Phaser is overused and OP

It use to be OP… now it’s meh

its a pretty versatile weapon, but looses a lot of effectiveness with high ping (even if you smash the click you will miss some RoF), specially with iridium heatsink or RoF implant, which means you have to trade energy regen for dmg (pulses). DPS is good but aint the best for CQC (rails are better…and they aint very good for CQC). At long ranges does well, but the dps and dmg per shot allows the player to react in time to take cover (unlike positrons)…the sound thing is an advantage, but an aware player will notice this (a pro player will notice the source of the positron shot anyway). Balls are pretty strong, but the delay on the shot makes aiming harder, and the fact of not having a proper lead marker makes things harder (specially for high ping, but what ever, even bubbles are awfull with high ping). Shooting the ball with the fast charge is insanely hard with high ping, as well as figuring out the exact position of the ball (when to blow it up). It doesnt seem an OP weapon to me.

LRFs are OP

Flux Phaser is OP

ECMs are OP

Everything is OP


Atm. it is indeed a chaotic long range fest. Followed by a refreshing game of ceptor/recon rush.

To note, LRF makes every weapon op. and usually the frig weapons therefore balanced over time to them, and until now it paid with less tank, but thats not the problem of mauler and kraken, which makes a mess.

In T5 we see often cookie cutter builds - specific ships with specific setups.


The Phaser is imho pretty ok. Yes, it’s annoying, but the damage amounts are tiny, the bubbles are hard to use, especially useful if the attacker goes full offensive on you, and doesnt expect it, but if they do (which is usually less experienced ceptors who are not yet used to “standard orbits” and typical attack movement, but some older vets already adopted aswell), phaser bubbles can be evaded, until its cooldown, and then the command pebbled to death. It deserves a range usage, imho.

It might need a damage effect / sound effect that is more “personal”. But from all current weapons in the long range wars, its the one which is the least responsible imho.


Phasers are a good weapon against the other plague, recon rushes. It is quite natural they evolved quicker. But its the general long range attacks atm. that break teams into spawncampfests. The way of spawning in this game might be more at fault, than weapons.

Overused but not op!

Phaser does have a hit sound but it is soft and is probably stolen from ECM additive sounds which are very short and not as loud :stuck_out_tongue:

As for Kraken tank, it had less hull points than archdragon and black dragon once full synergy. And even at 0 synergy it only has 2.5% more which then gets cancelled during synergy upgrades. So yes it has 1000 more shield. On an empire lrf and it has shield advantage… Good one devs :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay so new topic: Phaser is overused and easy for newbies to use.

What have the Romans ever done for us?

phaser is good where it’s at. 

What have the Romans ever done for us?

Teached to the world how to raise one of the mighty civilization in history of this world and how to fail miserabily

Teached to the world how to raise one of the mighty civilization in history of this world and how to fail miserabily

  • Showed us how to use “democracy” to earn xxxxload of $$$$$$

Teached to the world how to raise one of the mighty civilization in history of this world and how to fail miserabily


You clearly have never seen ‘Life of Brian’

Whaaaat??? Sadly I’ve only seen it in my language, and sadly during translation we tend to transform jokes in something that can be more friendly to our culture and sometimes we complitely mess up movies and tv shows. So no, i never saw the “original” one. You’re right :frowning:

As for Kraken tank, it had less hull points than archdragon and black dragon once full synergy. And even at 0 synergy it only has 2.5% more which then gets cancelled during synergy upgrades. So yes it has 1000 more shield. On an empire lrf and it has shield advantage… Good one devs :stuck_out_tongue:


Whaaaat??? Sadly I’ve only seen it in my language, and sadly during translation we tend to transform jokes in something that can be more friendly to our culture and sometimes we complitely mess up movies and tv shows. So no, i never saw the “original” one. You’re right :frowning:


I love that film!


“I have a good fwiend in Wome called Biggus Dickus”

Teached to the world how to raise one of the mighty civilization in history of this world and how to fail miserabily

They failed?


But the Byzantine double headed eagle moved to moscow, besides Mehmets claims, and even the carolings, the germans and habsburgian austria claimed to be the holy roman empire :stuck_out_tongue:



Proof of romans not failing completely, but pretty much.

This post made me go and try phaser again. Imo Flux somewhat better because of strong ‘dark screen’ effect - people are loosing their way when hit.