Patch preview Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.11

new players won’t even know the old reputation mechanism so they won’t complain about that. ~~~~~~~~ XD



The whole point is to reduce the progression speed for gear. They leave the same for ships, but limit gear. And that’s cool! You don’t get it, you will never have the same progression rate as before, that’s the whole point.


It’s unnaceptable that with a licence and 5-6 hours/day you could have grinded all factions and all reps inside a month. That’s just silly.


Now you can still do that with ships, but not gear.


And that is good.





I couldn’t agree more.

This patch makes me so sad.


Many pilots were expecting a huge patch and of course, good changes to the loyalty mess, this was not it.

Lol. Ignorance is bliss.


Come on wtf is wrong with you? You are not only fooling new players, you are fooling yourselves, too.


Do you really think they will not recognize after a few matches!

It’s like running a shop and scaring new customers away.


I logged in almost every day over the last week and already saw player numbers going down. I can remember close to 3k before the 7.10 patch. ( am I right ) If the patch today does not fix the Loyalty system, I fear the game will be dying soon, though I really would like to see it succeed.

I understand your mood and I don’t want to fool anyone. I also remembered the time as you said when we had almost 3k pilots in the battlefield and that was a quite nice time.


however, since the last two patches the player number had been kept decreasing and as a Chinese player, all my friends are complaining that the network connection problem is even more serious than the time that when there has 3000 players.


But we love this game and we want to see it succeed just as you guys do, what we are doing (not talking about the old reputation system) is just trying not to depressing the new coming players, so that the game can get more support and make it a better one in the future. On the other side, the older players and the CEOs in my corporation are trying to contact Error and other testers and developers to negociate on the loyalty system.

Just logged into game first thing i notice, i ddident know the 20 or 50 % of 1 week was 1 week amazing. Im guessing your fix broke again for that contract regarding destroying 20 ships. on rank 12 its almost berable the new contract system but on rank 6 it still is not enough you have 4 contracts with 1 hour cd, 3 with 18 hours cd, 2 with 1 week cd. Please explain how are you suppose to grind an impossible grind since rewards suck by also limiting the time to actually start said impossible grind. I think i will take a long break and check next couple of weeks, its clear you dont feel like pulling your act together.

Also as a side note, purple gear is better than blue so u can get better mods than u can even unlock with some decent luck + playtime.

That’s a huge stretch at best or an outright lie at worst (unless you count a year+ grinding to be reasonable.). Purple gear has an abysmally low drop rate and even if you get a purple module, there is no guarantee that it will be something that’s useful on the ships you prefer / with your play style.

For players like me, who haven’t maxed out all faction and sub-faction reputations, by the time we get a useful purple module we’re likely ready to move on to the next tier.

Also, the most reliable way to acquire purple modules seem to be scenarios, too bad T3 / 4 people are constantly getting thrown in lower level scenarios, further screwing their chances at getting that tier appropriate module they’re grinding for.

== Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.11 ==

Contracts: General

* Contract cooldowns decreased from 20% to 50% depending on the type of contract.




1 week - 20% = / = 6 days 16hours


oh: and we are nowhere near any kind of meaningful improvement to loyalty gains



1 week - 20% = / = 6 days 18hours


oh: and we are nowhere near any kind of meaningful improvement to loyalty gains

is actually 5 days and 20 hours






And i doubt they intended 20% for that one, i wonder if they are gonna need another week to not fix it.

+50% loyalty income this week to compensate. We will see more improvements to the contracts system next patch I hope.

The whole point is to reduce the progression speed for gear. They leave the same for ships, but limit gear. And that’s cool! You don’t get it, you will never have the same progression rate as before, that’s the whole point.


It’s unnaceptable that with a licence and 5-6 hours/day you could have grinded all factions and all reps inside a month. That’s just silly.


Now you can still do that with ships, but not gear.


And that is good.




Um, no. The devs said NOTHING about progression being too fast. What they said was that players were neglecting contracts and were more focused on winning battles. Really, players trying to win in a competitive pvp game? For shame. They also said they were planning to introduce individual (whatever that means) and chain-super-combo-hit-finish contracts that I assume would give more loyalty, but no further word on them yet.


To help visualize the problem, this is what I feel I accomplished after a battle where no contract was fulfilled:

Here’s an idea:


Give us what we’d actually like to see: Subfaction loyalty gain that doesn’t require insane amounts of grinding and isn’t entirely dependent on contracts.


Bring back the old system where each battle granted subfaction loyalty. Reduce the amount you gained from that, leave the contracts for giving players large amounts of loyalty, and then actually make the contracts give out large amounts of loyalty.


+2000 exp on a 7 day cooldown? What the hell is that?


Players will be happy when a contract like that is giving 20,000-50,000 loyalty. Not 2,000. Increase all current contract gains by one order of magnitude and you’re more in line with what players want to see from the experience gain.


(What would help is settling on just how long you want it to take for players to rank up to max in each subfaction…


Is it meant to take several years? That’s how it is now.

I’d say no more than 3-6 months of playing to max out the subfactions (And you guys need to keep in mind future tiers past tier 5) or you’re doing it wrong. A couple months is short enough for free players - who willing to invest the time - to grind through it, and long enough that those with more cash than time will be willing to pay to skip it.)

Suggestion (Correct me if you think its a stupid Idea)


How about not putting cool downs in the first place?


Just add more contracts, make the cool downs practically nothing, and all the devs have to do on their end is a couple of tweaks, add more contracts, and thats it. 


You still have to spend time to fufuil the contracts to the specific task, but NOT be penalised for spending so and so amount of time, until oh crap, I have to stop playing cause my contracts are limited to 3 and theres no tasks for me to complete. 


Though, they better increase loot chances, cause even after 10 to 20 matches, not even a green item pops up. 


Instead of complaining thoughly and bashing other players, We need a vote system. Here on the threads. 

Players will be happy when a contract like that is giving 20,000-50,000 loyalty. Not 2,000.

Perhaps you want the world handed to you on a silver plate? At high tier there are some nice contracts at higher tier where you need it, but but 20000-50000 for 1 contract?!?!

I had such hopes… but the increased gain is a joke… please just give us a little bit loyalty gain per match back.


If you dev’s have to, make it just a fraction of what it was before, but without there is no feeling of progression, just the damp taste of a senseless grind.

Um, no. The devs said NOTHING about progression being too fast.

Sorry sir, you are horribly wrong. Check patch notes for 7.10 when they took auto reputation out. Error said that the new contract system was to stop people from progressing too fast through low tiers.

On my phone or I would grab that quote.

Perhaps you want the world handed to you on a silver plate? At high tier there are some nice contracts at higher tier where you need it, but but 20000-50000 for 1 contract?!?!

On a 7 day cooldown? Why is that so mindboggling to you? That’s still significantly less than you could gain prior.


50,000 loyalty is about 1/4th the way from level 8 to level 9. So after a month you’d gain that one level in that one subfaction.


And you think that is too generous??

On a 7 day cooldown? Why is that so mindboggling to you? That’s still significantly less than you could gain prior.

50,000 loyalty is about 1/4th the way from level 8 to level 9. So after a month you’d gain that one level in that one subfaction.

And you think that is too generous??

On one contract, uh yea. Considering there are what, 15 contracts at rank 12? So rank 8-9 gives at least 10. Unless you typed wrong and meant 1 contract and that is it?

new players won’t even know the old reputation mechanism so they won’t complain about that. ~~~~~~~~ XD



exactly. that’s why we (Chinese players) had already suggested the old players not to discuss the reputation problem in our public BBS and Chatting rooms so that the new players won’t had bad feelings about that.


That really made me laugh, thanks for that at least, maybe a little humor is good in a situation like that.

Best not to confuse comedy relief with reality, though. We (the non-chinese players at least) believe in free information flow, and trust me, the new players will know rather fast.


I am feeling extremely shafted because I started playing 3-4 weeks after some friends of mine and was trying to catch up with them so we can more enjoy flying together.Because_ _I am able to put more daily playtime into the game then they are, this was a valid plan until this new system makes exactly this impossible for me.

Now think about what occurs here: First friends brought another new player into the game(me), who would have spread the word of mouth for new players. Except now I’ll tell my other friends to better stay off this game unless they wish to be farmed by veterans with much better equipment which they themselves will not be able to get anymore in a reasonable time.


And do not think for a second completely new players without friends in the game will stay ignorant of these facts for long, because I will be one among many to educate them about it.

You might think I want to damage this game, but the opposite is actually true: no game will have commercial success that blatantly obviously tries to grab money WHILE KEEPING NEW PLAYERS DOWN WITH ONE HAND TIED BEHIND THEIR BACKS SO THEY CAN GET FARMED EASILY BY THE VETERANS.


If we do not fight for a better game, the devs (or more likely, their management as opposed to the actual game designers/programmers) seem likely to ruin their own game with their own short-sightedness.

How is that exactly gonna fix contracts, we will still propably be limited to 20-30k Loyalty per day which is nothing really :S

And what exactly does that Spy Drone thing do? Affect local repairs? Regeneration? Remote repairs? What?

I know a lot of guys in this thread say to try this first, but seriously, how is that going to help ?

Even with 50% cooldown reduction on nearly every contract that would just about double my current loyalty gains - as a new player I feel totally screwed.

I will try it out of course, but I can tell you right now that doubling what I currently get wont be enough to satisfy me.

With he old system, I liked what I got (only got to experience it for 2 days though), with the contract one, I will probably look for a different game.

New players will leave this game in droves, and rightfully so. What game makes things especially painful for the newer players ? Don’t you want new players or a larger playerbase ?

Loving the changes in this patch, especially the overdue overdrive nerf. But this…

This is either borderline lying to your playerbase, or being extremely cynical about your approach to game balance. I was looking forward to your attempt at fixing the loyalty gain and thus did not express my dissidence with the minuscule reputation gain increase introduced in hotfix1 of 0.7.10.

According to my rather conservative calculations, the increase in loyalty gain should be at least x20 times larger than that of 0.7.10 for it to be comparable with the 0.7.9 levels of progression (for an average of 5 hours per day of play). Currently, with the 0.7.11 and 0.7.10 hotfix, we are up to only x6 times increase of 0.7.10 (and that’s with the 50% cooldown reduction). Which means that we are still getting about 70% less loyalty than we did in 0.7.9.

Thus my conclusion is that you are either:

a) being sabotaged by someone on the inside, that does not want the game and the company to succeed.

b) taking an extremely incompetent approach at improving the contract system (since that is the official reasoning behind this change)

c) trying to silently nerf hardcore players, that are putting more time into this game than the “gold standard consuming” casuals (since with the new system, the loyalty gain is disproportionate to average playtime).

d) reducing the progression of players in order to force them into buying premium items instead of going for mkIII

In either case, as i’ve said before, the reduction in player progression speed in a game where you get “new stuff” only at certain milestones, instead of recieving a steady stream of gratifying feedback for your invested time will, simply put, reduce the amount of people that stay in the game after their initial license runs out and even more so: instead of increasing the premium item sells, you will reduce the overall percentage and amount of paying customers. And for a game with this few active players, this could be lethal.

  • All the other posts i didnt quote concerning this LP thingie.


Also, i really think you should plan on giving more lp/contracts instead of reducing cooldown, because thats really painfull to check all contracts on every battle.

So my advice is +500% LP/contract and it will be balanced.

And you think that is too generous??

It would be, especially if the rewards for all lower cooldown contracts would get a boost of similar magnitude.

Of course there is also the fact that he already maxed out his reputations, so supporting the system that ensures newer players will have to grind for ridiculous amounts of time to close the gap in ship equipment and therefore retaining the edge that mk.III modules provide is in his best interests.

“* Spy drones reduce the effectiveness of the target’s repairs by 50%.”


hahaahha time to change my stasis generator for a sweet spy drone :lol: