Patch preview Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.11

Contracts: General

* Contract cooldowns decreased from 20% to 50% depending on the type of contract.



I know a lot of guys in this thread say to try this first, but seriously, how is that going to help ?


Even with 50% cooldown reduction on nearly every contract that would just about double my current loyalty gains - as a new player I feel totally screwed.

I will try it out of course, but I can tell you right now that doubling what I currently get wont be enough to satisfy me.


With he old system, I liked what I got (only got to experience it for 2 days though), with the contract one, I will probably look for a different game.


New players will leave this game in droves, and rightfully so. What game makes things especially painful for the newer players ? Don’t you want new players or a larger playerbase ?

== Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.11 ==

Weapons and modules: Class Modules

* Overdrive speed and rate of fire reduced to 50% (from 66%). For Legion ships, additional resistance has been reduced to 30 pts. (from 50).

* Increased damage of Federation frigate drones by 30%.

* Phase Shield resistance increased to 60 pts. (from 40).




Finally i can’t believe it! lol


I’ve been sayng that overdrive ws insanely overpowered for ages…


But still i’m not sure that the fed frigate drones change is enoughh to compensate teh gap between fed frigs and the other factions ones :frowning:

Finally i can’t believe it! lol


I’ve been sayng that overdrive ws insanely overpowered for ages…


But still i’m not sure that the fed frigate drones change is enoughh to compensate teh gap between fed frigs and the other factions ones :frowning:


Nothing wrong with Fed Frigs if you fly them properly.

I believed every change are made by a reason. no matter what the pilots think, the developers must had made that decision based on their benificial thought, which they hope to develop economic income and improve the game experince by the way~.


for the changes of the mechanism in the reputaion system, some pilots said that’s unacceptable. but in the mean time, we hear lots of players complaining about Aces or xxxx pilots in their team and made them had a horrible match experience. By slowing the rank boosting speed, it will definitely force players to gain more experience before they reach higher ranks. (i won’t tell you that the main reason for the change is to encourage pilots to buy steam dlc and vip) Although I don’t like the change in general myseld. I had to admit that it also had its positive effect.


So I will say that guys, just relax and think for the deeper reasons of the changes from the view of the developers before complaining them. the developers need money to feed their family and they are the guys who create this wonderful game so that we can enjoy the experience of being space pilots.

I know a lot of guys in this thread say to try this first, but seriously, how is that going to help ?


Even with 50% cooldown reduction on nearly every contract that would just about double my current loyalty gains - as a new player I feel totally screwed.

I will try it out of course, but I can tell you right now that doubling what I currently get wont be enough to satisfy me.


With he old system, I liked what I got (only got to experience it for 2 days though), with the contract one, I will probably look for a different game.


New players will leave this game in droves, and rightfully so. What game makes things especially painful for the newer players ? Don’t you want new players or a larger playerbase ?

new players won’t even know the old reputation mechanism so they won’t complain about that. ~~~~~~~~ XD

I know a lot of guys in this thread say to try this first, but seriously, how is that going to help ?


Even with 50% cooldown reduction on nearly every contract that would just about double my current loyalty gains - as a new player I feel totally screwed.

I will try it out of course, but I can tell you right now that doubling what I currently get wont be enough to satisfy me.


With he old system, I liked what I got (only got to experience it for 2 days though), with the contract one, I will probably look for a different game.


New players will leave this game in droves, and rightfully so. What game makes things especially painful for the newer players ? Don’t you want new players or a larger playerbase ?


It could potentially hurt the game more if it is too easy to reach end game. As much as I complain about the changes, I find it manageable (not ideal) with contracts. I spend 1 day with every sub-faction, completing all the contracts that I can lay my hands on, then move on to the next. The credits to change sub-faction is not that big a deal. You will eventually want to level all (or most) your sub-faction anyway to gain access to all the equipments.


edit: As SOTG puts it…the friends I’ve recruited into this game after the patch doesn’t have any complain on the contract, though the one that started with me bears a grudge on it.

Nothing wrong with Fed Frigs if you fly them properly.

couldn’t agree more. I always fly Fed Frigs as fighters. they have the advantages of agility and speed.

It could potentially hurt the game more if it is too easy to reach end game. As much as I complain about the changes, I find it manageable (not ideal) with contracts. I spend 1 day with every sub-faction, completing all the contracts that I can lay my hands on, then move on to the next. The credits to change sub-faction is not that big a deal. You will eventually want to level all (or most) your sub-faction anyway to gain access to all the equipments.


edit: As SOTG puts it…the friends I’ve recruited into this game after the patch doesn’t have any complain on the contract, though the one that started with me bears a grudge on it.

exactly. that’s why we (Chinese players) had already suggested the old players not to discuss the reputation problem in our public BBS and Chatting rooms so that the new players won’t had bad feelings about that.

Loving the changes in this patch, especially the overdue overdrive nerf. But this…


Contracts: General
* Contract cooldowns decreased from 20% to 50% depending on the type of contract.


This is either borderline lying to your playerbase, or being extremely cynical about your approach to game balance. I was looking forward to your attempt at fixing the loyalty gain and thus did not express my dissidence with the minuscule reputation gain increase introduced in hotfix1 of 0.7.10.


According to my rather conservative calculations, the increase in loyalty gain should be at least x20 times larger than that of 0.7.10 for it to be comparable with the 0.7.9 levels of progression (for an average of 5 hours per day of play). Currently, with the 0.7.11 and 0.7.10 hotfix, we are up to only x6 times increase of 0.7.10 (and that’s with the 50% cooldown reduction). Which means that we are still getting about 70% less loyalty than we did in 0.7.9.


Thus my conclusion is that you are either:

a) being sabotaged by someone on the inside, that does not want the game and the company to succeed.

b) taking an extremely incompetent approach at improving the contract system (since that is the official reasoning behind this change)

c) trying to silently nerf hardcore players, that are putting more time into this game than the “gold standard consuming” casuals (since with the new system, the loyalty gain is disproportionate to average playtime).

d) reducing the progression of players in order to force them into buying premium items instead of going for mkIII


In either case, as i’ve said before, the reduction in player progression speed in a game where you get “new stuff” only at certain milestones, instead of recieving a steady stream of gratifying feedback for your invested time will, simply put, reduce the amount of people that stay in the game after their initial license runs out and even more so: instead of increasing the premium item sells, you will reduce the overall percentage and amount of paying customers. And for a game with this few active players, this could be lethal.

I’m not minding the contract change.  


I actually want to achieve goals rather than get something for turning up and playing badly.  


Its actually worth having if you work for it.  

i havent played since they changed the reputation… i log in to get my daily that is it i got the vip pack also i just dont see it beign worthwhile to me atm…


i got over 20k gold standards and i doubt i be spending it soon, they should have just halved rep gain from battles and left contracts as they were…


way i seen it is if u fought well in a real battle u would gain a reputation even if u didnt sign a contract sayign you are going to kill the head of some old rival family…

things I am waiting on to be updated…


Clans/Cprps- would love to see more options to make things more competitive in clans or to motivate clan member=s more like custom titles/ranking in clan, kill boards, corp bank… make it really worth it to be in a corp I have paid a lot of money to increase the size of my corp and theirs like no benefit.

The  Fact that a lot of T1 ship bonuses are pointless. Like Engineering T1 frigates give bonuses to Cool down but there are no engineering modules WTF and this is for many T1 ships they give bonuses to stuff you don’t have access to yet, so whats the point of the bonus… there is none Please Fix this, I am not a new player and I do not fly T1 i but I find it unfair for new players who don’t realize.

Loyalty gain will not be anywhere near enough with this change. We’re just being thrown bones to shut us up.


How about giving us loyalty gain for every battle like we had before? Reduce the amount we used to gain per battle, but have some gain for every battle still, and more importantly, have it tied into your current ranking with your current subfaction. Higher ranking = higher income.


In a perfect world for me, subfaction loyalty gain would be given in a set sum every winning battle; this sum would be modified by a post-game multiplier based on your score in that game. Top player on the winning team gets, say, double subfaction experience gain, with all the players on the winning team going down from there. Top three players on the losing team also get reduced subfaction experience gain from the fight.


Etc. Things like this, that give the player more control over how fast or slowly he ranks up, rather than this deterministic system where you pretty much /have/ to grind for a year or more to break into tiers 3+

Following the 0.79 patch, my corporation has suffered approximately a 50% reduction in participation. This new patch isn’t going to do anything to alleviate their complaints.


The 0.79 patch more or less killed anyone’s ambition to play the game, since there’s really no effective way for them to be competitive with anyone who started playing ahead of them… not to mention… THE GRIND.


I don’t know what sort of feedback the company has been receiving, but as a member of a community that’s played many games together (Eve Online, World of Tanks, TF2, etc. – Just to name a few games where microtransactions and gameplay intersect) these changes are being poorly received. The conversation in our game-specific channels is no longer one of “Hey, you guys should check out this game!” “Who isn’t playing yet? Invite them!” to “Eh… if they don’t fix this I don’t think I’m going to be around for much longer.” “There’s no point to playing this at the moment.”


We, as a community, can’t really in good conscience be recommending this game to our fellow community members at this point. 0.79 reduced loyalty gain by 90% and put a bunch of artificial barriers to acquiring it, increasing it by 50% means I’m what, getting 85% of the Loyalty I did before? Not even close to enough of a change.


I’ve always viewed loyalty contracts as a supplemental way to gain loyalty, it added to the whole experience and occasionally encouraged me to use other ships or modules but this new system forces me to play the game in a way I don’t want to and for very little incentive.

Good job alienating your playerbase. You’ve managed to kill everyone’s ambition to play the game while the attention surrounding your game was still fresh and it was easy to get people to try the ‘next new thing.’


/shrugs. You’ve made it clear you have zero intentions of going back on the loyalty changes and judging from these changes you apparently have no real desire to “fix” the problem. If you’re looking for feedback regarding your game, you need to stop listening to people who have maxed everything out and report the changes “don’t bother them.” Try looking for feedback from people who actually played the game before the changes… see what they’re saying – and how much they’re playing now.

exactly. that’s why we (Chinese players) had already suggested the old players not to discuss the reputation problem in our public BBS and Chatting rooms so that the new players won’t had bad feelings about that.


Lol. Ignorance is bliss.


Come on wtf is wrong with you? You are not only fooling new players, you are fooling yourselves, too.


Do you really think they will not recognize after a few matches!

It’s like running a shop and scaring new customers away.


I logged in almost every day over the last week and already saw player numbers going down. I can remember close to 3k before the 7.10 patch. ( am I right ) If the patch today does not fix the Loyalty system, I fear the game will be dying soon, though I really would like to see it succeed.


I really don’t understand daijins strategy. It feels like: “Welcome to the game, gimme money now.”




* Contract cooldowns decreased from 20% to 50% depending on the type of contract.


…will never cut it for those who were considering giving the game a second chance after the 7.10 patch - and those not giving a second chance will also never ever pay a dime.


(Don’t come up with the try it first argument, if it doesn’t look appealing in the fist place, it’s in vain and will not bring back anyone)

(Also please don’t come up with the BETA argument, they are accepting payments, don’t they. Naming it BETA and keeping the serial below 1.0 is just eyewash )

Loyalty gain will not be anywhere near enough with this change. We’re just being thrown bones to shut us up.


The whole point is to reduce the progression speed for gear. They leave the same for ships, but limit gear. And that’s cool! You don’t get it, you will never have the same progression rate as before, that’s the whole point.


It’s unnaceptable that with a licence and 5-6 hours/day you could have grinded all factions and all reps inside a month. That’s just silly.


Now you can still do that with ships, but not gear.


And that is good.



I think the contract system change is hugely benificial to the game, tho i think its far from finished.


People complainin r not lookin at anythin other than their imediate wants. with the old system u could hav everytin unlocked in under a month, then theres nothin to unlock so no point for many players. (so they will lose these players)


They already

Increased rep amount

Increased frequency


all they need to do now is increase amount of contracts and its a pretty gd system




anywho, gd patch keep up the gd work!

Also as a side note, purple gear is better than blue so u can get better mods than u can even unlock with some decent luck + playtime.

Also as a side note, purple gear is better than blue so u can get better mods than u can even unlock with some decent luck + playtime.

I’m unlucky :frowning: Got full T4 mk3 modules since August, but almost none of purples(0-2 per ship)…

To add to the previous post,


Lol. Ignorance is bliss.


Come on wtf is wrong with you? You are not only fooling new players, you are fooling yourselves, too.


Do you really think they will not recognize after a few matches!

It’s like running a shop and scaring new customers away.


I logged in almost every day over the last week and already saw player numbers going down. I can remember close to 3k before the 7.10 patch. ( am I right ) If the patch today does not fix the Loyalty system, I fear the game will be dying soon, though I really would like to see it succeed.


I really don’t understand daijins strategy. It feels like: “Welcome to the game, gimme money now.”





…will never cut it for those who were considering giving the game a second chance after the 7.10 patch - and those not giving a second chance will also never ever pay a dime.


(Don’t come up with the try it first argument, if it doesn’t look appealing in the fist place, it’s in vain and will not bring back anyone)

(Also please don’t come up with the BETA argument, they are accepting payments, don’t they. Naming it BETA and keeping the serial below 1.0 is just eyewash )

do some1 else remeber this.



Error:  Due to a few problems the cooldown reduction did not work as intended. We apologize for the misinformation.

The reduction will be filled in with the next big patch on Thursday.

Furthermore you will get an increased loyalty income with the next patch as compensation.


So lets review this past 2 weeks encouragement for more playerbase that we desperatly need:

a) License for new players is 24hs now

b) Loyalty gain was reduce by 80%, and not only that but it actually forces you to play in between 1 hour wich is the cd on the shortest contract, so no point in grinding.


 Yeah i already see the game attracting thousands of new players :facepalm: . Also i apologize in advance if the reward you promised was ninjaly added like the Jericho frigate nerf :dntknw: .