small (homing) missiles on Interceptors because the unguided missiles couldn’t hit anything (20 degrees spread) when playing on Russian and sometimes even European servers.

I’m looking forward to the days when I never have to play on Russian servers (or servers with ping 200 and more) again.


Right now in the timezone I’m in that what I mostly have to deal with. Playing Inty can be a really challenge up to useless. I actually changed the missiles to the small (homing) missiles on Interceptors because the unguided missiles couldn’t hit anything (20 degrees spread) when playing on Russian and sometimes even European servers.


Agreed, its tough to have unguided in anything above 200 ping

In EU all goes well, i get 70-90 ping in the russian servers, 30-60 in EU. On my primetime i don’t get NA/Asia servers. So for some people, it might be also the internet connection. 

Agreed, its tough to have unguided in anything above 200 ping


I launch rockets point blank. 

I launch rockets point blank.

Picks a recon instead, uses mines.

Picks a recon instead, uses mines.


Oh shots fired! 


Regardless, Im pretty well practiced with Unguided, so I just adjust my aim with the appropriate ping. and make note of distance, including mentally counting rocket speed. Okay it may be a bit much to handle to a newer player but you get what Im trying to say. 

but you get what Im trying to say. 


That JP is OP ?