Patch preview Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.11

Interface: HUD

* Added the ability to specify your target in battle:

Please add the option to disable it. If the word annoying would hot have been invented already, we would have good reason to do so right now.

I laughed a few times when I read in here that some of you think purple items come out to slow. In 3 weeks of play I have 12 purple items. To me that seems way to many EPIC items in 3 weeks so I would say the Epic drop rate is just fine. If you put in the time you will see epic modules.


it’s all about your luck


i started playing when the game got on steam and i have quite a few purples myself but only 2 or 3 are actually usefull (and one of my friends, that started 2-3 days after me, only found one purple)

As to do with the specifying a target, This feature should be squad specfic.


Or at least let there be a seperate key binding for squad specfic callouts and the option to disable “global” callouts. This is fairly useless right now, as it forces the entire team to focus on one specfic enemy/point, which is exactly how you lose a game. If the team isn’t spread out just enough (not too much) then there isn’t enough mix between offence and defense. What needs to happen is the individual squads have their own callout system.


I would hope that in the future there is a way to make impromptu squads at the start of a battle to further aid in cordination, but player made squads from the main menu area should take precedence and have a seperate callout system to aid in cordination.


Honestly, as far as I’m concerned, gaijin is going in ther right direction with the game, but some features just aren’t here yet. Keep up the good work, but please stay in tune with the community. This game has potential and I’d hate to see it wasted because the devs start to ignore the community. (no I’m not talking about the contract issue, that was “overpowered” as it was, and the fix was rightfully done, but keep an ear open to the community even if we rave and complain about silly stuff alot :P)

Games on a downward spiral. They got a surge of players from Steam and now are simply trying to profit without considering the consequences of it. Since 7.10, they’re obviously trying to ‘promote’ premium items. They’ve also obviously failed. Since 7.10, OTG has had a HUGE drop in active playerbase. Half of my officers left saying they don’t like the direction the game is heading. I’ve gone from ~50 players on at a time to <10. 


If this game continues in the direction it’s going in, it’s not only going to make it completely unappealing for new players, but it’s going to lose the playerbase it already has.




I am really disappointed with the lackluster improvements to loyalty gain in this patch. I was waiting to see if this game would be worth coming back to today, but it is not. I will not support the decisions of the devs and instead will play other games like Firefall, Path of Exile, Planetside 2 or Stardrive.


This is an area in video games that needs a game to fill it. Something like this game, or black prohpecy. Sooner or later a game will come on the market that does it right. So much of this game IS GOOD, but these recent changes show how money-driven the developers are. So I’m out. Cya guys :slight_smile:

NERF the Legion fighters, BUF the Jericho ones… Ok, so good players are gonna switch to Jericho, I predict a lot of whining on how Jericho fighters are overpowered in the next weeks…

But still, this doesn’t matter, I’m sure I’m still gonna like my legion fighters.

Good news otherwise. Still going in the right direction.

NERF the Legion fighters, BUF the Jericho ones… Ok, so good players are gonna switch to Jericho, I predict a lot of whining on how Jericho fighters are overpowered in the next weeks…

But still, this doesn’t matter, I’m sure I’m still gonna like my legion fighters.

Good news otherwise. Still going in the right direction.

I fly all 3 fighter and see a good improvement, my deimos doesnt survive as long anymore (only 4 instead of 5kills when xxxx their spawn and no expert ceptor is around^^)


My machete finally survives some time, is still easily dispatched compared to my fox-m, with which i got a “im outta here” button

The Jericho implant " Beta Accelerator ‘SR Mk III’ " no longer functions on absolutely any ships I fly since the patch, and prior to it the feature only actually worked on about half of the ships I fly, and rarely even my Jericho ones. It’s supposed to add +7 shield resists and allow the shield to absorb collision damage. Reimplantation, with any combination, shows no change in it’s uselessness.

I don’t want to come accross as a knob, but didn’t you say you were going to fix the inteceptors on thursday? I bought a licence and then a couple of days later you nerfed the only class i enjoy in a “temp fix” until the engine problems are resolved.


This, coupled with the contract grind fest has made a large percentage of the population vanish and when you claim that you will fix it an entire week of my paid licence later, and then fail to deliver, i just get mightilly pissed off.


I am STILL playing EVE until you fix the damn ceptors.

The report Window have a bug, it stop writing and you need some trys to start it again.

I don’t want to come accross as a knob, but didn’t you say you were going to fix the inteceptors on thursday? I bought a licence and then a couple of days later you nerfed the only class i enjoy in a “temp fix” until the engine problems are resolved.


This, coupled with the contract grind fest has made a large percentage of the population vanish and when you claim that you will fix it an entire week of my paid licence later, and then fail to deliver, i just get mightilly pissed off.


I am STILL playing EVE until you fix the damn ceptors.

The devs are trying to fix the issue with the speed cap, but there is no eta for this.

Spy Drone changes are not even ingame?

I know the loyalty system sucks, im as annoyed as everyone else, the cd’s are still to long, i just bought my T4 Frig, got a few MKII’s on it, a few greens that i picked up along the way, clicked launch, waited for about 15 mins, and when i finally got in, there was me, 1 other player on the other team, the rest was made up of bots (Although Bot Sandra was pretty good at sniping) so i feel that spending 5 500 000 credits was a bit of a waste. I was under the impression that T4 was supposed to be end game content(this maybe the case) however, i dont feel its end game content, rather the end of the game. I dont mind grinding, esspecially when its a game i enjoy, but im 40 years old now, i feel that i’ll be 60 by the time i get any decent modules for it. so for now, and for the foreseable future my Centaur 2 is now under  tarpauling and collection dust.

I understand that we the players and the community pay gaijins wages, and i guess their hankering for a payrise by holding us to ransom to pay realy money. I’ts a shame really, this game had real potential, with emphasis on “had”. My Corp Spectral Vangard, to which i am very proud to be a part of, has quite simply lost 80% of its members since the patch before. And theres only so long you can use the excuse " its still in Beta" for so long. I think what they should do it take all T4’s out of the game, call T3 end game content, and be done with it.


As far as the loyalty system is concerned, i feel we could whine and gripe about it all day long, but it seems apparent that gaijin are not listening and are not going to do anything about it. Theres an old saying, “if it isn’t broke, Don’t fix it”.     It wasn’t broke, but you went ahead and tried to fix it anyway, sadly to no avail.


So i’ll happily keep playing my T3, and not bother with T4.  Thx Gaijin


Stinger35 aka Dave

New game modes… New content… No!.. How about a Mining fight??? I told the Ceo of EVO there should be a Mining fight game mode … ie 3 sun’s on one map … Each ship can hold so much solor power … Intersepts fly in hold near like planting the bomb collect solor power and race back to the Station to deposit… Bigger ship hold more solor power First to collect x,y,z,much power wins… Or Station fight … 2 Station’s (one on each team side) 4 Beacons spread far apart each Beacon (when capted ) give your station some kind of buff …ie ( 1 gives extra sheild to station, 1 gives Spawn Drones faster, 1 gives extra damage to drones,1 gives Resist to station ) Or may be a buff to all ships in x,y,z of station first team to kill enemy station wins… How about a Escort PVE … for T1-T2 , AI ships spawn on one side of map and move from one point to another…Players excort them … AI waves come to attack them …Players must keep at least one ship alive untell the end… T3-T4 same but reversed …Ai ships spawn at one point on map move to other point … Players must kill all Ships In convo ,while fending there endless waves of escorts… I know im not the only one who has come up with this kinda stuff… But seeing the player pop at 700 b4 staem then it riseing to 4000+ was nice … but the same 3 Modes are getting kinda boring…Hents the BIG drop in pop… and no changing of projectile speed or damage to a drone thats killed in one missle shot is going to make it a jump ot of bed and start playing kinda game…( just some ramblings of a Hardcore Gamer Starting to lose Interest)  

Clam Be for the storm??? STORM… I was thinking of a Storm as in (Get plywood and place over the windows kinda storm) This is a Light sprinkle at best … Hell i dont even have to put an umbrella While im grilling outside…lol…LOL

The devs are trying to fix the issue with the speed cap, but there is no eta for this.


I posted a balancing suggestion for this that appears to have been dismissed.


Cap frigates speed to 200 - fighters to 400 and ceptors to 650

Put contracts back to where they were


Job done, engine fixed, everyone happy.

my Frig only does 204 neway, so, no gr8 loss there…:slight_smile:

Should have made a fun game that encouraged purchasing a license.


Instead made a dull grind that encourages purchasing gold items.


No thanks!

Clam Be for the storm??? STORM… I was thinking of a Storm as in (Get plywood and place over the windows kinda storm) This is a Light sprinkle at best … Hell i dont even have to put an umbrella While im grilling outside…lol…LOL


My thoughts exactly, I was expecting much more of this patch.



I am really disappointed with the lackluster improvements to loyalty gain in this patch. I was waiting to see if this game would be worth coming back to today, but it is not. I will not support the decisions of the devs and instead will play other games like Firefall, Path of Exile, Planetside 2 or Stardrive.


This is an area in video games that needs a game to fill it. Something like this game, or black prohpecy. Sooner or later a game will come on the market that does it right. So much of this game IS GOOD, but these recent changes show how money-driven the developers are. So I’m out. Cya guys :slight_smile:


Double agreed.


Was just checking up on the forums to see people’s opinions and how opinions are circulating. 


“but these recent changes show how money-driven the developers are.” - This is the reason i’m leaving as well. They aren’t here to give us a good experience, they’re here to make money. I’m not saying the devs shouldn’t be making money, but it should be content driving sales, not sales driving content. 


From a CEO who had a corp in the top ten of every single ranked criteria, and was #1 in PvE for nearly a week, I wish you all the best of luck.


-Kadaeux Soulstrider,



 * Fixed graphical problems as well as problems with the interface for OSX 10.6.X


 ZOMG thankyou!!!