Phaser is overused and OP

I have been in love with the Command Phaser since it premiered last winter. Though for some reason I am a seeing more and more players with it. I outfit my Loki again after a while of not using it, but was astounded at the ease of use now. The bubbles and explosion are still the same as before, but now the fast charges are way too overpowered for their own good. I took down another command that was engaged in a dogfight from 5km away and didn’t even have to try. I’ve also been killed an innumerable amount of times by them simply because I didn’t realise that I was being hit. XD

Summary: Phaser fast charge needs a severe nerf. Other modes are fine as is and are better suited for PvE.

I’ve been using the Assualt Rails on my command and i found them really easy to use and I killed some people. It really needs a nerf :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been using the Ion Beams on my Command and they are really easy to use and I killed some people. Nerf them now!!!


ok, ok, i’ll stop, but you get my point.


Has this anything to do with you building a Peregrine with no engine slots and getting killed to quickly?

What have you been smoking

Whatever. This has been complained about by several people yet nobody has made a topic about it yet. I was skeptical until I tried to use them again.

Once you die from nothing at 5-8km away come back.

I’ve faced ships many times that come equipped with phasers, though I tend to take cover if they are out of my range :wink:


The weapon is far from OP.


Shall we nerf Positron cannons while we’re at it, coz they hit much much harder from 5k+ range :wink:

I’ve faced ships many times that come equipped with phasers, though I tend to take cover if they are out of my range :wink:

The weapon is far from OP.

Cover is the only way to avoid such fire though… It’s like a tiny plasma sniper of deathhhhhhhh

Cover is the only way to avoid any weapon that has more range than you :wink: Unless you’re flying a fast high turn rate ship.

Cover is the only way to avoid any weapon that has more range than you :wink: Unless you’re flying a fast high turn rate ship.

This is mostly true, yes. Though still. Phaser. Pew pew fast. Much damage+speed. Also did I mention that it doesn’t make a sound when you get hit by it.

You gotta be constantly watching for incoming damage or you will die from the phantom phaser.

Well then that is a bug and another issue then :wink:


Positrons are much much more dangerous though, you can take many more hits from a phaser compared to those.

The only thing that is wrong with phaser is that its base range, nerf that by 15-20% and it is good.

Hit sound would be good too.

The only thing that is wrong with phaser is that its base range, nerf that by 15-20% and it is good.

Hit sound would be good too.

This is the first decently constructive material that I’ve ever gotten from you Kosty. Good job! ^^

Positrons are much much more dangerous though, you can take many more hits from a phaser compared to those.

Agreed. Those things come from nowhere and can easily two-hit an unprepared inty.

*shouts for nerf*

*but nobody agreed*

Agreed with the hitsounds business. Damage is quite high for a weapon that’s easy to aim, but still not high enough to be considered OP. It is currently used a lot as a response to the new long range fighter meta. What with all the gauss/flux phaser gunships, phaser/flux phaser commands and gauss/long range gravy/flux phaser tacklers, t5 has become a long range campfest. Add to this the crazy amounts of LRF we are seeing around nowadays too, and it gets boring very quickly.

I think the range is fine, as that is the nature of the weapon, it is pretty terrible at close range imo.

But for the prepared sniper this is a good thing~ X3

Everyone’s building for long range so 90% of the time their damage is easily counterable and they are generally pretty fragile with the exception of some specific builds. I always was a fan of “hit them before they hit you.”

I think the range is fine, as that is the nature of the weapon, it is pretty terrible at close range imo.


@millanbel damage is less than the gauss and that is just as easy to aim.

Gauss and Hail are both the sniper mains nowadays. Gauss especially.



They take ages to charge and are very slow, not that effective at CQC.

They take ages to charge and are very slow, not that effective at CQC.

True enough. Though they do one-shot drones on beacons.

How about we solve this problem by just nerfing everything?

They take ages to charge and are very slow, not that effective at CQC.

they ate as slow as a singularity cannon …