People playing objective maps like TDM instead...well, doing the objective

Honestly this is something that plagues all multiplayer games, the only suggestion I can think of would be to strip rewards from killing players and NPCs.


I do a scenario, head over to cap a node and…my “allies” just derp around the map killing enemies instead of doing the objective. Detonation, people ignore the enemy carrying the bomb or ignore the bomb altogether. Really, only game mode that is done properly is captain mode as THAT is kill orientated. Anything else and people just farm kills instead of capping nodes or delivering bombs.


Either there needs to be a reminder on the HUD to emphasise the objective at all times (An arrow pointing to the bomb carrier/Main weapons on the carrier mission) or kills need to reward less, especially in scenarios where kills, even though they award so little, can be racked up by the dozen.


I know kills are the main point of the game but I still feel too many folks just ignore the objective in favour of brawling, thus causing my team or the enemy team to lose really badly and causing said team to lose on massive chunks of XP, Credits and loot. Never understood the mindset to be honest, winning awards far more than losing and getting lots of kills last I checked yet people do it anyway? :L

Agreed. We really need a seperate mode for TDM, so the kill crazed players can go and play that instead. It’s not exactly a difficult feature to implement, and I’m honestly surprised it’s missing from a lobby based game.



yep, seen too much of this… Especially in T1, it gets a bit better in T2… Hopefully T3 is an even more of an improvement.

Well then you are in luck as doing the objective gives you higher points than killing enemy as reward - so you can farm objectives yourself with no competition. I can’t talk for everyone but i am pretty good at blowing stuff up, so you would want me to kill those around you while you do the objective. And tho i don’t do objectives much myself i do them in passive way - means i help team progress in it. I see repair frig been attacked i rush in to kill the attacker so he could stay alive to rep the team. Its teamplay oriented game, and yes, it feels to me also that most of the times i’m in team of morons, but everyone does its share. And think, if you wouldn’t have all those shoot everything people flying around you, you would have a lot more enemies facing you doing the objectives. 

My advice is that you look around who is good enough players around you, add them in your friend list and next time play as squad. Use TS for coordination and gameplay becomes more tactical than ever.

I think we all can agree that most people are ignoring the objective’s right away and that’s sad. However, the cause is the lack of a dm or tdm option in the match making. Maybe the game is designed to be a team and objective based, but dm an tdm, that is what a lot of people want to play…


However, objective modes do need some adjustments too.

yeah, but then you have those frigates, just killing the enemies, trying to get them off of your ship.

whats with them? they now have less money and points, just because they cant plant a bomb with their slow ships.


you should get more points if you kill an enemy thats near your bomb bearer or if you defend a point and attacking an enemie near it.


Agreed. We really need a seperate mode for TDM, so the kill crazed players can go and play that instead. It’s not exactly a difficult feature to implement, and I’m honestly surprised it’s missing from a lobby based game.


+1 Agreed

Seriosuly they need to have a CHOICE on what game type you get pulled into. Some people like only doing combat recon while there is others that Like the demolition and beacons. 


They really need to give you more freedom of choice. 

I personally would LOVE to see a huge 25 vs 25 Team death match. 

Well then you are in luck as doing the objective gives you higher points than killing enemy as reward - so you can farm objectives yourself with no competition. I can’t talk for everyone but i am pretty good at blowing stuff up, so you would want me to kill those around you while you do the objective. And tho i don’t do objectives much myself i do them in passive way - means i help team progress in it. I see repair frig been attacked i rush in to kill the attacker so he could stay alive to rep the team. Its teamplay oriented game, and yes, it feels to me also that most of the times i’m in team of morons, but everyone does its share. And think, if you wouldn’t have all those shoot everything people flying around you, you would have a lot more enemies facing you doing the objectives. 

My advice is that you look around who is good enough players around you, add them in your friend list and next time play as squad. Use TS for coordination and gameplay becomes more tactical than ever.


While I would LOVE to be able to do the objectives myself, I rarely can. The enemy team will still trying to kill me when I move to their side of the map. Also, I’m hearing of cases where friendly bomb-carriers and so on who are trying to do the objective are getting TK’d just so the match lasts longer. What the -actual- heck is going on here?

PVP TDM and PVE TDM would be great.

While I would LOVE to be able to do the objectives myself, I rarely can. The enemy team will still trying to kill me when I move to their side of the map. Also, I’m hearing of cases where friendly bomb-carriers and so on who are trying to do the objective are getting TK’d just so the match lasts longer. What the -actual- heck is going on here?


I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure the only way to TK is with the Torpedo’s that the one faction frigate has. 

Not true. You can also roll in front of an ally and stop a warp gate pointing into a rock. Seen this done accidentally and intentionally.

I accidentally teamkilled. Match started. I dropped a warpgate. The moment I flew into it, a friendly interceptor flew in front of it and…well… boom. Both of us were dead in the first 10 seconds of the match.  :smoke:

Truly a well thought out topic because… how dare people play how they want! The objective in the bombing run is to carry a bomb to the opposing sides bases and you are supposed to kill the person carrying the bomb for the other team. With your logic of they shouldn’t be treating it as a “TDM” then no one should be allowed to kill anyone who isn’t carrying the bomb. Then we can all float around the bomb and instantly kill whoever picks it up once 7-10 people all shoot at a single person. And in beacon capture the point is to control as many beacons as possible while (wait for it…) killing the other team! I guess it makes no sense that people kill each other on the way towards a point so that they can’t capture it and damage should only apply when in a certain proximity to a beacon so that people who have played and practiced playing the game can’t use that unfair advantage against you who has played for 5 hours and thinks they should win.

Wake up and stop complaining because you aren’t good at killing people. All those people having a “TDM” style attitude are actually keeping a solidified horde from all focusing on a single area and possibly stalemating the game. The more people that are distracted away from an objective the better for the others that can either capture a beacon or plant a bomb. The other team only has as many people as you do and with a corporation you can always have a group of 4 people with the same mindset. How easy is it to be in a corporation? Spend 10 minutes asking to join one or make your own. If you can’t plant a bomb due to a strong defense then realize that there isn’t only one way to win a match and those people fighting could use your help and just maybe give you an advantage by having more players alive for 25 seconds which can allow for a lot to be done in the meantime.

The very basic concept of this game is to fight in space. The fact that anyone complaining that OTHERS aren’t playing how they want them to, is ridiculous. Play the game and get better instead of demanding others conform to your format.

But Judgemint, what happeneds if a team abandons the bomb altogether and goes around chasing random people in groups of 3 and 4 just to get some kills, completely ignoring their objective? What if a team keeps clashing in battle at a heavily defended beacon because they want to fight, instead of going for the weakly defended beacon on the other side of the map? What if the captain is left completely alone because his team decided it would rather go for kills then focus on defending their captain? I will give you an example: I recently played several detonation matches where I was put into the team of a squad of a corporation which shall remain unnamed. What they did instead of pursuing the objective, was to make sure they could grab both bombs with frigates, by either killing enemies in full force or letting their teammates with bombs die, and then withdrew into a well defendable position. From there they started to farm kills on anyone who would try to get the bombs back. As they positioned themselves very close to my own teams beacon, we couldn’t allow them to loose those bombs, thus forcing us to defend them. This resulted in Detonation matches ending in a timeout with all stations intact and one side racking up to 70 kills, with the majority being of course with the people who hogged the bombs since they were the ones being constantly targeted. This in turn led to ridiculous amounts of point for them and made sure their corpmates were in positions 1-4 and their team won. Now this would normally sound good, I mean our team won but let’s analyze what happened:


a) They let people who actually tried to fulfill the objective of the game completely without support or pretended to give it so he would fly towards an enemy station, just to deny it when he needed it. Thus anyone trying to carry the bomb on our side had almost no chance at all to see it through.


b) They forced EVERYONE in the game to remain in the match the entire gametime, allies being bored to hell and enemies being forced to run suicide missions against a fortress of ships, being destroyed over and over, racking up repair costs and ruining everyones fun and wasting their time in the process.


c) They took away the possibility of anyone else performing well pointwise and made sure no other corporation could get points for their PVP rating


d) They ruined the entire game mode and the fun for people who actually enjoy something else then senselessly slaughtering people just trying to play the game.


Now you could argue as an ally I could just do something like make a warpgate and ram them to oblivion, or use a jericho frigate to teamkill them. This however would be a reportable action.



Long story short for the TL;DR’s, while I don’t think kill rewards should be removed or modified from what they are right now, I do believe the game needs a TDM mode.

Well, luckily i never had a session were the Teams weren’t fully concentrated on the objective but the HUD and the orientation systems need an update. More often then not i just loose myself after the big first brawl at the bombsite and i can’t reorientate myself since one enemy after another is locking on to me. I only get back on track if the bombrunner accidently crosses my field of vision or after recoordination with the Respawn-map.

So, yeah, it needs fixing. But i guess all i can say is that “not following the objective” is not always intentional.

With your logic of they shouldn’t be treating it as a “TDM” then no one should be allowed to kill anyone who isn’t carrying the bomb


I stopped reading there. I don’t think you’re in a position to be bashing his logic.