Patch preview Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.11


Only true of a few players. Skill still plays hugely in this. Granted higher tier players will play lower tiers, but greens and purples still allow new players to compete with vets.

Equipment contributes only a small factor comparing to player skill and situational awareness. The new players I’ve recruited (ex WoT veterens) have no problem playing at all despite the changes. Guess that’s why Aces will be Aces.

about the new reputation system, i ask myself: what business model is this? For example:

  • why should buy someone a license now? Its useless if you get reputation by fullfilling contracts.

  • why should buy someone a premium item? Its like the blue item and you can hope to loot a purple one.

According to the news post…


The 50% contract CD reduction is ‘re-imbursement’ for last week’s cooldown bug.  It looks like we are only getting the 50% cd redux for 1 week only.


Pretty much lol…and who is obsessed with the bad fonts???  Just leave it alone man.


Games on a downward spiral. They got a surge of players from Steam and now are simply trying to profit without considering the consequences of it. Since 7.10, they’re obviously trying to ‘promote’ premium items. They’ve also obviously failed. Since 7.10, OTG has had a HUGE drop in active playerbase. Half of my officers left saying they don’t like the direction the game is heading. I’ve gone from ~50 players on at a time to <10. 


If this game continues in the direction it’s going in, it’s not only going to make it completely unappealing for new players, but it’s going to lose the playerbase it already has.

Honestly I don’t think these changes are bad. If you switch between factions and complete all contracts for each faction you have available you will probably accumulate close to the loyalty you were previously doing in a session. It’s just going to be more spread out.

Don’t forget that there is a crafting system on the horizon. This will be a fun way to get weapons and modules that is assumed to be separate from loyalty. Stick around this game clearly has devs that are interested in making the game viable in the long run. This isn’t release 1.0 it’s not even close.

I am using scenarios to farm for better mods and equipment it’s working. Try it!

Only true of a few players. Skill still plays hugely in this. Granted higher tier players will play lower tiers, but greens and purples still allow new players to compete with vets.


While I have to agree on skill being able to make up for some of the difference in loadout quality, in a situation where both players have the same rank (or even the exact same) ships and a roughly similar skill level the veteran player will have an edge due to the newer one, simply because of how androus it is for the newer to acquire the same level of modules that the veteran got easier.

I’d also like to point out that the veterans will be more likely to have any / more purple modules simply due to the larger amount of time played, which in and of itself is completely fine (more effort put in should be proportionately rewarded), but because of this it can also hardly be considered an equalizer.

Only true of a few players. Skill still plays hugely in this. Granted higher tier players will play lower tiers, but greens and purples still allow new players to compete with vets.


A few points:


  • Yes, skill plays a huge part. This is fair because Vets have gained their skill advantage by hard work, and new players have the chance to get to the same level of skill in the same amount of time and effort. The equipment advantage regarding blues however is NOT fair, because new players will need about 5-10 times as much time and effort to get there, while at the same time playing against superior equipped opponents.


  • Purples ? No offense, but purples are so rare it takes a large amount of playing time to gain several of them. While certainly nice to have, this is exactly what new players will NOT have, usually.


- Greens DO help, but they only help to reduce the size of the unfair disadvantage, they do not remove it. Also, while greens do drop in a pleasant drop rate, I still do not have enough of them to fit a single ship completely with them.


It’s a shame that veterans feel a need to argue on the boards to keep the advantage they now hold, but I guess it’s human nature to do that and voicing your opinion is your right. 

Never worry though, I will try to mobilize the new players to post on this forum, and our voice will be heard. I will do my very best to inform them of it and motivate them to state their opinion on this en masse.

Btw about this equipment, i only have 2 gears that are blue/purple* i really dont want to miss. I am not complaining about the difference in strength of the modules one has avaible as i often see ships equipped with premium that only get me dead the moment after i squashed their buddys and them to a little mist in space. Those that more often kill me are real skilled pilots knowing how to dance (and maaaan i love hunting them :D)


What i dont like about the loyalty is not that i wont be getting my gear in a considerate time (my planned t3 loadout in blue will take me a couple weeks still as it has gear of every faction), i just dont like this bland feeling after a match, especially ones where i am unable to finish my contracts.


I loved contracts from the beginning, like black ops 1 or bet on soldier had those and love these systems. (i am a merc’s soul)


Just give us a little bit per match back, to have a feel of progression, make it a tenth of the prior gain and i would consider it mighty fine, getting some points is better then bloody none!



*these 2 gears are mk3 valkyrie(love that name) and a experimental coating^^

Sorry sir, you are horribly wrong. Check patch notes for 7.10 when they took auto reputation out. Error said that the new contract system was to stop people from progressing too fast through low tiers.

On my phone or I would grab that quote.


it wasn’t related to contracts, it was related to ships - it was too fast to get from tier 1 ships to tier 2 ships.


loyalty was removed from battles because “players were concentrating too much on winning battles and ignoring contracts”


i said i was going to wait till the patch today to see what will they do and seeing what they did i’m seriously considering a reimbursement on my steam dlc purchase




some people keep saying that skill is more important than gear - i won’t argue with that, it’s completely true.


however given equal skill players gear will make the difference and while the difference between mk 2/military is a small one IT ADDS UP QUICKLY


also: why do you want to penalize even more people that aren’t that skilled?!?

Those 1h contracts are still on a 1h cool down, these contract give so little loyalty they should be permanently on, battles last maxmum for 12min, only on scenarios battles last that long depending on the team, and speaking of scenarios you cant complete contracts while doing scenarios since the thee contracts are for PvP.

@Dakka, this is very true, but also a part of any mmo. WoT gives the 300% crew as a

Testament to that. But yes I agree.

@Ezrekiel, I agree completely with the green and purple points, purples should drop more often, as I think they cut the drop rate recently. And while I may technically be a ver(only played 2 months) I still learn new things weekly about the game and consider myself a nub often. Also for gear mention see my above reply to Dakka, and I know this isn’t WoT but most mmo’s (regardless if this is or is not an mom).

@Kadaeux, it is not promoting prem items, the grind before allowed good players to be 1-2 ranks ahead in rep than main faction. THAT is what they nerfed, and although you may call it money grubbing, I see it as fair.(and no I do not have all ranks at 12 already, my highest is 11 and another at 10, ready are 0 or really low.)

Contracts: General

* Contract cooldowns decreased from 20% to 50% depending on the type of contract.





Don’t knock yourself out with all that effort.


Okay. I guess I could make this could work. Let me just check that 7 day contract to see if it’s been reduced by 20% or 50%. I’m sure you guys wouldn’t have looked over something like-





Seriously. Why even bother having the Week long contract? You can make over 3000 by doing one of the 450’s 7 times.

Been playing this game heavily for about a week.  Had the 24hr license and bought another 24hr one with the free gold.


Empire rank 8, Fed rank 7, Jeri rank 6.


All sub factions are at like 4 1/2.


I’ll probably have all the rank 9 ships that i want with MK.2 gear before I can unlock Mk.3 Stuff for my rank 6 ships.  I think loyalty needs still a bit more adjusting, but it’s not too bad.


I still think they shoulda thrown us a bone and reset all our contracts to give us a bit of a boost.


I am enjoying this game so far, but I have noticed that during the week, players online has went from about 3k+ to barely over 1k currently.  I hope this trend doesn’t continue.

  • why should buy someone a license now? Its useless if you get reputation by fullfilling contracts.

license affects loyalty gains from contracts too

license affects loyalty gains from contracts too

I think he was trying to explain that even with a license the amount is pitiful.

Maybe they don’t want too many people wondering to T4s becuase its not “ready” yet.

Federation still needs some more attention but increasing the Damage of the Guard Drones is definitely a good sign , the Empire Fighter nerf does affect me but not that i would instantly say the ships are unplayable now , its a needed Nerf since the Fighters were slightly Overpowered when having overdrive active .


I hope to see some more improvements on Federation in the Future .

Suggestion (Correct me if you think its a stupid Idea)


How about not putting cool downs in the first place?


Just add more contracts, make the cool downs practically nothing, and all the devs have to do on their end is a couple of tweaks, add more contracts, and thats it. 


You still have to spend time to fufuil the contracts to the specific task, but NOT be penalised for spending so and so amount of time, until oh crap, I have to stop playing cause my contracts are limited to 3 and theres no tasks for me to complete. 


Though, they better increase loot chances, cause even after 10 to 20 matches, not even a green item pops up. 


Instead of complaining thoughly and bashing other players, We need a vote system. Here on the threads. 

Good idea! Shake hand from TSK corporation

Concerning Loyalty. Of course the loyalty sucks compared to what it used to be but if your being honest with yourself it was way to high to begin with. I have played everyday since the last patch and I think the new patch which reduces the cool down on contracts will be good. I’m going to play for a few days and see how much faster I rank up before coming in here to complain. If your already in here crying about the loyalty please do everyone a favor and go play before you decide if it’s good or bad.


I laughed a few times when I read in here that some of you think purple items come out to slow. In 3 weeks of play I have 12 purple items. To me that seems way to many EPIC items in 3 weeks so I would say the Epic drop rate is just fine. If you put in the time you will see epic modules.